Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Literary Criticism
I.V. Lozovoy Poetics of narrating (solved and unresolved questions of “common places” (loci communes) in Russian epos studies)
B.Kh. Lyamova On an originality of children's poetry by Nalbiy Kuek
R.G. Mamiy Theoretical and methodological problems of studying national literatures: Academician G.G. Gamzatov’s doctrine
E.V. Nikolsky The novel genre of the family chronicle in the Russian literature at a boundary of millenia
A.P. Popova “Russian modern fairy tales” by D.L. Bykov in a context of national tradition of satirical literary fairy tales
Y.G. Pykhtina On space of a village and Russian character (based on works of L. Tolstoy “Landowner's Morning”, A. Chekhov “Peasants” and I. Bunin “The Village”)
T.M. Stepanova Folklore elements of art structure in two related books by R. Gamzatov “My Daghestan” in a context of intellectual prose of the North Caucasus
N.Kh. Khuazheva The art concept of the person in novels on historical past by A. Evtykh
B.A. Tsey The moral-philosophical aspect of art elucidation of a problem “the people and the war” in I. Mashbash's novel “Millstones”
I.A. Tsipinov Forms of a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Adyghe traditional society (as shown by a material of mythic-epic tradition)
T.N. Chamokov On continuity and innovation in system of the Adyghe new written prose
K.G. Shazzo On the art method in the national literature of the 20-th century
Kakhuzheva Z.G. (Tkhabisimova) Structural models of a news note in newspaper publicism
S.V. Lyapun New approaches to classification of newspaper genres in the theory and journalism practice
V.V. Smeyukha Female network magazines: the theoretical and typological characteristic
Chzhan Shuan The Olympic media strategies of China
F.A. Autleva Literary translation problems in Marshak's critical heritage
S.I. Buglak Correlation of comparison and metaphor in the English language
N.I. Valeeva Communicative and syntactic organization of a complex polypredicative sentence-microtext
G.Sh. Davletkulova A concept of intonation in the linguistic and methodical literature
S.N. Dolzhikova Features of penetration of anglicisms in the language of mass media
A.F. Isyangulova Semantics and stylistics of lexically and grammatically substantiated meanings of the category of belonging in the Bashkir language
A.A. Kalashaova Ways of realization of formula AIDCA in discourse of published advertisement
O.S. Kuzoyatova The basic directions in metaphor cognitive researches
M.D. Kunova Parcelling and parcelled constructions in the Adyghe language
M.V. Laskova, E.V. Reznikova Personal pronouns in a political discourse
I.V. Oparnikova Ways of language explication of a fragment of the world picture in a professionally-slangy component of the language of medicine
L.M. Pelipenko Types of equivalence in translation of phraseological units with the component-numerals one, two, three from English into Russian
T.B. Samarskaya, E.G. Martirosyan The publicistic text: essence, specificity and functions
A.S. Sopova Polypredicative compound sentences in communicatively-pragmatic aspect (basing on the material of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s compositions)
Z.S. Tochieva Development of Ingush-Russian bilingualism in the multiethnic environment
D.Sh. Kharanutova, L.D. Shagdarov Motivational foundation of the word as the initial semantic model (as shown by the Buryat language)
T.V. Shcherbakova The communicatively-syntactic organization of polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences in artistic texts
Study of Arts
I.A. Bashkatov Art education of the future artists-teachers in the classes of sculpture and plastic anatomy
T.I. Berbash Drawing in senior courses of the art-graphic faculty
M.S. Bobrova Alexander Zhurbin's rock opera “Orpheus and Eurydice”: dramatic art problems
G.E. Kaloshina Some tendencies in development of a historical opera in music of France of the 20-th century
