Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
V.L. Primakov The focus is interethnic intensity (Review of the monograph of group of authors "Ethnosocial Processes: Regional Measurement” / Chief Editor R.D. Khunagov; Eds. A.Yu. Shadzhe, S. A. Lyausheva. – Maikop: Kachestvo, 2015. – 162 pp.)
Blipashaova M.D., Shkhalakhova R.A. Features of word formation and word usage of names in historical works of T. Kerashev
Blipashaova M.D., Abregov A.N. Functioning of non-derivative and derivative lexemes of nouns in texts of T. Kerashev’s literary works
Goryacheva E.D. The popular expressions in the phraseological system of language: structural and semantic aspects
Gryaznova V.M. The phonetic system of the Cossacks-Nekrasovets’ dialect in the Stavropol Region
Guziekova S.M. Text as space representation of the author’s attitude to objective reality and its substantial factor
Manuelian A.G. Linguistic personality as a result of interaction of sociocultural factors
Nechay Yu.P., Oleynik M.A. Language means of an explication of irony in literary texts of E.M. Remarque: linguo-pragmatic aspect
Nechay Yu.P., Tsepordey O.V. Specifics of qualitative assessment explication by comparative phraseological units (from language materials of the German literary prose and its Russian translations)
Olyanich A.V., Rylschikova L.M. Figurative and value characteristics of the concept of «future (time)» through the eyes of the subjects of modern agricultural education: results of linguo-semiotic survey
Paramonova M.G. Role of an article and its emotional - distinguishing function in an advertising discourse (from materials of English and German languages)
Temirova D.B. Conceptual - thematic classification of terms of subject domain «Cosmetology» (from materials of the Russian and English languages)
Tlehatuk S.R. Worldview and subject domain: the peculiarity of functional-pragmatic and cognitive representations
Khutyz I.P. Multimodality of academic discourse as the prerequisite for its communicative success
Shevatlokhova E.D., Kopot L.V. Attractive function of an epithet in names of rose varieties
Shevatlokhova E.D., Sokur E.N. Features of metaphorical word formation in modern sports lexicon
Eldarova R.A. Metaphor as a way to save language means in «person-nature» linguocultural space
Literary Criticism
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V. Typological relations of the Adyghe story of the 1920s – 1930s on a modern subject with the Russian literature
Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A. Transformation of a genre and mytheme of laziness, rest and dream in «The legend of Sleepy Hollow» by W. Irving
Kuyek A.S. Reflection of the motive of horsemanship in mythic poetics and in the feudal epos of the Adyghes
Shkhabatseva M.A. Epithet in the Adyghe lullabies
Beshukova F.B., Khatkova I.N. Role of mass consciousness stereotypes and archetypes in advertising communication
Khazhgerieva A.A. Branding of the region as an info-communicative forming component of the Adyghea image in the Russian information space
Study of Arts
Kazakova N.Yu. The principles of aspect design to achieve «a stream state» in a game design
Kuyek M.G. Semantics of solar symbols in art metal of the Adyghes
V.L. Primakov The focus is interethnic intensity (Review of the monograph of group of authors "Ethnosocial Processes: Regional Measurement” / Chief Editor R.D. Khunagov; Eds. A.Yu. Shadzhe, S. A. Lyausheva. – Maikop: Kachestvo, 2015. – 162 pp.)
