The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#3 / 2017


  • Nekhay V.N.
    Review of the monograph: North Caucasus: religions, policy, elites, safety / Ed. T. Bodio. Warsaw: Wladza elite przywodztwo, 2017. V. XI. 604 p.

    In the present review, the analysis is carried out of a monographic research which has been prepared by the international group of scientists on current problems of ethnoreligious and sociopolitical development of the North Caucasian society. Use of cross-disciplinary approach to consider dynamics of sociocultural and ethnoconfessional changes in the North Caucasus is the best asset of the reviewed scientific work that allows research community to carry out complex diagnostics of key problems of the region.

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  • Adzinova A.A.
    Anthroponymic headings-precedentisms in the creolized text

    The analysis of the anthroponymic precedent headings, namely: a verbal component of the creolized text is carried out for the first time. The author described functioning of titles-precedentisms in creolized texts and identified peculiarity of their perception and potential impact on the addressee of a complex of verbal and nonverbal means of these texts that made it possible to determine mechanisms of strategy realization by authors of periodicals, using the methods of the linguistic taxonomy, observation, comparison and generalization. The mentioned circumstances allow paying special attention in the analysis of the organization of the creolized text to studying heading as the most important component of text structure.

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  • Bidanok M.M.
    Syncretism in the Adyghe language and its manifestations in the Adyghe prosaic text (from materials of Kh. Ashinov’s stories)

    Syncretism is examined as a possibility of merge of two inequivalent concepts in the general lexical unit. Various concepts of model justifying relevance of studying the language phenomenon are given with consideration at the same time of the obvious ethnic originality. The technique of research is based on the comparative analysis and semantic correlation of Khazret Ashinov’s texts and the Adyghe language operating today. The motivational conditionality moves forward in three directions as the factor causing a possible syncreticism. As a result of the analysis of syncretism features the author reveals certain laws in its functioning against the background of allocation of the categorial row proved by material of Kh. Ashinov’s prose. In particular, existence of a direct prototypical situation is recognized as the first factor which has caused the syncretic phenomena in texts; the second is a certain motivational predeterminacy. The author of this paper designates multifunctionality of syncretism as the partial regularity capable from time to time to be broken. To prove these assumptions the author considers some motivational lines with paginal examples and specification of meanings. The language analysis has revealed that the possibility of merge of two inequivalent concepts in the general lexical unit shows a language originality of the syncretic phenomenon, it carries as well obvious ethnic originality with possible allocation of the categorial row confirmed by obvious above-stated text examples from prose of one of the Adyghe authors.

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  • Guziekova S.M.
    Conceptual essence of linguistic personality in fiction world picture

    The aim of this paper is to identify the conceptual essence of linguistic personality in fiction world picture that reflects special vision of the writer. By combining some elements of contextual and semantic research methods the author of the paper suggests an integrated system approach to study the linguistic personality as the representative of language world picture. During the investigation, it is presupposed that conceptual world picture of the linguistic personality is formed with the help of the concepts, symbols and key words that construct the whole conceptual sphere of the fiction text. The study proves the idea that the individual cognitive system of the man comprises general cultural concepts that are comprehensive for any reader and it is mandatory component of the individual author’s world view as it helps to understand his texts within the whole world picture. Such scientific approach reflects the personal contribution of the author to the theory of language, theory of the text, lingua-cultural and cognitive sciences.

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  • Ivanova D.S.
    Nonterminological names of diseases as research object: Problem statement

    The paper discusses nonterminological names of diseases which make the part of a language picture of the world of Russian native speakers reflecting human knowledge of medicine. Insignificant attention is paid to nonterminological names of diseases, to their structure and functioning in a modern scientific discourse; these words are not analyzed specially and are considered only in the context of other problems. The nonterminological name of a disease is understood as the word or a phrase relating to nonterminological (everyday) medical lexicon. As a rule, these are words which are synonyms of scientific names of diseases and are widely used in informal conversation or have passed into the category of archaisms. These nominations either are recorded in etymological dictionaries, in «The Eplanatory Dictionary of Russian» by V.I. Dahl, in folklore texts (sorceries, legends) or in the majority are fixed in special medical terminological and philological dictionaries.

