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the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#2 / 2015


  • Ananchenko O.G.
    Classification of estimating metaphors in terms of their thematic demand

    The paper provides the new trend in classification of metaphors in terms of frequency of their thematic use in newspaper texts at the beginning of the 21st century, for the purpose of definition of estimated opportunities with various level of frequency. The principles of division into the stamps, updated type, transitional type and renewed metaphors are described, the transitional type being recognized for the first time. The law of division of newspaper metaphors into thematically limited, attached and free is explained. The material is important in practice since it is possible to use this material in research work, in drawing up dictionaries and in preparation of teaching manuals. We speak of the scientific importance of this material because the paper presents a new classification approach to studying metaphors from the point of view of their thematic conditionality. The methods used are descriptive, statistical, the analysis and synthesis of the actual contextual material. The offered classification allows us to track the «course of life» of metaphor from a renewed metaphor to a stamp and to visually see levels of its development from the thematically limited to thematically free. It can be used to study metaphors in this trend, as well as to supplement the previous researches related to the functioning of a metaphor in mass media.

    pdf 17-20.pdf  (282 Kb)

  • Bricheva M.M.
    Structural and semantic characteristics of word-building field of the borrowed adjectives in Modern English (on the basis of the analysis of Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, 1996)

    The paper examines the structural and semantic peculiarities of the word-building field of the borrowed adjectives and shows the most productive ways of formation of the borrowed adjectives from the making bases of different types. The method of field structuring was used to study the system organization of lexicon and to identify word-building potential of words of various parts of speech. This method is very important and productive because it allowed us to subject the studied material to the comprehensive analysis, to reveal etymology, structure and semantics of the words belonging to this or that part of speech. The word-building field of the borrowed adjectives is complex and consists of two main fields: a word-building field of the adjectives formed from the making bases of nouns and a word-building field of the adjectives formed from the making bases of verbs and verbal word forms. In all cases types of word-building meanings are caused by semantics of the making base. The most voluminous are word-building fields of the adjectives borrowed from the Latin and Greek languages, as well as the word-building field of the Latin - French borrowings. Results of the conducted research give a complete idea of structural-semantic and etymological structure of a word-building field of the borrowed adjectives in Modern English and can be useful in studying different types of word-building fields.

    pdf 21-25.pdf  (272 Kb)

  • Grushevskaya T.M., Dubinina I.A., Voronkova M.A.
    Code as a polemic dialogue of Alphonse Daudet and Octave Mirbeau

    New vision of works of Alphonse Daudet «Letters from my mill» and Octave Mirbeau «Letters from my hut» is offered. In research, we show the dialogical interaction between these works. Dialogicity codes are allocated and described. The nominative code is displayed in use of parallel syntactic constructions with quazi-quoting in the title of the whole collection and some chapters separately. The structural code is reflected at level of a form and composition of works. The conceptual code is expressed in similar perception of a concept «city» as destructive, deprived of purity, beauty and the harmony peculiar to the village. The use of codes of A. Daudet allowed O. Mirbeau to create a polemic dialogue with his work. The presented analysis of creativity of O. Mirbeau makes a contribution to studying the language personality of the writer and gives material for further generalizations and systematization of knowledge on coding and decoding of the text.

    pdf 26-29.pdf  (280 Kb)

  • Drozdova D.R.
    Syntactic means of the verbal manipulation in the academic discourse

    The aim of the research is to examine the mechanisms of the verbal manipulation by means of syntactic resources of language by using the descriptive method, the method of particular extract and the questionnaire method. The definitions of key terms of “academic discourse” and “verbal manipulation” are provided. The topical means of manipulation by using the syntactic structures are examined: the address, incentive, negative and interrogative constructions, conditional sentences, as well as a technique of parcellation, making it possible to more effectively influence listeners. As a result, we found out the most appropriate constructions with incentive effect: illocutions and indicative constructions with illocutionary effect, as well as analyzed accompanying morphological and lexical means.

