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#3 / 2018
Garazha N.A., Malysheva E.M.
"… Remember, people live in other houses too". Review of the book by Elke Scherstjanoj "Capture in the East (1941-1945). Memoirs and experience of the German soldiers". Voronezh: Publisher O.Yu. Aleynikov, 2016. 208 p.
Thorough insight into the experience gained by soldiers of Wehrmacht, who were hold in Soviet captivity, is provided to attention of the reader. The assembled memoirs interviews show wonderfully a many-sided picture recreating all variety of personal examples of fear, confusion and hopes of soldiers of army of conquerors in a strange land, some uniformity of the arising deep experiences. Memories of meetings "personally" with the Russian soldier in the conditions of the front, with the Soviet person who was "enemy" in captivity, shape the answer to a question as to what are the obvious and hidden meanings of hostility of the people to the people, the individual to the individual. The addressing the analysis of incentive impulses of formation of new space for dialogue evolves from reformatting of the previous stereotypes. The reviewed edition of the German researcher Elke Scherstjanoj brings to reflections these difficult and very relevant problems in modern geopolitical realities.
Akhidzhak B.N.
Ethnocultural specificity of the linguistic consciousness of a bilingual writer
The article outlines and analyses the basic principles of creating the most characteristic features of modern linguistics, such as a description of the interaction of languages in the bilingual consciousness of the author with the help of culturally marked linguistic means on the example of the works of a bilingual writer. The object of the study is the linguistic consciousness of the bilingual writer.
The data obtained within the framework of the presented scientific research based on the study of numerous Russian and international authoritative sources and refereed periodicals devoted to the problems of development, formation and systematization of modern fundamental knowledge in the field of cognitive linguistics, especially its semantics, seems to have served as the subject of the study, i.e. the language tools used by the bilingual author in his works, which “dementalise” consciousness of the bilingual writer.
The results of the research are of theoretical importance, consisting in systematization of approaches to working out one of the important aspects of cognitive linguistics in comparison with traditional descriptive linguistics. Descriptive linguistics has the goal of describing, constituting facts and taking active positions in cognitive science. Moreover, it makes possible the application of the identified culturally marked units in the text of the bilingual author Kadir Nakho, the author of Adyg origin and who creates his works in English.
The obtained data can be successfully applied to the theoretical development of cognitive semantics, which acts as a general theory of conceptualization and categorization, the theory of how the author's bilingual consciousness, when creating texts in English, produces vocabulary and phrases similar in content and in the structure of his native language in which can be seen the author's intentions in concretizing the national-cultural values that exist in the memory of the Adygs, as well as the desire of the author's consciousness to convey the peculiarities of the mentality to the people and the uniqueness of their inner world.
Baranova A.Yu.
Features of an explication of comic in the art text
In this paper we explore text-forming function of comic, and analyze its special role in the postmodern text. The text of the novel of Yury Polyakov "A kid in Milk" has served as the material of this research. Results of the conducted research have shown that representation of comic is based on a language game, which performs function of exaggeration in the satirical novel, the fantastic representation of reality that is peculiar to modernism. Using methods of the contextual analysis, interpretation and descriptive method we come to a conclusion that the comic, being text-forming means, manifests itself not only in author's notes, but is the cornerstone of creation of images, dialogues and finds the bright embodiment in the speech of characters. The practical importance of the obtained results lies in a possibility of their use for teaching speech communication, the philological analysis, for preparation of special seminars and term papers. The specifics of interpretation of means of expression of irony can be used in the linguistic analysis of texts. Results of the research can be useful at establishment of the mechanism of formation of comic in a satirical, ironical context.
Wang Yanbing
On semantics of the latest loan of gadget
The paper deals with the semantic adaptation of foreign-language loans in Russian. The purpose of this publication is to specify semantics of the latest loan of a word gadget, which is characterized, on the one hand, by high rate of the use, and on the other – by insufficient degree of semantic familiarity. This is proved by search system data and on occasions by incorrect use of a new word in the speech of native speakers of Russian. Now the relevant neologism is presented only in two dictionaries of foreign languages, and with various interpretations. Application of methods of the seme and contextual analysis has allowed us to reveal obligatory and facultative semes in its semantic structure. The place of a neologism in the lexical system of the borrowing language, and the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations with its units are defined. Results and technique of the conducted research can be used for creation of a lexicographic portrait of a lexeme necessary for drawing up dictionary entries in explanatory dictionaries and in the lexicographic Wiktionary project.
Gabunia Z.M., Akhidzhakova M.P.