I.O. Makarova Computer graphics in a book illustration
S.A. Mozgot Intimate space in music of the 17-19th centuries: ways of expression and indications
A.N. Sokolova The Cossack dances as a cultural phenomenon
E.A. Tkachenko Genre and style interactions in clavier sonatas of the Classical age: problem statement
S.I. Khvatova Conditions of development of modern divine service singing
Literary Criticism
D.A. Akhmetova Spiritual and intellectual range of representation of national life in N. Kuyok’s novel «Wine of Dead»
F.B. Beshukova, B.M. Tadzhiyeva The art concept of the central image-character in I. Mashbash’s novel «Aisse Countess»
T.Kh. Gorchkhanova Art originality of stories by Shamil Akhushkov
A.M. Gutov Research of the Narts’ epos at the present stage
Z.Zh. Kudaeva The bee in the mythoepic views of the Adyghes
A.S. Kuek Cult of Mountain and Stone
I.V. Lozovoy Beginnings as «common places» (loci communes) of Russian bylinas
R.G. Mamiy Typology and esthetics of the Adyghean novelistics (genres of small prose)
L.Kh. Mukhametzyanova Book dastans (stories) of the Volga region Tatars: «boundaries» of genre names in national creativity
B.R. Naptsok References and reminiscences in S. Li’s «Gothic» novel «A Shelter or the Story of Other Times»
E.V. Nikolsky Semantic role of motive of a native home in novels - family chronicles
U.M. Panesh, S.R. Panesh Structural and style features of poems of I. Mashbash («A thunder in mountains» and «Memory»)
U.M. Panesh, V.T. Sosnovsky On significance of traditions and new approaches to studying literature of the 20th century
K.N. Paranuk Mythic-poetic context of great stories of Adyghean writer Nalbiy Kuyek «Bechkan’s excellent horse» and «Loneliness Wood»
V.T. Sosnovsky Ideological and art originality of N. Zinovyev’s poetry
T.M. Stepanova, S.L. Zukhba D.S. Likhachev about the folklore model of the world in the Old Russian literature
A.A. Skhalyakho, R.G. Mamiy Interpenetration of national and non-national as a dialectic way of development of literature
A.A. Skhalyakho About features of creativity of Bitlostan Koble
R.B. Unarokova, R.S. Daurova Folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey: from experience of creation of an electronic database
R.B. Unarokova Zefeuse (poetic debate) in the Adyghe folklore
M.A. Khakuasheva Post-Soviet Kabardian-Circassian great story
M.N. Khachemizova Features of folklore of the Circassian diaspora abroad in a context of the Adyghean general culture (on the basis of a material of expedition to Jordan and Syria)
F.N. Khuako, T.B. Djambekova On philosophical implication of prose of A.A. Khagurov
T.N. Chamokov, M.N. Khachemizova Tembot Kerashev and folklore of the Adyghes
T.N. Chamokov On some features of poetics of the Adyghean Nart epos
P.K. Chekalov Elucidation of a genre of the art autobiography in scientific literature
Sh.E. Shazzo Features of Russian vanguard in N. Kuyek’s lyrics (on question statement)
K.M. Shikov, P.K. Chekalov Innovative nature of the creative person of Mikael Chikatuyev
K.M. Shikov On formation of creative identity of the writer in the Circassian literatures
V.V. Sheremet The media convergence typology
A.V. Shishkina Information genres of periodicals as means of information openness of judicial system in Adygheya
M.P. Akhidzhakova Intercultural bases in text aspect of modern linguistics
Kh.Z. Bagirokov, Z.U. Blyagoz Realization of cognitive mechanisms in the bilingual artistic text
V.P. Balakhova Stylistic potential of a polypredicative complex sentence
S.K. Bedanokova Some features of functioning of the past times in an artistic narration
N.I. Valeeva Role of punctuation marks in the communicative and semantic organization of polypredicative complex sentences-microtexts
S.N. Gasanova, D.S. Samedov On differentiation of a compound word and the phrase in the Agulsky language
S.N. Gasanova Syntax of phraseological units of the Agulsky language