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  • Kondratova A.V., Pavlovskaya O.E.
    National and regional identity as markers of Kuban ergonyms

    On the basis of the analysis of Kuban ergonyms, an attempt is undertaken to reveal the extralinguistic principles, which are taken as a basis for the choice of proper names for various enterprises of the region. The classifying ability of consciousness makes it possible to choose, in the course of nomination, such features of structuring of the real world, which lead to the successful activity of enterprise. Among such features is the pragmatic attitude to an object, social and spiritual level of society, the categorial differentiation of the individual’s consciousness promoting the selective choice of impressions about the reality. The large group of ergonyms is made by the names in the basis of which there is the evidence of the national and regional component. In the multinational region emphasis on the national component, the Russian identity, the Russian customs and traditions is the deep concept of national attitude reflecting symbolical relationship with constants of the national culture which is among the connotative components of meaning forming the attitude of the addressee and sender to an object. The distinctive feature of regional identity is represented through the region symbolics, through the onyms with regional semantics reflecting the regional specifics, and historical features of the development of the region. The ergonyms of Kuban have the diachronic multiple-layer structure basing on the replacement of cultural representations. The communicative efficiency of ergonyms with national and regional identification contributes to the development of language policy in terms of the preservation of the cultural and historical symbols, the rising prestige of the region among the native speakers and society in general. The analysis of Kuban ergonyms and searching for the corresponding ways of their representation in onomastic space of Krasnodar Region gives us the chance to speak about the preferable directions in naming of business objects in Kuban.

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  • Korotkova M.O.
    Text of literary work as polycode phenomenon of art communication

    Features of fiction text are revealed and analyzed as components of literary art communication. The research is based on methods of studying the text from a position of semiotics and linguistics of the text. It systematizes a complex of approaches to interpretation of the concept «code» and to studying parameters of functioning of codes in the art text. In such a way it promotes determination of the dominant parameters of semantic content of any text material of the work of art expressed by means of universal text codes. The results obtained within this research can be used in teaching the theory of language, linguistics of the text, and semiotics. It is possible to draw a conclusion that the code in this research needs to be considered as a way of submission of information by means of lexical, syntactic and other text units through interpretation of which the reader, applying earlier gained knowledge and his own experience, discloses sense of the message which the author has put in the text.

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  • Loova A.D., Dzhandar B.M.
    On some forms of speech etiquette as basic value in consciousness of the language personality (from material of the German and Adyghe languages)

    The paper examines the national specific features of implementation of some greeting formulas in the German and Adyghe languages. The lexical units and phrases reflecting social processes, cultural traditions of the people, and ethnic features are investigated. The aim of this work is to analyze language and culturological properties of speech etiquette in cross-cultural communication using an example of the German and Adyghe languages. For the first time an attempt is made to investigate rules of speech behavior, and the system of speech formulas of communication in language consciousness of the German and Adyghe culture carriers. The comparative method is used to identify features of speech etiquette functioning in the German and Adyghe languages. The speech etiquette is defined as the regulator of communicative behavior since in the modern world there is an active development of informatization and globalization, strengthening of cross-cultural communication and related mutual understanding problems. It has been established that national and cultural features of communicative behavior are caused by the fact that steady formulas of a greeting in communicative consciousness of representatives of various cultures have different contents; in the course of communication they are considered from the point of view of language norm for the native speaker.

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  • Lulikova A.V.
    Urban discourse of Ven. Erofeev’s poem “Moscow – Petushki”

    The article examines the social and cultural determinants of the urban discourse of Ven. Erofeev’s poem “Moscow – Petushki”. Within the framework of cultural and discursive approaches expressive intonations of urban space are revealed which arise as a result of a reinterpretation of traditional images for Russian literature and constitute social and psychological antonymism of the urban discourse of the poem. The scientific originality of the article is in determining the existential and psychological signs of topos of Moscow and provincial topos as the main forms of representation of the urban discourse of the poem. Thus, the urban discourse is concretized by the image of the person. The image of the person becomes some kind of microcosm, and the image of various forms of behavior of the person, his physiological requirements – food, drink, alcohol – materialize urban space and bring a disharmony amendment in unity of the world and the person.