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  • Zinkovskaya A.V.
    Dramatic discourse as a basically new discursive formation

    The interdisciplinary research, in particular in the study of the typology of discursive formations is very important in modern linguistic science. The paper summarizes the main points that characterize the basically new type of discursive formation — dramatic discourse (DD) as an object of linguistic analysis. The methodological basis of the study includes the principal propositions on the language as a system of interrelated elements, on the dichotomy of language and speech, on the inextricable link of language and thinking, on language and reality, on the form and content unity and on the relationship of theoretical and empirical knowledge in philosophy and language. Peculiarities of dramatic discourse and the dramatic discourse model with its discoursive characteristics are presented here. The dramatic discourse is described as a phenomenon with a rich explanatory potential of theoretical and applied nature. A holistic model of dramatic discourse is built upon from the specific components of discourse which reflect cognitive-discursive characteristics of the dramatic discourse. The meaning-generating ability of the dramatic discourse is caused by its ‘dipping into life’, which is implemented mainly in the process of the linguocreative understanding of eventful content. One and the same type of the discourse is able to produce different language signs as a result of reflection and rethinking of the eventful content of discourse and modeling of the virtual world.

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  • Israfilov N.R.
    On the adjacent phenomena of a homonymy of the Aghul language

    An attempt is undertaken to disclose the main reasons for formation of homonyms of the Aghul language. The homonymy in the Aghul language has never been investigated until now. There is a great variety of homonyms in Aghul. One can recognize cases of narrowing and broadening a word meaning, transfer of meaning and break between some particular meanings. Homonyms in the language under study can be formed both of original Aghul words and loan words. Sometimes one word can be borrowed twice with different meanings. The description of all homonym types assumes the careful quantitative and qualitative analysis of homonym pairs. Research of Aghul homonymy should consist of finding out relationships between language units of different levels and analysis of functional conditions for formal and semantic transformations of the words.

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  • Karataeva L.V.
    Responsibility as a distinctive component of a concept «war» in the German language picture of the world (based on material of works of W. Borchert)

    This paper proposes the new understanding of the concept «war» taking a special place in the German culture, through its reflection in a creative heritage of Wolfgang Borchert who has left a considerable trace in classical German literature. The research shows the national specific component of a concept «war», namely: the estimated component “responsibility”. The studied interpretative component is presented as dominating in hierarchy of a concept «war» in the German lingual culture. Its contrasting role is shown in comparison with the traditional description of a concept «war» in the Russian and English lingual cultures where the main conceptual universals are «the military conflict», «military operations», “death» and «suffering». The structure of the component “responsibility” is described. An analysis is presented of lexical units, explicating semantic space of component “guilt”, Nominaagentis/ names of agent/character, and atonement of fault. It is established that designations of a character make the most representative group of words, forming the central link in the presented three-component row. The paper shows the significance of unique language material in literary works of W. Borchert which allow us to find out new meanings in a basic national concept «war» in the German lingual culture.

    pdf 47-53.pdf  (308 Kb)

  • Kopot L.V.
    Slang nominations of cars: lexical-thematic groups and their semantics

    The research focuses upon the slang nominations of cars functioning in the speech of car owners. Specifically, our goal is to identify lexical-thematic groups of slang definitions, and to analyze semantics of these names. In accordance with this goal, the following methods of research were used: (1) the supervision method allowing us to find the speech examples, which appeared in periodicals, on the Internet and in lexicographic editions; (2) the method of system research comprising the synchronous analysis of collected material, (3) the comparison method allowing us to establish similarity and distinction of subjects and phenomena of reality; (4) the statistical method making it possible to distinguish lexicalthematic groups and to analyze their semantics. The emerging new units of slang need the versatile description because, from our point of view, there are new opportunities for comprehension of the system on the whole, and such system characteristics of the slangy nominations, as lexical-thematic and motivational become a subject of supervision. Lexical structure of language is enriched not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively: there is an expansion of semantic structure of already available words in language, development of new meanings and formation of polysemy. The theoretical importance of research is that it makes a certain contribution to studying the Russian national language and its subsystems. The conclusions of the paper can be used for further research of slangy definitions. Practical value of this work is related to the use of this research in teaching higher school courses of the modern Russian literary language, in developing special courses and word-building seminars, in drawing up the thematic dictionary, as well as in out-of-class Russian-language occupations at school. As a result ten lexical-thematic groups are presented, semantic filling of which depends in many respects on quality of technique, appearance, sound associations of official names, and the social status of native speakers.

