Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
#1 / 2016
V.L. Primakov
The focus is interethnic intensity (Review of the monograph of group of authors "Ethnosocial Processes: Regional Measurement” / Chief Editor R.D. Khunagov; Eds. A.Yu. Shadzhe, S. A. Lyausheva. – Maikop: Kachestvo, 2015. – 162 pp.)
In the review, the author makes an analysis and judgment of the conclusions stated on pages of the collective monograph "Ethnosocial Processes: Regional Measurement". Importance of interdisciplinary studying, the analysis and an assessment of interethnic intensity as most important indicator of a condition of ethnocultural processes is emphasized. The review rises the questions connected with further empirical studying and assessment of this important phenomenon.
Blipashaova M.D., Shkhalakhova R.A.
Features of word formation and word usage of names in historical works of T. Kerashev
Features of word formation and word usage of names in literary works are considered. Objects of research are historical texts of works of the founder of the Adyghe art prose T. Kerashev (historical stories and the novel «Lonely Rider»). The purpose of this work is to reveal features of word formation and word usage in the writer’s language, and to define innovative word-formation means in the studied texts. Novelty of research lies in that we explore ways of word formation of names in literary works of one specific author for the first time, thereby establishing features of author’s style and his penmanship. In work, methods of the comparative, textual and culturological analysis of literary texts are used. The scientific and practical importance and relevance are defined by its character connected with novelty of the word-formation analysis of language of literary texts. The conclusion is drawn that word formation and word usage of names by T. Kerashev in the analyzed texts is original and unique. It is worthy of noting that the writer makes potential opportunities of word formation and word usage of the Adyghe language more active.
Blipashaova M.D., Abregov A.N.
Functioning of non-derivative and derivative lexemes of nouns in texts of T. Kerashev’s literary works
The research explores functioning of non-derivative and derivative lexemes of nouns in literary texts of Tembot Kerashev’s works. The purpose is to examine the author’s art idiostyle by studying the ways of use of the lexical units of nouns. The practical importance of work is defined by its innovative character related to the contextual analysis of nouns in art texts of T. Kerashev which show the masterful approach of the writer to lexical richness of the Adyghe language. Scientific novelty of research lies in that the linguistic analysis of language of writers’ works is not sufficiently presented in the Adyghe linguistics. Therefore here an attempt is undertaken to make a certain contribution to further development of ways and forms of selection by the writer of those lexical units, coexisting in language, which allow the characteristic of heroes and the described phenomena to be brighter and more expressive. Relevance of this work is also caused by this circumstance. The following methods of the linguistic analysis are used: observation, description, identification and differentiation, component, contrasting, contextual and semantic. Research sources were texts of T. Kerashev’s literary works in the original language. The analysis of art texts makes a certain contribution to Adyghe language studies. The conclusion is drawn that there is a great variety of non-derivative and derivative lexemes of nouns in the Adyghe language, as well as how they work in literary texts of works of the talented Adyghe prose writer.
Goryacheva E.D.
The popular expressions in the phraseological system of language: structural and semantic aspects
The work deals with the special status of popular expressions (PE) in the coordinates of phraseological system of language, determined, above all, by their relevance to specific authorship. The aim of the paper is to identify the structural and semantic features of PE, allowing them to be described, on the one hand, as linguocultural concept, and on the other, as a stylistic device, which has a high degree of expressiveness. Methodology of scientific research is determined by the object and the subject: Studies of PE are made from the standpoint of cognitive-semantic, linguistic, cultural and functional approaches. Scientific novelty and practical importance lie in establishing the parameters by which it is possible to give consistent description of PE, including in lexicographical practice. The analysis of language material reveals the following signs of PE: sustainability as a structural and semantic constancy, reproducibility, integrity, separability at all levels of language, imagery and expression, aphoristic charcter, wide usage, and the implementation of various stylistic features. Identification of these properties actualizes the characteristics of PE which are actively involved in the formation of precedent phenomena of specific linguistic culture and determine the dynamics of cross-cultural communication. General and distinctive features characteristic of PE and free syntactic structures are defined: the relevance of semantic and grammatical relations, as well as their isomorphic separability are integral attributes of considered units; the distinctive features are represented by constancy of composition and value of PE, and by their reproducibility.
