#3 / 2011
Literary Criticism
A.P. Burnusuzyan
Northcaucasian world and Russia: semiotics of self-recognition
The paper discusses the cultural and historical interinfluence of two cultural spaces, of Russia and the Caucasus, in particular their influence on literature. The main accent is made on the importance of understanding the national character, culture of the Caucasians, their patriotism and understanding that the Caucasus is the great part of Russia. Two civilizations form the united language, keeping originality of their cultures. In the paper, there are a lot of illustrative examples from works of Iskhak Mashbash, one of the most talented representatives of the North Caucasian literature.
B.R. Naptsok
“Supernatural” images in W. Shakespeare's tragedy of “Macbeth”
The paper addresses “supernatural” images in W. Shakespeare's tragedy of “Macbeth”, namely: Banquo's Phantom, the phantoms of “a head in a helmet”, “the blood-stained baby” and others. After consideration of features of “Gothic” figurativeness in Shakespearean tragedy the author analyzes episodes of “phantom appearance”, defines specificity of images of “the risen dead persons” and their value in subject development, in a philosophical problematics and in a system of characters. It is inferred that images of phantoms help the reader to open philosophical sense of tragedy: personifying good and justice, they influence the soul of the protagonist devastated by harm.
G.N. Nemets
Conceptualization of time in V.V. Nabokov’s essays: problems of reception
The paper provides a characteristic of conceptualization of concept “time” in the text system. The analysis of general methodology of time as a conceptualized object is followed by description of its connection with textual subject/plot and archetypes. Using examples of V.V. Nabokov's essays the author shows new opportunities of conceptualizing time in the aspect of pragmatic prospects.
M.M. Pashtova
On description of local folklore traditions
For the first time, the choice of parameters of the synchronous description of separately taken Adyghe local folklore tradition (Uzun-Yayla, Turkey) is theoretically proved. Several levels of comparison of Adyghe and local genres and text corpuses are offered. The author defines a local folklore narrative as the specific verbal-communicative complex revealing specificity and submental characteristics of the described center of culture.
E.A. Churilova
The figurative world of the novel by Kanta Ibragimov “The children's world”
The figurative world of the novel “The children's world” by Kanta Ibragimov is examined in the paper for the first time. The novel’s figurative world is the most important point in understanding the cultural and historical community of the Chechen and Russian peoples. The analysis of the novel shows the art integrity of the work, its urgency and value for peace creation and for building a common social and cultural space in the North Caucasus.
E.E. Kasabova
Karl Marx's journalistic activity in the newspaper “New York Tribune”
The paper provides a characteristic of Karl Marx's journalistic activity in the period of his cooperation with the American newspaper “New York Tribune”. After the description of a condition of the English press in the middle of the 19th century the author analyzes the position of these newspapers and magazines on the Caucasian question and shows a role of newspaper in the further development of the American newspaper mass-media bringing this into correlation with K.Marks's journalistic activity.
V.Yu. Kozhanova
The receptive aspect of shaping a media text
The paper discusses a theory of existence and shaping a media text. It depends on contemporary mass media and cultural features of today. The definition of a media text and its specificity are analyzed. The author examines the process of perception of a media text by a recipient. This process can become difficult because of different reasons. One of them is a many-sided cultural paradigm of the present. It leads to complication in reception and interpretation of information by the reader.
B.A. Martynenko
Transformation of lexical system of the publicistic style of language under the influence of social processes
The paper provides an analysis of the language of media - publicistic texts in stylistic aspect. Lexical and structural - semantic transformation of parameters of the media text is described. Fragments of newspaper articles of different epochs are taken as examples. The research has shown that the language system of both printing and electronic mass media changes under the influence of society democratization.
E.I. Prikhodko
L.N. Klevtsova's editorial activity in the newspaper “By the way of Ilyich”
The paper discusses a building of system of the region press as part of the Communist Party-Soviet press of Russia and Kuban in the 1940s – the beginning of the 1950s. The author considers in detail the influence of the command-administrative system of the USSR and personal qualities of the head on the editorial policy of the region edition, authority and popularity of the newspaper among reader's audience.
O.E. Rudakova
“Misters Obmanovy” by Alexander Amfiteatrov: history and publication consequences
The paper restores the history and analyzes consequences of the publication of A. Amfiteatrov’s feuilleton “Misters Obmanovy” (arrest of the writer and newspaper closing), printed in 1902 in the newspaper “Russia”. On the basis of documentary sources and memoirs the author reveals the priority value of a genre of the feuilleton in publicism of the journalist. A great resonance in a society and mass media, produced by a political orientation of the feuilleton, causes the basic research interest.
