The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#1 / 2015


Al Shammari Majeeda Jamil Ashur Reasons for borrowing and signs of relevance of arabisms in the Russian language
Aslanova A.A. Communicative tactics to detail the semantic characteristics in Iris Murdoch’s fiction discourse
Akhmetova M.E. Categorial and conceptual model of terminology of subject domain of «anticrisis management» (from materials of the Russian and English languages)
Bizheva Z.Kh. Symbols and quasisymbols in the Circassian phraseologisms (from materials of the Kabardian and Circassian languages)
Drozdova D.R. Structure of the academic discourse in educational process
Kirilenko S.V. Thematic differentiation of the modern system of sociolinguistic terms
Kopylova Yu.V. Main preconditions of development of media stylistics
Kurbanova P.K. History of research of the Sirkhinsky dialect toponyms in the Dargwa language
Medoyan S.B. Discourse descriptions of emotional states (from materials of the French language)
Mironenko S.A. Abbreviation of English loanwords in the German jargon of computer players
Murad G.A. Symbolics of numbers in the Adyghe language
Muratova R.T. Numerological phraseological units in the Turkic languages (linguocultural analysis)
Naguar Z.K., Bersirov B.M., Kushu S.A., Bersirova S.A. Typology of invective lexicon in the languages with different systems (from materials of the Russian, German and Adyghe languages)
Sitnikova E.V. Processes of interference in the language consciousness of Russian emigrants
Tlekhatuk S.R. Economic discourse as a verbalization fragment of human experience: socio-cognitive aspect
Khabekirova Z.S., Adzinova F.S. Self-presentation of the public personality in Internet communication: personal site
Khachmafova Z.R., Kotelnikova I.V. Free indirect style: pronominal conjunction what / chto and the problem of actual segmentation of the modeling utterance
Khutova E.R., Dzasezheva L.Kh., Efendiyeva R.A. Lexicographic analysis of concept «hate» (from materials of the Russian, English and Kabardino-Circassian Languages)
Chalabayeva L.V. «Complex decisions» and their verbalization in the act of acceptance and implementation of the decision in various spheres of human life
Shchibrya O.Yu. Text as space of representation of the author’s attitude to objective reality and its substantial factor
Yablonskaya L.V. Personal and voice-frequency code as creation of an external image of the hero of work
Yagumova N.Sh., Bogus Z.A. Motivational and nominative markers of phytonyms in the English and Adyghe languages

Literary Criticism

Alentyeva M.A., Chitao L.R. Problems of comparative-historical studying national literatures
Beshukova F.B., Pshizova A.K. On efficiency of post-Freudian model of the text analysis in contemporary national literary criticism
Dolgieva M.B. Revisiting the question of «character» and «character building» concepts’ dynamics in native and foreign literary studies
Efremova G.O. Features of a graphic image of the text in D. Rubina’s creativity
Lyamova B.Kh., Khamerzokova N.A. Subject of war and formation of the personality in Kh. Ashinov’s prose («At the Stone Bridge», «The Last Week of August», «The Armed People»)
Panesh U.M., Panesh S.R. On the evolution features of the genre of poems on «a contemporary subject» in the Adyghe literature of the 1960s -1990s
Panesh S.R. Change of genre borders and strengthening artistic expressiveness in Nalbiy Kuyek’s poems
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V., Yakhutl Yu.A. On the influence of enlightenment motives on formation of the concept of Asker Evtykh’s character («Drink of Spring Water», «Barge», «Bull Blood»)
Pshizova A.K., Kerasheva F.N. Gender aspects of an image of Martin Iden in a novel of the same name of Jack London
Pshizova A.K., Sheudzhen E.D. Tembot Kerashev’s short stories and the Adyghe prose K1ereshche Tembot èíîâåëëýõýð yk1i àäûãý ïðîçýð
Khamerzokova N.A., Khuazheva N.Kh. Lyrical-philosophical prose in the Adyghe literature of the late 20th century
Churilova E.A. Features of representation of the national and foreign in A. Cherchesov’s novels «Wreath on the Grave of Wind» and «Requiem for the Living»


Kuyek A.S. Blago in the heroic epos of Adyghes «Nartkher»
Unarokova R.B. Oral messages in communicative culture of Adyghes


Kovalenko D.A. Speech aggression in contemporary mass media as a source of the language conflicts
Shishkhova N.M. Magazine «Forward!» as type of the uncensored edition

Study of Arts

Malatsay L.V. Music and poetry: Flyarkovsky – Tyutchev
Utegaliyeva S.I. Musical instruments of Central Asian Turkic peoples
Khvatova S.I., Sergeyeva P.A. Expansion of vocal means of expression in chants with initial orthodox texts
Yakovleva E.N. Musical enlightenment in the dynamics of national musical culture

