#1 / 2015
Al Shammari Majeeda Jamil Ashur
Reasons for borrowing and signs of relevance of arabisms in the Russian language
The paper deals with the borrowings from the Arabic language. It is established that arabisms
make a considerable layer of lexicon the borrowing of which happens mainly for the extralinguistic
reasons. The Arabic borrowings belong to various theme groups, but prevail in the religious
sphere. The author shows the reasons for the occurrence of Arabic borrowings and their relevance
in Russian: the frequency of use (especially in the media language), semantic transformation,
changing the meanings of the words in connection with the ideological reorientation, the emergence
of series of sustainable combinations and derivational activity of the words of the Arabic origin.
Aslanova A.A.
Communicative tactics to detail the semantic characteristics in Iris Murdoch’s fiction discourse
the aim of the paper is to reveal the author’s characteristics of the characters’
speech which realize the implicit information on the speaking subject, his interrelations with
the interlocutor and experienced feelings. The task is to define how information on the speaking
subject implicitly demonstrates his point of view in the dialogic situation and predetermines
his reaction on this situation. The author creates the narrative dynamics and the emotional
tension of the characters’ dialogic communication constructed in this narrative. The typology
of modeling is offered to detail the semantic characteristics of emotional tones of the characters’
voices. This kind of typology suggests that there are both the articulating and non-articulating
characters’ reactions reflecting their psychological state in the current dialogic situation.
Akhmetova M.E.
Categorial and conceptual model of terminology of subject domain of «anticrisis management» (from materials of the Russian and English languages)
This paper is devoted to semantic and conceptual categorization of risk management
terminology. Component analysis technique along with the use of semantic and logical
criterion made it possible to subdivide the terminology of subject domain of «anticrisis
management» into conceptual and topical units. It is inferred that in addition to the categories
of subjects, processes, characteristics and quantities there is a specific conceptual unit of
“crisis”, which is typical of risk management terminology.
Bizheva Z.Kh.
Symbols and quasisymbols in the Circassian phraseologisms (from materials of the Kabardian and Circassian languages)
An analysis is undertaken to define the efficiency of interethnic communication,
which is generally predetermined by the systematization degree of linguocultural basis of
research of corresponding languages. Phraseological units of the Kabardian and Circassian
languages were used to examine functioning of such linguocultural phenomena as symbols
and quasisymbols. It is inferred that the knowledge of the person cannot be equated with the
knowledge of the final objects of reality having clear boundaries.
Drozdova D.R.
Structure of the academic discourse in educational process
The present paper deals with the structure of an academic discourse in the educational
process. Various approaches to studying the academic discourse, proposed by the scholars of
our country and foreign linguists are investigated. Subtypes of the academic discourse and
ways of their application during the lesson and their connection with the other discourses
are analyzed in detail. Different types of verbal interaction between a teacher and student
(schoolteacher and pupil) are referred to different subtypes of the academic discourse. At the
end an attempt is made to create the scheme of application of these subtypes at the lesson.
Kirilenko S.V.
Thematic differentiation of the modern system of sociolinguistic terms
Taxonomy of socially actualized spheres of communication of social linguistics is
examined through the comparison of two terminological minima (language and ethnicity,
language and politics). The author shows how the systems of links are identified among
sociolinguistic terms which contribute to a new understanding of the terms of valence and
terminological field. The theoretical rethinking of the terminological system of sociolinguistics
promotes a clearer identification of its thematic areas and the analysis of their internal and
external interlinks.
Kopylova Yu.V.
Main preconditions of development of media stylistics
The paper describes the tendencies which served as the main preconditions of
development of the communicative direction in domestic stylistics. Its theory is intensely
developed with the use of material of mass media. Emergence of the new science, which
received the name of media stylistics, is noted to be caused in many respects by discourse
orientation of stylistics, as well as by application of an intentional method, the cornerstone
of which is intention of the sender. The conclusion is drawn that the intentional method by
means of which communicative - pragmatical and linguostylistic features of media texts are
intensely studied now, considerably expands possibilities of modern stylistics.
Kurbanova P.K.
