#2 / 2013
Literary Criticism
T.A. Alborova
Folklore traditions in the novel by Mikhail Bulkata “From the Terek River to Turkey”
The paper explores the interaction of folklore and the Ossetian prose using an example of the historical novel. An analysis is made of the role and value of folklore elements and extent of their influence on ideological and art system of the Ossetian historical novel. It is inferred that the writer depicted the character, psychology and ethical standards of North Caucasus mountain-eers by means of folklore. Thus, the Ossetian historical novel and folklore are not mutually exclusive systems in any way. The Ossetian prose, during its evolution, addresses all the time to means of expression of a folklore narration.
K.N. Ankudinov
On the content of a methodological concept of “romanticism after romanticism»
The paper discusses an opportunity and expediency of using a scientific-methodological concept of “romanticism after romanticism”. The author shows the philosophical roots of romanticism as a cultural phenomenon (in particular, related to I.Fichte’s scientific doctrine) and proves that the romanticism is expression of the certain outlook, capable to exist as a specific historical direction outside romanticism. Also this work reveals basic features of romantic outlook and defines prospects of concept application.
A.S. Kuyek
Image of mythological deity Mezitkh in mythology and epic legends of Adyghes
The paper examines the image of mythological deity Mezitkh, the patron of hunting, forest and wild animals. Art features of this image, its display in mythology and Nart epos are investigated. Typological relationship with mythological deities of other Caucasus people is defined. It is inferred that the archetype of god of the forest, hunting and wild animals was realized in various ways in the Adyghe myth-epic legends, underwent a certain transformation throughout the time of existence and received various semantic filling.
B.R. Naptsok, M.M. Meretukova
Family archetype in “Christmas Tales” of C.Dickens
The paper explores a family archetype in “Christmas” collection by Dickens. The conceptual notion of a family archetype and its realization in “Christmas” stories are considered. The authors arrive at a conclusion that specifics of a family archetype at Dickens is defined by a complex of archetype values and images, namely: images of the main character, hero father, children, families, subject situations, motives of “moral regeneration”, “dream”, “home”, “the family center”, “way” and “death”.
U.M. Panesh, S.N. Siyukhov
On topical issues of a periodization and structural - typological classification of the national literature of the 20th century
The paper discusses a periodization of national literature of the 20th century. An attempt is undertaken to give a structural-typological classification of the word art at a new stage of history and in new conditions of literary science. The problem of systematization of art and esthetic process is put and solved in relation to new written literatures. The analysis leads to a conclusion that the gradation of literary process promotes objective research of creativity and exploration of a method, styles and genres in their unity.
G.V. Sokolova
Typological relationship of a sketch in the Adyghean literature of “the period of a revolutionary change” (1920s & 1930s)
The paper examines the esthetic and ideological formation of a sketch in the Adyghean literature of the 1920s & 1930s which is based on the typological approach and attention to the phenomena repeated in different literatures. This gives an opportunity to find the laws of international character. It is noted that uniform historical process and the general ideological tasks caused typological relationship of the Adyghean documentary prose, proximity of which to an all-union tendency is displayed, first of all, in the problem-thematic content. It is established that the art journalism of this period played an important role in further development of the Adyghean literature.
S.D. Khagundokova, T.M. Stepanova
Art time and nature space in the novel of I. Mashbash “Millstones”
The paper examines the motives and images of the nature and their functional role in I. Mashbash’s historical Romance philology. An analysis is made of the main types of an embodiment of art time and space as ways of a reconstruction of a national picture of the world and national character. It is shown that the nature in “Millstones” is not only a background on which historical events develop and portraits of characters are given. It becomes clear that “the subject rhythm” in I.Mashbash’s prose is caused by the nature rhythms and by structure of a historical and epic narration.
N.M. Shishkhova
F.I. Tyutchev’s political lyrics as part of his world outlook conception
An analysis is made of correlation “Tyutchev as the poet” and “Tyutchev as the politician” in an interconnection and contradictions. Political articles and lyrics of the different directions are considered. In the center of reasoning is the reflection of poetic illusions and social hints of F.Tyutchev in political lyrics. The thesis is proved on interaction of these two tendencies in art space of the poet. It is inferred that the analysis of historical reality in F.I.Tyutchev’s creativity is naturally reflected both in publicistic articles, and in political lyrics.