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  • Melnichuk S.F.
    On the linguo-cultural status of the concept of “writer’s fate”

    This article is an attempt to present the concept of “writer’s fate” and to prove that the concept of “writer’s fate” belongs to linguo-cultural type of concepts with nationally specific meaning. Different methods (lexicographical data, lexico-semantic analysis and concept modelling) were used to prove that the writer’s fate is characterised as tragic, with loneliness and misunderstanding being its main features in native Russian speaker comprehension. Special emphasis is made on the lexeme “a writer” which is also proved to be a linguo-cultural concept due to its evaluative component. A writer is believed to be a true talented master in Russian language cognition who doesn’t think about his glory but devotes his life to his work. The originality of this research lies in its object — the concept of “writer’s fate” —which has not yet been described in the scientific papers. The results of this article can be useful as new addition to all scientific papers featuring Russian language image of the world.

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  • Sapieva S.K.
    Adygstvo as variant of Kavkazskost and features of its explication in art discourse

    The paper describes and analyzes the concept of national consciousness reflected in the concepts of «Caucasian mentality» - «Kavkazskost» and «the Adyghe mentality» – «adygstvo». The main objective of this research is to investigate units in the art hypertext of the writer Gariy Nemchenko, explicating an adygstvo (àäûãàãúý) as a kavkazskost component. The research gives the chance to popularize moral values of the Adyghe people in the context of easing ethnic consciousness in the conditions of the present, as well as to use its results to solve further theoretical tasks in the field of cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics and cultural linguistics. The method of the contextual analysis of the text and technique of allocation of key units allow us to reveal the language means forming cognitive space adygage in an art picture of the world of the writer which act as verbalizators of the Caucasian mentality in general and the Adyghe – in particular, and define this phenomenon as complicated ethnomental conceptual unit with dominant signs inherent in it.

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  • Tlekhatuk S.R.
    Categorical structuring of the subject area «Economics»

    The paper explores the system of categories that form the cognitive-semiotic framework of the subject area «Economics», taking into account the cognitive perception of reality, and cognitive activities as an integral part of human consciousness. Categorization is considered an important cognitive process, the ability to carry out the classification of objects and phenomena of surrounding reality directly related to the subject area of Economics. Its structuring is presented in more detail, taking into account the results of component analysis. The data obtained in the framework of the presented research, based on the study of numerous domestic and foreign authoritative sources and peer-reviewed periodicals related to the study of conceptual and categorical tools of the subject area of Economics with its specific characteristics and features contributing to the definition of fundamental semantic classifications of scientific terminology. In the formation of knowledge a special role is played by the system of concepts, and mainly the special units of the language – terms. The results of the study have theoretical significance to systematize the existing approaches to the study of this question, and the categories as the quanta of knowledge generated in the process of scientific inquiry and gain experience. It is shown that the system of categories is largely determined by the nature of science as epistemological domain.

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  • Khachmafova Z.R., Goncharova E.N.
    Lexical means of representation of concept «success» in the modern journalese discourse

    The paper analyzes the features of a lexical explication of a concept «success» in the Russian and Anglo-American linguocultures by using material of media texts, blog and article data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the word-forming potentialities of nominees of this concept in the linguocultures considered. Use of methods of conceptual, structural-semantic (in case of a research of structure and semantics of the lexical units representing the concept under study), definitional, component, interpretative and contextological analysis (when reviewing text material) allowed the authors to come to a conclusion that derivational processes are one of productive means of verbalization of the concept «success» in the modern journalese discourse. The research makes a contribution to the solution of problems of a linguoculturological and linguo-cognitive research of sociocultural concepts.

