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#4 / 2017
Adzinova A.A., Kopot L.V.
Experience in lexicographic activity of the Faculty of Philology in creation and inclusion of dictionaries in the learning process of schools and higher education institutions in the Republic of Adyghea: regional aspect
This paper sheds light on experience in lexicographic activity of the Faculty of Philology of the Adyghe State University developed in the course of creation and inclusion of dictionaries in the learning process of schools and higher education institutions in the multiethnic region – the Republic of Adyghea. We analyze the printing editions created on the basis of this faculty by the staff of Departments of Russian Language and Linguistics. These editions include an obligatory regional component to form tolerance in historical and cultural community of the different ethnoses living in the North Caucasus. Similar dictionaries, undoubtedly, create favorable conditions for further cultural dialogue in Russian as the language binding all ethnoses and mentalities in the region.
Arkhipova I.V., Kopot L.V., Shevatlokhova E.D.
National and cultural features of the speech as means to transform the meaning of statement
The paper shows the role of extralinguistic factors in changing the meaning of the text. The most typical extralinguistic factors influencing the understanding and interpretation of the text by the reader are identified. Those are sociolinguistic, etiquette, national and cultural. The method of the transformational analysis has allowed the authors to reveal statements with the sense changing at will of the author, as well as wrong cases of creation of the speech. The conclusion is drawn that national and cultural features of the speech of the addressee and addressant play the great role in change of the meaning of the statement. Extra language factors are a necessary prerequisite for adequate understanding of the statement. The explication of background knowledge at perception of the text promotes the best understanding of traditional, national and sociocultural peculiarities of language.
Akhidzhakova M.P., Chaplygina O.G.
Concept «heroine»: problem of the terminological status
Mutual correlations of the terms «concept», «artistic image» and «art concept» are identified and analyzed in coordinates of modern cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics. The data obtained within the presented scientific research based on studying numerous domestic and foreign authoritative sources on the terminological status of the concept «heroine» promote a research of multilevel interrelations of lexical units and categories of culture. The theoretical importance of the obtained results lies in systematization of approaches to study a concept which is based on examination of the relations of the logical information provided by conceptual language units and ethnocultural context. Also researches within this approach are focused on identification of culturally marked concepts as a part of various ethnospheres of concepts; and, moreover, on comparison of representation of separate fragments of reality in coordinates of different cultures in the context of action of a complex of ethnocultural factors. Such approach allows studying concepts in terms of their verbalization that focuses attention on their conceptual - language character. The obtained data are of particular importance as can be successfully applied to art concept examination as author’s embodiment of universal, ethnocultural and individual meanings within the last of the specified approaches. As the analysis has shown, the art concept can enter difficult correlations with an artistic image, and in this regard it is possible to assume possible classifications of representants of the concept «heroine» in fiction texts.
Ahmadzai S.A.
Criterial appraisals and their lingual representation
The paper deals with the criterial appraisal types and lexical means of their representation in Russian speech. The author used different modern Russian explanatory dictionaries and data of “National Corps of Russian Language” in the Internet as the sources of the factual material. For the analysis of the factual material the method of definitional semantic description with the elements of the field and component analyses was used. As a result, the existence of special type of criterial appraisals where different stereotypic representations of people were used as evaluation criteria has been proved. Adjectives expressing appraisals of such type in the Russian speech are revealed and described. Results of the work prove a principal difference of criterial appraisals from appraisals of relational character, consisting in the positive or negative emotional, desiderative, deiktic or value attitude of the subject of appraisal to the evaluated object.
Bagirokov Kh.Z., Kheyshkho F.I., Sheudzhen E.D.