Gryaznova V.M.
The phonetic system of the Cossacks-Nekrasovets’ dialect in the Stavropol Region
The purpose of this article is to describe the specifics of the phonetic system of the insular dialect of old believers Cossacks Nekrasovets, who have lived in Turkey for more than 250 years. In 1962, they returned from Turkey to Russia and settled in the towns and villages of Stavropol Region. The work describes the specifics of vocalism, consonantism, and phonetic processes in the dialect in comparison with the nationwide literary language. Using the methods and techniques of structural method of analysis of linguistic units, the author comes to a conclusion that the insular dialect of old believers Cossacks Nekrasovets lacks certain consonants as independent sounds, some consonants are not used in typical positions, the opposition in hardness – softness of a number of consonants is unstable, and there are specific types of unstressed vocalism in pretonic and posttonic syllables after hard consonants. The scientific results of the research on the specifics of the phonetic system of the insular dialect of old believers Cossacks Nekrasovets are a contribution to the development of theoretical problems of dialectology.
Guziekova S.M.
Text as space representation of the author’s attitude to objective reality and its substantial factor
A fiction text and an art picture of the world are considered from the point of view of the semantic-cognitive aspect of studying these linguistic phenomena. In this paper we make an attempt to represent the art concepts as main culture signs of the author’s activity. Using a set of various methods, including linguistic and conceptual analysis, as well as various hermeneutic techniques, we conclude that studying semantics of language signs promotes conceiving the ways of categorization and verbalization of the dominant meanings of creative minds. The verbalization of the concepts is realized by lexical, phraseological and syntactical means, the description of which helps to reveal cognitive features and criteria for modelling of the concepts. The theoretically and scientifically important is the conclusion that the modelling of the author’s mentality is related to the problem of understanding a conceptual complex in the fiction text. As a result we make a conclusion that the forming process of the concept is realized in culture and language sphere of the fiction text, and the words, realia, symbols etc. are its main signs. That’s why the given research contributes necessary information to philology, text theory, language person theory and concept theory.
Manuelian A.G.
Linguistic personality as a result of interaction of sociocultural factors
The aim of this article is to identify the linguistic means, which reflect piculiar outlook of linguistic personality at the definite historical stage. The author, using some elements of comparative, contextual and semantic methods of research, suggests the use of an integrated system approach (which is a modern approach with applied significance) to study the language of linguistic personality as the result of socio-cultural factors, the amount of ideas and a set of values and mental characteristics reflected in the language of the society at this cultural-historical stage. Nationally-valued orientations of the nation/person/linguistic personality (including the British) are produced by the interaction of different types of sociocultural mentality and ideological and political currents, which prevail in a given historical period. The ideas and values evolve with the change of ideas. A new ideological system predetermines a new hierarchy of values and the existence of different types of sociocultural mentality. The totality of these values makes the system of conceptually designed concepts, ideas and views on a social life and a special approach of interpreting the world, which is based on principles of positive orientation to these or those political events, processes and structures.
Nechay Yu.P., Oleynik M.A.
Language means of an explication of irony in literary texts of E.M. Remarque: linguo-pragmatic aspect
The language of German writer E.M. Remarque’s fictional prose and its Russian translations is explored to disclose the problem of reflecting asymmetry between form and content as the case of incomplete coverage of the content plane by the expression plane. The purpose of the article is to reveal the mechanisms of creating irony and provide the analysis of language means of its expression in the texts under study. When processing the text material a set of complex procedures that include componential, contextual and comparative analyses is used. It turns out that irony is a meaningful conceptual category of a literary text, which allows the writer to convey his emotional and evaluative attitude to the reality described. The scientific and practical significance of this work is defined by its innovative character which is explained by the fact that the phenomenon of irony is still not sufficiently explored. It is even less studied on the material of E.M. Remarque’s fine literary texts. It is concluded that among the linguistic means used to express irony in the studied literary texts, the leading role in creation of implicit meanings belongs to lexico-semantic means, whose opportunities are extremely diverse.