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  • Kubashicheva S.K., Chitao L.R.
    Features of headings translation of modern English mass media

    New vision of modern information space is proposed in the context of analytical character of the English language, defining a translation choice, strategy and tactics of the translation. In research, linguistic peculiarities of sublanguage of mass communication are presented as independent subsystem of English. Invariable features of the publicistic text are shown and definitions of syncretism are given as unities of rational conceptual images. Contextual determinancy of English headings, features of structure and specific system of definite language means, with function of informative and incentive impact on the reader are provided. Using the contextual and the content analysis, the authors describe examples of realization of potential opportunities of headings, their dependence on lexical and grammatical content. Adherence of newspaper information messages to ingenuity, stylistic finds and creation of neologisms and a peculiar slang of mass media are shown. Also the authors designate the theoretical problems related to elliptic character of headings, translation practice and research of the increasing role of journalism in media space as catalyst of development of public consciousness. It is inferred that headings of texts in modern mass media bear modal expressional loading, have mechanisms and methods of language influence, a peculiar way of management and determination of political, ideological and emotional level of consciousness of mass audience.

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  • Kutepova N.V.
    Extralinguistic factor in synergetics of French verbal system

    The paper deals with the synergetic phenomena of French verbal system in the context of extralinguistic factor. The linguistic synergetics is a new, shaping paradigm of knowledge of language as the human, social, cognitive and cultural phenomenon. The synergetics attempts to define the origin of macrosystems in which we live. In many cases the process of streamlining and self-organization is connected with collective behavior of the subsystems shaping a system. What is the synergetics and how it is connected with language? The term “synergetics” comes from the Greek “sinergos” — commonly acting [1]. Everything begins with “zero”, and this is that the synergetics begins with. Speaking about using the concept of zero in linguistics, we mean paradigmatic correlation of elements in system of expression of some category. The central concepts of synergetics are information and organization, including self-organization, development and self-development [2]. In this paper, we would like to explore how the extralinguistic factor in synergetics influenced the development of verbal system in French. The synergetics, in our opinion, is implemented through inflections. The French language did not keep them both in word building and in conjugation of the verbal systems.

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  • Martirosyan E.G., Pozdeeva T.V.
    Argumentative discourse in political newspaper communication

    This paper offers the new understanding of political newspaper communication in the context of an argumentative discourse as the basic element of this communication. The research shows how mass media influence the language, as well as the latent techniques of a manipulation by consciousness of mass audience. Manipulation is presented as a peculiar way of management, control and determination of political, ideological, intellectual and emotional levels of the recipient. Process of political newspaper communication is described and its basic components are shown. The authors give the definitions of argumentative culture as logical process or form of the cogitative activity focused on justification of the validity or falsehood of some statement or theory, and argumentation as the logic-communicative process aimed at justification of a position of one person for the purpose of the subsequent understanding him and accepting by other person. The structure of the argumentation is described. The theoretical problems related to interpretation of arguments as key parameters of information space of an argumentative discourse of political character are designated. The affecting influence of an argumentative discourse on the recipient is established and shown.

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  • Mashkova L.A.
    Musicality as E.T.A. Hoffmann’s creative style: new aspects of interpretation of an intertextuality during a globalization era

    The paper proposes the new understanding of the subject «Hoffmann Writer and Music» in the context of post-modernist interpretation of an intertextuality in the globalized world. The present work describes the musical images in his prose, their importance in disclosure of problems of work, and analyzes the role of classical music as manifestation of the European soul in the course of feeling and emotion articulation. The nature of Hoffmann’s synthesis uncovering multivariability of opportunities of interpretation of the fiction is established. E.T.A. Hoffmann’s style is based on understanding of a synergetism of social and humanitarian life. Musicality in his creativity is the leading factor in the European self-identification, being shown as one of basic factors of evolution of the composite anthropological system including the mentality change.