Representation of an interferema at bilateral bilingualism
An attempt is undertaken to allocate interferemas and to describe them in the conditions of bilingualism of the Adyghe and another nation. In the Adyghe speech of Russians-bilinguals a unit of measure of an interference is the interferema (simple, complicated, of different levels, syncretic and multiple). At allocation of interferemas attention was paid to sound compliances and discrepancies in the contacting languages. Written and dictation records of the bilinguals knowing the Adyghe language have served as material. The sociolinguistic analysis of phonetic-phonologic level has revealed various extents of knowledge of the Adyghe language, existence of transitional forms of interference. Systematization and classification is carried out of levels of the bilateral bilingualism which is based on interferemas, functioning in the Adyghe speech of the Russians. The authors underline that in the Russian society there is a need to understand and develop a new philosophy of education in the new millennium, in particular – philological. The expected tolerant relations in society depend on the purposes which will be defined for itself by the Adyghe philological education. It has been established that the nature of emergence of interference is caused by various reasons. The research of an ethnolanguage situation in the region in aspect of formation of bilateral bilingualism is necessary since the educational effect in society will be more extensive and productive.
Balian A.M., Kushu S.A., Zadorozhnaya E.Yu.
Linguocultural features of the English-speaking language personality
The aim of the paper is to determine the main parameters which classify linguistic personality as English-speaking and to reveal its linguistic specificity in the liguocultural aspect. The main task of the paper is to analyze linguistic, paralinguistic, extralinguistic, cognitive and communicative parameters of the speaking person. It is linguistic personality and its nationality in accordance with speech communication data that determines the significance of this publication. Both universal language features of people and features revealed according to the ordinary, elementary and high levels of the language skills are analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that the lexical, grammatical, semantic, paralinguistic, prosodic, communicative, etiquette parameters and stereotypes can be classified as nationally specific to the English-speaking linguistic personality. The spleen, humor, comicality and creative component are emphasized as characteristic phenomena. The authors underline the difference between the English and the Russian humor. The possibility to apply the results of the study in the courses of teaching English, translation studies and linguoculturology determines the practical value of the present study.
Bedanokova S.K., Bedanokova Z.K.
Phraseological units with Latin components in modern French
An analysis is made of interaction of the historical and semantic factors which have caused a national originality and laid the foundation of French modern phraseology. The authors study structural, semantic and functional features of phraseological units with Latin components during development and formation of national language. The theoretical importance of this research based on the analysis of phraseological units with Latin components is defined by the fact that French has inherited the greatest part of the lexical fund from Latin and develops on a national basis from an early stage of language formation. Cognitive and linguoculturological approaches represent methodological base of consideration of lexical material since images of primordially French phraseological units belong to the most various spheres of material culture and public life of people. In the course of the analysis it has been revealed that phonetic transformations in combination with other factors participate in formation and semantic development of phraseological units. However, semantic transformations which can lead to loss of own meaning of components and development of the new one are the major factor. Formation and development of phraseological fund is defined, in our opinion, as one of means of cultivation and improvement of the French national language. Data obtained during the research can be applied in learning language which has inherited the greatest part of the lexical fund from Latin.
Beshukova F.B., Khachmafova Z.R.
Language representation of a gender stereotype of masculinity in mass media discourse (from material of texts from the Russian journals)
The paper investigates the role of mass media in formation of gender stereotypes in mass consciousness. The purpose of this publication is to describe language expression of the gender stereotype of masculinity in a discourse of Russian modern mass media. Use of methods of the descriptive, analytical and contextual analysis has allowed identification of laws of lexical-semantic designing the stereotypified men’s image in mass media discourse. It has been established that the gender stereotype of masculinity in mass media discourse reflects the assessment ideas of society about behavior standards and relevant characteristics of men formed in language consciousness. The possibility to apply the results of the study in higher school courses on the theory of language and gender studies determines the practical value of the present material. The research makes a contribution to the solution of problems of studying interaction of language and a gender in mass media discourse.
Vinnik Yu.V., Grushevskaya T.M.
