The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#4 / 2011

Literary Criticism

  • A.M. Dautova
    Artistic elucidation of philosophical lyrics by Nalbiy Kuek

    The paper examines the poetry of talented poet Nalbiy Kuek. The author studies Nalbiy Kuek’s lyric poetry of the 1960-1970s. In this paper, artistic features of verses of this poet are identified. On the basis of verses the poet’s thoughts are characterized. The essence of the lyrical hero is discussed.

    pdf dautova2011_4.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • M.N. Kuzmina
    Traditions of F. Tyutchev in the philosophical lyric of the Yaroslavl poet K. Vasilyev

    The paper discloses traditions of philosophical lyric of F.Tyutchev in poetry of the Yaroslavl poet of the 20th century K.Vasilyev. Both authors are notable for the aggravated feeling of perception of the surrounding reality and for the attempt to take a glance beyond the borders of other-wordly, as well as similarity of subjects, problematics, motives and the poetic techniques, the main of which is a technique of contrasting. For F.Tyutchev and K.Vasilyev the “philosophy” is an organic poetic thought.

    pdf kuzmina2011_4.pdf  (263 Kb)

  • T.O. Lichmanova
    The image of death in “Steppe Book” by Oleg Pavlov

    The paper provides an analysis of the image of death in a cycle of stories “The Steppe Book” by O.Pavlov. This image, emerging throughout the narrative, is the key in understanding this work and symbolic for the writer’s prose in general. Just the attitude of heroes to death helps the author to reveal the true nature of a man.

    pdf lichmanova2011_4.pdf  (263 Kb)

  • L.I. Mingazova
    The evolution of the Tatar children’s poetry of the 1920-1960s

    The paper examines the tendencies in development of the Tatar children’s poetry of the 1920-1960s. The author defines the influence of a cultural-historical context on the content and the form of children's poetry. The genre structure and stylistic features of poetry for children of some well-known Tatar poets are investigated. A connection is established between the children's poetry of the 1920-1960s and products for children written at the beginning of the 20th century. The influence of folklore on creativity of children's poets is identified.

    pdf mingazova2011_4.pdf  (260 Kb)

  • E.V. Nikolsky
    The comic peculiarity in late creativity

    The paper discusses specificity of the comic in late creativity of Vsevolod Sergeevich Solovyev (1843-1903). An analysis is made of the novels “Evil Vortices” and “The Tsar’s Embassy”. In the first novel, the comic and ridiculous situations lay bare an absurd style of thinking of separate representatives of para-religious trends. The second novel shows specificity of dialogue of cultures, as well as the curious aspects of social and domestic life of pre-Pertine Russia. On the basis of the analysis it is established that in the early works the author considered mainly tragic and drama aspects of historical and social life, but in the late creativity the writer uses another approach to elucidate the past and the present.

    pdf nikolsky2011_4.pdf  (266 Kb)

  • K.N. Paranuk
    Spatial-temporal coordinates of a model of the world in the Adyghe modern novel

    The aim of the present paper is to define the influence of mythic poetic on features of world modeling in the Adyghe modern novel. The author investigates space and time categories, analyzes features of their artistic realization and shows their transformation in the mythic poetic context of novels of mythologizing writers (Kh.Beshtokov, N.Kuek, Yu.Chuyako, D.Koshubaev). Results of research testify to multidimensionality of the spatial-temporal continuum of novels under study and to a polysemy of space and time categories in a narrative.

    pdf paranuk2011_4.pdf  (451 Kb)

  • V.A. Pedchenko
    Category of home in the artistic conception of the person in Russian prose at the boundary of the 20-21st centuries

    The paper examines the category of home as a device of disclosing an artistic concept of the person in the Russian prose at the boundary of the 20-21st centuries. Methodological approaches to this concept are compared. The author studies the traditions and innovation of the writers addressing this category and accentuates its universality and prospects. The permanence of spiritual and metaphysical criterion in studying national literatures is proved.