#2 / 2015


Ananchenko O.G. Classification of estimating metaphors in terms of their thematic demand
Bricheva M.M. Structural and semantic characteristics of word-building field of the borrowed adjectives in Modern English (on the basis of the analysis of Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, 1996)
Grushevskaya T.M., Dubinina I.A., Voronkova M.A. Code as a polemic dialogue of Alphonse Daudet and Octave Mirbeau
Drozdova D.R. Syntactic means of the verbal manipulation in the academic discourse
Zinkovskaya A.V. Dramatic discourse as a basically new discursive formation
Israfilov N.R. On the adjacent phenomena of a homonymy of the Aghul language
Karataeva L.V. Responsibility as a distinctive component of a concept «war» in the German language picture of the world (based on material of works of W. Borchert)
Kopot L.V. Slang nominations of cars: lexical-thematic groups and their semantics
Kubashicheva S.K., Chitao L.R. Features of headings translation of modern English mass media
Kutepova N.V. Extralinguistic factor in synergetics of French verbal system
Martirosyan E.G., Pozdeeva T.V. Argumentative discourse in political newspaper communication
Mashkova L.A. Musicality as E.T.A. Hoffmann’s creative style: new aspects of interpretation of an intertextuality during a globalization era
Mironenko S.A., Karataeva L.V. Word play in the Russian and German poetry
Nescheretova T.T., Bricheva M.M. Some features of the «maritime» component of proverbs in Germanic languages (on the basis of the English and German languages)
Nescheretova T.T. Theoretical bases of a grammatical meaning of category of gender in the different-system languages and ways of its expression
Ostrovskaya T.A. Conceptualization of the concept «the person’s behavior» in research of elite discourse
Tilloeva S.M. Aspects of syntagmatic analysis of lexical units in the compared languages
Tlekhatuk S.R. Social and linguistic conditionality of formation and development of integrative subject domain «Economy»: terminological aspect
Khabekirova Z.S., Adzinova F.S. «Intellectual stylistics» on pages of the qualitative press
Khamerzokova N.A., Tsey B.A. Lexical semantic and stylistic features of the translations from Russian into Adyghe of works of Russian-speaking Adyghe writers-educators
Chitao L.R., Alentyeva M.A. The use of foreign-language borrowings in the Adyghe modern mass media

Literary Criticism

Bakov Kh.I. On features of genres of criticism and journalism n B. Utizhev’s creativity
Galieva M.A. «Space enlightenment»: F. Novalis – M.I. Tsvetaeva. Folklore tradition in poetics
Pokotylo M.V. V.V. Mayakovsky vs M.A. Bulgakov: phenomenon of satire in the coordinates of the art world
Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A. Parody reconsideration of romantic and folklore genres and motives (the Medieval ballad, the Gothic story) in V. Irving’s short stories
Timizhev Kh.T., Khezheva L.Kh. Features of topological representations in early lyrics of A. Keshokov
Shishkhova N.M. Literary discourse about the Caucasus in the story of A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky «Ammalat-Bek»
Shteynbakh K.V. Problem of conflict in Alexander Prokhanov’s novels “The Russian” and “Man of the Star”


Kuyek A.S. Mythical images of Ud and Dzhyne in the Adyghe Nart epos


Kikova T.M. Postmodern advertising: the shocking advertising course as a way of brand advance
Khazhgeriyeva A.À. The role of branding in formation of tourist appeal of the Republic of Adyghea

Study of Arts

Utegaliyeva S.I. The development of musical Turkology at the present stage

#3 / 2015


Anchek S.Kh. Some features of language of the Adyghe animal fairy tales
Bagaryan A.A. Metaphor in a business discourse: effect of infuence and attraction of attention
Baranova A.Yu., Chetverikova O.V. Text-forming potential of the loose parts of the sentence
Bedanokova Z.K. The phenomenon of evocativeness: in search of defnition
Zhuk E.E. Realia and methods of their transfer in adaptation of foreign texts
Ishchenko D.S. Ontological meaning of a word and its representation through image-concept, «rhetorical speech» and concept
Pelipenko L.M. Cognitive representation of numerative idioms with the components one, two and three in the English and Russian languages
Sarayeva K.I. Emotional and action codes of the announcement of a work of art (from materials of English, French and Russian languages)
Tikhonova A.P. Ways and means of expressing space relations in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages
Frolova O.A. The role of electronic editions in replenishment of the Russian language by loan words
Khazhokova E.A. The semantic and functional characteristic of pragmatonyms in the fction text (from material of the novel of Mark Levi «La premi&#232;re nuit»)
Shkhapatseva M.Kh., Pazova L.M. Antonyms, antonymy and antonymic paradigmatics in Russian