Communicative strategy: prerequisites of functioning
This study deals with communicative strategy as the communicative behavior reflecting actions, motives, requirements and desires of the language personality in the form of verbal and nonverbal means of expression. Authors show that it is just interest which induces the person to influence the interlocutor to achieve goals and that it is just in consciousness of the person that the communicative strategy is carried out. It is for the first time the main characteristics of communicative strategy are generalized. In order to describe formation of communicative prerequisites, G.P. Grays’s principle of cooperation, necessary for this position, is considered. Realization of common objectives of communication defines their choice as means of achievement of these purposes. Communicative strategy represents attempt of interlocutors to find mutual understanding in semantic loading of any situation; at the same time the purpose of speaking is the report of the main sense. The obtained data can be successfully applied in the analysis of communicative strategy of text material. It has been established that communicative strategy represents a complex of the speech actions directed to achievement of the communicative purpose, and prerequisites of studying this concept are the communicative, cognitive, linguistic, sociological and psychological, rhetorical and esthetic ones.
Goryacheva E.D.
Case statement VS popular expression: the ontologic status in a modern linguistic paradigm
Winged expressions are discussed in comparison to case statements. Peculiarities of the national picture of the world and, as a consequence, linguistic culture, are represented, in particular, through popular expressions as markers of case phenomena. The aim of the paper is to identify and describe features that define the ontological status of winged expressions and case expressions in cognitive and cultural linguistics. Scientific novelty of this publication is in the comprehensive analysis of case phenomena, in particular, case statements in their relation to the popular expressions that provides the multicoordinate evidence of put forward theses in terms of inclusion of the results obtained in the paradigms of the theory of precedent, pragmalinguistic and phraseology. Research methodology is defined by its object and subject: a case and popular expressions are examined through the identification of integral and differential characteristics from the standpoint of cognitive, pragmalinguistic and cultural approaches. Semantics and form of case statements allows identification of two main types: with «surface» meaning and preserving the indivisibility of the «surface» and «deep» meanings, which in turn determines integral and differential signs of case statements and aphorisms. The work contributes to the development of the theory of language, pragmalinguistics, linguoculturology, and theoretical knowledge, deepening ideas about the case phenomena, their types, the cognitive-semantic capacities and functions, winged expressions as markers of the case phenomena and phraseological units at the same time. The possibility of utilizing the obtained results in the practice of teaching courses on the theory of language, cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, issues of cognitive linguistics and phraseology determines the practical value of this research.
Evsyukova T.V., Agababyan S.R.
Evolution of a concept «community/world» in the Russian culture of language
An analysis is made of the concept the «community/world» reflecting the main standard ideas of the Russian ethnos on this concept in diachronic aspect. The purpose of this work is to detect linguocultural and linguocognitive characteristics of this concept using the material of idiomatics, the review of the lexicographic sources and modern text material, as well as in creation of a frame of a concept as mental unit. On the basis of methods of the analysis of practical material, such as the etymological, contextual, historical and cultural, and the method of cognitive interpretation, a conclusion is drawn about high mentality and cultural and axiological importance of the concept in space of the Russian national culture. An attempt is undertaken to present semantic concepts in the form of a frame scheme, including the slots representing the dominant characteristics of this concept, as well as the subslots reflecting its evolutionary changes. The research makes a contribution to development of cultural linguistics and lingual conceptology, describing national specifics and evolution of the analyzed concept as one of basic concepts of the Russian culture. Results can find practical application in developing lectures of special courses on cultural linguistics, lingual conceptology, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.
Kambachokov A.M., Gubzhokova D.D.
Expressive means and stylistic devices of creating artistic image in A.Kh. Mukozhev’s poetic works
The most important expressive means and stylistic devices forming an artistic image in the Kabardian poetic text are first considered on the material of the poetic works of one of the best Circassian masters of the artistic word A.Kh. Mukozhev. A particular attention is paid to the system-linguistic means of achieving expressiveness, primarily at the lexical-semantic level most frequently used in the works of the Circassian poetry. The most productive of the lexical and semantic means of creating an expressive coloring of words and expressions is the associative-figurative reinterpretation of meanings, which is based on tropes, among which the most important are metaphor, metonymy, simile, which A.Kh. Mukozhev used very skillfully. The study shows that the so-called «author’s phraseological units», epithets, metonymy, oxymoron, antithesis, periphrasis, hyperbole, etc. are also used to create a vivid, realistic artistic image in the poet’s works. There are separate poetic works, representing a sustained metaphor («Life is an Old Train», «Sated and Starving», etc.). The results of the work can be used in courses on expressive lexicology, expressive syntax, text linguistics and stylistics of the Circassian languages.