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  • Mironenko S.A., Karataeva L.V.
    Word play in the Russian and German poetry

    The word play is explored as one of forms of creativity implementing esthetic function of language. Various techniques and word-formation models are used in a poetic discourse in the Russian and German languages to create a word play. Poems of Russian and German authors are analyzed and the phenomena under study are described. In poetry, unlike in any other type of a discourse, word building is most abundant. On the basis of the lingual stylistic analysis, we show the general and distinctive features of creation of a word play in the Russian and German poetry. We have found that the techniques common for both languages are an outplaying of multiple-meaning and homonymous words, creation of nonce words and paronymic word play which is based on realization of typological model of a word building. Essential difference makes efficiency of application of these or those word-formation means in the compared languages at creation of occasional new words and paronymic word play. It is inferred that, unlike Russian, the multisyllable word in German is the characterological feature of lexical units, and the word building acts as the dominating model for formation of usual and occasional lexemes in German.

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  • Nescheretova T.T., Bricheva M.M.
    Some features of the «maritime» component of proverbs in Germanic languages (on the basis of the English and German languages)

    The paper describes a comparative research on paroemias with a «maritime» component in the German and English languages. The work is focused upon detection of similarities and distinctions in functioning of the proverbs and sayings devoted to maritime subject in the languages under study. The main method of research is the comparative analysis which, being method of the analysis of cross-cultural communication, promotes studying the characteristics of native speakers comprised in paroemias. Against the globalization processes happening in the world, and negative consequences of formation information and language inequality, richness of people of the world, remaining in different languages, characterizes color of original culture of certain people, its centuries-old history. In this regard, of special interest are «maritime» paroemias which, having arisen in language of definite professional groups several centuries ago, entered national English and German languages. Studying this group of the paremiological units allows us to understand national features of world around of the considered languages. This publication shows that the attribution of English and German languages to the Germanic group defines considerable similarities of paroemia structure of these languages. Need of creation of techniques for formation of multilingual dictionaries of paroemia is noted. The paper shows that the most part of «maritime» paroemias in the German and English languages characterizes the person: activity, abilities, traits of character and behavior. Results of research on features of functioning of paroemias with a «maritime» component in English and German languages expand the known ideas of a role of paroemiology in cross-cultural communication and stimulate further researches in this sphere.

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  • Nescheretova T.T.
    Theoretical bases of a grammatical meaning of category of gender in the different-system languages and ways of its expression

    The paper offers a new understanding of ontological essence of the category of gender which is among the grammatical phenomena difficult to explain. The research focuses upon identification of a grammatical meaning of category of gender, and ways of its expression in the different-system languages. This work is relevant because it is necessary to study more profoundly grammatical potential of category of gender conformably to languages of different type. The following methods were used in this work: the synchronous descriptive analysis (this method allows us to consider a semantic syntagmatic structure of gender forms, to characterize various ways of expression of category of gender); the synchronous semantic analysis (the method promotes identification of a correlation between semantics of the relation to a sex and language functions); the method of linguistic observation and typological method. The category of gender represents a composite dialectic unity of plans of the contents and plans of expression. The paper shows that it is necessary to revise the opinion, widespread in modern linguistics, on a role of agreement in system of a grammatical gender. Despite essential distinctions between means of expression of gender, they are united by a uniform functional feature. Results of research on features of functioning of category of gender in the different-system languages expand known ideas of category of gender and stimulate further researches in this sphere.

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  • Ostrovskaya T.A.
    Conceptualization of the concept «the person’s behavior» in research of elite discourse

    The new aspect of analytical research of speech behavior of the person in the elite discourse is offered. Study is made of discursive practices of the elitist personality, actualized by means of indirect communication. The person’s behavior is examined as a set of verbal and nonverbal reactions of the person to the incentives of environment expressed through discursive practices. Features of the substantial complicated communication (indirect communication) in behavioral aspect of the language personality are analyzed. The term «transverbal» communication component is coined. Special attention in studying a number of communicative and pragmatic characteristics of the discourse is paid to a role of presupposition as the factor making impact on discursive practices. Being a preliminary condition of implementation of the statement, the presupposition is closely connected with nonverbal and transverbal components of the statement, with features of speech behavior of communicants in a discursive context.