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  • Sheozheva B.A., Abregov A.N.
    Active processes in the word-formation system of the Adyghe language

    This paper examines the Adyghe word-formation system of the early 21st century as the studied problem has not found due reflection in works of linguists. It is noted that the case of newly-formed words in the Adyghe language demonstrates that its word-formation system is strengthening its activity. A research objective of this paper is to identify the dynamics of development of the word-formation system caused by expansion of range of communicative functions of the Adyghe language. Use of methods of a linguistic research adequate to objectives (a theoretical method - the analysis of references on the studied problem; empirical methods - observation, a method of continuous selection when collecting material, the word-formation analysis, etc.) has allowed the authors to bring together evidential base of the offered conclusions sufficient for justification. High-quality changes in lexicon reflect the deep processes in society due to activation of word-formation opportunities of the Adyghe language. This research, proposing to comprehend processes in the word-formation and lexical system of the Adyghe language, defines development of the case of newly-formed words.

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  • Scherbakova I.V., Evsyukova T.V.
    Verbal and nonverbal means of objectivation of indignation emotion in an art discourse (from material of the Russian and German languages)

    The paper examines the language means representing indignation emotion in art communication on the basis of material of the Russian and German languages. The purpose of the paper is to describe and analyze language means of objectivation of an emotional condition of indignation in an art discourse in the author and character’s speech. To achieve the goal the following methods of research are used: descriptive, contextual and stylistic-pragmatic analysis and technique of linguistic observation. Fiction texts of classical and modern literature in the Russian and German languages have served as practical material for this research. It has been established that the emotional condition of indignation in an art discourse is expressed by verbal and nonverbal means through the direct nomination of this emotion, as well as by means of the description. The theoretical importance of research lies in studying the mechanisms of language expression of indignation emotion in an art discourse.

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  • Yastrebov-Pestritsky M.S.
    Univerbation and other examples of language evolution. Comparativization of newspaper texts with a 110-year temporary distance

    The comparative review of texts of the main domestic publications divided by more than century-long temporary distance is carried out. The purpose of this paper is to show how language evolved throughout the 20th century. For this we used such phenomenon as a univerbation (contraction, an ellipsis, condensation) as an example. This small research can be scientifically interesting to experts in the field of syntax and stylistics of modern Russian. Work related to teaching these disciplines can bring also practical benefits. The comparative method we used is the best of all possible for such researches: this method makes it possible to monitor visually language changes in real, official publications of the central press. The main outcome of work is identification of grammatical and stylistic features of texts of two eras divided by more than century-long temporary distance. This work shows the tendency in which these features change (simplification, a speech laconization) and further predicted intention of language (economy of language means). In addition to a contribution to studying such branches of linguistic science as the syntax and stylistics of printing texts, this work also illustrates striking and interesting examples from the field of grammar and semantics of some lexical units. Mini-journey is made into the field of literary criticism: the names, widely known in domestic literature, which are often found among employees of the studied editions are of literary interest.

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  • Tikhonova A.P.
    A Hittite Ritual through the Light of Abkhaz-Adyghe Languages

    The task of this study is to identify the meaning of the Hattian words that do not have a Hittite translation, through the Abkhaz-Adyghe lexical correspondences. To establish the affinity of two or more languages, both ancient and modern, it is possible to compare not only words, but also root morphemes, taking into account the pace of dictionary renewal and the structural-phonological and grammatical divergence of related languages, depending on external and internal factors of language evolution. Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe words or components of words are considered to be identical only on the basis of sound correspondences between them. The Hattian words are given in the Latin transliteration, their Abkhaz-Adyghe correspondences in Cyrillic. The material of the study was Hittite ritual texts with Hattian inclusions. Of the seven surviving lines in the Hattian language, six lexemes have been identified that have correspondences in modern Abkhaz-Adyghe languages; Also the continuity of ancient and modern traditions was revealed, which eliminates the chance of coincidence and confirms their origin from a single language and cultural space. The linguistic justification for the genetic relationship of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages with the Hattian, one of the languages of the most ancient population of Asia Minor, will allow a more complete and deeper coverage of the historical past of the peoples of the Caucasus. The results of the research can be used to write the history of the Hattic and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.