Korotkova M.O.
Emotion as a concept dominant (based on Anna Gavalda’s novel “Je l’aimais”)
In this article we study peculiarities of realization of emotions in the text. The aim of the research is to study the parameters of the realization of emotional concept “love” in Anna Gavalda’s novel “Je l’aimais”. The analysis of the theoretical and practical background has shown that the literary text as a complex semantic space embodies plural semantic fields, the dominant units of which are concepts. The dominant text emotions are realized as emotional concepts, the analysis of which contributes to revelation of the semantic side of a text, to the author’s conceptual field determination, which embodies the author’s individual stylistic traits. The undertaken study has shown the following results: the units of the concept realization can be represented by nouns, adjectives, verbs, which denominate emotional concept or describe it indirectly. Emotions can be expressed by describing emotional reactions or states, associated to approved feelings. The efficient way of the demonstration of emotions is emotional metaphor, which contributes imagery to the text and activates the reader’s imagination. In conclusion it is argued that the most complete revelation of the literary text dominant emotions can be accomplished by its basic concepts study, which embodies semantic, syntactic and pragmatic dimensions, in the unity of which the semantic diversity of the text is implemented.
Kubashicheva S.K., Khabekirova Z.S.
The current trends of development of political communication
The paper presents the new aspect of an analytical research on the basis of the discourse of political character as fundamental of the English culture of language. The main components of process of political communication in the modern information space are revealed. The political lexicon making the most representative group of English words is investigated by means of the synchronous psycholinguistic analysis. The value of unique linguistic material and methods of language influence and determination of emotional, political and ideological level of consciousness of mass audience are identified. Examples of lexicological units from mass media show the development of a number of political terms. Their metaphorical components, as well as different variants of translation of neologisms of the modern political language are described. Thus, it is possible to state that in the course of political communication special methods of language impact on the ideological, emotional and intellectual level of mass audience prevail.
Kushu S.A.
The cognitive semantic and linguoculturological analysis of speech behavior and speech communication (according to the Arabic paroemias)
An analysis is made of speech communication aspects in the Arabic proverbs, sayings and cliched statements which reflect the Arab mentality and the Arab culture of language. The author defines what assessment, obvious or hidden, is given to the specified aspects and which language techniques are applied in them most frequently. The term «paroemia» is understood widely as including proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, language clichés and aphorisms. Dwelling upon views of a number of modern scientists and upon the Arab linguistic tradition such language units are united in the generalizing category of «masalas». Application of the cognitive, semantic and linguocultural analysis has made it possible to state that a direct or implicit assessment to various aspects and types of speech behavior is given in the Arabic paroemias. Paroemias teach to skillfully handle language to avoid the dangers and misunderstanding which are concealed in the inept addressing it. Oppositions, comparisons, metaphors, techniques of personification and objectification of language and allegorical meaning are applied in many groups of sayings about various aspects of the language and speech. Materials can be useful to paremiology, cultural linguistics, comparative linguistics, theory of translation, as well as in learning the Arabic language.
Redko G.V., Eremeeva A.A.
Communicative strategy as strategy of understanding and interpretation of sense
Definition of a communicative situation is given, various approaches to its analysis are described, and its intrinsic characteristics are singled out. Communicative strategy is connected with perception of a discourse and can be regarded as the strategy of understanding and interpretation of sense. The dynamics in communicative strategy is defined to be the specific communicative goal, and communicative strategy represents the conscious plan of the solution of an individual problem in reaching the specific communicative goal. Elements of communicative strategy are allocated: those are a purpose of the communicant, model of speech behavior, specific features of the personality and world outlook values of participants of communication. Authors present one of the varieties of communicative strategy – discursive strategy which is defined as «projective conceptual vision» by the individual of specific social institute of «discursive behavior» which is based on conscious optimum achievement of the goal, expressed in specific language means. The technique of this research is based on the provision on dialectic interrelation of language and reality and relies on the principles focused on adequate reflection of reality by language. The research has a certain theoretical importance since communicative strategy is a high-quality control facility of human behavior, and the phenomenon of communicative strategy changes in form, adapts to the changing reality conditions, at the same time improving methods of impact on the addressee. Results of this research can be useful in the analysis of strategic structure of the text and in interpretation of its sense.