M.A. Shakhbazyan
The review in Russian religious-philosophical publicism as sermon imitation
The paper discusses specific features of the review in Russian religious-philosophical publicism basing on a material of reviews of D.S. Merezhkovsky. The author shows similarity with reviews of other representatives of this direction. Special attention is given to “sermon-like” character which is reflected both in the content and in language and style. It is inferred that the review of this kind promoted transformation of religious consciousness towards archaization.
A.A. Baragamyan, V.V. Zelenskaya
Reflection of a “farewell” speech genre in T. Capote's novel “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
The aim of paper is to analyze a «farewell» speech genre, identify different ways of its expression and review genre mixing. The author makes a conclusion that there are many ways of finishing communication in addition to a “traditional” way of saying good-bye, namely: with the help of verbs, expressions, sayings and phrases; in verbal and nonverbal ways (by facial expression, gestures and gazing), as well as by genre mixing.
A.L. Beglyarova
Indefinite pronoun as a component of figurative structure of the fiction text
The paper examines the concept of uncertainty in the fiction text. Special attention is given to indefinite pronouns implementing special, esthetic functions in the poetic text. Using examples from the works of Russian and French classics the author analyzes functions and a role of indefinite pronouns in the fiction text.
Z.K. Bedanokova, S.Kh. Kumuk
Poetic and rhythmic features of advertising as a result of language game
In the paper, an analysis is made of features of poetic and rhymed speech in the advertising text, or in an advertising slogan. The most effective advertising texts characterized by rhythmicity as a result of language game are identified.
M.G. Vodneva
Conceptualization of notion “city” in the author's individual and national pictures of Yu.V. Trifonov’s world (on the basis of a material of Yu.V. Trifonov’s city and Moscow stories)
The paper addresses the notion “city”, conceptualized in the author's individual and national pictures of the world. The author gives the results of the comparative analysis of the author's individual and lexicographic conceptualization of the notion “city”, identifies the out-of-date and new meanings fixed in 1935-2000 lexicographic sources, as well as “the author's” meanings which have arisen in a context of the city and Moscow stories of Yu.Trifonov. Having examined the conceptual signs of a city in Yu.Trifonov's city stories, the author distinguishes semantic increments of the notion “city” in Yu.Trifonov's Moscow stories, which are common both for the city stories and for the Moscow stories and peculiar to a certain work.
N.V. Vozmishcheva, N.N. Orekhova
Features of religious outlook of the person of the late Middle Ages as shown by allegories of “The Noble Story of Sancgreal” by Thomas Malory
The paper studies the world outlook of representatives of an epoch of the late Middle Ages basing on English language material of the 14th and 15th centuries (diachronic section). The theme is investigated using the theoretical research data from linguoculturological works of the well-known medievists. Examples chosen during the factual material analysis (allegorical images from “The Noble Story of Sancgreal” and “La Mort d` Arthur” by Sir Thomas Malory) are given further. The text drawings are also analyzed. The conclusions are made concerning the communicative importance indices and a variety of structure of nomination fields of the basic cultural concepts “sin / synne” and “the virtue” obtained during the further researches.
S.N. Dolzhikova
Interrelation of external and internal forms of the marketing text
The paper examines the interrelation of external and internal forms of the marketing text. Having considered the text-forming characteristics the author describes mechanisms of text generation / text categories, gives examples of mechanisms and operating conditions of the text of the marketing message and discusses the phenomena identified for the analysis and considered from the point of view of text categories and properties.
V.V. Luneva
The pragmatic content of speech etiquette
The paper discusses the pragmatic (in a wide sense as a relation to signs of those who interpret them) content of units of speech etiquette. The consideration of the politeness category, which is the basic in verbal etiquette, and the analysis of universal and idioethnic values lying in the basis of etiquette language formulas, are followed by the analysis of pragmatic co-meanings, acquired by etiquette units during communications.
M.R. Naptsok
The Russian literary person in the conditions of emigration: V.Nabokov's language phenomenon
The paper addresses the problem of the Russian literary person in multicultural space of emigration. The aim is to undertake an attempt of linguistic identification of the creative person and to reveal features of the unique language consciousness, defining a phenomenon of a bilingual-cultural discourse of Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov.
L.G. Novak
Concept “traveler” in the French language picture of the world
The paper examines features of concepts “tourist” and “traveler” in the French language culture. Synonyms of dictionary concepts under study are characterized. Special attention is given to a backpack, the basic attribute of the traveler. The author clarifies how much it influences a speech portrait of the traveler. The interrelation of the traveler with an external world is investigated.
S.S. Olefir
Review of theoretical research in the field of linguistic modality
The paper touches upon the contents of a concept “linguistic modality”. Various points of view on this question are analyzed. The author states that while studying modality in publicistic texts, the question arises, whether modality is a component of semantics of language units or it is caused by a motive of speech activity.