Yu.A. Yakhutl
Educational ideas and spiritual-religious aspect of national consciousness in A.Evtykh’s dilogy (“Barge” and “Bull blood”)
The paper examines the moral and philosophical range of problems of humanity, freedom and belief of the person within a framework of educational ideas of the post-revolutionary period. This work deals with the artistic realizations of an image of the educator of new type and ideas of spiritual and moral education in the Adyghean new written prose. It is established that A.Evtykh solves innovatively a problem of new model of the educator and does not propose unambiguous solutions of drama complex moral and ideological problems.
E.A. Kivilidi
Sketch in the Adyghean modern periodical press
The paper provides statistics of the publication frequency of sketches in the leading local periodicals, namely: the Literary Adyghea journal and the Soviet Adyghea newspaper. The author points to a narrow circle of the authors who are publishing their sketches in the mentioned editions and clears up the reasons of this fact. The most widespread type of a sketch is allocated and described. It is noted that in the Adyghean journalism all three types of sketches, allocated by M.N. Kim, are presented. A sketch of art - publicistic type, namely: portrait, occupies the leading positions in the Soviet Adyghea newspaper and in the Literary Adyghea journal.
N.Yu. Prays-Harding
Journalistic and literary-critical activity of D.P. Svyatopolk – Mirsky
The paper discusses the evolution of literary - critical activity of D.P. Svyatopolk – Mirsky during the first period of emigration. An analysis is made of the essay about the Russian writers, not translated to Russian. This work presents the views of the critic on literature of the Russian emigration of the 1920s. In a context of literary polemic of this period the points of view of Mirsky and other critics and writers on creativity of Bunin, Akhmatova, Gumilev, Block, Averchenko, Taffy, Merezhkovsky, etc. are compared. As a result, the author of this paper arrives at a conclusion that the point of view of Mirsky on development of literature of the Rus-sians living abroad in the 1920s is objective and of literary value.
E.I. Prikhodko
History of creation and development of the Krasny Tabakovod (Red Tobacco-Planter) regional newspaper (Goryachy Klyuch area, Krasnodar Territory)
This paper explores the formation and development of system of the Soviet periodical press in Krasnodar Territory in the 1930s (using an example of the Goryachy Klyuch Krasny Tabakovod newspaper). The author uses the archival documents of the Center of Documentation of the Contemporary History of Krasnodar Territory, the State Archive of the Goryachy Klyuch area and newspaper issues to present unpublished data showing specifics of formation of the regional press in the Kuban region. It is established as a result that, despite organizational difficulties, the Goryachy Klyuch edition had an independent position and entered into polemics with the local party government concerning the information policy definition.
L.A. Avakova
On the terminological status of paintball sports lexicon
The paper explores the lexicon of the new kind of sport – a paintball. The author substantiates the terminological status of paintball lexicon units according to demands made to the term in modern science. The system relations in the new term system are considered. It is established that units of sports paintball lexicon, possessing all characteristics of terms, are organized in hierarchically harmonous term system, reflecting a system of concepts of special branch of knowledge – a paintball.
G.S. Atakyan
Advertising image as an expression and standard synthesis (as shown by a material of tourist advertising)
The paper examines the advertising image, the verbal side of which is created with the help of stylistic means focused on drawing attention of the addressee. It is noted that “an expres-sion - the standard” constructive principle of mass media is reflected in images of technological by its nature advertising. It is established that integration of the standard and expression provides a necessary influencing effect, promoting formation of consumer audience.
I.A. Borisenko
Text of Stomatology subject domain through a prism of scientific information types
The text of Stomatology subject domain is examined as the basic element of scientific communication. The text material is characterized through a prism of new knowledge of information. The paper presents a model of the composite organization of a text material and participants of scientific communication of this subject domain. Three types of scientific information are allocated and described. It is established that each element of composite structure of the text is closely connected with this or that type of information.
N.T. Gishev
Disputes on ethnonyms “Circassian” and “Adyghe”
The emergence source of the terms “Circassian” and “Adyghe” is specified. It is supposed that the term «Circassian» was formed from the name of the leader of the Gheniokhs Krekas (Krekas – Kreket – the Circassian), being pronounced, probably, by local tribes as K’elek’as or Dzherekjes. In this regard interpretation of its foreign-language origin is rejected. Here we support P.K. Uslar’s statement that the etymology of the term “Adyghe” should be looked for in lan-guages closely related to the Adyghe people (e.g., Ubykh’s “adzygye” or Abkhazian “adzyghe” with the Pomors meaning). Ethnonyms “Circassian” and “Adyghe” coordinate on the origin with the world of language of Circassians – Adyghes themselves.