Tikhonova A.P.
Characteristic features of derivational compounds in the Hattian language: linguo-cognitive aspect
The article deals with logical-conceptual and derivational structure of the Hattian composites. The objective of the study is to reveal primary words that determine stability of the language and its national specificity. The main method of investigation is comparative- historical. While analyzing Hattian composites we took into consideration regular sound correspondences of related Hattian, Abkhaz and Adyghe words with identical or close meaning. Hattian words are given in Latin transliteration, their Abkhaz-Adyghe match – in the Cyrillic alphabet. Comparison of the components of the Hattian composites with identical Abkhaz-Adyghe lexical units made it possible to reveal their coincidence and to confirm affinity of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages and their origin from the same language source. The results of the investigation may be used for writing the history of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.
Tlevtsezheva M.M., Naptsok M.R., Kuvaeva A.A.
The adjective phrase-semantic group «Age of the Person» in Russian and French languages
An analysis is made of the adjective phrase-semantic group «age of the person» in modern Russian in comparison with features of this group in French. The research goal is to examine the semantic structure of this group of phraseological units as a part of a macrogroup «a physical condition of the person». Systematization in the Russian and French languages of the phrase-semantic group «age of the person» which is subdivided into synonymic blocks with additional shades of the meaning is result of this research. The analysis of the presented linguistic material leans on comparative and linguoculturological methods of studying languages and makes it possible to come to conclusion that this phrase-semantic group in the Russian and French languages is filled not only with a great number of analogies, but also with differences in structure and use of these units, in shades of their meanings, in their connotation and internal form. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the Russian phrasemes, unlike French, more definitely classify characteristics of people according to antonymic sign «young» – «old».
Unarokova R.B., Bizheva Z.Kh., Tseeva Z.A., Unarokova F.D.
Lexicographic database of the Circassian languages: basic principles of creation
Problems of preservation of the native language in the conditions of globalization are considered. The relevance is caused by the current state of the Circassian languages (Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian) and by absence of system measures for their preservation and development both in the historical homeland and in the Adyghe diaspora. The purpose of this paper is to reason a need of application of innovative methods in preservation and promoting the Adyghe language. One of the alternate solutions is creation of the generally available electronic database in the form of the uniform Internet portal where the Adyghe lexicon will be accumulated in a new format of the industry-specific terminological electronic encyclopedic glossary. The basis of the electronic dictionary will encompass the lexical materials which are saved up so far in the Adyghe science, researches and different types of dictionaries. Formation of the glossary, structured not in alphabetical order, but by spheres of activity of the person, is carried out by method of the structurally functional analysis. The translation of the glossary into languages of the countries where the Adyghes live is supposed. The sample of structuring the glossary using the example of a concept «shkhe» (a head) is attached. Theoretical reasons and empirical materials of this research can be useful to authors of dictionaries and manuals for teaching not only the Adyghe language, but also other Caucasian languages. It is stated as a result that in the modern world language of the small people which are in a status of dispersible resettlement in a number of the states can survive only under condition of competitiveness in information community and compliance to the level of development of technological innovations.
Khurum R.Yu.
Use of information and communication technologies in linguistics as a factor of formation of information competences
Methods of use of the modern information and communication technologies in linguistics are analyzed. The review of application of Internet resources of linguistic information is carried out. The author identifies the principal sources of special information for philologists presented in the form of the databases which are available in Internet resources. Electronic scientific and educational resources in the form of Internet libraries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, databases and knowledge are singled out and their service use is shown. The ability to learn information and special knowledge, skills of productive selection, systematization and information storage, use of information resources makes it possible to work out, predict, design and to implement optimal solutions in different spheres of philological activities. The considered information technologies and Internet resources can be applied to effective research by student philologists in linguistics. The conclusion is drawn as a result that use of information technologies creates competences in information technologies in linguistics.