History of research of the Sirkhinsky dialect toponyms in the Dargwa language
The paper examines the toponymic units of the Sirkhinsky dialect, one of the unique
dialects of the Dargwa language. This dialect is presented in a number of the mountain
settlements of Akushinsky and Dakhadayevsky regions of the Republic of Daghestan. It is
one of the large dialect groups, both across the territory of the distribution and by quantity of
the population speaking it. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works on the Daghestan
onomastics, in particular on toponymy of the Dargwa language, and on history and culture of
the people of Daghestan the short history of scientific studying the toponyms of the Sirkhinsky
dialect is provided. It is inferred that the history of research of its toponymy is fragmentary.
Medoyan S.B.
Discourse descriptions of emotional states (from materials of the French language)
This paper examines discourse descriptions of emotional states in the French language.
Emotions are distributed in three main groups: eupathy (positive), desphoréo (negative),
and aporia (perplexity). In each group there are somatic, kinetic, metaphoric and resonance
descriptions. The research demonstrates that such classification of emotional states is efficient
for systematizing presentation of emotional states at the level of discourse descriptions.
Mironenko S.A.
Abbreviation of English loanwords in the German jargon of computer players
The functions of the computer jargon are considered. Various types of abbreviation
which are used in the German jargon of computer players are defined. The most productive
types of reductions are marked out. The detailed analysis of the abbreviations of the jargon
of players of online games is carried out. The research allows us to draw a conclusion of the
tendency of intensive penetration of abbreviations into the German jargon of computer players.
Murad G.A.
Symbolics of numbers in the Adyghe language
The paper examines the lexical units of the Adyghe language with a numerical indicator
possessing sacral and symbolical meanings, bearing ethnocultural semantics. Numbers
contain rich cultural semantics and have sacral symbolics which is characteristic of only
certain numbers of the language. The most productive in symbolization are numerals of the
first ten. The lexical units of the Adyghe language with a numerical indicator in the Nart epos
served as the research material. The number «seven» takes a special place among numbers
in frequency of the use and width of coverage of spheres of the use since it bears powerful
sacral semantics.
Muratova R.T.
Numerological phraseological units in the Turkic languages (linguocultural analysis)
This paper discusses the numerological phraseological units in the Turkic languages.
The author analyses here the phrase-making activity of numbers 1, 2, 4, 7, 40. It is revealed
that particular numbers when used in set phrases lose the meaning of quantity, calculation,
order and acquire a symbolical sense expressing national peculiarities of a nation’s worldview.
Naguar Z.K., Bersirov B.M., Kushu S.A., Bersirova S.A.
Typology of invective lexicon in the languages with different systems (from materials of the Russian, German and Adyghe languages)
The paper defines the place of the concept of «invective» in system of estimated lexicon,
as well as provides the lines delimiting it from other close concepts. A comparative analysis is
made to characterize the nature and typology of invective lexicon in the languages with different
systems. The reasons of emergence and change of nature of manifestation of an invective
in society are defined. Features of invective lexicon functioning in the Russian, German
and Adyghe languages are identified. Character and the influence of the Internet speech on
formation of new forms of invectives are revealed. The structure of the means of strengthening
the invective force of the speech which are applied in the Russian Internet is defined.
Sitnikova E.V.
Processes of interference in the language consciousness of Russian emigrants
This paper submits reviewing of the changes in language consciousness of representatives
of Russian ethnic and lingual culture under the influence of a heterogeneous language
environment, namely: identification of reactions, which fixate changes in knowledge and
perceptions of Russian cultural tradition representatives; and analysis of the similarities and
differences in the structure of associative areas of linguistic markers of national and cultural
consciousness of linguoecological type. It has been found that the language consciousness,
being culturally conditioned phenomenon, reflects the specificity of the national and cultural
space in which its representatives exist.
Tlekhatuk S.R.