Nechay Yu.P., Tsepordey O.V.
Specifics of qualitative assessment explication by comparative phraseological units (from language materials of the German literary prose and its Russian translations)
Comparative phraseological units with a meaning of qualitative assessment are considered basing on language material of German literary works. Comparative phraseological units are one of the means of expressive characteristic and emotional evaluation of the characters and their relationships. They contribute to the implementation of a number of important illocutionary intentions of the speaker. Their transformation variants in Russian translations are also analyzed. The goal of the article is to examine the phraseological meanings formed on the basis of the change of the meaning of the whole complex of phrases rather than of separate components in the phrase and to identify features of phrases containing idioms. When processing text material the complex technique including a component, contextual, comparative and textual analyses was used. It is inferred that the first component - adjective - of the most German comparative phraseological units retains its direct meaning, and the second component can be subjected to full or partial reconsideration.
Olyanich A.V., Rylschikova L.M.
Figurative and value characteristics of the concept of «future (time)» through the eyes of the subjects of modern agricultural education: results of linguo-semiotic survey
The aim of this paper is to identify figurative and value characteristics shaping the concept of «the future (time)» in the sci-fi discourse using informants survey, as that is the subject of agricultural education – students, graduate students and faculty of agricultural high school. The answers of the respondents identify the science-fiction category with the status of lingua-kreatems, i.e. the language / speech units produced as a result of the creative speech activity. Lingua-kreatems may stand for a word, phrase, sentence, piece of text (especially complex syntactic taken as a whole). Respondents have provided images of the distant future and presented their assessment of values which can serve as signs of evaluation processes that will occur in the distant future. The article also presents the results of the survey giving an idea of the rise of future needs and verbalization of technological innovation, which can be expected in the distant future. In general, the article presents the respondents’ reactions to the social, institutional and technocratic innovations that can make a big difference in semio-linguistic content of science fiction discourse.
Paramonova M.G.
Role of an article and its emotional - distinguishing function in an advertising discourse (from materials of English and German languages)
We consider the emotional functioning of articles in the discourse of advertising in English and German. The purpose of this work is to consider the emotional - distinguishing function of the article, as well as its role in the discourse of advertising. In addition, attention is paid to varying degrees of distinguishing when used in the text of a particular article. The practical significance of the work lies in the use of findings in textbooks, which can be used in training professionals working in the global «English speaking» international companies. Scientific novelty of the research is determined by the further development of the theory of the article in the English and German languages as part of emotional deixis, which is relevant. The method of categorical - functional analysis is used. The research sources were the texts of literary works, Bible text, advertising texts and advertising slogans in English and German. The notion of emotional – distinguishing function of the article is introduced in the advertising texts demonstrating the special role of article. The conclusion is drawn that the articles can significantly affect the interpretation («sound») of advertising text as a whole and advertising slogans, that should certainly be taken into account while translating and interpreting them.
Temirova D.B.
Conceptual - thematic classification of terms of subject domain «Cosmetology» (from materials of the Russian and English languages)
The paper sheds light on features of formation and development of subject domain «Cosmetology» and its term framework in the Russian and English languages, which is relevant since this area of medicine is a new one. The main question under study is identification of formation of term system of cosmetology that is theoretically extremely important for science. Terminological units of cosmetology are classified by subject groups with the help of the lexicographic analysis. Methods of observation, comparison, generalization and semantic identification are used. Scientific novelty lies in identification of the general principles of formation of cosmetological terminology in the Russian and English languages. The practical importance is explained by the fact that materials and results can be used in teaching courses on a lexicology, terminology and lexicography. The analysis of practical material allowed us to draw a conclusion that the quantity of the allocated subject groups and cognitive representation of carriers of both languages in the Russian and English languages coincide.