    pdf pedchenko2011_4.pdf  (332 Kb)

  • L.M. Safina
    Features of personification of an ideal of the man in R. Kharis's poetry

    The paper describes Renat Kharis’s creativity who is one of the talented and uncommon persons of the present time. Consideration of data on the poet is followed by the analysis of an image of the man in the Russian and Tatar literature in terms of harmony of the physical, spiritual and intellectual. A number of poems are analyzed; images of the hero are characterized. The author gives a picture of life of the man and discusses his physical and spiritual formation.

    pdf safina2011_4.pdf  (350 Kb)

  • S.N. Stepin
    The person and the nature in the modern lyric poetry of Mordovia (as shown by creativity of Victor Gadaev)

    The theme of the person and the nature in the modern lyric poetry of Mordovia is considered. The paper examines the basic laws of development of this theme in creativity of V.Gadaev, one of the modern poets of Mordovia. It is proved that in early creativity the hero of V.Gadaev’s poetry is only the detached onlooker of the phenomena occurring in the kingdom of the nature. In the course of time the poet puts him in the center of the nature. The person, in the poet’s opinion, is capable “to create the nature”, dependent on his will and reason. Thus, the paper provides the art-esthetic concept related to the solution by the poet of a question on a place of the person in the kingdom of the nature and on a role of the nature in human life.

    pdf stepin2011_4.pdf  (411 Kb)

  • R.B. Unarokova, M.M. Pashtova
    Prospects of studying the Adyghe folklore

    The paper examines the modern problematic aspects of the Adyghe folkloristic science, defines the basic vectors of its development and substantiates the choice of priority directions. The authors touch upon the theoretical questions of subject borders of folkloristic and interdisciplinary sciences. The work describes the field, scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical and publishing experience of the Center of the Adyghe Studies of the Adyghe State University in the solution of the designated problems.

    pdf unarokova2011_4.pdf  (425 Kb)

  • L.L. Khadzhieva
    Reconsideration of romantic stereotypes of folklorism in P.Merimee's book “Guzla”

    The paper analyzes folklorism of the book “Guzla” by Prosper Merimee as a part of his philosophic-esthetic system. The question is examined in a context of views on folklore depicted in the Romanticism literature. As a result the author comes to a conclusion about qualitative novelty of the concept of P.Merimee related to parody and game reconsideration of traditional images, plots and motives in his book.

    pdf khadzhieva2011_4.pdf  (391 Kb)

  • B.D. Khunagova
    Folklore heritage of the peiple as the basic principle of the north caucasian literatures

    This research focuses upon complicated interrelations of the North Caucasian literatures and national folklore. The author identifies the folklore motives and the techniques which have entered into poetic works of art, as well as a concrete image of the national poet, having a prototype in real life, who is the basic founder, the keeper and the distributor of songs concerning this subject in the North Caucasus.

    pdf khunagova2011_4.pdf  (261 Kb)

  • N.M. Shishkhova
    Concept of death in L.N. Tolstoy's great story “Ivan Ilich's Death”

    The paper analyzes the originality and features of the concept of death in L.N. Tolstoy's great story “Ivan Ilich's Death” in the light of the modern ethic-philosophical approach. The author examines a sense-forming function of death for constructing a plot structure. The great story by Tolstoy is always in the field of vision of researchers of last decades who emphasize the writer’s conception on fundamental incomprehensibility of death. The human consciousness is capable only to establish such a fact, but it is not capable to uncover it empirically.

    pdf shishkhova2011_4.pdf  (385 Kb)


  • G.S. Belolipskaya
    Self-determination of the provincial press (as shown by a publicistic material of the 1860-1880th Astrakhan newspapers)

    The paper discusses the debatable publicistic material of the 1860-1880th Astrakhan private editions, devoted to dispute on priorities of the capital and provincial press. It gives us an opportunity to get acquainted with stages of formation and self-determination of the provincial press as an independent public institute. The basic stages of discussion are correlated with public transformations. Both provincial and a capital press are partners equal in rights in public opinion formation.