Shkhumishkhova A.R., Kalashaova A.A.
Image of the modern woman in advertising media texts (from material of glossy magazines)
The authors use the material of female glossy magazines to investigate, on the basis of a discourse analysis and the contextual method, verbal features of stylistically strong positions of the advertising text, revealing an image of the modern woman who conducts active professional and private life. It has been established that, implementing the ideological concept of glossy periodicals, these structural elements, designed to play an important role in establishment of contact with the addressee, contain the instruction on value orientations of target audience, urging to strive for success and beauty, and make considerable emotional impact. Stylistically strong elements of the advertising media texts placed in glossy magazines are built taking into account a factor of «own» addressee: the choice of techniques and means of impact appears to be relevant to expectations of audience. The research makes a contribution to development of the relevant directions of linguistics: medialinguistics, linguistic gender studies and linguistic pragmatics.
Literary Criticism
Akhmetova D.A., Khuazheva N.Kh.
Innovative aspects of interaction of narrative and fine art structures with folklore and epos in the novel by N. Kuyek «Wine of the Dead»
This work studies synthesis of epic mythological and modern literary consciousness as a quality of a neomythologism, assessment by modern science (K. Shazzo, K. Paranuk, K. Ankudinov).The authors investigate the process of interaction of the Adyghe novel with national folklore and define the importance of traditions of T. Kerashev and innovative achievements of N. Kuyek. Results of this research expand the theoretical concepts, connected with updating the classical novelistic tradition, with myth poetics, with transformation of folklore elements in style of the novel and expansion of a culturological context, achievement of genre syncretism. To study interrelations of the Adyghe novel with folklore and the myth, the principles of comparative-historical, system, typological and textual approaches are used. The novel by N.Kuyek «Wine of the Dead» is classified as the neomythological epos in contemporary Adyghe literature, which is supported by features of interaction of narrative and fine art structures of the literary epos with folklore and the myth, as a peculiar esthetic-ontological aspect angle of interpretation of history and the present. The practical importance lies in a possibility of use of results of this research in individual scientific activities to study problems dictated by requirements of the modern humanity.
Gutov A.M.
Anti-hero in Junior Circassian Epic
The paper describes the types of anti-heroes, epic characters of the Adyghe folklore which have not previously received sufficient attention in folklore. Despite this, they play an important role in the oral narrative. It is established that the genesis of the artistic image, which received its greatest development in the literature of the 20th century, points to ancient folklore motifs. The image of the anti-hero complicates the epic story, influences the evolution of narrative art and enriches the palette of artistic images. This is manifested in historical and heroic tales and songs with sufficient clarity. The variety of specific embodiment of anti-hero in songs and legends about different heroes is investigated. The comparative - typological method and the retrospective analysis help to systematize folklore forms and to formulate their originality and national peculiarities.
Panesh U.M., Panesh S.R.
Problematical-thematic and genre features of the poem in the Adyghe literature of the 1960s through the beginning of the 1990s
The paper discusses the contents, subject and art features of the Adyghe poem in the chronological framework of the 1960s through the beginning of the 1990s. The authors identify the genre sources, influence of motives and poetics of the Nart epos, folk legends, fairy tales and stories. They also focus on sharpening of problematical character in A. Gadagatl, M. Paranuk, A. Evtykh, I. Mashbash, Kh. Beretar, N. Kuyek and N. Bagov’s works, caused by cultural and historical changes in society. Classification of the national poem is carried out by genre and thematic features – the poem on folklore material, the historical poem and the poem on a historical subject, the poem about war and the poem on a modern subject. Enrichment and development of a genre of the poem due to statement of more large-scale subjects, use of the lyrical basis and drama element are noted. Application in the analysis of comparative and typological methods promotes formulation of conclusions about the lines of a new «modern» stage of national poetry which have reflected the general laws of national literature.
Khakuasheva M.A.
