The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#4 / 2014


  • Abakarova M.A.
    Linguocultural peculiarities of concept adolescent in the English and Lak languages

    A comparative analysis is made of English and Lak lexemes actualizing the concept ‘adolescent’. The given concept forms a part of the macroconcept ‘man’, one of the basic concepts for every linguoculture as it most distinctly illustrates the picture of the world inherent in the examined linguocultural entities. The comparative analysis of the concept ‘adolescent’ in the languages under study has revealed a much greater number of lexemes constituting this concept in the English language in comparison with Lak, but, in distinction from the latter, they do not bear any gender differences.

    pdf 15-19.pdf  (296 Kb)

  • Aleksandrova M.I.
    Mechanisms of conceptual integration in the fiction text: self-identification of the storyteller

    An analysis is undertaken to reveal functioning of the mechanisms of conceptual integration in the fiction text as a way of self-identification of the storyteller. A role of conceptual integration in construction and interpretation of the fiction text is defined, particularly in firstperson’s narration. The availability of correlations of text and mental spaces, as well as the points of view of the author of the text and the author-narrator are found.

    pdf 20-25.pdf  (302 Kb)

  • Alentyeva M.A.
    Perception and assimilation of foreign art heritage in Russia at a turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

    The paper discusses the traditions of perception and assimilation of foreign literature by other national cultures. The main difficulties in formation and development of the domestic translation are investigated. An important milestone in formation of domestic translation school is V.A.Zhukovsky’s creativity. It is inferred that the translated text as the data carrier reflects not only the author’s subjective vision of the world, but also bears the imprint of perception of reality, an individual picture of the world of the translator.

    pdf 26-29.pdf  (267 Kb)

  • Akhidzhakova M.P., Blyagoz Z.U.
    Conceptual space of a concept “art” in the fiction text

    The paper examines the conceptual space of a concept “art” to explicit mental representation of the language personality of the author. The art is shown to be the “artificial” language, and a work of art is the „text“ in which the author conveys the coded meaning. The concept „art“ is noted to be a constant of the culture and significant cross-cultural unit possessing high esthetic informational content. It is inferred that the concept „art“ occupies one of the key places in J. Fowles‘s creativity since all his works put the questions of art and its need for human existence.

    pdf 30-34.pdf  (290 Kb)

  • Gorobets A.F.
    Functions of Simile in the Texts of Novels by W.S. Maugham

    The paper examines similes in the fiction texts of novels by W.S. Maugham as the important tropes in the writer’s idiostyle. A number of functions of simile are defined. The simile as an artistic technique is directed to fuller bringing an author’s intention to the recipient. The author’s individual simile reflects an individual image of the world and features of figurative thinking of the author. It is inferred that the similes used by the author implement text-forming and figurative functions.

    pdf 35-38.pdf  (290 Kb)

  • Grigoryeva N.O.
    Multifunctional syntactic word “that”: a communicative-pragmatic potential

    The paper describes a communicative-pragmatic potential of sentences with multifunctional syntactic word “that” and specificity of representation of this word in one of the types of complicated complex sentence. It is obviously possible to tell about existence of obligatory correlations of a communicative-pragmatic potential of the multifunctional syntactic words and syntactic constructions including such units.

    pdf 39-44.pdf  (304 Kb)

  • Doleva R.N.
    Functional reanimation of obsolete words in microlexicon of “Adyghe Khabze”

    The paper deals with the outdated lexicon presented in the textbook “Adyghe Khabze” for the 5th class. As a result of the analysis of microlexicon, archaisms and historicism which characterize life of the people during a certain era have been revealed. The vocabulary of language is constantly changed. The lexicon of the person changes with the change of his activity. It is inferred that in the textbook many obsolete words, that are close to disappearance, are reanimated.

    pdf 45-48.pdf  (266 Kb)

  • Kakhuzheva Z.K.
    Word order in a simple sentence of the Russian and Adyghe languages

    The paper presents the comparative analysis of a word order in a simple sentence in the Russian and Adyghe languages. The author shows the composite nature of the concept itself which dictates need of its consideration from various points of view: logical partitioning (a sentence as a means of formation and expression of thought); syntactic partitioning (a sentence as a grammatical unit) and actual division (a sentence as a means of communication). It is inferred that a word order in the sentence is multiaspectual, implementing various functions. It is possible to speak only about the usual and unusual word order which is not complicated by other factors.