E.V. Zavertkina Oikonymy and its inherent features
V.Yu. Zaytseva A scheme of argumentation creation by respondents with a «concrete conceptualization» style
A.D. Iriolova Linguistic realization of the emotions and feelings related to love (as shown by U.S. Maugham’s works)
L.T. Kalabekova Leading role of time category in the functional importance of paradigmal forms of verbal conjugation (in the French, Russian and Ossetian languages)
A.S. Kolomiytseva Genre signs of polypredicative complex sentences - paragraphs in the Russian text
Z.G. Kakhuzheva (Tkhabisimova) Linguostylistic features of a news note
Y.G. Kocharyan Linguistic origin of the military term
N.I. Melkonyan On ways of formation of a computer slang
Yu.P. Nechay Language means and ways of an explication of a modal assessment (as shown by the language of the novel by E.Voynich «Gadfly»)
N.V. Samarina Functional-semantic field as an object of study in modern grammar
A.P. Tikhonova The Khattsky – Adygsky lexical parallels (linguocultural aspect of a language sign)
N.R. Khamitova Verbal word-formation of pair nouns in the Bashkir language
Study of Arts
T.S. Rudichenko Principles of studying and practical adoption of national singing traditions
Literary Criticism
F.B. Beshukova Post-modernist structure of the art text of «The Black Mountain» by N. Kuyek
M.M. Gubanukayeva Influence of the Russian literature traditions on art outlook of the Chechen writers of the 1920-1960s
A.K. Matyzheva The Adyghean «small» prose: genre preferences
U.M. Panesh About Tembot Kerashev’s spiritual heritage
A.K. Pshizova Art tools for historical color of an era in Tembot Kerashev’s short stories
A.A. Serdyuk National consciousness in A. Bayborodin’s creativity
V.T. Sosnovsky, A.P. Burnusuzyan Interpretation of the Daghestan national greetings in «Khadzhi Murat», the great story by L.N.Tolstoy
A.A. Skhalyakho, D.S. Skhalyakho National factor as the major component of literary creativity
M.A. Khakuasheva New story parable «A Worldwide Flood» by M. Emkuzh (1994)
F.N. Khuako Evolution and genre specifics of the lyrical story
K.M. Shikov, P.K. Chekalov Metric-rhythmic pallete of the collection of K.L.Mkhtse «In one world»
K.G. Shazzo The art conflict in a lyrical work (A.Fet, A.Blok and N. Baratashvili)
Yu.A. Yakhutl Updating traditions of the Adyghean enlightenment in the Adyghean new written-language novel (question statement)
N.Ts. Bitkeev, A.N. Bitkeeva Folklore of the Mongolian ethnoses: traditions and innovation
A.M. Gutov, M.M. Pashtova (Mizhayeva) On translation of the Adyghean folklore text
N.Kh. Emykova Khokhi-toasts in transmissions of the Adyghean radio
S.L. Zukhba, T.N. Chamokov Deity of a horse in mythology of the Abkhazians and Adyghes
S.L. Zukhba Female beauty ideal in the Nart epos of the Abkhazean-Adyghean people
Z.Zh. Kudayeva Center symbolics in mythic/poetic views of the Adyghes
A.N. Sokolova On cultural diffusions in the post-folklore environment (using a dance «Oyra-oyra» as an example)
T.N. Chamokov, M.N. Khachemizova Archaic attribute in a system of fantastic images in the Adyghean heroic epos «Nart»
K.G. Shazzo, Sh.E. Shazzo On poetics of «Nart» epos
A.N. Abregov, A.A. Khatkhe Scientific and national flora nominations in English, German, Russian and Adyghean languages
A.N. Abregov Structural and motivational interpretation of a number of lexemes in the Adyghean languages: etymological etudes
A.A. Altunin Structural components of the concept of «politeness» in the Russian and English language cultures
M.P. Akhidzhakova, A.N. Khavdok Semantic field of reflection of the Adyghes’ mentality in A.Evtykh’s language space
M.P. Akhidzhakova Cognitive structure of a system of historically developed spiritual and moral spheres of thinking and behavior of the Adyghes in A.Evtykh’s mental language space: linguoculturological aspect
Kh.Z. Bagirokov, Z.U. Blyagoz On the concepts of “the native language” and “non-native language”