On contensive typology of languages as a basis for cognitivism development
The paper identifies and analyzes the basic principles of creation of the most typical features of modern linguistics relevant for contensive typology: idea of semantics, idea of difference of categorial and speech sense of the subject and object relations in the sentence, schematic governing law of "semantic primitives". The research is based on studying the numerous domestic and foreign authoritative sources and the reviewed periodicals devoted to problems of development, formation and systematization of modern fundamental knowledge in the field of cognitive linguistics, in particular its semantics. Results of work have the theoretical importance, make it possible to systematize approaches to study one of the important aspects of cognitive linguistics in comparison with traditional descriptive linguistics, which describes, states the facts and takes active positions in cognitive science. Moreover, it makes it possible to apply the revealed tendencies for optimization of process of development and studying world order of the person, the reasons of changes of these or those phenomena in language, society, culture, communication. The obtained data can be successfully applied for theoretical development of the cognitive semantics acting as the general theory of conceptualization and categorization, the theory of how the person perceives and comprehends the world around, and what is his experience in learning language meanings and expressions.
Dzhankylych A.
The article is devoted to the study of praise words to Circassian men and women in Turkish songs in which many relationship episodes of the two peoples reflected. In some of the songs the Turks oppose the Circassians. They ask to send them back as the Circassians occupy their territories. In others they admire their clothes, tools, objects of everyday life, appearance (blue-eyed, fair-haired, slim and much more beautiful than others). In the proposed article only 4 songs are analyzed, but there are much more similar songs, the study of which is of great importance for both history and linguoculturology. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that until now there are no studies on this subject. The scientific and practical significance is determined by the fact that the analyzed songs, where the established events and attitude to the Circassians are described, are studied from the scientific point of view. We came to the conclusion that such songs are of huge information load, which needs to be processed until they are lost.
Zemliakova N.V.
Metaphorical potential of the noun in the figurative nomination of a person
The present publication identifies and analyses the main features of a noun use as a means for creating a figurative nomination of a person based on metaphor. The main goal of the research is to identify and describe the structural and semantic models of figurative names of a person. Figurative nomination is considered as an element of the language system, which manifests itself as the development and presence of figurativeness in the vocabulary units of the language. Metaphor is defined as the most productive way of figurative naming a person, on the basis of which productive structural-semantic models are formed. The material for the study was lexical and phraseological units, extracted by the method of continuous sampling from Russian explanatory and phraseological dictionaries. The research methodology is based on the analysis of structural and semantic features, reflecting the combination of conceptual and evaluative components in the semantics of the names. Analysis of the figurative nomination of a person through the use of a metaphorically rethought noun revealed the following patterns: 1) structural-semantic models reflect the properties correlated with the zoomorphic, anthropomorphic and objective worlds; 2) appeal to the metaphorical transfer is associated with the implementation of the communicative-evaluative function; 3) structural-semantic models are characterized by a semantic capacity attribute, suggesting the possibility of varying associative features. The obtained data expands the understanding of the system properties of human figurative characteristics as the implementation of the anthropometric principle. They can be successfully applied as a theoretical basis for the further study of the figurative nomination of a person to identify the linguocultural characteristics of figurative nominations in the picture of the world.
Kalinina S.A.
The concept of theater in the Russian advertising discourse
The article deals with theatrical and advertising communication and their interaction. Having determined the place of advertising in a modern society and the features of the theater as a form of transforming reality, the author of the article analyzes the specifics of the demonstration of the THEATER concept in the Russian advertising discourse. The data for study is continuous samples of theatrical and advertising communication. The research methodology is based on contextual analysis where the semantics of the THEATER concept is revealed at the level of the context of theatrical and advertising communication. For the first time the author of the article singles out two forms of interaction between a theater and advertising. The first form involves the use of advertising in theatrical communication as a means of promoting entertaining activities. The second form of interaction between a theater and advertising is the creation of images and situations from theatrical life in the advertising discourse that can be represented at verbal and non-verbal levels. The practical importance of the research results lies in the fact that they can be useful in further exploration of the advertising discourse in the Russian linguistic view of the world.
Korobchak V.N., Bashmakova V.E.
General background of “there” dessemantization concepts within the structure “there+to be”
The article deals with the structure “there+to be” within the framework of textometric analysis. The main purpose of the study is to identify the existence of a certain semantics of “there” in the structure under consideration. Scientific importance of the article is that the modern linguistics demonstrates the interest to informal side of language units of different levels, in our case, to unique determination of the main linguistic characteristics of “there” within the mentioned structure, which is opposed to the pronoun adverb “there” and has the syntactic function of adverbial modifier of place in the sentence. Scientific novelty of this work is in the identification of the semantic meaning of “there” in the combination with the verb “to be” and some other verbs, where “there” is considered as a dessemantic element, i.e. the word without meaning, which is not correct in our opinion. Also, the scientific novelty is in using a new approach, textometric approach (the term of Golovenko Yu.A.), for the given investigation, i.e. the meaning of the word is considered taking into account the context or the situation. The following methods of investigation are used: contextual analysis and textometric method.
The results of the research contribute to the theory of discourse, lingual hermeneutics and the theory of linguistic universals, as well as to the theoretical understanding of the structure “there+to be” in the text. Practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of usage of the results during lecture studies and practical exercises, special courses on the theory of language, lexicology, the theory of translation, the theory of grammar and text interpretation, the theory of text, the theory of understanding and hermeneutics.