Problems of moral antagonism in Yu. Shidov’s prose (as shown by the story «Dinner for Two»)
One of the important tasks of the author of this article was the need to identify the most important features of the phenomenon of the Adyghe Russian-language literature using an example of the analysis of the story «Dinner for Two» by the contemporary Circassian writer Yu. Shidov. Such a study seems especially relevant at the moment, as the Russian-language literature of the peoples of the North Caucasus is one of the most dynamically developing and least developed areas. The Adyghe literature of the post-Soviet period is marked not only by combining several types of literary genres, but also by different spheres of arts. In particular, the combination of literature and game cinema gains development as ways of art expression close to each other. Thus, synthetic forms of art and literature are formed. The newly-emerged term “literary cinematography” is used to reflect the «visibility» of a work of art or the verbal designation of literary devices in it. The tendency towards neomythologism, which is observed in the Adyghe literature in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, is especially subject to this feature. Perhaps, it is explained by the general property of neo-mythological art, which was expressed in the desire for artistic synthesis of diverse and multidirectional traditions. All these aspirations were originally embodied in the beginning of the twentieth century in the cinema. The article reflects the features of the author’s idiostyle, the genre specificity of Shidov. The two most important aspects in the writer’s work - individual and sociopolitical - are in indissoluble unity. The author uses image-symbols, which strengthen the general tonality, exacerbate the dramatic nature of the narrative. The author’s main thematic problematic is the moral crisis, which is largely due to the transitional historical period of the 1990s. The results obtained will be necessary steps for further studies of the creativity of contemporary Russian-speaking Adyghe writers.
Shestak A.N.
Genre features of the Olga Slavnikova’s novel «2017»
This paper discusses features of a plot of the novel and interprets its images and motives. An analysis is made of the principles of the organization of the narration and an art and composite system of the work which considerably distinguish it against the background of the author’s works of previous years. The new art views of the writer realized in the considered novel are noted. Important distinctive feature of the work is combination of various specific basics. Lines of genre heterogeneity of the text are identified, including: elements of the novel anti-Utopia, novel myth, psychological and adventure novels. Contamination affects all levels of work structure, both formal and contextual. The multifaceted complex of problems is raised in the work: social, psychological and philosophical. The conclusion is drawn that the socio-historical situation in the book written by the modern writer is only a background against which deep problems of separately taken personality become aggravated. In work, categories of Life, Destiny, Time and Death, traditional for the writer’s prose, are subjected to interpretation. Such analysis of the work allows consideration of Slavnikova’s art prose, on the one hand, as an integral part of a modern literary context and, on the other hand, it highlights characteristic style features of author’s identity.
Kudaeva Z.Zh.
Motive of «duality» and symbolics of «a vegetable code» in the Adyghe folklore
This paper sheds light on and analyzes the previously poorly studied mythopoetic views of the Adyghes connected with the idea of origin of the person from plants which is closely bound with elements of «the myth on twins». Results of this research promote further deepening the theoretical ideas of the mythopoetic views peculiar to the Adyghe traditional culture. The technique of this research is based on the comparative analysis of the corresponding motives which have found reflection in various genres of the Adyghe folklore. The symbolics of «a vegetable code» including the main ideas - cyclic fading and revival of the nature, origin of the person from a plant, as well as fertility, serves a plot-forming basis of various epic mythological, fantastic plots and motives and also is the cornerstone of some signs - rules. The idea of origin of the person from plants appears in interaction and interdependence with elements of the myth on twins. On the basis of the analysis of both the known, and earlier unpublished folklore material, a number of earlier poorly studied elements of mythopoetic views of the Adyghes connected with flora are introduced for scientific use.
Patyukova R.V., Minskaya A.N.
Legislative practice in the sphere of state youth policy: media aspect
The article considers the media aspect of legislative practice in the sphere of implementation of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the regulatory and legal framework for informational coverage of the implementation of the state youth policy has been carried out. Clear discrepancies and shortcomings of normative and legislative acts have been revealed. The article contains possible ways of generalizing, systematizing and improving the legal basis for informational coverage of the implementation of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the need for the adoption of a federal law on the implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation and the systematization of the existing legal framework.