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    Literary Criticism

  • Beshukova F.B., Khachmafova Z.R.
    Postmodern text strategy in space of literary communication

    In a communicative key, a number of basic text strategies of modern authors-postmodernists are examined, in particular, the theory of death of the author, a rhizome as model of text structure, allusitivity and reminiscence, deconstruction, nonlinearity of the narration, mixture of genres and styles, etc. The goal, in turn, actualizes interest in the theory of death of the author and in an active role of the reader who has the «literary competence» which has artistically been implemented in modern postmodern literature. The problem of a rupture of a communicative chain observed in literary communication is analyzed. The literary work is considered as the sign system having a set of interpretations. The object of research is analyzed by means of postmodern literary critical paradigm. As a result, the conclusion is drawn that the modern literature having in many respects experimental, game character comes to the new stage of development basing on the previous cultural experience and experimenting to a greater degree not with substantial but with the structural side of the fiction text.

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  • Dzhambekova T.B., Dzhambekov O.A.
    On literary and folklore searches of A.D. Sheripov (toward the 120th anniversary since birth)

    Literary and folklore searches of the talented publicist Aslanbek Sheripov are analyzed. At twenty-year age he has headed the movement of mountaineers against Denikin and Bicherakhov’s troops during establishment of the Soviet power in Chechnya. His work «From the Chechen national songs» (1918), written at the height of civil war, is important not only for definition of moral and esthetic views of A. Sheripov on life, on «the place of the personality in society», but also for assessment of his attitude to folklore in general. Aslanbek is noted to be interested in the Chechen folklore since boyish years, especially national fairy tales and heroic-historical songs demonstrating «the developed humanistic and realistic traditions». Since then the aspiration to resemble real and fantastic heroes: daring and noble equestrians – defenders of the poor is guessed in character of the boy. The characteristic of images of noble abreks of Gekha, Yusup, the son of Moussa and Asir, created based on folk art, testifies to undoubted literary talent of A. Sheripov. This, despite «political addictions» of young Aslanbek, his excessive «fervor and bravery», was the cause for the national writer Abuzar Aydamirov to call Aslanbek Sheripov the person of the 20th century.

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  • Panesh U.M., Shazzo Sh.E., Khachmafova Z.R.
    On folklore sources and features of the story genre formation in new written «prose of historic breakthrough» (from material of the Adyg literatures of 1920 – 1930s)

    The paper explores the features of the story genre formation in new written «prose of a historic breakthrough» on the basis of a comparative typological method. Sources are characterized: folklore basis, influence of the Oriental art, educational esthetics, and experience of the Russian literature of the 19th century. T. Borukaev, I. Ashkan, Ali Shogentsukov, Z. Maksidov, I. Tsey’s first works come under influence of both traditions of realism, and the «esthetics of extreme contrasts» typical of the first stage of formation of new written literature. Also it is established that the tendency of strengthening art problematical character at the expense of depicting new lines of the hero of revolutionary reality is displayed in works of writers. The relevance of a subject is caused by need of the analysis of separate national literatures in the context of formation of the combined Russian art community. It is inferred that the story of the 1920 – 1930s has developed in the Adyg literatures such problem, structural and style lines which have reflected the general features of the initial stage of development of the combined Russian art.

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  • Panesh S.R.
    Typological features of poem genre forms in the Adyghe literature of the 1960-1990s

    The paper deals with the poem genre system in the Adyghe literature of the 1960-1990s. An attempt is undertaken to study in complex typological features of the poem. The purpose of the paper is to analyze, from a position of typological approach, the genre, structural and style variants, as well as historical-literary and theoretical problems of formation of the poem genre. Typological features of genre forms of the poems focused on modern, military and historical subjects and poems with the folklore basis are revealed. The relevance of the subject is caused by need to analyze the development of genre system of the poem in the Adyghe literature. In this study the comparative and typological methods of research and the literary analysis are used. As a result, theoretical bases are developed in studying genesis and evolution of the poem. The individual author’s principles, that are displayed in a plot structure, in the depicting images, in formation of author’s style, and in the choice of means of expression, are put in the forefront.