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  • Tilloeva S.M.
    Aspects of syntagmatic analysis of lexical units in the compared languages

    This paper focuses upon research of lexical units at the syntagmatic level. Specifically, the comparative description was made of the Russian, Persian and Tajik languages which belong to the Indo-European family of languages and which are a bright example of the languages genetically close to each other but, nevertheless, representing separate language systems. Methods of research were chosen in compliance with character of material. In particular, the method of structural modeling, method of the position and contrasting description, the comparative analysis taking into account the lingual-culturological characteristics of the studied phenomena were used. Scientific novelty is that research is carried out for the first time on the basis of the Russian, Persian and Tajik languages, of how characterologic syntagmatic strategies of each of the compared languages are displayed in specifics of the organization of both interword and internal syntagmas. It allowed us to reveal some general laws in structuring semantic links distinguishing one language from another. The theoretical importance of research is that it makes it possible to develop a technique and criteria for structural comparison of close languages basing on material of the Russian, Persian and Tajik languages that can find application in the related languages belonging to other language families. Of theoretical interest is also the statement on a correlation of objective laws of language structure and subjective processes of the language description and language standartization. The studied interlingual distinctions in the compared languages allow us to observe process of how related languages disperse at an initial stage of manifestation of distinctions that can be useful for researchers not only of language synchronism, but also of diachrony.

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  • Tlekhatuk S.R.
    Social and linguistic conditionality of formation and development of integrative subject domain «Economy»: terminological aspect

    This paper focuses upon research of social and linguistic determinancy of formation of the Russian subject domain «Economy» as an integrative socioverbal construct. Specifically, our aim is to develop classification of extralinguistic factors which are capable to define the directions and the main tendencies in development of economy; as well as to identify social and linguistic aspects of formation of lexical fundamentals of subject domain «Economy». The work describes mechanisms of language conceptualization of modern integrative economic space and establishes the status of the subject domain as an open and multiaspectual system of economic knowledge which is recorded in texts of the different genres fixing social conditionality of the organization of modern economic subject domain.

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  • Khabekirova Z.S., Adzinova F.S.
    «Intellectual stylistics» on pages of the qualitative press

    The paper examines the methods of indirect communication, the use of which is due to not only the main principle of publicistic texts, namely: intension of persuasion, but also to the category of the addressee. The work focuses upon research of stylistic features of the qualitative press which covers socially significant problems. Using a method of the discourse analysis we describe specifics of use of stylistic devices, characteristic of the qualitative press: metaphors, irony and hint. Successful implementation of intension of persuasion, which is pronounced in the analytical texts, is defined by effective interaction between the author and target audience capable to act as the communicative partner and to support intellectual game thanks to the education and competence. A wide circulation of the metaphor, irony and hint in publicistic materials of the Russian qualitative press is explained by the fact that these stylistic devices are focused on expression of the implicit assessment which is not causing rejection from the psychological point of view. The conclusion is drawn that the tendency to formation of «intellectual stylistics», conspicuously distinguishing the qualitative press from periodicals of other type, strongly promotes complication of the modern media discourse.

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  • Khamerzokova N.A., Tsey B.A.
    Lexical semantic and stylistic features of the translations from Russian into Adyghe of works of Russian-speaking Adyghe writers-educators

    The paper discusses the features of a literary translation of texts of the authors-bilinguals basing on the example of works of the Adyghe educators S. Khan-Girey «Prince Kanbulat» and A. Keshev «Scarecrow». This work focuses upon detection of features of the translation of works of Russian-speaking Adyghe writers of the 19th century and the main ways of achievement of equivalence and adequacy in translation. Specifically, a comparative analysis is made of the Russian fiction text-original with its translation into the Adyghe language where lexical semantic and stylistic features are traced. The comparative analysis of language distinctions at the level of lexicon and stylistics is carried out basing on examples of the Adyghe and Russian speech. Some theoretical questions of translation related to the mental features of its perception and transfer of the text into the translated language are creatively comprehended. Combination of two language cultures – namely: Adyghe and Russian – in creative consciousness of the natural bilingual results in language (lexical and stylistic) findings which are pronounced in translation process. Results of research provide an opportunity to compare features and possibilities of the author -bilingual and the writer-monolingual, the carrier of one language culture, as well as to promote formation of the personality who is tolerantly focused on perception of an originality of foreign-language culture.