Tlehatuk S.R.
Worldview and subject domain: the peculiarity of functional-pragmatic and cognitive representations
The interrelation of such terminological concepts as the worldview, image of the world, linguistic picture of the world is investigated. The purpose of the paper is to identify the key functions and properties of these phenomena. The correlation of these concepts with subject domain of scientific research is considered. The practical and scientific importance of work is defined by presentation of the theoretical points of view on specifics and characteristics of the specified concepts, which is relevant. The following methods of the linguistic analysis are used: observation, description, differentiation and contextual method. The paper discloses features of the use and perception of the concepts of the world picture, an image of the world and a linguistic picture of the world. The theoretical points of view on specifics of the use and the characteristic of these concepts are reviewed. The sources of research are the opinions and the points of view of linguists, philologists and other researchers presented in various sources. In turn, this study makes a certain contribution to comparative and typological researches. The author ascertains that the concept of worldview is one of the basic concepts of the anthropological linguistics that examines language in close connection with consciousness, thinking of a human, his spiritual life and all the cognitive processes.
Khutyz I.P.
Multimodality of academic discourse as the prerequisite for its communicative success
The paper explores general characteristics of multimodal discourse as well as the specifics of multimodality in academic discourse. Therefore, the object of the research is the semiotic systems that are interacting simultaneously and transmitting information under the influence of communicative traditions of a society. The aim of the paper is to describe the multimodality phenomenon in academic discourse, in its written and oral representation. The results of the analysis of the use of information channels (auditory, visual, etc.) in academic setting, presented here, are descriptive in its nature and obtained by means of the methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and synthesis, observation, and explanation. The combination of these methods allows us to concentrate on various aspects of interaction of semiotic systems during the information transfer. As a result, a conclusion is made that multimodality is a natural feature of communication. Using lecture discourse – one of the most important genres in academic communication – as an example, we try to prove that it is essential for academic discourse to incorporate elements of several semiotic systems (modalities) in order to achieve its communicative aims. Admitting that multimodality of academic discourse makes it natural, effective and interesting stimulates us to reconsider the existing approaches to its construction and use.
Shevatlokhova E.D., Kopot L.V.
Attractive function of an epithet in names of rose varieties
The comparative analysis of metaphorical models of rose variety names is carried out taking into account their impact on potential buyers. A research objective is to show a role of the attractive epithet creating not only the original, unique, memorable image of an advertising product, but also implementing functions of the peculiar means of expression, as well as to give material for further research of the semantic phenomena in the field of adjectives. Some linguo-semantic functions of epithets are defined and described. The conclusion is made about features of semantics of an epithet in similar names. Scientific novelty lies in that we use for research the material which was earlier not exposed to research and which represents a certain interest for the linguist. In the analysis of practical material we used methods of linguistic observation, classification, and comparative and descriptive methods which allowed us to track the process of filling of attractive lexicon with new figurative meanings. The research is important for practice since its results can be used when studying the modern linguistic phenomena, opportunities of metaphorical use of adjectives, as well as when studying the means of expression which are used in advertising texts.
Shevatlokhova E.D., Sokur E.N.
Features of metaphorical word formation in modern sports lexicon
An analysis is made of metaphorical models of modern sports lexicon and phraseological units taking into account their impact on audience. A research objective is to show features of metaphorical word formation in modern sports lexicon by using the analysis of new sports lexicon, as well as to show ability of lexicon to fill the word with new senses and expand its meaning, and to provide material for further researches of the semantic phenomena. The conclusion is drawn about specifics of a metaforization in a sports discourse. Some linguo-semantic functions of a metaphor are defined and described. Scientific novelty lies in that we used the material which was not exposed to the similar analysis. In the analysis of practical material, methods of linguistic observation and a descriptive method, which allowed us to track a process of filling semantics of the word with new figurative meanings, were used. The research is important for practice since its results can be used when studying the modern linguistic phenomena, opportunities of metaphorical word formation, as well as when drawing up dictionaries of new lexicon.