Liasheva M.N.
Axiological senses in the modern entertaining Internet discourse
The article analyzes the linguistic phenomenon as axiologeme. The turn to this subject is caused by important changes in the life of society, based on the problem of attitudes towards values. These processes are reflected in the language. The verbalization of value meanings gives an exhaustive idea of both one person and a group of people and allows us to identify the trend developing in modern society. Especially verifiable we can observe various changes inside the Internet, i.e. open space, that is a place for leisure activities for different social groups (especially young people) and that allow them frankly express their position about many issues. As a rule, entertaining character and informal atmosphere of this type of discourse, bad censorship give the users an opportunity to freely express themselves, and the researcher to discover the true attitude to the eternal values and to identify those values that most meet the requirements of modern society. The actuality of the problem is due to the fact that this process works in the opposite direction. The established system of values within the Internet has an impact on content consumers. New values, actively functioning in an open environment, are form a kind of ideology. Using the method of discursive and contextual analysis, the place of values and anti-values is established in the consciousness of the language personality. The results of this study can be useful for axiological linguistics and linguoecology.
Makerova S.R., Hizik E.I.
Concept justice in English and Russian linguocultures
The given research covers the peculiar characteristics of functioning of concept justice in English and Russian linguocultures. The novels by Agatha Christie Ordeal by Innocence and Crime and Punishment by F.M. Dostoevsky, as well as texts of the Bible are used as materials for this research. The work has a purpose to reveal features of concept justice implementation in the studied language communities and to establish the factors that triggered the emergence of the existing features. The research is carried out by using the methods of the interpretative and linguistic analysis. The practical importance of this work is conditioned by the fact that its theoretical provisions and the obtained results can be applied in lecturing and special courses on lexicology of the Russian and English languages, in practice of teaching the Russian and English languages at faculties of foreign languages of the universities, as well as in lecture courses on linguoculturology.
Ovcharenko E.N.
Stylistic effects of a new orthology
The article deals with stylistic features of heading structures in institutional network media. Concepts of mediology constituted the methodological base of this research. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the stylistic analysis of media texts in periodicals of online formats is given. It has become clear that the most important characteristics of types of media discourses in the system of correlations are as follows: mosaicity – hierarchy, noninstitutionality – institutionality. The theoretical and practical importance lie in that the materials of research can be used in higher school lecture courses on stylistics and the standard of speech.
Polyakova T.V.
Inductive and deductive reasoning as means of agreement expression
The target of this article is to analyze functional semantic field of agreement in modern Russian language. It is supposed to be divided into microfields depending on explicitness or implicitness of the idea of agreement. This article focuses on the microfield of implicit agreement based on different types of reasoning. This microfield expresses the agreement with a fact, the agreement is derived from the explicit content of the speech or from the context. Inferences of the idea of agreement can be syllogistic and non-syllogistic in traditional logics where inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning are outlined. Inductive reasoning contains a general consequence from separate premises expressing the agreement while deductive reasoning has a reverse direction of consequence. Current research is completed with the help of structural semantic analysis. As the result of this research, it is confirmed that the agreement based on reasoning has an indirect method of expression and is formed by different types of reasoning. This article develops the theory of functional semantic field of agreement and can be used for a more detailed classification of functional semantic field of agreement.
Samarskaya T.B., Martirosyan E.G.
Translation as object of theoretical researches
Theoretical aspects of translation as an interlingual and sociocultural phenomenon are reviewed. Different significant aspects of translation (semiotic, semantic, formal and communicative), which should ensure the equivalence of the discursive texts in working languages, are analyzed in this research. The complexity of such phenomenon as the translation, stipulates the necessity of its aspect review. The conclusion is made that the theory of translation as a complicated multiaspectual phenomenon is not a complex of the eclectic derivations from the other linguistic studies, and opposite, the achievements in the field of translation theory may help more profound understanding of many hard-to-explain phenomenon in other fields of linguistics. It is confirmed that the existing researches of the recitative basis of translation do not represent the entirety of this phenomenon: those components of the complex which are related to the intralinguistic intertextual aspects of IT (source code) and TA (text of translation) and their impact on translation are proved to be insufficiently developed. It is proved that the comparison of the original and translated texts (translation as the result), allows identification of the main parameters that ensure the efficiency of translation as interlingual communication, on the one hand, and the ethno-linguistic acceptability of the translated text for its recipient, on the other hand.
Sarangaeva Zh.N.
The allegorical interpretation of concept of marriage in Kalmyk, Russian and English paroemia
In the article the allegorical characteristics of the linguistic and cultural concept of marriage is described using the material of Kalmyk, Russian and English proverbs and sayings. In modern linguoculturology the study of cultural concept presupposes the description of its linguosemiotic characteristics, namely the emblematic, symbolic and allegorical ones. The emblematic description of a concept focuses on its identification; it is constituted in verbal expression. The symbolic description of a concept is displayed in its valuable suggestions. The allegorical description of a concept is oriented on its expanded metaphorical meaning.