Economic discourse as a verbalization fragment of human experience: socio-cognitive aspect
The paper sheds light on the concepts of «discourse» and «discussion» and gives a
review of the existing definitions and interpretations of the concept and phenomenon of
«discourse» taking into account various methodological approaches. The discourse is noted
to act as a result of the person’s knowledge of the language picture of the world, a unique
fragment of the human experience imprinted in texts and words. The relevant characteristics
of a discourse taken from works of national and foreign linguists are provided. It is
established that the variety of interpretations of a discourse reflects the existing difficulties
in identification of its uniform unique parameters.
Khabekirova Z.S., Adzinova F.S.
Self-presentation of the public personality in Internet communication: personal site
The paper describes the self-presentation of the public language personality, wide
popularity of which in many respects predetermines existence in the Network of the official
site reflecting the personified nature of Internet communication. Pragmatical value of the web
site is created not only by verbal, but also nonverbal components. The conclusion is drawn
that realization of presentation function in biographic texts of the personal site provides not
only representation of the public personality, but also impact on target audience.
Khachmafova Z.R., Kotelnikova I.V.
Free indirect style: pronominal conjunction what / chto and the problem of actual segmentation of the modeling utterance
The free indirect style segments connected into a single linear sequence with the
conjunction what /chto realize in the text both the new and old information. The paper
reveals the following information types reflecting the theme-rhematic cohesion of the
utterance: theme-rheme, theme-theme, rheme-rheme. In case of free indirect style inversion
the conjunction what / chto introduces the new information, the utterance segment, which is
before the copular verb – the known information. The theme-rhematic concordance of the
utterance the segments of which are connected with the pronominal conjunction what / chto turns out to be important for the readers’ adequate interpretation of the whole text
Khutova E.R., Dzasezheva L.Kh., Efendiyeva R.A.
Lexicographic analysis of concept «hate» (from materials of the Russian, English and Kabardino-Circassian Languages)
This paper is devoted to the study of the emotional concept “hate”. We made an attempt
to show the national-cultural specificity of the language consciousness. The lexicographical
analysis of the concept “hate” in the Russian, English and Kabardian languages shows both the universality of its representation in the corresponding language pictures of the world,
and the specific character which is predetermined by the peculiarities of the ethnic language
Chalabayeva L.V.
«Complex decisions» and their verbalization in the act of acceptance and implementation of the decision in various spheres of human life
The paper explores the specificity of complex character of the act of acceptance and
implementation of the decision (APIR). The object of study is represented by complex
decisions in APIR and the verbal means (explicit / implicit) of their realization are the subject
of study. Relationship of complex character of APIR with concept of the sphere of human
life is analyzed. The conclusion is drawn on the linguistic potential of the object of research
from the point of view of syncretism of syntax, semantics and pragmatics.
Shchibrya O.Yu.
Text as space of representation of the author’s attitude to objective reality and its substantial factor
A literary text, from the point of view of the cognitive linguistics, is analyzed as a way of
fixation and translation of the author’s individual consciousness, so the problem of identifying
the author’s personal sense is directly related to the problem of understanding a literary text. The
modern text linguistics is a complex researching field which deals with different approaches
of identifying and interpreting the relevant features of a literary text as special mental-verbal
constructs. In this paper we make an attempt to identify the processes and mechanism of the
individual author’s cognition during the creation of literary-artistic work.
Yablonskaya L.V.
Personal and voice-frequency code as creation of an external image of the hero of work
The paper gives a characteristic of a personal and voice-frequency code by means of
which information about an external image of the hero of work is transferred from the author
of the text to reader’s audience. Parameters of appearance of the character of the fiction text
are allocated and described. The difference is shown between the portrait text and a portrait
text continuum in art communication. It is established that the presented parameters of
appearance of the personality (the description of the person, the description of a constitution
and the description of an attire) in the set form the portrait image of this or that character in text space of a work of art. Each of the allocated parameters finds its own place in yhe
information material of the literary work, which is strictly determined by the author of work,
entering «game» in a certain sequence, which creates in total the effect of impact on the
recipient conceived by the author.
Yagumova N.Sh., Bogus Z.A.