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  • Chitao L.R., Alentyeva M.A.
    The use of foreign-language borrowings in the Adyghe modern mass media

    The paper examines the contacts of the Adyghe, Russian and English languages. One of the important results of any contact of languages is impact of one language on another owing to which there emerge lexical borrowings. This publication focuses on studying the main reasons inducing the word to pass from one language into another. Specifically, features of development of foreign-language borrowings in the Adyghe modern language are investigated. As linguistic researches show, borrowings are the most productive source of replenishment of a lexicon of the Adyghe language at the present stage of development. Therefore study of functioning and stylistic importance of the role of borrowings in a synonymic row is of great theoretical and practical interest. For this purpose we used a method of the analysis of journalese lexicon of the Adyghe modern mass media. Being the social phenomenon, the language closely connected with society, with stages of its development reflects the changes which happen in social, economic, political and cultural life of people. All this is the reason for the use of foreign-language borrowings in the Adyghe language where the leading role belongs to Russian as to intermediate language. The press in modern conditions is the main source of fixing new words and meanings. Analogous works will help linguists and sociologists to make sweeping theoretical generalizations on prospects of development of national languages.

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    Literary Criticism

  • Bakov Kh.I.
    On features of genres of criticism and journalism n B. Utizhev’s creativity

    For the first time features of journalism and literary criticism of the famous Kabardian writer and playwright Boris Utizhev are considered. Special attention is paid to articles, the essay and notes devoted to problems of preservation of the native language, development of dramatic art and creative activity of national theater. The scientific importance of research is related to systematization of works of the writer, detection of genre features of critical works and journalism, determination of individual skill of the master in the course of formation of a hallmark. The analysis leans on a comparative-historical method of research that allows the author to carry out complex studying of formation of genre structures in connection with development of national literature and formation of culture of the North Caucasus. Theoretical importance of this paper is that it can become a basis for research of problems of development of genres of criticism and journalism. Results of work can be used in higher school courses on the theory of art of the word, history of national literatures, as well as in carrying out special courses and special seminars.

    pdf 129-134.pdf  (300 Kb)

  • Galieva M.A.
    «Space enlightenment»: F. Novalis – M.I. Tsvetaeva. Folklore tradition in poetics

    The paper discusses the functioning of folk tradition in M.I. Tsvetaeva’s poetics. We investigate verses of different years in which the ontological symbolics, which is genetically going back to folklore outlook and to the German romanticism, is pronounced. Comparison is made with Novalis’s poetics. The paper focuses upon consideration of Tsvetaeva’s creativity in the light of the folk tradition and the German romanticism shown latently in poetics. The historical - typological method is applied. Much attention is paid, first of all, to internal forms of a folklorism in poetics, rather than to stylizations or secondary forms. In this we see relevance of this research since in philological works, external and latent forms of a folklorism often are not differentiated. Statement of a question in this way brings the researcher to theoretical space: a question appears of relationships of folklore and the myth. In such context, pre-genre forms and ceremonial reality in work are important (for example, «bear symbolics» in Tsvetaeva’s verses). We introduce a concept of «a ritual ornament» in poetics which allows us to look differently both at art system and to rethink theoretical questions of folklorism forms in poetics.

    pdf 135-139.pdf  (289 Kb)

  • Pokotylo M.V.
    V.V. Mayakovsky vs M.A. Bulgakov: phenomenon of satire in the coordinates of the art world

    The aim of the paper is to reveal the integral and differential features of formation and functioning of the phenomenon of satire in the works of V.V. Mayakovsky and M.A. Bulgakov. The scientific significance of the research is identification of dominants of theatricality and carnivalization as the foundation of the aesthetic quest of the early 20th century based on the correlation of artistic worlds of M.A. Bulgakov and V.V. Mayakovsky. Within the research, the comparative historical and interpretative methods are chosen as the main. The research methodology reveals the common satirical techniques used by the writers that contribute to the genre syncretism in their works of various types and genre affiliation. Menippey’s models of explication of satire are determined by carnival – the main feature of the aesthetic concepts of V.V. Mayakovsky and M.A. Bulgakov. The carnival parameters concretized in the works in many ways, manifest the features of the art world of both writers: fantastic imagery makes an appeal to the culture of laughter, implemented by Mayakovsky as shocking and grotesque and by Bulgakov, in the form of parody, pun, farce and farcical theater techniques. The practical significance of the study results is due to the possibility of their use in understanding the specifics of the national literary process of the 1920s - 1930s and identifying characteristics of the specific implementation of the creative principles of authors.