The investigation reveals that this concept has different valuable features and axiological reactions. Marriage is associated with a definite social status, confidence and sense of responsibility. At the same time, the negative aspects of marriage are emphasized in paroemia. Marriage is compared with a dangerous and hazardous action, war and disappointment.
Tikhonova A.P.
The Category of Case in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe Languages: Comparative-historical Aspect
The article solves one of the most controversial issues of the Hattology, which has not been unambiguously interpreted. For the first time, an attempt is made to compare the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe case systems, which, in our opinion, will help to answer a number of unresolved issues. The material of the study was the texts of two bilinguals: "On the God of the Moon, Fallen from the Sky" and "Building Ritual." The research methodology is based on a comparative-historical analysis of two or more languages from a diachronic point of view. Analysis of the Hattian case formants and their comparison with the Abkhaz-Adyghe formal indicators of cases revealed their functions and typological and material similarities, which allows them to be considered related languages, originating from the common language-basis. The study of the morphological category of case in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages is of considerable importance for the creation of the historical grammar of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.
Shkhumishkhova A.R., Khabekirova Z.S.
Speech markers of the addressee in slogans of automobile advertising
This research examines language features of slogans of the Russian automobile advertising, orientation of which to target audience provides successful interaction between the sender and the recipient of the advertising proposal. Application of a method of a discourse analysis has allowed us to establish that the speech markers characterizing the addressee from the gender, social and psychological points of view are pragmatically significant units as they are capable to draw attention and to induce commission of consumer action. The language units appealing to target audience, in one cases, represent direct nominative designations, in others – figurative, contextual. The address of slogans of automobile advertising expresses value priorities and lifestyle of the modern personality. Results of the research can bring benefit to development of communicative and pragmatic aspect of an automobile discourse in which very important place is taken by advertising. The conducted research makes a practical contribution to the description of effective technologies for creation of advertising slogans.
Literary Criticism
Bakov Kh.I.
On problem of relationship of folklore and literature (from art experience of Lyasha Agnoko)
This research covers the questions of relationship of folklore and literature at different stages of development of the common Adyghe art of a word. Special attention is focused on creative identity of Lyasha Agnoko whose works became property of the reader many years later after the death of the author. The study establishes that figurative thinking of the poet is strongly influenced by poetics of oral poetic creativity. Based on the analysis of poems of L. Agnoko, the author of this research states that works of the poet aggravate a plot, enrich a palette of poetic techniques that considerably deepens contents of works. The comparative - typological method applied in research makes it possible to conclude that the literary heritage by the writer expressed features of the Adyghe new written literatures, formation of which was connected with experience and traditions of folk art. The analysis makes a contribution to a research of history of national literatures and is connected with a possibility of its application in learning history of domestic art of a word and in developing higher school manuals.
Gutov A.M.
On typology of the younger epos of Adyghes
The article poses the problem of determining some typological features of the relationship of the Adyghe historical-heroic epic to reality. A general description of the history of study of the genre is given. The main feature in the poetics of the genre is the direct correlation of the narrative with reality, which is due to the functions of the songs and legends and is supported by the specificity of the connection between prose and poetic texts, as well as artistic style features. With obvious differences in poetics and plot structure, the successive connection with the archaic Nart epic is manifested in the transformation of individual motifs that can be preserved in the system of a new genre, provided their functions change. At the same time, a specific form of objectivization of the motive undergoes evolutionary changes, showing a tendency of approaching greater reliability, while preserving and even enhancing the aesthetic function. The retrospective, comparative and typological methods used in article help systematize folklore material and genres of the epos and to formulate their national peculiarities. The research contributes to studying specifics of the folklore text and promotes creation of objective history of science about folklore.
Dzhambekova T.B., Hazueva B.A.
Lyrical description of the images and motives of the Motherland in Sh.A. Arsanukaev’s poetry
The article deals with the specificity of artistic creation of the images and motives of the concept of Motherland in the poetry of the Chechen poet Sh.A. Arsanukaev. The qualitative features of spiritual, moral, philosophical, psychological, ethno-cultural analysis of these images in his lyrical poetry are marked. The author has a purpose to study the main modifications of the artistic solution of the problems of interaction between the personality of the lyrical hero and the author through such basic principles of human existence and consciousness as the images of the Motherland and nature. The author describes the multiplicity of forms of the homeland in the understanding of Sh.A. Arsanukaev through the integration with images of home, family, hearth and, especially, with the theme of motherhood. The signs of spatial and temporal coordinates of the image of the Motherland are revealed through historicism and fragments of natural and anthropogenic landscape. It is concluded that the artistic understanding of the images of the Motherland and nature is very important for the author's literary and aesthetic concept and the artistic world of his work as a whole.
Zhachemuk Z.R.