    pdf belolipskaya2011_4.pdf  (438 Kb)

  • N.A. Goncharova
    Incentive character of information field in the political newspaper text: modeling and components

    The paper provides a characteristic of political newspaper communication through a prism of the news text as a base element of the given communication. The theoretical problems related to interpretation of a news material are disclosed. The model of incentiveness of information field in the political newspaper text is presented. The author examines two plans of incentive space of the information material the structural parts of which are closely interrelated and mutually complemented. The aspects of each of the allocated plans of incentiveness are described.

    pdf goncharova2011_4.pdf  (354 Kb)

  • S.V. Lyapun
    Change of priorities in genre system of periodicals of the Post-Soviet period

    The paper discusses changes which have occurred in a genre paradigm of periodicals at the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries. Promotion of genres which are connected with high degree of display of author’s “I” in the foreground is marked. The conclusion is drawn about strengthening the influence of the author’s journalism presented by such genres as the comment, the review and the essay.

    pdf lyapun2011_4.pdf  (424 Kb)

  • M.V. Nedogarko, F.B. Beshukova
    National structure and political orientation of the first editions of «Russian press» of the USA

    The paper examines history of Russian emigration in a context of specificity of its publishing in territory of the USA. Newspapers in Russian are analyzed in terms of their language features related to purposes and the audit factor. By comparison the author identifies the leading tendencies in an editorial policy of various editions of the Russian emigration, including the Jewish, which are basically caused by their political orientation.

    pdf nedogarko2011_4.pdf  (401 Kb)


  • M.À. Antoshintseva
    Educational-scientific speech as interaction area of scientific and educational discourses in the conditions of changing speech standards

    The article is devoted to the actual problems of educational communication and educational discourse and text. Educational communication is influenced by present-day standards of language and discourse. Educational speech and text are viewed as an interaction area of scientific communication and educational communication.

    pdf antoshintseva2011_4.pdf  (433 Kb)

  • V.P. Balakhova
    Communicative-pragmatic aspect of studing polipredicative composite sentenses in publicistic texts

    The paper describes the results of research of communicative-pragmatic aspect of studying polypredicative composite sentences on the basis of a material of publicistic texts. The author shows the influence of different communicative-pragmatic installations on semantics and the syntactic organization of sentences. It has been established that the formation of the text with the use of polypredicative composite sentences is caused not only by linguistic, but also by extralinguistic factors. In this connection a strategy and tactics defining an orientation of the publicistic text is disclosed.

    pdf balakhova2011_4.pdf  (391 Kb)

  • R.A. Volkova, Yu.P. Nechay
    Features of stylization of German informal conversation in E.M. Remarque’s art prose

    The paper examines features of informal language stylization in E.M. Remarque’s art prose. A number of terms of the German linguistics designating a concept of “informal language” are described. The authors show how informal language parameters are displayed in his novels. These parameters are manifested at all levels of the language, but to a greater degree, in lexicon and syntax. It is established that by these means the writer manages to present ease of dialogue of the heroes and to disclose their images.

    pdf volkova2011_4.pdf  (394 Kb)

  • A.G. Dedukhina
    A notional essence of borrowings from the English language in advertising text

    The article examines indicated the most frequency notions of borrowings from the English language in advertising text. It is described a notional essence of information component of borrowings from the English language, it is given and analysed the examples of borrowings from the English language in advertising text. It is singled out four most frequency notions that are dominant in advertising: object, service, quality, procedure. A notional essence includes the whole layer of systemic cognitive relations, reflects the object in its common notional indications.

    pdf dedukhina1_2011_4.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • A.G. Dedukhina, T.M. Grushevskaya
    Definitional concept of information essence of borrowings from the English language

