Ò.Ò. NeshcheretovaOn semantic motivation of a category of gender A.A. KhatkheNames of grassy plants with structure of a word and a word-combination in the Adyghe and English languages
E.N. Ryadchikova and S.V. TarasenkoLinguistic and cultural principles and ways of reflection of national consciousness and national culture in language M.P. AkhidzhakovaSetting up of a linguistic metatheory within the framework of a history of linguistics T.A. OstrovskayaÀ standard language and modern social-territorial dialects in the Great Britain A.P. TikhonovaLinguistic and cultural aspects of a language sign (on a material of the Adyghe, Hattic and Hettic languages)
Russian Philology
R.Y. NamitokovaActualizers of author's neologisms in the text and author's neologisms as actualizers of the text (on a material of the author's neologisms of Eugeny Evtushenko) I.A. NeflyashevaOccasional words with the attribute meaning in mass-media texts: a cognitive-pragmatic aspect L.V. KopotUniverbation as a phenomenon of word formation from the point of view of social linguistics L.A. AvakovaSpecific features of chess term functioning in the specialized context G.A. MelkonyanThe dynamics of polysemy and homonymy in the Russian language and its lexicographic interpretation A.A. AdzinovaTitles in the creolized text (on a material from "glossy" fashion magazines) S.S. ShkhalakhoCaucasian terms in the lexical system of the Russian language G.B. Gurtskaya and V.B. GurtskayaAbkhazian terms in Fazil Iskander’s prose M.S. SkhakumidovaSpeech behaviour of the manipulator as a rhetorical phenomenon
Adyghe Linguistics
A.N. AbregovLabialization and delabialization as phonetic processes: development of labialized consonants during phonetic adaptation of loan-words in Abkhazian-Adyghe languages S.K. AbregovaThe value of lexicon of the Shapsug dialect for historical lexicology and its role in enrichment of the dictionary structure of the Adyghe literary language (using a material from “Russian-Circassian or Adigsky dictionary” of L.Y. Lyulie)
Contrastive Linguistics
F.I. KheishkhoPredicative verbal idioms of Russian and Adyghe languages: structural and grammatical features S.A. SasinaScientific terminological phraseological units in English and Russian discourses. Z.G. TeuchezhTranslation paraphrasing and its versions Z.A.-D. BidzhievFormal-semantic types of nominative sentences in languages of various typologies (on materials of the Karachevo-Balkar, English and Russian languages) Y.P. Nechay and N.V. IgnatievaAuthor's plan of modal relations in E.Voynich's novel “The Gadfly” and in its translations into Russian S.N. KhutOn formation of a bilingual person (as shown by Adyghe-Russian bilinguism) F.A. AutlevaComprehension of the translation process as a multi-aspect phenomenon at the boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries L.S. MakarovaA toolkit for the analysis of artistic translation A.V. UtkinaSubstantiation of the cognitive approach to a category of comic
Theoretical Problems of Literary Criticism
U.M. PaneshIntegration of cultures and problems of studying the Soviet literature of the 20th century K.N. AnkudinovThe modern neo-romantic poetry as “the parallel culture” N.V. BelayaTradition and innovation as the major components of literary creativity S.R. PaneshStudy of traditions of a poem about the past in the beginning and in the middle of the 1960s (I. Mashbash, A. Gadagatl', H. Beretar' and N. Bagov) F.B. BeshukovaPostmodernist discourse of modern media culture N.Y. PraisThe native land and foreign land: publicistic works of D.Ñ. Mirsky and A.V.Tyrkova-Williams created in England in the 1920-1940-s L.V. ChistobaevaOn a problem of satirical and comic in the Russian literature of the 1920-1930s
The Russian literature
L.I. DeminaLyrical conflict in poetry of the 1950s I.A. TishchenkoEcology of a nature as an object of art comprehension in modern Russian prose T.Y. SedinkinaThe composite analysis of a poem “Village” of A.S. Pushkin I.I. KondrashovaThe nature of artistic synthetism in V.Veresaev's creativity
Problems of Studying Literatures of the Peoples of the Russian Federation
Z.S. BotashevaInteraction of ideas of North Caucasian new literatures and the Russian literature A.K. PshizovaA genre, a historicism and classification of T.Kerashev’s short stories N.S. VasilievaA modern essay and a story in the Adyghe literature (the aspect of intragenre typology) B.D. KhunagovaSpecific features of a lyrical-epical genre in the literature of the Northern Caucasus peoples M.M. GubanukaevaSpecificity of formation and development of the genre of the novel in the Chechen-Ingush literature K.N. ParanukFemale archetypes in a figurative system of the Adyghe modern novel (Y. Chuyako, N.Kuek, H.Beshtokov, D.Koshubaev) A.K. MatyzhevaAn Adyghe short story (on general and special in typology) T.M. VostkhashevaThe Adyghe literature in the 1920-1960s M.N. KhachemizovaThe horseman of honour (on place of Tembot Kerashev and Alim Keshokov in spiritual culture of Adyghes) F.N. KhuakoSocial-historical and genre preconditions of strengthening a personal element in North Caucasian prose (1930-1950s)
T.M. Stepanova and L.P. BessonovaTypology of folklorism in literary texts S.L. Zukhba and E.M. MaliyaAkhyn – the patron of large horned livestock in the Abkhazian-Adyghe mythology S.M. NekhayArtistic – expressive means in poetics of the Adyghe lyrical songs R.B. Unarokova“Histories” of Daut Byrs in a context of humorous culture of Adyghes O.V. KapetsFolkloric sources of I.A. Il’in’s creativity (on a material of work “Singing Heart. The Book of Silent Contemplations”) M.M. PashtovaThe Adyghe humorous culture: contextual conditionality N.H. EmykovaThe Adyghe languages and folklore in a system of broadcasting (1926-1950)
Study of Arts
V.G. MozgotSome tendencies in artistic taste developing in modern students S.I. KhvatovaThe Eucharist church chanting in the Russian Orthodox Church S.A. MozgotSpecificity of research of space in music: on inclusion of an analytical method V.A. Gurevich“Box of the thoughts” by A.G. Rubinstein as a document of the epoch A.N. SokolovaEcological aspects of musical-instrumental culture of Western Adyghes J.M. Jordania“You are Scholars, and of Course, You Know This Better than Me”: Few Issues of the Perception of Traditional Music by Ethnomusicologists and by the Carriers of the Traditions P.A. SergeevaVocal-choral lessons as the important means of formation in schoolboys of the emotional-valuable attitude to the world in interpreting an artistic image of folk – song folklore S.A. ZhiganovaAn invitation to the wedding in the Kuban folklore tradition