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  • Panesh S.R., Kerasheva F.N.
    On formation of the lyrical and lyrical-dramatic poem in the Adyghe literature (the 1960-1970s)

    The paper examines the art opportunities of lyrical and lyrical-dramatic poem in the Adyghe literature of the 1960-1970s. The authors note the introduction of techniques that are nontraditional for national poetry in N. Kuyek, Kh. Beretar, M. Emizh’s works, etc. The purpose of this paper is to reveal features of genre forms of the poems focused on modern subjects. The relevance of a subject lies in need to analyze poems about the contemporaneity by N. Kuyek, N. Bagov, and M. Emizh that gives the grounds to speak about the establishment of a lyrical-philosophical genre in the Adyghe poem of the 20th century, about genre, structural and style features of the modern poem. Thus, strengthening the art problematical character not only develops the lyrical and lyrical-epic poem, but also promotes merge of the lyrical-confessionary plan with the objective narrative. This promotes formation of various synthesized genre forms in the modern poem, and addressing the folklore world at the new level of art thinking. The comparative method and the literary analysis are used in this research. It is inferred that there is influence of the dramatic art on the modern Adyghe poem that leads to enrichment of art opportunities of dramatic kind of the lyrical poem, and to introduction in it of nontraditional techniques for national poetry.

  • Khatkova I.N.
    Features of depicting a historical era in the novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «Infidel»

    The paper explores some features of the work «Infidel» of the famous Russian writer I.I. Lazhechnikov in the context of typology of the historical novel of Walter Scott. It helps to define the place and value of this novel in art space of the Russian historical fiction of the first half of the 19th century. The author examines the conflict originality, the free and entertaining organization of a plot, features of system of images, a role of fictional characters from the point of view of specifics of the above mentioned genre. It is noted that Lazhechnikov has authentically transferred not only customs, life, prejudices and delusions of the past, but also have embodied an image and spirit of the era, and have managed to create peculiar characters of historical persons. Just the dramatic nature and logic of events, discrepancy of characters along with a love intrigue move a romantic plot. The technique of this research is based on the comparative analysis of fiction texts of the novel of «Infidel» and works by V. Scott. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of this work are connected with the textual and typological analysis of the novel of «Infidel» showing the stated theoretical provisions. The conclusion is drawn that the work represents the romantic historical novel.

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  • Shishkhova N.M., Ankudinov K.N.
    Manifestations of romantic outlook in poetic works of the Russian early symbolists (K. Balmont, S. Sokolov-Krechetov, I. Annensky, and A. Blok)

    Features of romantic thinking in poetic creativity of Russian early symbolists are investigated. The uniqueness of manifestation of romantic outlook in K. Balmont, S. Sokolov-Krechetov, I. Annensky, and A. Blok’s creativity is examined. The basic attention is paid to the works containing the romantically marked elements which reflect interrelation of traditions. The analysis of poetic material made it possible to reveal typical manifestations of this interrelation, to describe them in the comparative plan, as well as to disclose specifics of its expression. An analysis is made of dynamics of development of romantic thinking by the above called poets. The well-known hypotheses concerning the put problem are represented with a support on typological observations and the literary analysis. At the same time the thesis is put forward and the obvious possibility of surge in romantic thinking during various specific historical eras is justified. It is stated that the most different views which are going back to the Russian and European romanticism have found reflection in creativity of Russian early symbolists.