N.A. Goncharova
Political texts from news as a special type of discourse
The characteristic is given of newspaper political communication through a prism of the text from news as a basic element of this communication. The theoretical problems connected with interpretation of the material from news are designated. The paper presents the structure of information space of the political text from news, background and situational components of information and gives examples of each of the designated parameters. It is inferred that each element of the information and thematic organization of the text from news makes impact on the recipient.
L.V. Grichenko
Russian and English proverbs with zoomorphic metaphors: ethnical universality and specificity of their axiological semantics
The paper deals with the ethnical universality and specificity of Russian and English proverbs with zoomorphic metaphors. Universal characteristics include cultural codes, tendency for generalized zoomorphic designation, multi-level evaluative semantics, flexible axiological marking and its ambivalence; ethnic specificity touches upon quantitative and qualitative content of axiologically marked groups and differences in combinations of additional axiological means.
V.V. Dvoryantseva
Discourse as a system of cognitive and communicative components
Discourse of everyday dialogue is conceived as a combination of all mental units used in it, their cognitive and semantic properties, linguistic and cultural features. It forms a proper space, embracing its constant (autochthons) and variable (allochthons) structural elements. The author comes to the conclusion that the discourse-forming potential of conceptual dominants (as shown by modern literature) is caused by their cognitive and axiological parameters. A detailed study of the formal combination of concepts in the discourse creates a certain interest in the perspective of cognitive discourse analysis.
E.N. Devitskaya
Symbolics of red color in the Russian and German fantastic folklore
The present paper deals with the analysis of the colour names, which represent concept “red” in Russian and German folk tales. The author prepares concept diagrams of every colour name, analyses identified lexical connections, frequency and functional sphere. The analysis shows explicit and implicit symbolical meanings of red colour. These meanings do not agree in Russian and German folk-tales owing to their ethno-cultural specificity.
V.A. Kesovidi
Word portrait as a form of the art – image-bearing representation of the person in the literary work (based on a material of the novel of I.A.Goncharov “Oblomov”)
The paper examines the portrait image of the personality within the art text. The information which is read by the recipient out from a portrait, appeals to deep structures of his mentality, generating profound and substantial emotions. The author allocates and describes three layers of explicit lexical means to present the hero of work. It is established that the portrait description acts as a construction tool of an artistic image and as a way of comprehension of the person’s identity by the author.
N.I. Knyazeva
Fragment of English language picture of the world in the light of axiological characteristics of semantics of phraseological units with a lexeme of the lifestyle thematic block
The paper discusses relevance of researches of an axiological orientation in modern linguistics. English phraseological units with a lexeme of the lifestyle thematic block, touching upon evaluative aspects of certain situations, people characteristics and their relations serve as a material to detect value characteristics of representatives of an English lingual-cultural community. The anthropocentricity of English and prevalence of a negative assessment in the studied language units is noted.
L.V. Kopot, S.R. Panesh
Magic realism of the novel of L. Leonov “Pyramid” through a prism of anthroponyms
The paper examines one of the methods which have received the name of “magic realism” in science, as well as its realization in onomastic space through a prism of anthroponyms. An analysis is made of anthroponym properties, their formation, functions in creation of an art picture, interaction with other mythemes to transfer semantic installations of the text. It is in-ferred that anthroponyms in the novel play a role of realization of magic realism, making it pos-sible to lift the veil of secret in semantic filling the used images and motives.
E.N. Luchinskaya, I.B. Sizonenko
Performativity of judicial discourse
The paper deals with a definition of performativity in a judicial discourse. Performativity is claimed to be the important feature of institutional discourses. The analysis of the linguistic representations of judicial discourse shows different types of discursive elements. The main functions of performativity in a judicial discourse are defined. It is established that the function of performativity is realization of the logic of communication.
E.P. Marchenko
Many-aspect functioning of multi-predicative composite sentences in different speech styles
Specific text-forming features have been revealed in the process of the complex study of multi-predicative composite sentences in the Russian language. The author shows the many-aspect functioning of multi-predicative composite sentences in different styles of speech. It has been established that these sentences can be paragraphs, super-phrasal unities or micro texts depending on the communicative and pragmatic aims of the author.