Abubakarova A.Kh., Bagirokov Kh.Z. Bilingueme and ways of its representation in Vainakh language space
Anchek S.Kh. Originality of language of the Adyghe epic work «A Song of Auls»
Blipashaova M.D. Structural semantic analysis of anthroponyms of the Adyghe language (as shown by material of Shovgenovsky Region anthroponymy)
Blipashaova M.D., Shkhalakhova R.A. The place of word formation in works of the Adyghe linguists Gushchy1egjepsynym iupch1e ch1yp1eu bzesh1enygjem ùèóáûòðýì epljyk1eu fyrya1ekher
Velichko M.A. Cohesion and coherence: specifics of differentiation and definition of the terms
Golyev A.A. Universal and national traits in the Russian and Estonian phraseological system (as shown by translations of The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War by J. Gašek)
Goncharova E.N. The concept óñïåõ/success in russian and american lingual culture: historicaland etimological aspects
Dobryakova Maria Viktorovna, Kuznetsova Tatyana Igorevna, Kuznetsov Igor Aleksandrovich On the issue of grammatical agreement of participe passé in complex tenses in French
Zavrumov Z.A. Pragmatical structure of irony in aspect of language game: intentionality and estimation
Kopot L.V., Shevatlokhova E.D. Communicative failure as a result of violation of an ethical standard in language of newspaper headings
Kopylova Yu.V. Discourse-forming factors of professional activity of journalists-analysts
Kuyek F.A., Khabekirova Z.S. Specific features of the language of mass communication
Kuznetsova T. I., Kuznetsov I. A. Question-answering dialogue, linguistic form and communicative content
Maygur (Dikun, Dorofeeva) N.V., Kupavskaya A.A. Conceptual field «chastity»: reconstruction of a denotative layer on the basis of a synonymic row
Ostrovskaya T.A., Khachmafova Z.R. The main directions of research of a discourse in modern linguistics
Rozmakhov M.Yu. The main lines of modern Korean in the light of the theory of alternativeness
Rubtsov I.N. Peculiarities of relationship representation in the lexical system of African-American social ethnic dialect
Sokur E.A., Shevatlokhova E.D. Features of implementation of a strategy to create an image of the enemy in the texts which are under consideration when carrying out linguistic examination of extremist cases
Tikhonova A.P. Problems of gender and number in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages
Tlekhatuk S.R. The scientific worldview as a gnosiological basis of domain knowledge
Tuova R.Kh. Genre strategies of a detective discourse as precedent markers in B. Akunin’s novels about Erast Fandorin
Eldarova R.A. Paradigm of cognitive structures of «person - nature» linguocultural space
Literary Criticism
Ankudinov K.N. Metaphysical plot of the ballad in modern neo-romantic poetry
Ashinova Yu.A. (Yakhutl), Sosnovsky V.T. On features of new, revolutionary model of enlightenment in the Adyghe literature of the 1920 – 1930s.
Burnusova A.P., Sosnovsky V.T. Cosmopolitism and national heroic idea in a historical-literary context
Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P., Panesh S.R. Traditions and innovation during the era of Modern times (as shown by material of works of I.S. Turgenev and I.A Bunin)
Mamiy R.G., Chankayeva T.À. From the analysis to historical generalization
Naptsok B.R. Specific features of a chronotope in the «Gothic» fairy tale of W. Beckford «Vathek»
Panesh U.M., Siyukhov S.N. Features of the conflict in the dilogy of A. Evtykh «Street throughout its length», «A door is wide open» and the solution of a problem of identification of the self-sufficient personality
Panesh U.M., Chankayeva T.À. T. Kerashev’s story «Arc» in the context of ideological and art searches of the Adyghe literatures of the 1920 – 1930s
Paranuk K.N., Shazzo Sh.E. Features of art structure of the North Caucasian modern novel myth
Stepanova T.M., Kandor S.A. Philosophical ontological bases of the concept of the nature in prose of S. Khan-Girey
Khuako F.N. Historical character in the Adyghe prose of last and new centuries
Sokolova A.N. Folklore and post-folklore in practice of a modern life of the Adyghe shychepschyn (stringed chordophone)
Beshukova F. B. Communication problem in the modern postmodernist text
Novak M.V. Group portrait of reader’s audience of the orthodox press of the Russian emigration in the USA in the 19th-20th centuries
Shishkhova N.M. The Vpered! newspaper as new type of the uncensored edition
Study of Arts