Pisarevskaia N.S.
It is well known that the mass media are actively influencing the formation of the personal identity of a modern person. In the article for the first time women’s glossy magazines are considered as a translator of an effective way of personal identification, and the problem of the features of their functioning in this aspect is raised. The purpose of the work is to study the specific impact of women’s magazines on the audience, in accordance with which it creates a distorted picture of the world. As a result of the analysis made, it is concluded that modern gloss offers readers ways of identifying individuals that are correlated with the notion of «beautiful life», where the ideal is a successful and well heeled person who cultivates the values of the consumer society.
Somova E.G., Abramova G.A., Khlopunova O.V.
Stylistic devices of the advertising media text
The article deals with the study of the stylistic possibilities of the advertising media text. Its purpose is searching for the optimum stylistic devices, providing the communication adequacy and efficiency of the influence on the audience. Media text is considered as semantically unpredictable object, participating in delivering information, targeted on making the virtual reality. The main feature of the analyzed variety of media texts is deformation of the accustomed rates of communication, intensifying its attractiveness and generating additional senses. Since the consumer of the advertising extracts the underlying theme, generated by the associations, directed to the obtaining the given advertising information, the problem arises of the study of the ways of creating the internal form of the advertising media text. The results of the analysis show that the most stylistically productive devices in advertising media texts are intertextuality and game techniques: mimicry under journalistic genres, varied repetitions, travesties, means of the vanguard’s dramas of the beginning of the 20th century. The repetitions are capable to generate the hidden senses, basing on the associations, caused by stereotypes of speech and thinking. The language game in the advertising media texts uses the different precedent forms: precedent of the name, situations, phrases, texts, and original quoting. This becomes an especially efficient device of the influence in radio-television advertising because of adding different sorts of connotations to actual information.
Khazhgerieva A.A.
The formation of media image of the Republic of Adyghea on the basis of ethno-cultural and historical-geographic factors
The paper explores the problem of formation of positive image of the Adyghea Republic under conditions of interregional competition. The purpose of this work is to identify sources of formation of internal and external image of the region to build its effective strategy. Special attention is given to cultural-historical and ethnic unique characteristics of the region. The basis for this study is the lack of efficiency of media promotion of ethno-cultural and historical-geographical image of the Republic of Adyghea. It is concluded that the creation of a positive media image of Adyghea requires necessary revitalization of the regional press services in terms of coverage of key historical and cultural characteristics of new media that may enhance positive internal and external image of the Republic, and also may have a positive impact on the development of tourism and economy of the region as a whole.
Study of Arts
Baste A.K., Voitleva N.A.
The Adyghe folk songs in the repertoire of the Aschamez folklore ensemble
This work studies creativity of the Aschamez folklore ensemble, the repertoire of which includes folk songs and songs created by composers of Adyghea. The short review of the repertoire performed by the ensemble sheds light on the typical features of the folk singing traditions of the Adyghes. Addressing ceremonial, historical, heroic and modern songs, the ensemble thereby makes a great contribution to revival and maintaining musical song culture of the Adyghes. Created as children’s ensemble, nowadays Aschamez is a successful men’s folklore ensemble, the winner of numerous competitions and festivals.
Chepniyan N.L.
The 1920-1950s musical culture of Adyghea in the context of the main paradigms of the cultural revolution
The paper discusses the process of formation and development of musical culture in Adyghea during the 1920-1950s. One of its major vectors – amateur performances – is analyzed. Amateur performances were a basis and nutrient medium for formation of professional musical art in the region. In the course of the analysis and by means of a comparative-historical method it is established how the ideological principles of the state cultural policy, uniform for all people, existing during the Soviet era influenced formation and development of musical art. Results of this work can be used in training courses of history of national music of the 20th century and history of musical culture of Adyghea in high and higher educational institutions. The scientific importance of this research lies in identification of deep interrelations between processes of formation of musical art in Adyghea, historical stages of formation of its statehood and, more widely, fundamental tendencies of cultural construction in the USSR.