E.A. Pshenichnaya
The main activities of the Committee on Translating Liturgical Texts within the West European Orthodox Brotherhood
The paper examines the unique activity of the Committee on Translating Liturgical texts into French within the West-European Brotherhood. The main issues of liturgical text translation are pointed out. The principles of the Committee’s work on translating liturgical texts are presented. The areas of activity of the Committee are defined: the criteria of selecting the equivalent lexical units and the peculiarity of translating liturgical texts.
O.V. Sergeyeva
The language identity of the teacher in a statics and dynamics
The paper discusses specifics of tolerance in the dynamic aspect of the language identity of the teacher. Tolerance ranks high as in the best traditions of pedagogical communication. Lingual-pragmatic specifics fills this dominant of language identity of the teacher with the sense, allowing achievement of pedagogical success.
K.I. Simanovskaya
Attractive function of headings in a newspaper discourse
The paper describes the attractive function of headings in a newspaper discourse. The heading is an obligatory structural and composite category of the newspaper text since it bears the major communicative loading. An analysis of newspaper headings has revealed the attractive function. It is inferred that headings, owing to their brevity and figurativeness, draw attention of reader’s audience.
A.O. Solomatina
Language means of expression of the socio-political information in newspapers of France (as shown by 2010 pension reform)
The paper examines the language orientation of the newspaper type to a certain reader’s audience. The language specificity of the French mass media reaction to the 2010 pension reform is presented. It is inferred that the formation of political loading of information takes place simultaneously with the text formation by using lexical units with the meliorative or pejorative connotation, giving a positive or negative assessment to the information.
S.R. Tlekhatuk
Paroemia with zoocomponents in different system languages: the general and specific in their semantic structure and interpretation
The paper discusses the phraseological case of paroemia with zoocomponents in the different system languages, constantly used in communicative and pragmatic activity of the people. An analysis is made of features of their use, value and sense, their universal essence and specifics. Cultural and national interpretation of the zoonymic space functioning in a semantic continuum of studied languages, makes it possible to understand the mechanisms participating in formation of a naive picture of the world, including a huge role of fauna in self-knowledge, outlook and perception of the world of the person and ethnos as a whole.
A.R. Khunagova
Lexical - semantic characteristics of the concept ‘fashion’ in the Russian and English languages
The paper deals with the analysis of the meanings of lexical units forming a lexical-semantic group of the concept ‘fashion’ (‘fashionable’), disclosing basic features of cognominal concept (on the basis of Russian and English languages). The determiners of differences and similarities are established in lexical-semantic filling of the lexemes. It is stated that the analysis of glossary entries is not comprehensive. Meanwhile, it allows concluding about broad lexical-semantic field of the concept of fashion in contrasting lingua-cultural communities.
Study of Arts
M.G. Kuyek
Art metal in the North-Western Caucasus: the continuity of the decorative tradition
The paper examines the works of art metal from the North Western Caucasus archaeological monuments in the art criticism context focusing on tracing the evolution of material and spiritual culture through a prism of the continuity of the decorative tradition. The author defines the stylistic features of animal style in the Maikop, Meotsky, Kasozhsky and Belorechensky archaeological culture, as well as the composition, subject, stylistic and processing methods of metal plasticity. The continuity of a thematic and subject basis of pagan religion and Adyghean mythology in works of art metal is noted. It is inferred that high level of economic development of the North – Western Caucasus is supported by works of arts and crafts of ancient and medieval art culture.
S.A. Mozgot
Personal space in music: a conceptual I-the Me model
Two most typical forms of personal space modeling in music are examined, namely: the appeal to the Alter Ego (another side of oneself; a second self) and to the Alter Pars (the contradicting party), expressing interaction with himself of I – the Me type. It is established that combination of spatial positions of the description in the form of I - observing and I - worrying with certain musical features of these positions is characteristic of this model. The conclusion is drawn that personal space modeling in music is conducted by an exit to level of the collective unconscious and by using a system of symbols, binary oppositions and the principle of the recurrence, peculiar to mythological spacetime.
N.L. Chepniyan
Historical and cultural preconditions of formation of professional musical culture in Adyghea
This work reconstructs the process of formation and development of professional musical culture in Adyghea during the establishment of the Adyghean autonomous region (1922), namely: historical and cultural preconditions, the circle of the main problems at various historical stages of development of professional culture and the periods of formation of the main forms of theatrical and concert life. The author arrives at a conclusion that the formation and development of system of professional musical culture in Adyghea was carried out thanks to considerable development of amateur performances, growth of the general education, as well as to emergence of bases of music education in educational institutions of the region.