Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Abregov A.N., Sheozheva B.A. Record of morphonological changes in word structure of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages in etymological researches
Adzinova A.A., Kopot L.V. Interrelation of verbal and iconic components of the creolised text (from material of the journal for motorists «Driving»)
Germasheva T.M. Language game as instrument of updating linguistic creativity
Donskova L.A., Bagirokov Kh.Z. Psycholinguistic bases of communicative tolerance of linguistic person
Ivanova K.A. Strategy in speech communication: theoretical aspect
Kondratovà A.V. Conceptual foundations of the ergonymic field formation
Korotkova M.O. Features of realization of colloquial speech in a literary dialogue (as shown by Anna Gavalda’s novels “Je l’aimais” and “Ensemble, c’est tout”)
Kysylbaikova M.I. Comparative analysis of the fragments of language consciousness of native English and Yakut languages speakers (as shown by concept «Culture»)
Loova A.D., Khachetsukova Z.K. Steady core of a stereotypic image: national specifics, original traditions as the stabilizing mutual understanding factor in cross-cultural communication
Nechay Yu.P., Shishkina A.G. German and Russian fairy tales: the national peculiarities
Plaksina V.A., Ostrovskaya T.A. Actualization of a cluster concept of «ëèöåìåðèå / hypocrisy» in a political discourse
Popova L.G., Vorobyeva O.Yu. Conceptualization of the earth as natural phenomenon in the English and Russian texts of the heroic epos
Popova L.G., Zezyulya I.N. Rest representation as break in work in the English and Russian paroemias
Popova L.G., Ismailova S.N. Display of external beauty in the English and Azerbaijani phraseological pictures of the world
Popova L.G., Kulakova Yu.N. Lexicographic means of representation of a core of concept «thrift» in the German and English languages
Subirkina N.Yu. On linguistic creativity (as shown by a study of unformal toponyms)
Tikhonova A.P. Tenses and Moods in the Hattian and Abhazian-Adyghe Languages
Filimonova E.P. Language personality of the sportscaster in discourse space of mass media
Khachak F.D. Feature reflection of national mentality in proverbs of writer-bilingual R. Trakho
Khachmafova Z.R., Chuprakova E.V. Representations of an emotional condition of the female character in verbal and nonverbal aspects of communication
Literary Criticism
Bakov Kh.I. On the problem of innovation in Boris Utizhev’s works
Dzhambekova T.B., Inarkaeva S.I. The idea of the person/personality in structure of current Chechen female prose
Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P. Problem of formation of the personality in L.N. Tolstoy and I.A. Ilyin’s heritage
Khadzhieva L.L. Opposition ‘the village — the city’ in creative consciousness of M. Isakovsky
Khadzhieva L.L., Tovsultanova D.S. Art structure and author’s discourse in M.V. Isakovsky’s book ‘On the Yelnya Earth’
Study of Arts
Ivinskikh G.P. Theater and audience: long-distance relations (as shown by theatrical life in Perm in the 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries)
Makina A.V. Cantoral activities of the Archimandrite Matthew (Mormyl)
Nesterov S.I. Dramaturgic and composition features of a miniature for a violin solo in the last third of the 20th century
Sorokina U.V. On the preservation and revival of spiritual musical culture in Rostov-on-Don during the second half of the 20th century
Spiridonova A.V. Russian folk embroidery: ornament, character, motive
Zhade Z.A. REVIEW over monographs of Vartumyan A.A. and Kornienko T.A. "Modernization political processes: civilization and national specifics" and "Political process in "not western" polities: the role of traditions and innovations"
Alentyeva M.A., Chitao L.R. Cross-cultural communication as new level of language competence
Anchek S.Kh. Some features of language space of Adyghe lullabies
Atazhakhova S.T. Reduplication in the Adyghe language and its specifics
Beketova A.A. System-forming signs of an Internet discourse and value picture of the world
Bidanok M.M. Reduplication models of stem-composition in fiction texts of Kh.Ashinov
Dzhandar B.M., Loova A.D. On a national originality of gender stereotype functioning in native speakers’ language consciousness (from material of the German and Adyghe cultures)
Kambachokov A.M., Khashkhozheva Z.T. The problems of semantic and grammatical peculiarities of participle in the Kabardino-Circassian language
Kopot L.V., Shevatlokhova E.D., Arkhipova I.V. On formation of the standard of speech in mass media
Kurbaitaeva A.A., Biryukova E.V. The phenomenon of stylistic paradox in the editorial (from material of journalism and press style)
Kubashicheva S.K., Chitao L.R. Efficiency of the metaphorical nominations in semantic space of languages of different systems