Eldarova R.A.
Metaphor as a way to save language means in «person-nature» linguocultural space
The metaphor is examined as a way of giving a meaning to objects of reality, and in practice, as modeling of association between new and the unknown fixed in linguocultural space. The aim of this paper is to explore the ontologic status of conceptual mission of a metaphor which lies in establishment of analogies for simplification of individual’s interpretive practices in knowledge of the world. The practical importance of work is defined by its innovative character representing modeling of interaction of two conceptual areas in which the new knowledge is formed and explicits mutual determinancy in a language – thinking – culture triad. Scientific novelty of research lies in possibility of a metaphor to act as a unique way of representation and structuring information, an objectivization of mental processes in language and one of the main ways of producing new knowledge. This circumstance is also a cause of relevance of the chosen problem. The following methods of the linguistic analysis are used: oservation, description, identification and differentiation, and component and semantic methods. Research of a metaphor as the linguistic image capable to produce new meanings by means of analogies, explanations and interpretation of one object through another is significant since it introduces a certain contribution not only to the theory of language, but also to Caucasus studies. It is inferred that important components of language and conceptual pictures of the world can be presented through the metaphorical description of basic symbols and myths.
Literary Criticism
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
Typological relations of the Adyghe story of the 1920s – 1930s on a modern subject with the Russian literature
The paper sheds light on artistic esthetic affinity of the Adyghe literatures in the 1920s – 1930s and their relationship with the Soviet literature. The unity of their problem basis, as well as typological relations with the Russian prose in interpretation of the personality, the choice of the hero and the genre and style manner are noted. Thus, the purpose of this research is to designate an originality of prose of the Adyghe newly-formed literatures by using an example of development of the story genre considered in the context of domestic art of the word. In the first works of Kh. Teunov, T. Kerashev and M. Dyshekov we see such feature of the first period of development of the Adyghe literatures as the esthetics of extreme contrasts transferred from journalism to literature. Authors at the same time seek to reveal and show lines of revolutionary reality, the essential traits of an image of the new person and to present thus the complete image of the specific literary character. Relevance of this subject is caused by need of the analysis of development of separate national literatures in the context of formation of the common Russian culture. The comparative and typological method and the literary analysis are used. It is inferred that the Adyghe story of the 1920s – 1930s has developed such problem, structural and style lines, which have created typological features of the initial stage of development of national literatures.
Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A.
Transformation of a genre and mytheme of laziness, rest and dream in «The legend of Sleepy Hollow» by W. Irving
This paper focuses on examination of features of transformation of the legend genre in Washington Irving’s creativity by using the materials of «The Legend of Sleepy Hollow» and a cycle of short stories «Alhambra», as well as the analysis of methods of disclosure of archetypes and mythemes of laziness, rest and dream as symbols, on the one hand, of slackness, regularity and lack of intensity of existence, on the other, – of a dream as the satellite of imaginings in this work in the context of other compositions of Washington Irving. Objectives of this paper include research of the imitation of documentary and publicistic style, characteristic also of book travelogues «Alhambra»; prevalence of oral tradition in structure of the text, colloquial lexicon, features of lyrical-romantic, partly idyllic chronotope of work, and elements of lyrical autobiographism. The methodology is defined by a set of comparative-historical, culturological and textual approaches connected with attention of the author to such feature of folklore as variability, as well as existence of the expressed intertext shown in the reminiscences and hints, in particular, related to Doctor Faust’s figure; the facts of mystic-allegorical manifestation in work of archaic folklore and ethnographic representations, traditions and customs; and irony as the latent form of humor, the most suitable form of ridiculing of superstitions, primitive nature of mass consciousness. The conclusion is drawn about relevance of an antithesis of the rational and irrational, characteristic of the book, about Washington Irving’s concept on preservation of the original cultural heritage, traditional national culture as dichotomy of two considerable tendencies – globalization and anti-globalization, which define scientific and practical importance of research.