On some thematic features of Nalbiy Kuyek’s poetry
The poetry of the Adyghe poet Nalbiy Kuyek is studied with a research objective to investigate thematic features, formation and development of his poetry. An analysis is made of an originality of artistic, poetic, lyrical and philosophical works of Nalbiy Kuyek. Ideological and thematic, structural and style features of his works are defined by lines of traditional, textual and descriptive methods of a research. Based on the carried-out analysis, the conclusion that N. Kuyek's creativity makes the significant contribution to development of national literature is drawn. Theoretical value of this research is seen in need to use its results for special courses on literature, and its practical value lies in a possibility of their application.
Kachanova A.A.
The typology of a criminal and peculiarities of the image of the gentleman – fraud in English detective stories
The article considers various types of the characters who have committed crimes on the pages of works of the English authors of the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century. The aim is to represent the typology of the criminal and examine one of the special types – "playing" in more detail using the example of the hero of E.W. Hornung’s stories. Relevance of work is related to poor study of writer’s works and types of the criminal in classic detective fiction. Theoretically new is an attempt to trace the background of the type of the criminal character connected with the tradition of the picaresque novel. The research methodology is based on comparative typological analysis of literary texts. An analysis is made of psychological characteristics of the main hero, his behavior, motives of his actions. The conclusion is drawn that unlike criminals who resist to protagonists-sleuth in stories the hero of Hornung’s stories brings out positive emotions in readers. This type of the character is interesting because it combines characteristics of the gentleman and the trickster. The practical relevance of the work is in using its results in further studies of peculiarities of the detective genre and its canon.
Kipkeeva R.E.
Typological features of description of people and the nature in publicistic literature of the people of the North Caucasus, the 1940s –1960s
The research covers the features of representation of relationship of the person and the nature in publicistic literature of the people of the North Caucasus in the 1940s – 1960s. The author shows the originality of problems, genre signs and national peculiarities of documentary prose of E. Kapiev, K. Kuliev, A. Keshokov, A. Suyunchev, V. Gneushev, A. Poputko and others. Typological relationships of works of the North Caucasian authors with the Russian journalism are defined. The historical-literary, comparative and typological methods are used to carry out this research. As a result, the author arrives at a conclusion that journalism genres passed a difficult way from pretentiousness to problematical character and artistic expressive display of the true reality. The research contributes to the solution of problems of formation of original national literatures and expands idea of their typological relationships.
Koshikova A.V.
Functional roles of binary oppositions in the ideological art system of the novel of Ian McEwan "The Innocent: Or the Special Relationship"
In this paper, we analyze art realization of binary oppositions in the novel by the modern English writer Ian McEwan. For the first time creativity of this author is considered from positions of the binarismic relations. The short insights are presented showing that approach to studying philosophy and culture from positions of a method of antinomy is traced since antiquity. Every era realizes the outlook in its own way, inevitably leaning on the binary system of coordinates. However, in the 20-21st centuries, dualistic approach becomes a reconsideration subject. In the modern humane studies, there is a trend demonstrating the aspiration to reconsider basic binary constructs, which model life of the person. Literature, which was and remains the mirror displaying the changes happening in consciousness of mankind, reacts inevitably to the transformations directed to criticism of traditional binary constructs. The novel by the English writer "The Innocent: Or the Special Relationship" shows the branched system of coordinates of binary oppositions ("self-other", "female-male", "the child-adult, etc.). The detailed analysis of this art text allows us to draw a conclusion that McEwan in his novel undertakes an attempt to remove oppositional tension between binary constants.
Lyamova B.Kh., Tsey B.A.
Inner world of the children's writer Jafar Chuyako
The paper deals with the results of research of creativity of Jafar Chuyako, one of the founders of the Adyghe children's literature. The publication analyzes features of ability of the author to see "many contradictions of life", ability of his lyrical hero to appreciate persistent work, simplicity and availability of style, concreteness and pithiness of verses, didactic pointedness and ability to report about something new. The study reveals the originality of a poetic manner consisting in selection of art means, forms of expression of author's consciousness taking into account age of the reader - the child. It is inferred that consideration of data on J.Chuyako’s literary heritage addressed to children defines value of creativity of J. Chuyako in education of young people.
Meretukova M.M.
On small genre forms of English Christmas literature
The paper explores the problem of the categorial device from the perspective of research of genre features of Christmas prose. The author analyzes the process of reception of Christmas tradition in small genres of the English literature of the 19th century – "story", "tale", "sketch", "short story", "history", "carol". Based on the given opinions and the textual analysis made within the presented scientific research it is possible to claim that the small genre forms of the English literature, defined today as "story", can be described with the help of the equivalent definitions occurring in the 19th century. In literary criticism then there was no strict hierarchy of genre forms and often writers defined a genre of the work very freely. For the first time attempts are undertaken to reveal peculiar genre-forming features of Christmas texts which can be identified with a story genre. The technique of the research is based on the historical and genetic analysis of articles of historians of the English literature. Results of this research can be useful at further studying small genre forms of literature of the 19th century.
Panesh U.M., Shazzo Sh.E.