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  • Shovgenova T.A.
    The novel «Goshevnay» by I. Mashbash in the context of development of the Adyghe historical-revolutionary prose

    The paper discusses the historical-revolutionary novel “Goshevnay” by I. Mashbash in literary process of the 1960-1980s, the ideological and thematic orientation of the novel, its originality, and artistic implementation of a historical image. Art reproduction of the historical-revolutionary past takes the important place in the Adyghe prose. In its development the historical-revolutionary prose puts forward new problems which demand both the deep analysis and sweeping generalization in the light of ideological and art experience. The relevance of work is defined by insufficient study of historical-revolutionary prose in works of the writer and in the whole national literature. The historical-literary, comparative-historical methods of research are used in work. The practical importance of this paper lies in a possibility of its application in studies of history of national literature, and in development of educational and methodical manuals.

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  • Paranuk K.N.
    Neomythologism paradigm in the Adyghe contemporary novel

    The paper discusses the mythologism of novels of the Adyghe writers N. Kuyek, Yu. Chuyako, Kh. Beshtokov, and D. Koshubaev. To define nature of myth creation in their novels the author of this paper investigates influence of myth poetics on problems, plots, an image formation and art structure of novels. An analysis is made of the ways of mythologization, key archetypes and mythemes which are implicitly present in a narrative. To determine types of mythologism in these novels in the context of the Western European and world literature comparative, typological, structural and semiotic methods of the analysis are used. In the conclusion it is inferred that the character of mythologism in the analyzed novels comes down to the neomythologism having typological relationships to the main tendencies of the world literature. The results of this research marking a neomythologism paradigm in the Adyghe contemporary novel can be useful in studies of national literatures, in particular, of the higher school program of a course on the North Caucasian literatures.

    pdf 155-160.pdf  (309 Kb)

    Study of Arts

  • Alpeissova G.T., Akparova G.T.
    Legendary Korkyt’s figure in contemporary music of Kazakhstan: philosophical aspect

    Studies of the problem of the philosophical content in contemporary music of Kazakhstan are made taking an example of A. Bestybaev’s play for cello «Korkyt-ata». In the content of the work, a pair of philosophical life-death categories are explicated, the surprising solution of which was found by Korkyt - the wiseman of the Turkic world. The authors substantiate intonation and thematic development in the work by the semantic grammar of kobyz kuis. The result of the analysis is the conclusion that in the work of A. Bestybaev «Korkyt-ata» national musical vocabulary is represented, which contributes to the disclosure of Korkyt’s philosophy - overcoming death through music. The philosophical and musical heritage of Korkyt not only does not lose its appeal, but also attracts the increasing attention in connection with spiritual transformation of society and the solution of questions of continuity of culture. Judgment of historical and cultural heritage has attracted keen interest in images of the past that is relevant during an era of the global processes happening in the world.

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  • Akparova G.T.
    Composition for clarinet and piano “Dervish” by S. Abdinurov

    The purpose of this paper is to review a composition for clarinet and piano “Dervish” of the modern Kazakh composer Serikzhan Abdinurov, to reveal the specifics of this piece of music, the figurative sphere and its embodiment and to define its structure and character of musical images. This work is being introduced into scientific use for the first time and the practical significance of the work is that the paper can be used in the educational process of musicians and musicologists in the courses «History of Kazakh Music» and «History of Performing Arts». Research materials can be of interest to researchers in the field of history and theory of instrumental genres, as well as to performers, composers, and teachers. The musical piece «Dervish» for clarinet and piano reveals the features of S. Abdinurov’s work fully, consistently and vividly. It clearly shows the individual composer’s handwriting both from the point of view of thematic invention, ways of its development, and the musical embodiment of the content.

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  • Voitleva N.A.
    Piano music of the composers of Adyghea in musical educational space of the Republic

    The paper discusses the piano creativity of composers of Adyghea whose works are conditionally divided into the following groups: educational pedagogical repertoire, transcriptions, and concert repertoire. The short analysis of pieces of music gives an idea of specific features of style of each author, common features in use of means of expression in a specific musical genre. Studying this musical literature expands the pedagogical repertoire and promotes learning diverse metric-rhythmic figures and combinations, special melodies, harmony, texture and a shape. Professional music as a culture component traditionally unites elements of folklore and the European laws of musical thinking, and the Adyghe contemporary professional music in this sense is not an exception.

    pdf 175-178.pdf  (253 Kb)