V.V. VishnevetskayaFormation and development of concept “a language composition” and its kinds L.M. Ibragimov“Somebody’s /other’s” in the Russian-language Chechen literature F.F. KamelyanovaRefraction of a genre of life in novels “Idiot” by F.M.Dostoevsky and “Doctor Zhivago” by B.L.Pasternak F.N. KerashevaThe brothers Grimm in development of the German mythology F.A. KubovaTurgenev and Kalambiy. On an interrelation of artistic-esthetic systems A.K. MatyzhevaThe spiritually-moral contents of “small” prose on a modern theme in the Adyghe literature of the 1980-2000s. M.M. MeretukovaChristmas theme in Wilkie Collins's creativity N.A. OtkidachCreative person of A.T.Gubin (As shown by the materials of letters, memoirs, essays and interviews) U.M. PaneshOn evolution of a method and features of realism of the 20th century V.T. SosnovskyCollectivization theme in the story “My Friend Momich” by K.D.Vorobyev I.S. UstievaGenre specificity of Kalmyk national riddles
F.B. Beshukova, B.A. MeretukovaLinguoculturological aspect of functioning of the media text in a modern information society E.E. KasabovaTreatment of the Caucasian War in English press and in memoirs of the 1830-1850s N.P. KravchenkoRealization of new functions of journalism in the state mass-media D.I. KufanovaTypology of the journal periodical press of Adygheya Republic in the conditions of information field Yu.V. LuchinskyJohn Caldwell Calhoun and journalistic polemic on the eve of the Civil War in the USA G.N. NemetsPublicistic discourse as a methodological construct O.E. RudakovaSpecificity of transformation of satirical creativity of Alexander Amfiteatrov G.M. SolovyevGenre-forming factors of the modern media text: a verification problem
O.I. AvdeevaSpecificity of understanding a syntagma and syntagmatic relations in phraseology G.O. AzylbekovaA utilitarian value component in German and Russian phraseology V.S. AnokhinaProperties of speech communication in families of different types M.Yu. BalabanovaComparative characteristics of semantic content of English and Russian paroemias representing the concept “learning” (on the basis of English and Russian paroemias of the thematic group “teaching”) N.M. BarakhoevaOn the grammatical means of actualization of values of irreal modality in the Ingush language B.M. Bersirov, T.B. BersirovLinguistic aspects of functions of the language in the course of the moral youth education Yu.V. VinogradovaFragment of lexical-semantic field of a verb in speech of younger pupils S.N. GasanovaSemantic functions of a dative case in the Agul language S.B. GrigoryevaA category of assertion in simple sentence of the Russian modern language F.N. Guketlova, F.A. BerbekovaMetaphorical nomination of concept “beauty” in different linguocultures Yu.V. KobenkoExoglossic influences in the early period of development of the Germanic languages Â.D. Kokova“Iron” and smithwork in the Kabardian-Circassian onyms A.N. LovpacheLanguage features of national fairy tales about animals in the Adyghe linguoculture G.Z. MinigulovaAggression in language and speech: theoretical questions on linguistic representation (As shown by the material of the Russian and Bashkir languages) R.Yu. Namitokova, S.K. SapievaThe Caucasian lexicon as a translator of cultural senses in the Russian language and speech I.A. NikandrovaOn the correlation of notions “a functional semantic group of words” and “a lexical semantic group” E.N. OrekhovaFeatures of use of precedent phenomena by the American Linguocultural Community (on the basis of genetics) E.V. PetrushovaVerbalization of the concept “Marketing” in modern English R.A. PozhidaevMotivation features of the semantics of derivatives by background knowledge S.N. SokurovaQuelques aspects du bilinguisme N.V. UrusovaThe comparative characteristics of the semantics of the English and Russian core lexemes representing the concept “force” Z.R. KhachmafovaConceptualization and verbal representation of the reality in the language of modern female prose (As shown by the material of the Russian and German languages) L.V. ChernegaFormation of participial adverbs in the light of the transitive phenomena in the language
Study of Arts
A.N. SokolovaThe Adyghe agonistics S.I. UtegalievaSound world of the music of the Turkic people O.A. YartsevaAmerican Regionalism, Mexican Muralism in the Art and Work of Jackson Pollock