Lebedeva L.A., Savrasova O.M. Intercultural lacunas in the structure of concepts: the Russian concept CHUZHOI -FOREIGN and the Czech ÑIZÍ - FOREIGN
Osipov G.A. On the issue of a text ideologization estimation in a political discourse (as shown by American politicians’ speeches)
Plaksina V.A. Implementation of a cluster concept of «hypocrisy» in discoursive space of policy
Popova L.G., Kulakova Yu.N. Lexical-semantic representation of thrift in ecological texts in the German and English languages
Ptuschenko E.B., Petrishin D.V. Promising information technologies as tool of knowledge in linguistics
Rus-Bryushinina I.-V., Sokur E.A., Kharrash N.I. Prosodic component of the Russian prosaic and poetic speech
Sasina S.A., Bricheva M.M. Linguistic aspects of a naming (from material of English-language brands)
Tikhonova A.P. Hattian-Abkhazian-Adyghe Lexical Correspondencies (History and Modern Times)
Tuguz G.T. On correlation of words and phraseological units in the Adyghe language
Khachak F.D. Features of sovietism functioning in works of the writer-bilingual
Yastrebov-Pestritsky M.S. Peripheral semantic microfields in the metaphorical field of «Travel across Kamchatka» of I. Selvinsky
Literary Criticism
Naptsok B.R., Meretukova M.M. Genre invariants and originality of poetics of Christmas prose (from material of the Russian literature of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V., Sosnovsky V.T. On typological features of the Adyghe lyrical poetry of the beginning of the 1960s – the 1980s
Panesh U.M., Akhidzhakova M.P., Urakova F.K. On genre, structural and style features of historical and historical-revolutionary prose in the Adyghe literature of the 1960 – 1980s
Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A. The folklore principle in comprehension of an antithesis of «poetry and the truth» in «The Legend of Sleepy Hollow» by W. Irving
Chekalov P.K., Inarkaeva S.I. Historical - philosophical context of personality depiction in the story of M.E. Beksultanov «The road returning to top”
Chotchaeva M.Yu., Sosnovsky V.T. Postmodernism in culture and literature of the present
Shishkhova N.M. The principles of the historical narration in the Russian tragedies of the 18th century
Mirumyan A.G. Evolution of the concept «technology» in mass communication researches
Study of Arts
Voitleva N.A. The genre of imagination in works of the Ossetian composer A. Makoev
Kurmanaev E.M. Musical remarques as a means for thematic development of sheet music text, its pragmatic interpretation
Nekhay V.N. Review of the monograph: North Caucasus: religions, policy, elites, safety / Ed. T. Bodio. Warsaw: Wladza elite przywodztwo, 2017. V. XI. 604 p.
Adzinova A.A. Anthroponymic headings-precedentisms in the creolized text
Bidanok M.M. Syncretism in the Adyghe language and its manifestations in the Adyghe prosaic text (from materials of Kh. Ashinov’s stories)
Guziekova S.M. Conceptual essence of linguistic personality in fiction world picture
Ivanova D.S. Nonterminological names of diseases as research object: Problem statement
Kondratova A.V., Pavlovskaya O.E. National and regional identity as markers of Kuban ergonyms
Korotkova M.O. Text of literary work as polycode phenomenon of art communication
Loova A.D., Dzhandar B.M. On some forms of speech etiquette as basic value in consciousness of the language personality (from material of the German and Adyghe languages)
Lulikova A.V. Urban discourse of Ven. Erofeev’s poem “Moscow – Petushki”
Melnichuk S.F. On the linguo-cultural status of the concept of “writer’s fate”
Sapieva S.K. Adygstvo as variant of Kavkazskost and features of its explication in art discourse
Tlekhatuk S.R. Categorical structuring of the subject area «Economics»
Khachmafova Z.R., Goncharova E.N. Lexical means of representation of concept «success» in the modern journalese discourse
Sheozheva B.A., Abregov A.N. Active processes in the word-formation system of the Adyghe language
Scherbakova I.V., Evsyukova T.V. Verbal and nonverbal means of objectivation of indignation emotion in an art discourse (from material of the Russian and German languages)
Yastrebov-Pestritsky M.S. Univerbation and other examples of language evolution. Comparativization of newspaper texts with a 110-year temporary distance
Tikhonova A.P. A Hittite Ritual through the Light of Abkhaz-Adyghe Languages
Literary Criticism
Beshukova F.B., Khachmafova Z.R. Postmodern text strategy in space of literary communication
Dzhambekova T.B., Dzhambekov O.A. On literary and folklore searches of A.D. Sheripov (toward the 120th anniversary since birth)
Panesh U.M., Shazzo Sh.E., Khachmafova Z.R. On folklore sources and features of the story genre formation in new written «prose of historic breakthrough» (from material of the Adyg literatures of 1920 – 1930s)