    pdf 49-53.pdf  (295 Kb)

  • Malova N.E., Akhidzhakova M.P.
    Ethnocultural specifics of a concept of «art» in fiction works of J. Fowles

    The paper examines the culture of society as the universal form of conceptualization of the world and rationalization of human experience presented by the concepts possessing the ethnomarked features. The concept is shown to be part of a picture of the world, bearing the imprint of that cultural system within which it was created. The ethnocultural concept directly reflects specifics of a national picture of the world. It is established that the concept of «art» represents the multidimensional mental unit reflecting the facts and events which influenced formation of this concept in author’s consciousness.

    pdf 54-57.pdf  (289 Kb)

  • Nechay Yu.P., Kondratyeva T.S.
    Formation of economic terminology in lexical system of the Russian modern language

    This paper discusses the reasons of the emergence of a large number of English words in the Russian economic thesaurus. Most of these words are used as loan translation. It is impractical and hinders the development of our economic terminology. This study also discusses their features, advantages and disadvantages. Along with a significant portion of neologisms, a lot of words become things of the past and other are reinterpreted and experience semantic and stylistic shifts.

    pdf 58-64.pdf  (316 Kb)

  • Ostrovskaya T.A.
    Standard English and its role in elite discourse semiotics

    An attempt is undertaken to examine a role of standard English as means of actualizing social practices of British modern elite. The author explores modifications of the discourse practices through realization of verbal signs of elite. Markers of belonging of the discourse personality to a certain social class are revealed. The role of language as necessary condition for achievement of the high social status is described.

    pdf 65-70.pdf  (310 Kb)

  • Solomatina A.O.
    Ideological component of strategy of praise and discredit in political newspaper communication

    The paper presents the ideological component of strategy of praise and discredit. Language material in newspaper political texts is shown to be the tool to disclose the mechanism of coding and decoding of ideological information. It is inferred that any language phenomenon in hands of a communicator can become effective means of ideological fight and a powerful mechanism of impact on audience.

    pdf 71-73.pdf  (280 Kb)

  • Tikhonova A.P.
    Theonyms in the Hattian language: comparative-historical and typological aspects

    By comparing Abkhaz-Adyghe root morphemes we carried out word-formative analysis of Hattian god’s names. Noun word-formative models in the Hattian language were revealed. Like in Abkhaz-Adyghe languages, they turned out to be formed by adding two or more words, thus producing composites, which confirms close relationship of Abkhaz- Adyghe languages on the morphological and word-building level.

    pdf 74-79.pdf  (328 Kb)

  • Umanskaya O.G.
    Linguistic mechanisms of creation of secondary integrity of a short story cycle as a multitext

    The paper explores specifics of link organization of fiction text units in the multitext of a short story cycle by I.A. Bunin «Dark Avenues». The author allocates the key linguistic parameters of a prosaic cycle against the basic category of unity organizing «secondary integrity». It is inferred that the numerous generalizing components of cyclic unity expressed both explicitly and implicitly, in many respects depend on the author’s intention.

    pdf 80-84.pdf  (295 Kb)

  • Shakhnazaryan N.O.
    The scenario of Rodion Raskolnikov’s suffering (from the material of F.M. Dostoyevsky’s novel «Crime and Punishment»)

    In the paper, the author makes an attempt to create a scenario of negative emotions using the material of literary text. The scenario is created through the notion «suffering», the key concept in the mental world picture of Dostoyevsky. The goal of the paper is to show the interaction of literary criticism and linguistics and to reveal the relation of the fiction language to the language system as a whole. A general tendency toward linguistics anthropologization forces us to make an emphasis on a personality factor; semantic peculiarities of units in speech are studied in the aspect of author’s purposes.

    pdf 85-89.pdf  (298 Kb)

  • Shiryaeva O.V., Khachmafova Z.R.
    Concept «project» in a business picture of the world (from materials of a discourse of business mass media)