Kuyek A.S.
Reflection of the motive of horsemanship in mythic poetics and in the feudal epos of the Adyghes
The motive of the Adyghe horsemanship culture is considered. The purpose of work is to identify the motive of a horsemanship in the Nart legends and legends of the feudal epos. The practical importance of work is defined by its innovative character connected with the comparative analysis of folklore works, as well as field materials, collected by the author among the Adyghe diaspora abroad. Scientific novelty of research is that in the Adyghe folklore studies the institute of horsemanship culture of the Adyghes with its profound studying in Nart society is insufficiently fully presented that has caused relevance of the chosen subject. It is shown that long time ago, since the Nart times, the Adyghes, paid great attention to physical improvement of an individual and his spiritual development. The publication describes the formation of the horseman since small years up to maturity, as well as physical, psychological and spiritual components of the leader of horsemen. Also the research shows the mechanisms of impact of mentality of Adyghe society on formation of the knightly image of the horseman. Methods of the comparative analysis of various folklore works which have become research sources are used. The similar analysis makes a certain contribution to studying not only the horsemanship culture of the Adyghes, but also formation of knightly etiquette – one of the aspects making Adyghe khabze. It is established that the ideas of horsemanship culture in the context of an ethnic mental world vision are important for research of the whole Adyghe culture and its folklore heritage.
Shkhabatseva M.A.
Epithet in the Adyghe lullabies
Art and style features of the Adyghe lullabies are examined in order to allocate and analyze an epithet as an esthetically meaningful attribute. The epithet has been well studied by the Adyghe scientists. However this study investigates the epithet for the first time within maternal folklore and therefore is relevant. The scientific and practical importance of this work is that the set of earlier unstudied texts of lullabies is introduced in scientific circulation, and wide-ranging studies are carried out on the typology and functions of esthetically meaningful attributes in these texts. Attention is focused on the constant epithets used as the address to the child. Simple, complex and compound epithets are identified on formal grounds, and metaphorical, metaphoric-hyperbolic and hyperbolic groups are allocated on the semantic-esthetic basis. Parts of speech are recognized, by means of which the compound epithets, forming the greatest group in the studied texts, are expressed. It is emphasized that tirade formulas of epithets are used to artistically characterize the ideal hero of the Adyghe lullabies. Structural-typological and semantic-stylistic methods of research are applied. The author comes to a conclusion that the epithet is the most common art means of lullabies. Of great interest are the comprehensive epithet constructions complicated by a metaphor, a hyperbole and comparison.
Beshukova F.B., Khatkova I.N.
Role of mass consciousness stereotypes and archetypes in advertising communication
Basing on the leading theories of a modern advertising science, we analyze mechanisms of creating an effective advertising image, first of all, with the use of stereotypes and archetypes. The aim of work is, first, to define a role of stereotypes in the consumer’s behavior in terms of social, cultural and psychological motives of purchaser’s reaction; and second, to detect importance of archetypical images for creation of an effective advertising message. The above mentioned aspects of research are of interest to advertising science in the conditions of formation of the domestic theory of advertising and fundamental changes of the Russian social and economic picture. Identification of a role of stereotypes and archetypes has practical value for creation of an effective advertising image: the case advertising images, created on the basis of archetypical models, are provided to illustrate the theoretical provisions of article. Methodological bases of work are modern media science theories, researches in the field of the consumer’s psychology, and the theories of psychoanalysis and sociology of advertising, namely: I.V. Groshev, V.V. Uchenova, A.V. Ovrutsky, U. Lippman, G. Schulze, and K. Jung’s concepts. On the basis of representative theoretical and practical calculations the conclusion is drawn that stereotypes and archetypes of individual and mass consciousness play a key role in advertising communication.