Motivational and nominative markers of phytonyms in the English and Adyghe languages
The phytonymic lexicon is examined as a product of the ordinary cognitive nomination
in the languages with different systems, the motivational and nominative signs of which in
the English and Adyghe languages are various. The choice of the name and the way of its
description are shown to be entirely determined by historical, geographical, cultural and other
factors. A comparison of motivational signs in the English and Adyghe languages confirms
a representativeness of the signs marking a natural/geographical place of growth of plants in
both languages. It is inferred that though phytonyms differ in structural organization in these
languages, they have much in common and are close enough.
Literary Criticism
Alentyeva M.A., Chitao L.R.
Problems of comparative-historical studying national literatures
The paper deals with the questions of studying the literary phenomena in interrelation
between separate literatures. Both the general problems and separate questions devoted to the
concrete facts of interaction of the Russian literature with foreign literatures are examined. The
concept «literary communication» is thought to be the aÕrt and ideological continuity. It is
inferred that in order to understand the world nature of literary processes, first of all, relationships
between national literatures and creative individualities within them have to be studied.
Beshukova F.B., Pshizova A.K.
On efficiency of post-Freudian model of the text analysis in contemporary national literary criticism
The paper deals with the updating the methodology of national literary criticism which is
connected with cardinal changes in space of literary communication. The author attracts foreign
concepts, in particular, a post-Freudian model for the adequate analysis of the schizoanalytic texts.
The attention is focused on the separate basic attitudes of post-Freudianism formulated by Zh.
Lakan, G. Deleuze and F. Guattari, R. Bart, J. Kristeva, etc., adapted for the sphere of art creativity
(V. Pelevin, V. Sorokin and V. Erofeyev). Orientation to complete knowledge of the personality
and its place in the world is shown to be the center of post-Freudian theories.
Dolgieva M.B.
Revisiting the question of «character» and «character building» concepts’ dynamics in native and foreign literary studies
The paper examines the character building concept establishment as a category starting
from the Renaissance till now. The dynamics of character development as character building
structural element is traced in native and foreign literary studies. Examples of character
definitions made by famous literature theorists are given. The structural components of
character building concept and their determinants are discovered.
Efremova G.O.
Features of a graphic image of the text in D. Rubina’s creativity
An analysis is made of graphic shape of D. Rubina’s story texts. Graphic transmission
means of author’s intension are represented and described. Existence of traditional graphic
elements and graphic nonce words is shown. It is inferred that from the point of view of the
carried-out analysis, the graphic image of the fiction text is an important component of the
idiostyle of D. Rubina.
Lyamova B.Kh., Khamerzokova N.A.
Subject of war and formation of the personality in Kh. Ashinov’s prose («At the Stone Bridge», «The Last Week of August», «The Armed People»)
The paper examines the leading tendencies in art research on formation of the personality
in the context of a war subject, basing on material of Kh. Ashinov’s stories. Features of author’s
psychologism and lyrical judgment of reality are analyzed. Importance of interaction of a
subject of war and the personality formation in Kh.Ashinov’s prose is noted. It is inferred that
the main feature of his creativity is depicting the world through perception of the teenager,
young man and the old man. Those are children’s memoirs in an invariable cover of thoughts, the analysis and attempts to explain events of that time and impressions without direct morals,
without the «correct» «teacher’s» judgments and conclusions.
Panesh U.M., Panesh S.R.
On the evolution features of the genre of poems on «a contemporary subject» in the Adyghe literature of the 1960s -1990s
The paper discusses the evolution of the genre of poems in the Adyghe literature of the
1960s – 1990s. The authors disclose the typological features of the genre forms of the poem
focused on modern, military and historical subjects and related to the folklore. The work
examines such common features as strengthening the art problematical character, a lyrics
making, the movement to the concentrated lyric and epic forms and use of a drama element.
It is established that the poem, using the synthesized genre opportunities, has developed such
art means which considerably enriched national literature.
Panesh S.R.
Change of genre borders and strengthening artistic expressiveness in Nalbiy Kuyek’s poems
The development of the poem and evolution of its genre opportunities are analyzed. The
philosophization and entry of lyrics into the poem enriched artistic and depicting opportunities
of the lyrical poem and changed its internal substantial and compositional structure. It is
inferred that the poetic image and poetic thought are comprised in a metaphor which becomes
the carrier not only of an image and thought, but also of a plot, character of the lyrical hero and
the catalyst of the composite narrative movement in poems.