    The paper deals with the questions of formation of the Russian business press as translator of a business picture of the world in media discourse space. The authors analyze the lexical and semantic features of realization of a concept «project» in a discourse of business mass media in aspects of a diachrony and synchronism. It is established that the concept «project» verbalizes semantic aspect of a business picture of the world in which semes of an initiative, intention, enterprise and forecasting are significant.

    pdf 90-96.pdf  (314 Kb)

  • Yablonskaya L.V.
    System of code transitions in image interpretation of the personality of the character in the fiction text

    The paper gives the characteristic of code transitions in image interpretation of the personality of the hero in the literary work. Five code transitions are allocated and described. The difference between them in art communication is shown. It is established that coding in art communication gets a special form of existence and expression, allowing us to reveal participation of each character of the text in implementation of the general target program of a discourse of this or that literary work.

    pdf 97-102.pdf  (307 Kb)

    Literary Criticism

  • Avidzba R.L.
    «Memoirs of the Caucasian Officer» by F.F. Tornau as a literary monument in its historical context

    The paper deals with the most important pages of the historical past of the Caucasus which reflect an era of the 1830s. When east coast of the Black Sea passed under protection of Russia, shortage of data on the region was found. Therefore the work of the Russian special-service agent baron Fedor Fedorovich Tornau is at the same time the historical document and a literary monument. It is inferred that the data provided in this work are a source of unique materials on history, ethnography, geography and culture of the Caucasian people of this region.

    pdf 103-107.pdf  (326 Kb)

  • Zhazhieva R.S., Delok R.A.
    Iskhak Mashbash: a literary look into the historical past

    The paper elucidates the place of a historical subject in works of the Adyghe writer Iskhak Mashbash in the context of development of the world literature. Experience of the world literature shows the predominating role of a genre of the historical novel in development of a historical subject. The mature view of the writer on history of the Adyghe people is defined by that “a work source and its basis were the stories about moving of Adyghes to Turkey which he heard in the childhood”. An analysis is made of the following Iskhak Mashbash’s works: poem «Clouds Are Condensed», novels «Tracks From Night» and «Goshevnay», dilogy «Rolls of a Far Thunder» and «Millstone» and historical novel «Khan – Girey».

    pdf 108-112.pdf  (281 Kb)

  • Kukueva A.A.
    «Oblomov’s dream» – the Eurasian “swan song” of the Russian literature

    The aim of the present paper is to interpret «Oblomov’s Dream», the novel by I.A. Goncharov, proceeding from the latest literary critic works. The objective of the study is to identify the ideological, artistic and aesthetic features of «Oblomov’s Dream». The author arrives at a conclusion that the analyzed text reflects the motives of the Eurasian doctrine on the symphonic personality as the conceptual foundation of the aesthetic theory of the Eurasianism.

    pdf 113-118.pdf  (289 Kb)

  • Kuchmenko M.A.
    Principle of a rhizome as structure-forming factor of post-modernist text

    The paper discusses the origin of the term of «rhizomorphic structures». The principle of a rhizome is regarded as a structure-forming factor of artistic practice of a postmodernism. Possibility of a solution of the problem of «death of the author» through construction of the rhizomorphic structures is analyzed. The conclusion is drawn about a positive role of a rhizome as a way of realization of art pluralism.

    pdf 119-122.pdf  (286 Kb)

  • Pshimakhova B.B.
    Concurrency of conflict typology in the Adyghe and Russian prose from the Middle Ages to the 20th century

    The paper studies community of conflict typology, the subjects and challenges issued in prosaic works in the Adyghe and Russian literatures through a prism of the comparative analysis. In order to identify a typological community of literatures, the intra personal, interpersonal, gender, moral, ethical, social and political conflicts, as well as the conflicts of micro and macrolevel are examined. It is established that the art conflicts shed light on the most important problems of life in the Adyghe and Russian literatures: status and role distinctions in social structure of society and certain vital directions. The conflicts brought to a proscenium by the Adyghe and Russian writers, presented mentality and spiritual culture of their people from a wide-angle view.

    pdf 123-127.pdf  (262 Kb)

  • Stepanova T.M.
    Folklore in the art world and structure of “The Alhambra” cycle by W. Irving