    The article examines meanings of notions of information essence of borrowings from the English language in distraction of language form of their expression. It is described a definitional concept of information essence of borrowings from the English language, it is given and analysed definitions of borrowings from the English language. Definitional concept of information essence of borrowings from the English language has several species and subspecies of definitions, which disclose a meaning of advertising goods or service more precisely and completely or help to learn it.

    pdf dedukhina2_2011_4.pdf  (346 Kb)

  • T.S. Ivanova
    Language behavior of Internet communication

    In this article the Internet is considered as a special communication sphere, which brings new ways of communication and new forms of language. The features of Internet communication – written pronunciation, hyper-intertextuality, spontaneity.

    pdf ivanova2011_4.pdf  (375 Kb)

  • V.O. Imeev
    The role of sound semantics in formation of dictionary meanings in the kalmyk linguistic culture (as shown by sound [a:])

    This article is dedicated to the investigation of the problem of forming lexical meaning in the Kalmyk linguistic culture and the analysis of the role of the basic semantic meanings of the sounds in this process. On the basis of the material under examination it is presumed that the vowels in this linguistic culture have their own broad meanings that constitute the general semantics of the words in the modern Kalmyk language.

    pdf imeev2011_4.pdf  (388 Kb)

  • A.S. Kolomiytseva
    Methods of realization of communicative-pragmatical tasks of polypredicative compound sentences-paragraphs in the scientific speech style

    The realization of communicative-pragmatical tasks of polypredicative compound sentences-paragraphs in the scientific speech style is accomplished in different methods using unequal lexical, morphological, syntaxical language means, etc.

    pdf kolomiytseva2011_4.pdf  (384 Kb)

  • Yu.N. Kononova
    Children’s occasional word as a unit of neology

    Some peculiarities of mechanism of mastering a language and word creation processes in the speech of Russian children are presented in the article. Occasionalisms as a part of word-formation system show the possibilities of a language at producing new words; their study promotes revealing of tendencies of word-formation processes. Neologisms are considered - on the one hand - as special regularity in children's speech development, and as an evident illustration of ways and forms of development of a language - on the other hand.

    pdf kononova2011_4.pdf  (384 Kb)

  • A.V. Ledneva
    A concept of a “child” in proverbial fund (as shown by material of the Russian and German proverbs and sayings)

    The present article deals with a comparative analysis of German and Russian proverbs and sayings which are mentioned the problem of family relationships. In the article are analyzed the key-words: concept «child», proverb, saying, a picture of the world, lingwoculturel aspect. As the result of the comparison of Russian and German proverbs and sayings demonstration concept «child» their common features and national peculiarities of people are revealed.

    pdf ledneva2011_4.pdf  (425 Kb)

  • L.S. Makarova
    A rhymed translation and a translation by using a free verse

    The present research focuses upon rhymed and unrhymed translation of Russian poetry into the French language. The author demonstrates that loss of a rhyme in translation of the poetic original leads to a discord between the original and translation. The rhyme cements the verbal-art information in a single whole, implementing a text-forming function. The analysis shows that unrhymed translation reduces the emotional-aesthetic potential of rhymed poetic speech.

    pdf makarova2011_4.pdf  (374 Kb)

  • N.E. Malova
    Realization of aesthenic function in text of art

    The paper characterizes the sign nature of aesthetic functions of the text of art as an expression of culture level of the author’s mental consciousness. After examining aesthetic features of the text of art the author gives a characteristic of expressive – image-bearing organization of the text of art as an expression of a category of figurativeness. Expressional means of language are listed, including domination of a connotative component and expansion of semantic volume of lexical meaning. The aesthetic functions of the text of art are described. With the help of expressional means they can reflect both the language person of the author and his outlook.

    pdf malova2011_4.pdf  (366 Kb)

  • T.V. Pozdeeva
    The plan of authorization of the political newspaper text in terms of the mechanism of the semantic organization of a text material

