Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
#2 / 2006
Philological Sciences: Linguistics, Literature and Literary Criticism
N.Y. Prais
The literary activity of D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky and A. Tyrkova-Williams in the literature of Russian writers living in England in the 1920-1930s
The paper examines the role of Russian literary emigration in England in the 1920s-1930s, its contribution to a history of the Russian literature, as well as creativity of D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky and A. Tyrkova-Williams in the specified period.
E.A. Belousova
An occasional word as a style-forming feature in science fiction works
The paper is devoted to research of the features of occasional words functioning in the text of science-fiction works. The author considers the various points of view on the reasons of occurrence of occasional words and reveals lexico-semantic features of new word-formations in sci-ence fiction.
L.A. Avakova
A transformation of chess term meanings on a newspaper type page
For a long time the sports terminology is used on a newspaper type page not only in basic, terminological, but also in figurative meaning. The special place is occu-pied by the chess terminology actively used by journalists in materials on various political and social themes. In the paper characteristic changes of chess term meanings in unspecialized contexts are analyzed.
Z.U. Blyagoz
On research activity of the Bilinguism Centre at the Adyghe State University (from 2002 to 2006).
The paper is devoted to generalization of experience of the Bilinguism Centre at the Adyghe State University for five years, since January 2002 to 2006. The Centre began the work from the development of the plan of re-search and carrying out of the Round Table on a theme “Bilinguism is a sociocultural problem”. Thus the Centre has concentrated attention of all inhabitants of the Ady-gheya Republic on importance of two languages. Accord-ing to the plan, seminar – assemblies were held annually at which problems of bilinguism and ways of their deci-sion were discussed. Within five years monographs and collections were issued on the basis of a material of the researches carried out at schools of the Republic, in prepa-ration of which teachers of schools have also taken part. The published monographs, collections, papers, manuals will be a support and a base for the further development of both unilateral and bilateral bilinguism, for improve-ment of quality of pupils education.
G.A. Melkonyan
Lexicographing of the derivative nouns and the problem of homonymy
The problem of lexicographical description of the derivative nouns of the Russian language is discussed in the paper. Comparing materials of the defining dictionar-ies of the Russian language one can notice the connection of that problem with theory and practice of differentiation of polycemia and homonymy.
L.S. Makarova
An existential cycle of a work and a translation
In the paper the author examines specificity of translation of the belles-lettres texts from positions of an existential cycle of a literary work in space of autochthonous and allophonic culture. The author treats the translated belles-lettres work as an allophonic and different cultural modus of the original, with the tasks of transmitting art values in the intercultural communication.
Panesh S.R.
A folkloric structure of a plot as a basis for the formation of a subject and a composition of the Adyghe poem – fairy tale
The purpose of this work is research of the influence of folklore on the development and setting up of a poem – fairy tale in the Adyghe literature. Poems – fairy tales of the well-known Adyghe poets I. Mashbash, A. Evtykh, A. Gadagatl, I. Tsey, A. Khatkov, N. Kuek and other au-thors are examined.
N.N. Shevlyakova
Reflection of Reformation in burgher culture of the 15th-16th centuries (as shown by a material of Hans Sachs creativity, the poet of the German burghers)
In the paper the author considers a reflection of Reformation in burgher culture of the 15th-16th centuries. Using a material of Hans Sachs (1494-1576) diverse creativity, the largest poet of the German burghers, the author shows the influence of the Reformation and humanistic ideas on the development of the burgher literature reflect-ing the democratic ideas of a German society.
S.V. Darmilova
The use of proverbs and sayings during the formation of language and intercultural competences
The author examines didactic opportunities of appli-cation of proverbs and sayings in teaching foreign and na-tive languages. The technology of work with proverbs and sayings offered by the author promotes realization of the training, developing and educational purposes, allows students to develop skills of speaking and writing activi-ties, raising thus motivational potential of educational process.
L.P. Repina, V.D. Mozerov
A review to the manual of S.P. Markova, Professor of the Faculty of General History, Adyghe State University, “England in the Epoch of Middle Ages and Early Time” – Maikop, 2005, 258 pp.
L.P. Repina and V.D. Mozerov
A review to the manual of S.P. Markova, Professor of the Faculty of Gen-eral History, Adyghe State University, “England in the Epoch of Middle Ages and Early Time” – Maikop, 2005, 258 pp.
A.M. Saletskiy and S.P. Karpov
A decision about assignment of a signature stamp of Educational-Methodical Association on Classical University Education at the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University