Khazhgerieva A.A.
Branding of the region as an info-communicative forming component of the Adyghea image in the Russian information space
The paper discusses the media technologies to form the image of the Adyghea Republic. The purpose of this work is to study the components forming and making positive image of the region, the latest methods and tools of its formation. The practical importance lies in its survey and analytical character revealing priority ways of formation of positive image of the region in information space. Scientific novelty of research is that the brand of the Adyghea Republic is not presented as a forming component of the image of the region in the Russian information space. Therefore an attempt is undertaken to make a certain contribution to further development of ways of formation of positive image of the Republic and strategy of development of a brand of the region. This will allow more effective presentation of an image of the region in information space. Relevance of this work is also related to this circumstance. We use the analysis, supervision, the description and identification of the concept of creation of the region attractiveness by means of PR technology – regional branding. A source of research included the images of the Adyghea Republic covered in mass media in the Russian information space. The conclusion is drawn that it is possible to form a positive image of the region, its economic and investment attractiveness by means of variety of traditional and creative tools, technologies of development and positioning in information space.
Study of Arts
Kazakova N.Yu.
The principles of aspect design to achieve «a stream state» in a game design
This research explores features of the «stream state» arising within game activity which is intensely used to increase attractiveness of game projects in a game design. The aim of this paper is to describe this phenomenon, which is manifestation of higher nervous activity, in detail and comprehensively. Its understanding promotes disclosing the deep mechanisms which are the cornerstone of game behavior. The scientific importance of studying a stream state in the context of design culture is an understanding of the factors which are responsible for full immersion of the user in virtual medium of computer and video games. The practical importance of research lies in possibility of elaboration of innovative approaches to create the game projects meeting expectations and preferences of target audience. On the basis of the numerous researches conducted by leading experts in the sphere of ludology, digital design and a game industry, we reveal and analyze the purposes pursued by players beginning a game and the dependence between process of their realization and immersion in the stream state. One of the main conclusions is identification and systematization of the factors promoting achievement of a stream state that can optimize the development of the new game projects including the artistic and processing methods aimed at formation of the play experience which is most positively perceived by users. From the practical viewpoint, results of this research covering area of an art esthetics, psychology and information technologies can be applied when developing domestic video and computer games, as well as games to mobile devices, whose technological, esthetic and consumer properties will provide the worthy competition to foreign analogs.
Kuyek M.G.
Semantics of solar symbols in art metal of the Adyghes
The solar symbolics is explored in the context of archaism of images of fine arts and arts and crafts of the Northwest Caucasus. Objects of research are works of art metal from archaeological monuments of the different historical periods, semantics of solar symbols, and pagan cults of the Adyghes. The purpose of research is to explore the images reflecting richness of symbolics of ornamental and decorative motives, caused by development of archaic mythological and art structures of knowledge of the world, pagan cults and religious views. We used the method of comparative and typological research and the semantic method for identification of symbolical loading of a decor. It is noted that the sacral in ornamental art of the Adyghes is translated and fixed by the initial motives reflecting a solar cult in solar, zoomorphic and anthropological symbols. Relevance of work is defined by comparison of symbolical value of elements of a decor on works of decorative art, allowing us to reveal ways of continuity and to designate fundamental categories of cosmological representations which can be designated as archaic.
V.L. Primakov
The focus is interethnic intensity (Review of the monograph of group of authors "Ethnosocial Processes: Regional Measurement” / Chief Editor R.D. Khunagov; Eds. A.Yu. Shadzhe, S. A. Lyausheva. – Maikop: Kachestvo, 2015. – 162 pp.)
In the review, the author makes an analysis and judgment of the conclusions stated on pages of the collective monograph "Ethnosocial Processes: Regional Measurement". Importance of interdisciplinary studying, the analysis and an assessment of interethnic intensity as most important indicator of a condition of ethnocultural processes is emphasized. The review rises the questions connected with further empirical studying and assessment of this important phenomenon.