On sources of new written literature (from the material of the Adyg literatures)
The paper examines sources and features of formation of the Adyghe new written literatures. The publication shows the major factors, which defined their emergence and development, namely: cultural and historical reality of the period of a historic breakthrough, folklore esthetics, influence of educational culture and traditions of the Russian literature. The authors analyze the lines of the initial stage of literary process demonstrated in works of T. Kerashev, I. Tsey, T. Borukaev, Kh. Teunov, Kh. Abukov and others: the image of the active personality connected with the people and included in the history movement, eventivity and descriptiveness, and inclination to publicistic frankness and an esthetics of extreme contrasts. The comparative and typological methods are used to actualize the put subject, to draw conclusions on its relationships with the basic problems of formation of a new method, and on features of domestic literature of the 20th century as surprising phenomenon of world culture.
Tibilov I.S., Panesh U.M.
Stadiality of development of the Ossetian literature at a boundary of the 19-20th centuries
The research deals with the process of formation of small Ossetian prose at the boundary of the 19-20th centuries from stadiality positions. The Ossetian literature belonging to young written literatures passed the difficult accelerated way of development that influenced the choice of an art method and genre palette of the first writers. The authors of this work analyze the role of folklore, in particular, of taurag narrative genre in the course of origin of national literature. The purpose of this research is to identify individual and typological traits of development of the Ossetian literature in a wide culturological context of literary interrelations and interferences. Comparative and typological methodology gives opportunities for identification of relationships of cause and effect of the revealed trends in development of the Ossetian literary process at an early stage of development. Specifications and literary descriptions of a number of the definitions, which do not have literary identification in the Ossetian literary criticism, are of scientific value. As a result, it is concluded that A.B. Kotsoev acted as the founder of emergence of small Ossetian prose at the beginning of the 20th century. In comparison with stories-taurags by S. Gadiev, the genre specifics of prose of A. Kotsoev are brought most closer to the international literary standards, first of all, it is displayed in withdrawal from folklore traditions.
Khakuasheva M.A.
Stories by A. Makoev: demythologization as method of reflection of reality
The paper analyzes stories about the childhood "The Island of the Gnome", "Save me, my Angel" and "Gold Oranges" of the Kabardian Russian-speaking writer A. Makoev. In these pieces of writing, the author applies a deconstruction method as a necessary element for reconciliation with the reality which lost the humanistic principles and which is representative in terms of general characteristics of modern Adyghe prose in Russian. The steady stereotypes connected with idea of the childhood as about the light, iridescent beginning of life have no relation to A. Makoev's creativity. At preservation of the bright prominent images peculiar to children's perception, they are, as a rule, drama saturated. During the Post-Soviet period literary process of the Adyghe literature stopped being the phenomenon especially local, – conditions of globalization caused its integration with world literary process. In the 1990s – the 2000s, on this wave a new boost to development was received by the Russian-speaking prose, which determined qualitatively new level of literary process in Adyghea, Karachaevo-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. It developed at this stage as a considerable esthetic phenomenon. Need of the adequate analysis and scientific research for this area is dictated by weak degree of study of a problem, lack of complete conceptual approach, scientific definitions. Thematic range of works of A. Makoev is wide: relations of parents and children; men and women; social inequality; humanity crisis; original and imaginary personal freedom; "dilapidation", entropy of inner world of the literary hero and whole society.
Chekalov P.K.
Kerim Mhtse: the posthumous destiny of the poet
The article highlights the question of how the creative destiny of the Abazin poet K.L. Mhtse developed after his death. In this regard, the heterogeneous materials associated with the perpetuation of his name through the opening of commemorative plaques, the posthumous awarding the order, anniversary celebrations, memorial parties, literary readings, the broadcasting of television documentaries, the publication of a three-volume collection of works, the book of selected lyrical works in Russian are studied. One of the main problems of the study is the comprehension of the poet’s creative heritage in his lifetime and posthumous publications. A meaningful analysis and a comparison of statistical data testify that over the past 17 years after the death of the poet, the number of works written and published about him was almost twice as much as during the lifetime 40-year period of creativity. A separate point concerns the reports and papers delivered at numerous scientific conferences of various levels, the expanding geography of publications about the poet, involving in addition to the North Caucasian scientific centers, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Sukhum and Aachen (Germany). All this speaks of the growing interest of national criticism and literary criticism in the creative personality of Mhtse, of awareness of the scale of his talent. An analysis of the existing literature about the poet leads to the idea that he possessed the highest gift, his works reflect a feeling of the highest harmony, exerting a strong aesthetic impact on the reader, similar to a spiritual shock.
Kudaeva Z.Zh.