Kh.Z. Bagirokov Art bilingualism as the multilingual space: the problem statement
M.R. Bagomedov Functioning of hydronyms in the Darga toponymic system
A.Yu. Baranova Toponymy as the means of actualization of mentality in the Russian-Adyghean language culture
Z.U. Blyagoz Realization of bilingual training as the call of the times: linguistic aspect
R.A. Volkova, Yu.M. Nechay Semantics and functions of an emotional and expressional particle of doch in the art text (from materials of the language of E.M.Remarque’s prose and its translations into Russian)
M.A. Gasanova Numerical symbolics in the Tabasaransky paremiology
T.M. Grushevskaya, N.Yu. Fanyan Modular approach to the text/discourse analysis: contribution of the Geneva linguistic school
Yu.N. Gusak Functional specificity of punctuation in dichotomic space of language and speech: basic approaches and principles
B.M. Dzhandar, M.Kh. Shkhapatseva Composite syntactic whole in the Russian, Adyghean and English languages
B.M. Dzhandar Comparative and typological characteristic of a syntactic system of the Russian, Adyghean and English languages
S.S. Doyunova, R.Yu. Namitokova Precedent-related names of vodka
E.E. Zhuk Features of studying language means of comic and their translation (taken from works of O. Henry and P.G.Wodehouse)
N.B. Kazarina, L.A. Isayeva Sports discourse: continuum discretization
S.G. Kazarina Typological term studies as a differentiated linguistic discipline
A.M. Kambachokov, D.D. Gubzhokova Features of zoomorphism functioning in the Kabardino-Circassian language
S.K. Kubashicheva Extralinguistic factors and stylistic features of causative constructions in languages with different systems
E.N. Luchinskaya, M.N. Kunina Actualization of event representation as the specificity of interaction in a discourse of the judicial police officer-performer
L.S. Makarova Semantic dispersion and art transformation of an image in a poetic translation (using a material of the Russian and French languages)
O.E. Pavlovskaya, N.Yu. Zimina Specifics of ornamental idiostyle of postmodernism (as shown by the novel of V. Pelevin “Generation P”)
N.E. Malova Linguo-cognitive categories of “implicitness” and "subtext"
O.E. Pavlovskaya Features of SMS communication of the student of secondary professional education as a representation of pragmatical level of the language personality
M.A. Poleva Language consciousness of the adolescent through a prism of internal speech of characters of fiction
V.B. Popova Categorial resonance in treatment of a definiteness / indefiniteness dichotomy
E.G. Somova, G.A. Abramova Phonics in the organization of the poetic text
M.S. Skhakumidova Communicative, speech and rhetorical preconditions of Russian teaching
N.V. Tishin Interpretation of a political discourse in mass media
R.B. Unarokova, G.Sh. Unarokova Linguocultural concept “nasyp / happiness” in the Adyghean language
R.B. Unarokova “Special languages” of the Adyghes: a linguofolkloristic aspect
F.K. Urakova, B.M. Bersirov Comparative characteristic of lexical and grammatical units of the Russian and Adyghean languages
F.K. Urakova Comparative and typological description of phrases in the Russian and Adyghean languages
Z.R. Khachmafova, E.N. Luchinskaya Intertextuality as reflection of linguocultural consciousness of the female language personality
A.R. Khunagova On definition of concept of “fashion” through “concept” definition
A.A. Shazzo A tendency to language democratization in the qualitative press of the beginning of the third millennium
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva Compound sentence as a special structural-semantic type in the Russian and Adyghean languages
Study of Arts
G.Å. Kaloshina Opera-oratorio formation in the 1920s in A.Honegger, I.Stravinsky and A.Schoenberg’s creativity
M.L. Karamanova “Sticks” by G. Kancheli as a multigenre composition
T.S. Rudichenko Christian tradition and folklore of the Don Cossacks
A.S. Sagitova Stage director's searches at the Bashkir theatre in the 1960s – 1990s