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V., Yakhutl Yu.A.
On the influence of enlightenment motives on formation of the concept of Asker Evtykh’s character («Drink of Spring Water», «Barge», «Bull Blood»)
The paper discusses the evolution of the artistic concept of A. Evtykh’s personality in
the 1960-1990s and the influence of ideological and esthetic preferences of enlightenment
on his works. Artistic features of the novel «Drink of Spring Water» and dilogy «Barge» and
«Bull Blood» are revealed. Such lines of works of the writer as strengthening the artistic
problematical character due to influence of philosophical thought and esthetic searches of
a literary era of the 20th century are established. The conclusion is drawn that the writer’s
position in the latest time is defined by audit of naive historicism and by tragic feeling caused
by judgment of the drama events of the 20th century and by the influence of the world
literature experience. This has an impact on the solution of basic problems, such as history
and personality, personality and moral choice.
Pshizova A.K., Kerasheva F.N.
Gender aspects of an image of Martin Iden in a novel of the same name of Jack London
The image of Martin Iden, the main character of the novel of American writer Jack
London, is analyzed from positions of gender researches. The philosophical basics of
works and world outlook of the writer are examined, in particular influence of ideas about
«superperson» by F. Nietzsche and the naturalistic concept of G. Spencer. In the context of
gender approach, a number of stereotypes in outlook of the main characters as carriers of a
certain patrimonial consciousness – male and female are identified. The conclusion is drawn
that the motive of the reduced display of ordinary women is implemented in the novel, as
well as aspiration of men of «the highest order» to the divine, inaccessible and unearthly.
Pshizova A.K., Sheudzhen E.D.
Tembot Kerashev’s short stories and the Adyghe prose K1ereshche Tembot èíîâåëëýõýð yk1i àäûãý ïðîçýð
The paper deals with genre short story in the Adyghe literature of the 1920-1970s,
its formation and development and a role of short stories of T. Kerashev in the national
prose. The emphasis is placed on the textual analysis of works in original language. The
folklore and literary basis of the Adyghe short story (I. Tsey, A. Khatkov, Yu. Tlyusten, D.
Kostanov, P. Koshubayev, Yu. Chuyako, S. Panesh) is investigated. An analysis is made
of historical short stories of A. Evtykh («The Sacred River») and T. Kerashev and their
influence on development of the historical story and novel in the Adyghe literature. Small
prose of Kh. Ashinov of the 1960-1970s is noted to be a new step in development of the
Adyghe short stories which gave the new directions: lyric-epic (I. Mashbash), lyric-romantic
(Yu. Chuyako) and lyric-philosophical (N. Kuyek).
Khamerzokova N.A., Khuazheva N.Kh.
Lyrical-philosophical prose in the Adyghe literature of the late 20th century
The paper discusses some features of the lyrical story of K. Shazzo «Warm Snow»
and the philosophical story of N. Kuyek «The Black Mountain». The emphasis is placed
on the textual analysis of works in the original language. The subject, problems, plot and
composite structure of stories, genre originality, features of lyricism of the first story and
«magic realism» of the second are considered. The philosophical aspect of perception of the
world by the lyrical hero is noted and language features of works are marked out.
Churilova E.A.
Features of representation of the national and foreign in A. Cherchesov’s novels «Wreath on the Grave of Wind» and «Requiem for the Living»
This paper explores peculiarity of ways of representation of the national and foreign
in «a mountain dilogy» by A.Cherchesov. Individuality of usage of ethnic determinants
is shown. The proper names of Ossetian etymology are noted to be the most widely
distributed ethnically marked elements. It is proved that the author realizes complexity and
multidimensionality of national being mainly through heroes’ acts, thoughts and mental
searches. It is inferred that the national phenomena in Cherchesov’s prose implement mainly
artistic and esthetic functions: emotional-expressive and plot-forming.
Kuyek A.S.