    The place and features of folklore in the art world and structure of «The Alhambra» cycle by W. Irving are examined in terms of comprehension of national character. The author shows how the writer comprehends the East-West challenges in the context of the romantic concept. Forms of expression of national images of the world and ethnic mentality are analyzed. It is inferred that the genre of travel is important for W. Irving’s creativity in respect of dialogue of cultures implementation.

    pdf 128-133.pdf  (300 Kb)

  • Tlevtsezheva M.A.
    Hoffmann E.T.A.: relationship with experience of the people

    The paper deals with the questions and features of relationship of the German romantics and experience of national poetic creativity. The literary activity of E.T.A Hoffmann related to folklore esthetics is highlighted. An attempt is undertaken to find purely folklore and poetic elements in works of E.T.A. Hoffmann in order to show the profoundly creative comprehension by the writer of experience of national creativity rather than the imitating one. The author seeks to find out a strong thread connection between various periods of development of romanticism in the German literature.

    pdf 134-138.pdf  (295 Kb)

  • Yakhyaeva Z.I.
    Forms of expression of the author’s concept of nature in M. Akhmadov’s story «Mountain Erection on the Earth»

    The paper discusses the artistic and philosophical comprehension of the nature in Musa Akhmadov’s story «Mountain Erection on the Earth». Innovative approach in forms and ways of expression of the author’s concept of the personality and culture is shown. Characteristic features of a landscape and a portrait used to depict the hero and his time are emphasized. The conclusion is drawn that the concept of nature is of great importance for creating the psychological characteristic of positive characters of the story.

    pdf 139-143.pdf  (296 Kb)


  • Kuyek A.S.
    Bghezh in the Nart epos of Adyghes

    A study is made on bghezh (eagle), one of the mythical beings of the “Nartkher” heroic epos of Adyghes. The paper shows that the eagle has more positive characteristic in the Adyghe folklore in comparison to the Nart epos where it becomes one of formidable opponents of Narts. Functions of this mythical image are noted to be “more grounded”, though they are not deprived of mythological attributes as well. It is inferred that in the context of an ethno-mental worldview, ideas of epic bghezh are of essential value in studying a mythological image of an eagle in the Adyghe folklore.

    pdf 144-149.pdf  (288 Kb)


  • Zhazhieva R.S., Shishkina A.V.
    Newspaper heading: advertising aspect

    This paper discusses influence of advertising aspects on structure of the publicistic text, as well as the main tendencies in the course of the nomination of headings in printing mass media. The authors consider the address to the case text as to a phenomenon of national, linguistic and cultural communities.

    pdf 150-154.pdf  (294 Kb)

  • Ishchenko D.S.
    Specificity of socially conditioned evaluation in the analytical text

    The paper examines the correlation between objective and subjective bases in the analytical text, determines the nature of subjective modality, identifies and describes patterns of its implementation. The study shows that the analytical text has a special type of subjective modality, namely: a socially conditioned evaluation, which is characterized by the use of traditional subjective assessment tools without performing their primary function. The author’s position is displayed by the presence in the text of the author’s consciousness.

    pdf 155-158.pdf  (285 Kb)

  • Saraeva K.I.
    Architectonics of the announcement: illustration as graphic and design element to draw attention of the addressee of the text

    The paper examines the composition and architectonics of the secondary text of the «announcement» type, considering two of its aspects: externally – composite and graphic – design. The illustration is represented as the most important element of architectonics of the announcement drawing attention of the addressee of the text. Ways of its arrangement concerning the text are revealed. The integral components of the text of the announcement, inherent illustrations and ways of their presentation are established.

    pdf 159-163.pdf  (296 Kb)

  • Sokolova G.V., Panesh S.R.
    Factuality and estimation as integrative phenomenon of the media text

    The factuality and estimation are examined as the main intentions, the system row position and categorial stability of which allow explanation for correlation of the fact and assessment within journalistic work with the growing need of mass media for integrative phenomena. Efficiency in this process of an onym is noted. It is established that as a result of language transformation of the facts into opinion the semantic field of information receives, as a rule, an implicit form of speech implementation. Indirect meanings «draw in detail» the object of criticism ambiguously, hinting at the conceptual content of a naive picture of the world of object, rather than inform about it.

    pdf 164-168.pdf  (297 Kb)