Z.Ts. Khot Musical and educational activity of the Adyghean State Philharmonic Society in 2007 through 2012
Yu.G. Tsitsishvili Monothematism as a principle of musical dramaturgy of the screen version of F.M.Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” (Director V. Bortko, composer I.Kornelyuk)
Literary Criticism
I.F. Gerasimova Continuity of military traditions in war lyrics of the 20th century (a genre of a poetic prayer)
B.R. Naptsok Functions of an image of story-teller R. Walton in M. Shelley's novel "Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus"
A.A. Turkova Art structure and compositional variations of the short story of Tembot Kerashev against the background of national literature
S.D. Khagundokova Philosophy of the nature and lyrical chronotope of I. Mashbash's poetry
I.N. Khatkova Art historicism and romantic poetics of the novel of I.I.Lazhechnikov «The Last Novick»
N.Kh. Emykova, R.B. Unarokova Folklore on the Adyghean radio: record, storage, translation
G.N. Nemets On a logical method in essayistics
D.A. Nosaev Current trends in development of graphic model of the newspaper
Z.E. Pinchuk Mediacontext in communication system
I.I. Shakalov Image of the Russian law-enforcement bodies in 2012: preliminary results of reform (according to results of complex studies of public opinion)
O.I. Avdeeva Features of the syntagmatic relations of verbal phrasemes in the Russian language: semantic and grammatical aspects
S.M. Alkhasova National originality of the original and translation
A.Yu. Baranova Ways of the person nomination in works by L.Ulitskaya
M.A. Gasanova Concept “friendship” in the Tabasaransky paremiological picture of the world
N.T. Gishev Semantic interrelation of lexical units in speech
B.M. Dzhandar, A.D. Loova On functioning of personal names in the art text
A.A. Efremov, A.Yu. Baranova Trends in the metaphorical term development within the basic subject areas of the English oil and gas terminology
A.D. Iriolova Verbalization of concept “love” in W.S. Maugham’s novels and their official translations: a cognitive-pragmatic aspect
A.M. Kambachokov, F.K. Urakova Jargons as means of expression of the inherent expressivity in the Kabardino-Circassian language
I.V. Kovtunenko The description of syntactic semantics of conjunction “and” in dictionaries and special scientific researches of the Russian and French languages
O.V. Litvyak Representation of the nature of a language sign and its content
L.P. Lobkovskaya Searches for universal semantic metalanguage
G.A. Osipov Concept of political ideology of T.A. Van Dijk
T.A. Ostrovskaya Euphemisation and return processes in a modern behavioural discourse
T.Yu. Panteleeva Treatment of philological conclusion as a special phenomenon of assessment sphere
T.Yu. Panteleeva, M.P. Akhidzhakova Aspects of linguistic systemness in legislative base as primary discourse space
M.G. Paramonova Emotional functioning of articles in an advertising discourse
V.B. Popova Meaningful lack of an article: zero sign as a member of opposition of article forms
E.V. Tarasenko Syntactic concept in the aspect of a complicated sentence
B.M. Khachak Paradigms of behavioural and speech distinctions of men and women in an art discourse
I.A. Chitao Structural and semantic peculiarities of word combinations in the English, Russian and Adyghe languages
L.G. Shamugiya Sðecific features of the French institutional discourse: parliament’s debates
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva Transition of free verbal phrases into phraseologically bound forms
S.Kh. Yakhutl (Kumuk) The functional status of bilingualism in modern linguistics
Study of Arts
A.V. Mikhaylenko Landscape architecture in the organization of traffic streams in the city
A.M. Savinov Retrospective analysis of the teaching of academic drawing, its current problems and trends
S.I. Khvatova Composition creation in the conditions of a canon