Blago in the heroic epos of Adyghes «Nartkher»
The paper deals with Blago (dragon), one of the mythical beings of the heroic epos of
Adyghes «Nartkher». The hybrid image of a dragon is shown to be represented by a couple
of opposite mythological symbols which are known in the myth about a duel of mythological
snakes and birds. Often Blago, the formidable opponent of Narts, acts as the patron of water
elements and possesses the corresponding mythical attributes. It is established that ideas
about epic Blago are of essential value in studying the mythological image of a dragon in the
Adyghe folklore.
Unarokova R.B.
Oral messages in communicative culture of Adyghes
This work deals with oral messages in the context of communicative culture of
Adyghes. The structure and artistic specifics of genres, objectivizing the reported message
are analyzed. The most prestigious forms of oral messages are distinguished. The author
comes to a conclusion that all forms of oral messages are united by the common structure,
i.e. they have a communicative situation, the message transmitter as the mediating factor and
information orientation.
Kovalenko D.A.
Speech aggression in contemporary mass media as a source of the language conflicts
The paper studies the phenomenon of speech aggression having political, social and
economic roots, which has become actual object of contemporary linguistic researches in
recent years. The author shows the reasons of emergence of speech aggression, its nature,
as well as possible ways of development of the conflicts generated by this special form of
speech behavior.
Shishkhova N.M.
Magazine «Forward!» as type of the uncensored edition
An analysis is made of the character, role and value of the uncensored magazine
«Forward!», published by P.L. Lavrov in emigration. The research focuses on identification
of influence of lack of possibility of legal promotion in Russia on formation of this magazine
as type of the edition since it defined editorial strategy in work with reader’s audience.
Separate publications of the edition are regarded from the point of view of the information
and emotional thought dictated by features of the Program «Forward!». The conclusion is
drawn that typological features of the uncensored magazine defined sense and the content of
its materials.
Study of Arts
Malatsay L.V.
Music and poetry: Flyarkovsky – Tyutchev
On the basis of the analysis of one of the last choral cycles of A.G. Flyarkovsky «Mood»,
this work explores how the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev influences the figurative sphere of musical
compositions of the composer and a choice of means of musical expressiveness related to
musical interpretation of a literary basis of choruses. As a result of research, conclusions are
drawn that the composer expresses various shades of moods in a cycle, associating them
with the natural phenomena and elements. F.I. Tyutchev’s poetry finds reflection in various
musical and choral means which represent natural landscapes and express a state of mind of
the observant artist.
Utegaliyeva S.I.
Musical instruments of Central Asian Turkic peoples
Musical instruments of Central Asian Turkic peoples are considered: in relationship
with the natural environment and economic-cultural types (1) and in the context of the
similarities and differences (2). There is a common set of musical instruments, which is
characterized by diversity and uniqueness. It is obvious that it influences the development
of Asian and European musical instruments in general. This material about Turkic musical
instruments should be used actively in the learning process.
Khvatova S.I., Sergeyeva P.A.
Expansion of vocal means of expression in chants with initial orthodox texts
Features of contemporary repertoire of church choirs are analyzed. The work shows
tendencies in expansion of a national manner of singing in the orthodox liturgical choruses
and ensembles which are displayed both in public and church choir singing. Also the authors
identify ways of inclusion of voice and chorus parts in a national or «an open sound» manner
into choral scores with initial liturgical texts of contemporary orthodox composers. Methods
of composer work with the liturgical word illustrate susceptibility by the orthodox singing
culture of the national singing. Its ability to accumulation in order to achieve the required result of necessary artistic means for the purpose of their inclusion in a context of the
traditional is stated.
Yakovleva E.N.
Musical enlightenment in the dynamics of national musical culture
This work discusses national experience in formation and development of musical
enlightenment related to the processes in the field of composer and performance creativity.
The tasks connected with familiarizing of the population with the best examples of musical
culture are defined. The history shows that forms of musical enlightenment as part of complete
cultural process in its variety evolve and experience of the past can be demanded today. At
the present stage of development of the Russian society musical enlightenment acts as the
most important component of musical culture influencing the development of history of art.