Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Philological Sciences: Linguistics
R.Y. Namitokova Scientific directions of the Russian Language Department and the role of KTSIROSK in their realization
R.Y. Namitokova, N.I. Tereshchenko, I.A. Neflyasheva The language of modern city (presentation of the program of social-dialect practice of students of the second course, specialization: philological provision of journalism and document-keeping)
I.V. Arkhipova Interaction of sense and the form in constructions with syntactic application
Z.K. Bedanokova The advertising text as a reflection of active processes in lexical system of the Russian language
A.P. Tikhonova Connection of spatial and temporal meanings (as shown by a material from the Adyghe, Russian and English languages)
T.A. Ostrovskaya A dichotomy of aggression vs tolerance in the Russian and English communicative behaviour
T.D. Achkasova Specific features of language structurization of space
L.S. Makarova Translational modelling of art discourse
I.A. Chitao On techniques of teaching pupils of senior classes to make a dialogue
Literature and Literary Critisizm
U.M. Panesh A study of a history of the literature today: the traditional trends, new tendencies, basic concepts
K.N. Paranuk Mythological poetics and structure of the text in the Adyghe modern novel (Y. Chuyako, N. Kuek, D. Koshubaev)
T.M. Stepanova, M.A. Alentieva On a mythological component of folklore and literature
F.B. Beshukova Interrelation between philosophical and literary-critical methodologies in analysis of the cultural – aesthetic phenomena
I.N. Khatkova Landscape as a structure-forming basis of a narrative in works of Sultan Khan-Girey
Philological Sciences: Linguistics, Literature and Literary Criticism
N.Y. Prais The literary activity of D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky and A. Tyrkova-Williams in the literature of Russian writers living in England in the 1920-1930s
E.A. Belousova An occasional word as a style-forming feature in science fiction works
L.A. Avakova A transformation of chess term meanings on a newspaper type page
Z.U. Blyagoz On research activity of the Bilinguism Centre at the Adyghe State University (from 2002 to 2006).
G.A. Melkonyan Lexicographing of the derivative nouns and the problem of homonymy
L.S. Makarova An existential cycle of a work and a translation
Panesh S.R. A folkloric structure of a plot as a basis for the formation of a subject and a composition of the Adyghe poem – fairy tale
N.N. Shevlyakova Reflection of Reformation in burgher culture of the 15th-16th centuries (as shown by a material of Hans Sachs creativity, the poet of the German burghers)
S.V. Darmilova The use of proverbs and sayings during the formation of language and intercultural competences
L.P. Repina, V.D. Mozerov A review to the manual of S.P. Markova, Professor of the Faculty of General History, Adyghe State University, “England in the Epoch of Middle Ages and Early Time” – Maikop, 2005, 258 pp.
L.P. Repina and V.D. Mozerov A review to the manual of S.P. Markova, Professor of the Faculty of Gen-eral History, Adyghe State University, “England in the Epoch of Middle Ages and Early Time” – Maikop, 2005, 258 pp.
A.M. Saletskiy and S.P. Karpov A decision about assignment of a signature stamp of Educational-Methodical Association on Classical University Education at the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Philological Sciences: Linguistics, Literature and Literary Criticism
Pseunova B.N. Specific features of language consciousness of the Adyghes, Russians and Englishmen
T.T. Neshcheretova Typology of word formation of neuter gender noun names in the German and Russian languages
A.A. Agapitova The reviewer’s subject and the statements correlated with a concrete situation
E.A. Buzarova and N.H. Zhenetl Multi-semanticity of language means of expression of spatial relations (as shown by examples from English and Russian languages)
E.A. Buzarova and S.A. Sasina Metaphorization of professional phrases as a special case of a secondary nomination
M.D. Kunova Kabardinizms in T.Kerashev's historical works
M.D. Kunova Adjectives, designating colour, and their functions in the T.Kerashev's novel “Lonely horsemen”
M.O. Volkova Diaphonic correlations of vowels in the Russian and Adyghe languages
A.S. Buzarov A generation of the 1940s. The new book
Philological Sciences: Linguistics, Literature and Literary Criticism
B.M. Bersirov and H.Z. Bagirokov Linguistic bases of studying Russian as the means of interethnic dialogue
S.R. Makerova The problem of “discrete” speech in the register of fiction
Y.B. Achapovskaya Causative verbs in the French language (using verbs faire and laisser as an example)
O.I. Avdeeva A concept as a basis of teaching the nonnative language (using phraseological verbalization of concepts in Russian as an example)
F.K. Urakova Problems of the interconnected development of native and Russian speech in pupils of national school in conditions of Adyghe-Russian bilingual education
M.P. Akhidzhakova A conceptual system: structure and the mental status
O.Y. Kushcheva The anthropocentric paradigm in modern linguistics
Z.R. Devterova New information technologies in teaching foreign languages at higher school
F.B. Beshukova A problematic field of post-modernistic literary criticism
K.I. Buzarov Educational-cognitive potential of the Adyghe proverbs and sayings (The next ethnopedagogical work of Professor I.A. Shorov)