Undercover folklore of revolutionary and Soviet period (statement of a problem)
For the first time in the Adyghe folklore studies, this work reveals and analyzes the layer of folk art which is conditionally designated as undercover or another, i.e. folklore, which includes oral poetry of counterrevolution, poetry of country revolts, creativity of those who became the victims of an arbitrariness of representatives of the Soviet power. A part of folklore texts is for the first time introduced in scientific circulation. The work is made by using the comparative-historical method of research. Works of undercover folklore are investigated in a historical and cultural context; historical researches, documents and sources are attracted to the analysis. The works of undercover folklore revealed today represent a traditional genre range of the Adyghe folklore: historical (gjybze-weeping), lyrical, cleaning, comic songs; memorata - oral stories, memoirs, legends connected with these or those events. A research of this layer of folklore, record and the publication of its remained samples is one of the important and relevant tasks facing modern researchers.
Khabunova E.E., Elbikova B.V.
The tradition of framing in the Kalmyk fairy folklore
This article analyzes the tradition of framing in Kalmyk fairy folklore. The aim of the article is to identify the degree of adaptation of the frame in the Kalmyk fairytale tradition and the nature of the impact of tradition on the formation of cycles of Kalmyk fairy tales, united by a framework composition.
"Framing", which includes a prologue in the form of a fairy tale plot, initial and final formulas, is investigated in a comparative aspect. The plot similarity of the four variants of the prologue, the constituent part of the frame, points to the stability of the tradition. In this direction, this problem is considered for the first time.
As a result, the analysis shows that the framing of the composition form and the fairytale plot was adapted in the Kalmyk oral tradition so organically that, combining the originally Kalmyk plots, it began to promote formation of fairy-tale cycles.
Lekova P.A., Molchanova M.M.
Speech media culture as basis of language competence of the Dagestan Russian-speaking journalists
The paper presents the speech media culture as a basis of linguistic competence of the journalist based on the example of the Dagestan oppositional mass media. It turns out that the latter is a phenomenal media-discursive product, the speech features of which should be taken into account in the understanding of innovative processes in the Russian language of modern times.
In the course of the study of this material, we have found that journalists of opposition publications seek to fill their works with those linguistic means that are an effective weapon of political struggle aimed at forming public opinion. The scientific novelty is that for the first time a discursive analysis of the opposition media of Dagestan is carried out in the aspect of media culture. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of application of materials in University lectures when considering the issues of culture of speech and behavior, the theory of media discourse and modern media texts.
Maltseva R.I.
Media technologies and multi-vector nature of journalism adaptation
The analysis is made of transformations of the Russian journalism under the influence of promptly changing digital technologies. Innovations in the field of media are specified. The relevance of this research lies in application of cross-disciplinary approach of synergetics at qualification of technological achievements as the mediatization touched all fields of activity of information society, in particular the humanities. Global process of the escaping reality negatively affected spiritual and national culture, distorted morals dominants, deformed orthological bases of languages of many societies; under pressure of high technologies the virtual neoreality gained new ontologic properties: the modern user communicates and works mainly in the digital environment. The theoretical-practical importance is representation of the digital environment of the Internet as the structure having information randomness, a dissipative condition of media texts and entertaining formats of visual content. Topological space of media in general is dispersive, pointwise, and discrete; content borders are diffusive. The traditional axiological paradigm of journalism as social and spiritual activity is destroyed due to influence of global models of communication. Importance of axiological baselines of societies is emphasized: unfortunately, epistemes of human knowledge are reduced; domination of tolerance and creativity in journalism distorts a language picture of the world, leads to violations of normativity and exemplarity of the public speech. It is established that the level of culture of consumer society reflects a chaotic condition of mentality: the mass user is not able to comprehend critically both negative, and positive results of approach of high technologies; the journalism inevitably adapts to new requirements of the digital environment.
Novak M.V.
Variety of printing edition formats of the Orthodox press of the Russian emigration in the USA
The difficult complex tasks facing the Russian Church in the USA during its active construction assumed to make active the most available communicative means, which this ideological institute successfully used for centuries. The purpose of the publication is system representation of all types of the periodical press, which the Russian Orthodox Church and its main branches used during distribution and entrenchment of Orthodoxy on the American continent. It is established that a variety of formats of these editions – from the leaflet to the calendar is widespread and represents the whole range of editions of newspaper and journal types with considerable overweight in favor of the first. These features allowed the Orthodox and Orthodox focused editions of the Russian emigration in the USA to perform a broad set of journalistic and religious functions to effectively influence members of all segments of reader's audience of the Russian emigration in the USA. On the basis of typological and the content analysis of printing editions, their type-forming and individual characteristics are revealed, and the role of the Russian emigrants in America in the course of socialization is analyzed.
Nosaev D.A.
Instruments of promotion of periodicals in the mass media market
The paper identifies and analyzes the main methods of promotion of periodic printing editions in the mass media market. The newspaper and journal products bearing in addition to a creative component also function of goods need the actions directed to approach of these goods to the consumer. Within the presented scientific research, based on studying the modern printing periodical press, we consider and identify PR-actions as purposeful and uniform actions for promotion of periodic printing editions for creation, and, respectively, for the best perception by target audience of advertising messages. Importance of use of modern information technologies in promotion of the printing periodical press is noted. The technique of this research is based on the comparative analysis of means of promoting and the content analysis of the advanced product. Solutions in the organization of advance of printed mass media are proposed and the possible efficiency of methods of advance on target audience is defined. From a practical point of view, results can be used to design specific actions for edition promotion. It is established that the efficiency of influence of methods of advance on target audience depends on a set of the factors connected with specifics of the edition itself and, as a result, the used methods of advertising and PR.