Voitleva N.A., Luganskaya G.B., Lysenko A.V. Implementation of a national and regional component in musical educational space of the Republic of Adyghea
Vybyvanets E.V. «Pierrot Lunaire» by A. Schoenberg through the prism of artistic tradition
Kazakova N.Yu. Basic principles of the development of characters’ visuals, in-game behavior and customization within game design
Mozgot S.A. Phenomenon of public space in music: concept «We»
Nekhay T.R., Khvatova S.I. On genre parallelism of glorifying songs in the Adyghe and Russian traditions
Akbaeva O.V. Phrase-syntactic schemes with a basic component – not full-content word: structural and functional aspects
Atazhakhova S.T. Proverb language typology in the literary works of I. Mashbash and S. Panesh (based on «Bzyiko Zau» and «Mykyzhyn gu uag»)
Atakaeva F.Sh. Arabisms in the borrowed vocabulary of the Nogai language
Baranova A.Yu., Chetverikova O.V. Fiction text as a basis of modeling of the author’s consciousness of the creative language person
Belykh E.N. Lexical features of the Turkish political discourse of an oral public speech
Kovalchuk N.V., Klemenova E.N. Rhetorical relations as means of cohering segments of the text of an informal interview
Kubashicheva S.K., Chitao L.R. Neologisms as form of representation of a modern language picture
Mukhamedzhanova A.M. Term-derivative units in fiction works by M. Sholokhov
Rozmakhov M.Yu. On an alternative and invariant structure of language system
Tekeev Kh.J. The German prepositions and their functional analogs in Karachay - Balkar language (from material of German and Karachay - Balkar languages)
Tikhonova A.P. Personal-pronominal prefixes in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages: a comparative aspect
Khachmafova Z.R., Shiryaeva O.V. Convergence of scientific and publicistic discourses (from material of the 2000-2010 Russian business press)
Sheozheva B.A., Abregov A.N. Lingual ecology: speech culture of the younger generation as component of the general culture of the personality
Literary Criticism
Bakov Kh.I. Poetic originality of Boris Utizhev’s lyrics
Dzhambekova T.B., Dzhambekov O.A. Typology of the image of Zelimkhan and some issues of artistic individuality of the novel «The Storm» by A. Aydamirov
Kulkina V.M. Collective individual of Paul Auster (from materials of the novel “The New York Trilogy”)
Kuchmenko M.A. Providence, omens, dreams, daydreams and transformations as types of designing simulacra in J. Koshubaev’s text «There was a day of happiness»
Naptsok B.R. Intertextual strategies in «Gothic» texts (from material of the English prose of the 18th century)
Spachil O.V. Kuban Pre-Revolutionary Press on A. P. Chekhov: Two Obituaries
Skhalyakho D.S. Caucasus and Russia: art communications and influence as factor of cross-cultural dialogue
Khuazheva N.Kh., Tsey B.A. «White Gold and Coal» by Khabas Beshtokov: topics and problems
Khuazheva N.Kh. Philosophical lyrics of Meulid Enamukov
Chekalov P.K., Tamakhina E.Yu., Panesh S.R. Semantics of the opposition light/dark in the lyrics of A. Akhmatova
Gutov A.M. Nart Ozyrmes: image and typology
Kudaeva Z.Zh. Songs about Kostryuk and Kabardian Prince Temryuk: two views
Pokotylo M.V. Satirical narrative: the ontologic status of folklore models in plot morphology
Unarokova R.B., Unarokova F.D. Subject domain of a song complaint of Lilyusha: lingual folklore aspect
Khakuasheva M.A. Contemporary literary myth: genesis and tendencies
Chamokov T.N. On combination of Pagan and Christian religious images and motives in the ancient Adyghe songs incantations
Shkhabatseva M.A. Adyghe children’s game folklore
Mirumyan A.G. City as imagology object
Nechay Yu.P., Khlopunova O.V. Specific features of the modern book market in Russia
Khazhgerieva A.A. Electronic media as tool to form positive image of the Adyghea Republic
Study of Arts
Voitleva N.A. Some aspects of studying musical culture of the people of the North Caucasu
Kazakova N.Yu. Basic principles of story development of a game project within the framework of game design
Kanatova A.R. Meaning of the concept «shertpe» in the Kazakh dombra traditional music
Nesterov S.I. Genre interactions in music for a violin solo of the last third of the 20th century
Ponkina A.M. Methodological principles of Sigurd Rascher and their role in the evolution of performing on saxophone in the first half of the twentieth century
Khabakhu A.G. Traditions and innovation of the early 20th - century art