    pdf 140-146.pdf  (306 Kb)

  • Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A.
    Parody reconsideration of romantic and folklore genres and motives (the Medieval ballad, the Gothic story) in V. Irving’s short stories

    The paper discusses the features of parody transformation of pseudo-folklore and Gothic tradition in short stories of Washington Irving. We analyze the techniques of ironical reconstruction of the folklore ballad, Gothic story, the legend and some other genres in his short story «Groom Ghost» and parodying strong and in many respects mystical interest of early romantics in medieval patriarchal old times. Also we estimate traits of romantic irony in creativity of the Jena romantics, E.T.A. Hoffmann, and then almost in all late romantic and pseudo-romantic literature in relation to epigonous-romantic and pseudo-romantic poetry. Comic reconsideration, characteristic of folklore humorous and carnival culture, and derision of stamps and stereotypes of pseudo-medieval, pseudo-knightly poetry by means of such techniques as stylization and allusion are noted. The methods used are historic-literary, comparative - typological, textual and culturological research of works of art of folklore and literature. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of this work is defined by its innovative character related to the textual analysis of the low-studied work of Washington Irving, and identification in it of the intertextual relations and phenomena of dialogue of cultures. Such an analysis of work makes a certain contribution to comparative and typological literary criticism. The conclusion is drawn on variety, novelty and efficiency of forms, methods and techniques of folklore and literary interaction in works of the American writer.

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  • Timizhev Kh.T., Khezheva L.Kh.
    Features of topological representations in early lyrics of A. Keshokov

    This paper provides a new approach to research of early lyrics of the famous Kabardian poet A. Keshokov. On the basis of the complex literary analysis, we show the topological representations created at the initial stage of evolution of the poet’ works. We consider such traits of poetry as problematical character strengthening, the movement towards the concentrated, lyric-epic tendency of formation of art thought, and use of a dramatic element. Also we describe the features of creation of a spatial picture of the world and specifics of topological perception by the author of surrounding reality. Multilevel, manytier representation is demonstrated as evolutionary achievement of determination of art consciousness of the poet. The problem of ethnic transformations of the value system which is formed in process of the all-Russian cultural context is described and resolved. The scientific importance of work is connected with research of the nature of lyric genres, designation of their borders, structures, as well as with identification of evolution of creative thinking which is shown in more sweeping generalization, in multilevel, many-tier representation of world around. Results of the analysis of lyrics of A. Keshokov can be used to develop theoretical problems of history of national literatures, courses of lectures, special courses and special seminars in higher educational institutions.

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  • Shishkhova N.M.
    Literary discourse about the Caucasus in the story of A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky «Ammalat-Bek»

    This paper focuses upon the features of manifestation of the romantic concept in A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky’s story «Ammalat-Bek» and its correlation with the previous traditions in the Russian literature. This helps us to define a place and value of the Caucasian works of the writer in art space of late Russian romanticism. Also we examine originalities of manifestation of the conflict and typological characters from the point of view of this literary trend. Creation of a certain national color is noted to be an important component in subject and composite structure of the story. An analysis of the text is used to demonstrate the declared theoretical provisions. The conclusion is drawn that the story «Ammalat-Bek» is typical of the 1830s. Absence of the settled concepts always gives some knowledge and unites internal dynamics of a literary era. From this point of view definition of a place of the Caucasian stories of A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky promotes reconstruction of a romantic paradigm of the Russian literature.

    pdf 161-165.pdf  (291 Kb)

  • Shteynbakh K.V.
    Problem of conflict in Alexander Prokhanov’s novels “The Russian” and “Man of the Star”

    In this paper, some features of plot development and finals of two novels of Alexander Prokhanov are analyzed to search for specific features of the poetics relevant in context of all his works and for traits of their implementation in these two novels. We used interpretational and comparative methods to analyze these texts and their interrelation with other works of A. Prokhanov. Furthermore, we consider denouement of the novels as important feature of all works of Alexander Prokhanov. During the negative experience, characters have an opportunity of spiritual rebirth, though ambivalence of denouements permits other interpretations. In this paper, we provide our literary analysis and different researchers’ interpretations, including those concerning genre peculiarities of the texts. The practical significance of research is related to the use of its results in developing the training courses devoted to history of the Russian literature and for further research of the works of A. Prokhanov.