    The paper examines the structural-semantic organization of a text material of the political newspaper article and discloses semantic integrity of information field of the article. The author analyzes the text field partitioning into paragraphs and allocates three groups of paragraphs: informative, argumentative and explicative. Using examples from English newspapers, the author shows language shaping of each of the allocated paragraphs.

    pdf pozdeeva2011_4.pdf  (374 Kb)

  • L.G. Popova, R.S. Osipov
    The semantic characteristic of synonymic core lexemes of «der Mut/courage», expressing a concept of «courage» in the German and English languages

    The research focuses upon elucidation of similarities in structure of synonymic rows of “der Mut/courage” core lexemes. For this it is necessary to draw up a list of synonymic rows of the mentioned lexemes, to find out their semantic characteristics on the basis of data obtained from explanatory dictionaries and to compare them with the comparison elements using data from etymological dictionaries in order to find out the character of their resemblance. The analysis has shown a relative character of similarity of separate synonyms from the revealed synonymic rows of core lexemes.

    pdf popova2011_4.pdf  (362 Kb)

  • V.A. Skvortsova
    Text space of interview: a model of its organization

    The paper gives a characteristic of a communicative model of interview. The text space of interview is defined. Two levels of interview representation are distinguished and the organizational structure of the text of interview is provided. The work describes the model of the organization of text space of interview.

    pdf skvortsova2011_4.pdf  (354 Kb)

  • A.N. Khavdok
    System of values as reflection of the mechanism of the mental organization in the Adyghe’s language

    The paper examines the approach to learning language of the Adyghe fantastic texts on the basis of reflection in it of key moral-ethical values of the people. The fantastic lexicon, transferring a national-cultural originality of language consciousness, is presented as the means of reflection of the Adyghe’s mentality. The national-cultural originality of the Adyghes turns to be one of the most important components of mentality of the people, defining world perception and the further behavior in various reality situations.

    pdf khavdok2011_4.pdf  (363 Kb)

  • R.Kh. Khayrullina, Aychichek Musap, Boztash Abdullakh
    Universal cultural concepts in a context of cross-cultural communication

    Thematic and ideographical systematization of Russian and Turkish phraseological units analysis of two universal concepts - a man and water in the article. Aim of the article is linguacognitive analys of this two universal concepts. During an analysis the common to all mankind and national features of interpretation of these concepts are educed by Russian and Turkish people, that allowed to draw conclusion about importance of account of national world vision in the process of cross-cultural communication.

    pdf khayrullina2011_4.pdf  (403 Kb)

  • O.Yu. Shchibrya
    Semantic and structualfunctional specifity of the author’s modelling of the world in space of the text of art

    An attempt is undertaken to examine the text of art as a speech product of the certain style having definite semantic and structural-functional specificity. The key verbal signs carry out a special cognitive function in the text of art. They are a means of representation of the author’s cognition, as well as they participate in construction of the text cognitive structure.

    pdf shchibrya2011_4.pdf  (374 Kb)

    Study of Arts

  • Yu.V. Verevkina
    The academic music in non-academic performance: some features of «middle culture»

    The paper presents new alternative forms of the traditional academic concert. The author describes a new field of culture – middle culture – in which elements of elite and mass cultures are echoed. As a result of analysis of the various experiments related to the non-traditional approach to performance of the musical classics, the author distinguishes factors influencing the change of existence environment, the functional and content features of the opus; and describes the means promoting this transformation.

    pdf verevkina2011_4.pdf  (402 Kb)

  • S.I. Khvatova
    Compliance with rites in modern divine service: stable and mobile elements

    The paper discusses correlation of stable and mobile elements in modern observance of the rules in Russian Orthodox Church divine services. Analyzing theological and musicological researches, as well as generalizing the data of sociological researches and own twenty years’ supervision, the author distinguishes the expansion and reduction zones of compliance with rites, testifying to proceeding evolution of divine service forms.

    pdf khvatova2011_4.pdf  (448 Kb)