Avrutina A.S. (Apollinaria Sergeevna) A quantitative review for the text of mesnevi «Süheyl- ü Nevbahar»
Aketina O.S. Ways of an explication of a concept «space» in the English linguoculture
Akhidzhakova M.P., Buyanova L.Yu. Cultural value of national phraseology: linguo-confessional aspect
Badanyan I.F., Evsyukova T.V. Language implementers of an image of the business woman in a media discourse (from material of the Russian and German languages)
Bedanokova Z.K., Bedanokova S.K. Evocativity: about the term, concept and the principle of complementarity
Belykh E.N. Verbalization of a concept of «policy» in the Turkish political discourse of an oral public speech
Grushevskaya E.S. Text as presentation of the language personality of its creator
Dzhandar B.M., Loova A.D. Stereotype functions in shaping a language picture of the world
Emykova N.Kh. Adyghe historical toponymics: experience in sense reconstruction
Kabanyan B.S. Informatory features of discourse in social-political journals
Nikolova K.L. National-cultural specifics of communicative strategies (on the basis of texts of the international non-governmental organization of Amnesty International)
Noskova N.A., Akhidzhakova M.P. Mentality as basis of the concept of «language consciousness»
Ostrovskaya T.A. Concept of «liquid modernity» of Z. Bauman and modification of elite discourse practices
Ryabko O.P. Cognitive-frame approach in terminology studies
Sapieva S.K. Concept the Caucasus in a scientific and naive picture of the world
Sitimova S.S. On language originality of the Adyghe children’s literature
Òèõîíîâà À.Ï. Locative-directional preverbs in the Hattian and Abkhazian-Adyghe languages: a comparative aspect
Tkachev M.A. The dynamics of conceptosphere of R. Bradbury’s fictional world (based on the novels «Dandelion Wine» and «Farewell Summer» by R. Bradbury)
Tlekhatuk S.R. The term in the modern scientific paradigm: features of interpretation
Tuguz G.T. Some somatic phraseological units in the Circassian Nart epos
Filimonova E.P. Sports discourse in coordinates of institutional discursive space
Sheozheva B.A., Sokur E.A. Features of development of corpus of exotic lexicon in the Russian contemporary language
Shkhumishkhova A.R., Atakyan G.S. Technology of manipulative impact in texts of tourist advertising
Yagumova N.Sh., Bogus Z.A., Abregov A.N. English-language phytotoponymy as reflection of national culture of the USA
Yang Xi Experiment on a research of perception of concept «kungfu» among Russian native speakers
Literary Criticism
Volkova K.B. The drama by the King Rama VI Vajiravudh “The Coup” as the Thai authentic version of the European genre of the “discussion play”
Naptsok B.R. Hints in the English «Gothic» texts
Panesh U.M., Berzegova B.V. Features of formation of the Adyghe literature about war in the second half of the 1940s – the beginning of the 1950s
Panesh S.R., Kapets O.V. On studying «Petr and Fevroniya’s life»
Pshizova A.K., Achokh B.D. Transformations of a novelistic form in contemporary national literature
Chankaeva T.A. Art space of Russian-language prose of Moussa Botchaev
Shovgenova T.A. The evolution of historical revolutionary prose in creativity of Khazret Ashinov in the early 1960s
Paranuk K.N. Specifics of image system of the North Caucasus modern novel myth
Pashtova Ì.M. Researches of the local phenomena in the mythology of Anatolia Circassians (based on materials of 2014 and 2015 expeditions)
Unarokova R.B., Pashtova Ì.M., Khakunova E.Kh. The epic mythological tradition in folklore of the Turkish Circassians
Shkhabatseva M.A., Khakunova E.Kh. Adyghe children’s songs of praise
Lyapun S.V., Sokolova G.V. Verbalization of emotional tension in Internet comments by Novaya Gazeta readers
Novak M.V. Editorial case of political newspapers of the Russian emigration of America in the late 19th century: history, national structure and socio-political ambitions
Shuvalov S.S. Concept and components of the communicative status structure as element of shaping an effective model of mass communication
Study of Arts
Kazakova N.Yu. Unique features of the development of digital game medium within the framework of game design in the context of game projects developed in Japan
Mozgot S.A. Space as a musical image
Ulmasov F.A. Conceptual bases of the solo phenomenon of east monody
Khvatova S.I., Sergeeva P.A. Liturgical practices and cult arts: problems and prospects of researches