E.N. Orekhova
Contextual Implication of Meaning by Means of Precedent Phenomena in the Political Communication (as shown by the material of the English language)
The paper studies the mechanism of contextual implication of meaning by means of precedent phenomena in the political communication. Examples are given to show the way how the words obtain contextual implication of meaning by means of precedent phenomena. The author demonstrates the efficiency of use of precedent phenomena for defining additional meanings in the political communication.
A.A. Rybakova
A genre-stylistic use of expressive and estimated lexicon in Russian epigrams of the 19th century
In this paper, the author analyzes the expressive and estimated lexicon used in the Russian epigrams of the 19th century, which is one of the main features of the genre under study. It is proved that extensive use of spoken and colloquial language in epigrams is associated with the presence of expressive and estimated meanings in them by which the author creates the revealing characteristic of the addressee.
L.A. Sinko
Referential and discursive properties of indefinite pronouns
The interpretation of semantics of uncertainty by leading researchers of the problem is represented in the article “Referential and discoursive properties of uncertain pronouns”. The functions of Russian uncertain pronouns in the different contexts and communication situations are represented. The meaning of uncertain pronouns can modify under the influence of semantic and pragmatic factors.
E.V. Smirnova
Efficiency of morphological ways of word formation in cardiological terminology of the English language
The paper examines the specificity of occurrence of new medicine terms in the contemporary language and the morphological ways of word formation in cardiological terminology. On the basis of the comparative analysis the most productive word-formation elements are identified in the English and Russian languages. Features of a nomination of new concepts in investigated term systems are identified.
L.V. Tolstikova
Features of foreign borrowings caused by their use in newspaper discourse
The paper examines ways of transferring information in newspaper discourse caused by a social context. Basing on a text material of the Russian and English newspapers, the author describes features of Russian and English borrowings caused by cognitive and pragmatic characteristics of newspaper discourse. Examples are given to demonstrate the use of familiar/alien opposition for realization of manipulating function of borrowings and for expression of a social - pragmatic position of the author of the article.
Z.S. Khabekirova
Discredit strategy and ways of its realization in a political discourse of democratic opposition
The paper describes influence over the addressee in language of democratic opposition, which uses discredit strategy as the weapon in struggle against the political opponents. The author discusses tactics of blame and sneers creating the characteristic style lines of an oppositional political discourse, which is aimed to decrease not only professional, but also intellectual qualities of politicians.
E.A. Shimko
The comparative characteristic of consanguinity nominations through the female line in the German and Russian languages in terms of ethnolinguistics
The paper addresses the study of lexical meaning of consanguinity nominations through the female line in the German and Russian languages within the limits of the comparative approach to a language from ethnolinguistics positions. The work examines the explanation of a word from the linguistic point of view and historical and culturological aspects accompanying it. This approach enables us to consider interpretation of meanings of the lexemes expressing specificity of ethnos.
Study of Arts
M.Ch. Anzarokova
Pkhembgu in sociocultural space of Adyghe diaspora in Turkey
The paper discusses functioning of percussion instrument pkhembgu in traditional culture of Adyghe diaspora in Turkey. Being guided by methods of a historicism and the system analysis, the author reveals semantics of the term pkhembgu, characterizes morphology of the instrument and a performing articulation, as well as forms of cross-cultural interactions and principles of tradition translation which have caused specific structure of the diaspora’s instrumental ensemble.
S.A. Mozgot
Concepts of space and time in N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “A fairy tale on Tsar Saltan …”
The aim of this research is to show interaction of literary and musical components in concepts of Space and Time. By studying an intonation dramaturgy the investigator reveals the author's individual concepts and means of their embodiment in music. It has been established that the action of the concept is carried out outside the frameworks of one structural section, causing asynchronous existence of conceptual space and composition of the opera.
Syui Bo
Chinese “piano boom” in early 19th century
The paper discusses “explosion” of interest to a piano in contemporary China. Achievements of 20-30-aged pianists in world competitive and concert practice are presented. The success of the Chinese pianists in the international scene is regarded in the light of installation of the Chinese pedagogy for early training and faultless technical means, for development of complicated technologies as realization of sign ability to europeanization and global integration of the country into world cultural space.
S.I. Khvatova
Tradition of singing in voice in Russian Orthodox Church of the newest period
The paper discusses singing in voice, which is a stilistically stablest part of the divine church chanting, differing by elasticity of the form and oral tradition of existence. Analyzing a semantic unit of a tune, i.e. line, we arrive at a conclusion that the basic rhythmic unit for choristers here is the word. Data on left-chorus tradition of performance of divine church chanting in the 21st century which has considerable specificity in comparison with singing of the right chorus are presented. Plurality of variants of performance of tunes “in voice” shows uniqueness of singing tradition of each temple.