Panesh S.R. Typological features of poem genre forms in the Adyghe literature of the 1960-1990s
Panesh S.R., Kerasheva F.N. On formation of the lyrical and lyrical-dramatic poem in the Adyghe literature (the 1960-1970s)
Khatkova I.N. Features of depicting a historical era in the novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «Infidel»
Shishkhova N.M., Ankudinov K.N. Manifestations of romantic outlook in poetic works of the Russian early symbolists (K. Balmont, S. Sokolov-Krechetov, I. Annensky, and A. Blok)
Shovgenova T.A. The novel «Goshevnay» by I. Mashbash in the context of development of the Adyghe historical-revolutionary prose
Paranuk K.N. Neomythologism paradigm in the Adyghe contemporary novel
Study of Arts
Alpeissova G.T., Akparova G.T. Legendary Korkyt’s figure in contemporary music of Kazakhstan: philosophical aspect
Akparova G.T. Composition for clarinet and piano “Dervish” by S. Abdinurov
Voitleva N.A. Piano music of the composers of Adyghea in musical educational space of the Republic
Adzinova A.A., Kopot L.V. Experience in lexicographic activity of the Faculty of Philology in creation and inclusion of dictionaries in the learning process of schools and higher education institutions in the Republic of Adyghea: regional aspect
Arkhipova I.V., Kopot L.V., Shevatlokhova E.D. National and cultural features of the speech as means to transform the meaning of statement
Akhidzhakova M.P., Chaplygina O.G. Concept «heroine»: problem of the terminological status
Ahmadzai S.A. Criterial appraisals and their lingual representation
Bagirokov Kh.Z., Kheyshkho F.I., Sheudzhen E.D. Representation of an interferema at bilateral bilingualism
Balian A.M., Kushu S.A., Zadorozhnaya E.Yu. Linguocultural features of the English-speaking language personality
Bedanokova S.K., Bedanokova Z.K. Phraseological units with Latin components in modern French
Beshukova F.B., Khachmafova Z.R. Language representation of a gender stereotype of masculinity in mass media discourse (from material of texts from the Russian journals)
Vinnik Yu.V., Grushevskaya T.M. Communicative strategy: prerequisites of functioning
Goryacheva E.D. Case statement VS popular expression: the ontologic status in a modern linguistic paradigm
Evsyukova T.V., Agababyan S.R. Evolution of a concept «community/world» in the Russian culture of language
Kambachokov A.M., Gubzhokova D.D. Expressive means and stylistic devices of creating artistic image in A.Kh. Mukozhev’s poetic works
Korotkova M.O. Emotion as a concept dominant (based on Anna Gavalda’s novel “Je l’aimais”)
Kubashicheva S.K., Khabekirova Z.S. The current trends of development of political communication
Kushu S.A. The cognitive semantic and linguoculturological analysis of speech behavior and speech communication (according to the Arabic paroemias)
Redko G.V., Eremeeva A.A. Communicative strategy as strategy of understanding and interpretation of sense
Tikhonova A.P. Characteristic features of derivational compounds in the Hattian language: linguo-cognitive aspect
Tlevtsezheva M.M., Naptsok M.R., Kuvaeva A.A. The adjective phrase-semantic group «Age of the Person» in Russian and French languages
Unarokova R.B., Bizheva Z.Kh., Tseeva Z.A., Unarokova F.D. Lexicographic database of the Circassian languages: basic principles of creation
Khurum R.Yu. Use of information and communication technologies in linguistics as a factor of formation of information competences
Shkhumishkhova A.R., Kalashaova A.A. Image of the modern woman in advertising media texts (from material of glossy magazines)
Literary Criticism
Akhmetova D.A., Khuazheva N.Kh. Innovative aspects of interaction of narrative and fine art structures with folklore and epos in the novel by N. Kuyek «Wine of the Dead»
Gutov A.M. Anti-hero in Junior Circassian Epic
Panesh U.M., Panesh S.R. Problematical-thematic and genre features of the poem in the Adyghe literature of the 1960s through the beginning of the 1990s
Khakuasheva M.A. Problems of moral antagonism in Yu. Shidov’s prose (as shown by the story «Dinner for Two»)
Shestak A.N. Genre features of the Olga Slavnikova’s novel «2017»
Kudaeva Z.Zh. Motive of «duality» and symbolics of «a vegetable code» in the Adyghe folklore
Patyukova R.V., Minskaya A.N. Legislative practice in the sphere of state youth policy: media aspect
Somova E.G., Abramova G.A., Khlopunova O.V. Stylistic devices of the advertising media text
Khazhgerieva A.A. The formation of media image of the Republic of Adyghea on the basis of ethno-cultural and historical-geographic factors
Study of Arts
Baste A.K., Voitleva N.A. The Adyghe folk songs in the repertoire of the Aschamez folklore ensemble
Chepniyan N.L. The 1920-1950s musical culture of Adyghea in the context of the main paradigms of the cultural revolution