    pdf 166-170.pdf  (286 Kb)


  • Kuyek A.S.
    Mythical images of Ud and Dzhyne in the Adyghe Nart epos

    On the basis of the comparative analysis of the Nart legends and other folklore works, the new understanding of mythical images of Ud and Dzhyne in the heroic epos of Adyghe «Nartkher» is proposed in this paper. This study shows the mechanisms of epic effect and influence of the magic epos on formation of mythical images of forces not subject to the person, as well as the transition of the mythical hero to epic and its certain transformation under the influence of the magic (fantastic) epos. Ud is noted to be the mythical being which passed into the Nart epos, having become further the fairy tale character. Data on bzedzhenadzh (malice bearers – harm creators) are identified; in the Adyghe folklore they personify powers of darkness with which the hero has to fight. The author describes the structural situations proving that Uds and Dzhynes often bear different functions and are presented in relation to the person sometimes in two ways. The theoretical problems related to research of this phenomenon are designated. It is inferred that studying mythical images of Ud and Dzhyne is of essential significance for research of mythology and the Nart epos of Adyghes.

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  • Kikova T.M.
    Postmodern advertising: the shocking advertising course as a way of brand advance

    The paper provides the characteristic of postmodern advertising in the context of postmodernism philosophy. The practical and theoretical importance of research is caused by insufficient study and by incorrect introduction in practice of methods of the shocking advertising. Attention is paid to changes in modern society of value orientations and the relation of the person to a thing. Methods of postmodern advertising are analyzed basing on the example of an advertising campaign of the Benetton Group brand. The shocking advertising is considered from positions of postmodernism methodology in two ways: as the marketing move which drew attention of the consumer and from the ethical point of view. A number of methods of postmodern advertising are described and consequences and a public response to the shocking advertising are analyzed. The problem space of nonconventional advertising is defined and conclusions are drawn on its efficiency. Work has the applied value in the sphere of advertising and PR in respect of the analysis of incorrect operation of the shocking information in the advertising text.

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  • Khazhgeriyeva A.À.
    The role of branding in formation of tourist appeal of the Republic of Adyghea

    The work focuses upon research on presence of a brand of the Republic of Adyghea in information space as a factor of increasing tourist appeal of the region. Specifically our aim is to identify the main directions promoting formation of positive image of the Republic. In this aspect we prove relevance of development and advance of a brand of the region in information space as a tool of development and positive positioning in information space that has practical value in complex structure of PR management of Adyghea. As a result it is inferred that for attraction of additional attention and increase of tourist appeal of the Republic of Adyghea, successful will be that image policy which will rely on historical traditions, on opinion and support of local expert community and on active interest of inhabitants of the region in carrying out such policy.

    pdf 182-186.pdf  (288 Kb)

    Study of Arts

  • Utegaliyeva S.I.
    The development of musical Turkology at the present stage

    The paper examines the topical issues of musical Turkology, one of the most popular trends in modern ethnomusicology. Its purpose is to describe the current state of this relatively new scientific discipline. The author for the first time reveals the main stages in the development of musical Turkology, defines its goals and objectives, and outlines the prospects for further development. The objects of the research are the achievements in the field of this knowledge, including the activities of a number of organizations involved in the study and promotion of musical and poetic art of the Turkic peoples, as well as musical material on traditional vocal, instrumental and vocal-instrumental art of Turks, mostly in Central Asia. Scientific and practical significance of this paper is that it investigates the poorly known phenomena in the music of the Turks and popularizes them. The research methodology involves the use of an integrated approach in the analysis of separate problems of musical Turkology and comparative typological and comparative historical methods. Prospects for the development of musical Turkology in the author’s opinion are in creation of the international regional scientificresearch center (ISRC) or the Institute for the music of the Turks at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. Within its frameworks it will be possible to organize international folklore and ethnographic expeditions in the regions inhabited by Turkic peoples or Turkic diaspora (China, Mongolia, the CIS countries, Turkey, Hungary, Germany, etc.), as well as to carry out joint researches in different areas of musical Turkology.

    pdf 187-193.pdf  (304 Kb)