E.I. Salov
Ecological poem. Review of K.K.Hutyz's book «Hunting at Adyghes»
The problem of preservation of a nature and its wild fauna today is especially topical. Of great importance therefore becomes ecological education of the population, especially youth. The attention of scientists to a problem of mutual relation of the person and a wild nature, nature protection traditions of peoples of the Northern Caucasus in the past gets nowadays special importance. The K.K.Hutyz's book «Hunting at Adyghes» consists of ecologic-historical sketches about the wild animals living in the Northern Caucasus. The inquisitive reader can find here everything about their conditions of habitat and distribution, a way of life and habits, about kinds of hunting them, measures on protection of animals; the reader will get acquainted with proverbs and sayings of Adyghes devoted to hunting and wild fauna. In the last chapter the author tells readers about his friends – hunters, passionate amateurs and defenders of a nature. The book will be useful to students and the pupils studying historical and natural-science disciplines and to the broad audience of the readers who are interested in wild animals.