Nosaev D.A., Nosaeva K.D.
Color as an effective tool of print design of advertising in newspapers and magazines
The paper analyzes use of the color press for the embodiment of advertising content of newspapers and magazines, including consideration of possible corrections of functions of color in periodicals. The authors identify trends in modern graphic design of the printing periodical press taking into account print design and its advertising content. The practical importance lies in definition of optimal variants of design of modules of advertising messages both separately and together with an editorial matter on page ribbons of editions. The descriptive and comparative methods of a research, observation and generalization are used to clarify that an important component of the effective and memorable design of advertising in periodicals is use of unique color scheme for separate modules, the whole page and the whole number. As a result, the research defines methods of effective execution of periodic printing editions regarding their advertising filling. At the same time, possibilities of color print design of advertising in the periodical press are given according to the level of perception of reader's audience.
Shishkhova N.M.
Some journalism questions in the history of the Russian literature of the 19th century (a national component)
The paper examines the possibility of showing, using concrete examples, how the direction, the nature of a classroom appealing the journal, and even the genre nature of the published literary works are closely connected among themselves with an era originality. It is emphasized that the history of journalism is connected with history of literature during the period, when they were almost inseparable. It is very important that the new generation studied a subject using primary sources, but not just from the available researches. Process of integration of literature and journalism, the nature of this integration is justified by relevance, essence of the historical moment that is also the purpose of this analysis. Journalism questions in learning the history of the Russian literature of the 19th century provide acquaintance to separate journals for the purpose to understand and learn the main stages of history of these editions. Creative activity of the prominent writers whose heritage has to become also a subject of close attention of future journalists also is in most cases connected with the leading journals.
Study of Arts
Dzhioti K.N.
Dance as a method of communication
The article is dedicated to the art of dance as a sufficient method of socializing in modern society. The author suggests a philosophical understanding of dance being a language of communication and a way of advocacy in today´s societies. The emphasis is put on the advantages of dance over verbal contact. Considering the experience of the American studio "Dancing Strollers", we talk about the question of the relevance of dance as a way of self-expression and communication with the outside world for people with disabilities. The example of interaction in dance in the Ossetian society directly addresses the issue of dance as a means of communication. Based on the analysis of historical, ethnographic literature devoted to Ossetian dance and studying the issue of the revival of dance parties among Ossetian youth today, the author considers dance as a self-sufficient form for communication and mutual understanding. Understanding and correctly evaluating the code that carries the dance can contribute to a great contribution to learning non-verbal ways of communication.
Li Mengdie
Artist Dong Xiwen as singer of Tibet
The article is devoted to the analysis of the life and work of the Chinese artist Dong Xiwen, who became prominent representative of the topic of Tibet in Chinese oil painting. The article presents the history of creativity of Dong Xiwen. The special role of Chinese painting dedicated to Tibet in the history of painting of China is underlined. Oil painting on the topic of Tibet is an important part of Chinese national art. From the analysis of the works of famous artists, it is possible not only to understand the style of the master's painting, but also to see that the end of the 20th century is an important turn in oil painting in China. Tibet at this time becomes the object of the work of Chinese artists in the great historical background of Chinese culture. The culture of Tibet is one of the birthplaces of human culture. The unique habitat and labor methods of development of the territory give Tibet characteristic national peculiarities in terms of characteristics of the personality, cultural traditions and folk customs. The culture of Tibet is an important part of culture of China.
Tukhvatulina K.A., Artemieva N. P.
The Chelyabinsk festival “Man of Theater” as the phenomenon of the contemporary Russian theatrical culture
The authors disclose the role and place of theater festivals among different forms of cultural communication. The article focuses on the role and importance of the international theater festival-laboratory of performances of small forms “CHELoVEK Teatra (Man of Theater)”. It describes the purpose and objectives of the festival, discusses the features of its organization. The Festival “CHELoVEK Teatra (Man of Theater)” is positioned as a sphere of the theater, where the main artistic tasks and the meaning of the text of the play are solved through the actor. The authors draw attention to such characteristics of the festival as its non-competitive kind and form of the creative laboratory, in which the audience takes part along with the professional circle. The authors come to a conclusion that the festival “CHELoVEK Teatra (Man of Theater)” ultimately forms a model of creative interaction, promotes cultural dialogue, acts as a platform for serious professional communication and is a significant event of Chelyabinsk regional and all-Russian theater culture.
Bulatova D.A.
Review of the book by Guchev Z.L. Atlas of the Circassian (Adyghe) Shichepshin
Paranuk K.N.
Review of the monograph by Kharaeva L.F. and Kuchukova Z.A. A Gender and Ethnogender (from Material of the Kabardian Female Prose)