Literary Criticism

Beshukova F.B., Khatkova I.N. Romantic poetics and historical concept of the novel «The Ice House» by I.I. Lazhechnikov
Zhachemuk Z.R. Satirical and comic aspects of stories by Kh.A. Ashinov
Panesh U.M., Siyukhov S.N., Kazanova I.I. E. Hemingway and A. Evtykh: typological relationships


Paranuk K.N. Nart’s plots and motives in the North Caucasian modern novel myth by M. Bulkaty and D. Koshubayev


Beshukova F.B., Khazhgeriyeva A.A. Brands of Adyghea in modern media space as the indicator of sociocultural and economic attractiveness of the region
Mirumyan A.G. Social networks in system of mass communication


Suprun V.I. The Treasury of Names of Peoples of the North Caucasus

Study of Arts

Dzliyeva D.M. Some aspects of traditional choreography of the Turkish Ossetians
Miroshkina A.F. The war and «3 colors of a lifetime» (about I. Talankin’s movies with A. Schnittke’s music)
Mitus I.V., Edidzhi V.V. The Sindika ensemble of the Caucasian dance: on a reinterpretation of classical (canonical) samples
Sokolova A.N. Nartiada in the context of modern culture of the region
Sychenko G.B. Shaman musical poetical text: on definition and the essence
Khvatova S.I. Spiritual searches in art and artistic life in the second half of the 20th century
Shak F.M. Soviet jazz as phenomenon of mass culture

#4 / 2015


Abdelhameed Said Ahmed Phrasemes with a somatic component in an autochthonic language picture of the world
Bedanokova Z.K. Evoñativeness as property and genre of implicative communication
Dzhandar B.M., Loova A.D. On lacunarity manifestation and methods of lacuna elimination in the different system languages
Donskova E.Yu. The author’s image and «point of view» in the aspect of the literary text modality
Kalashaova A.A. Communicative techniques in newspaper political interview
Kopot L.V., Nekhay S.M. Functional importance of healing songs in «chapsch» ceremony
Makarova L.S. Interaction of cultures and problem of intertextuality in a literary translation
Panteleeva T.Yu., Akhidzhakova M.P. Function-forming aspect of primacy and secondariness of the text in a discourse of the law and law application
Sokur E.A. Some aspects of the language personality of the investigator
Tuova R.Kh. Intertextuality in the detective text of a postmodern: a lingual cultural aspect
Kharaeva L.Kh., Pshibieva M.A. The analysis of etymological meaning of the numerological phraseological units (from material of different-structure languages)
Khartikova A.I., Akhidzhakova M.P. Specifcs of representation of concept Time in detective texts
Chamokov T.N. On sources of ethnonyms «Adyghe» and «Circassian»
Shkhumishkhova A.R. Lingual culturological aspect of culinary essays of Alexander Genis

Literary Criticism

Bauaev K.K. Sensitive images of Balkar poetry and their typology
Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P. Problem of metamorphoses in I.A. Brodsky’s poetry
Naptsok B.R. Specifcs of an image of the «Gothic» villain in the novel «Monk» by M.G. Lewis
Panesh U.M., Panesh S.R. On features of the Adyghe common literary and publicistic prose of the 1920s – 1930s and its relationship to the Russian literature
Shovgenova T.A. Formation of a genre of the story in Khazret Ashinov’s creativity in the 1960s
Yuryev D.Yu. The pseudo-documentary aspect in the collection of stories «Box of Bricks» by Mikhail Elizarov


Osipova E.A. Communicative space of modern society: scientifc approaches to the understanding and actual problems of the functioning
Sokolova G.V. Social regulatory aspect of a role of mass media in formation of mass consciousness


Unarokova R.B. Incantations in traditional culture of the Adyghes

Study of Arts

Abakumova E.V. Color as means of expression in painting and music
Zernina A.V. Features of text and tune coordination in religious chants of the Doukhobors from the Rostov region
Mozgot S.A. Personal space in music: the «I-You» concept in the “order” communicative model
Reva G.V. Psychological antipodes in music: questions of interpretation (as shown by F. Chopin and F. Liszt’s creativity)
Rudichenko T.S. Chants in religious rituals of the Doukhobors and Molokans in the Rostov region: current state
Sineoky O.V. Bootlegs and unoffcial releases in the illegal rock music recording