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#1 / 2006
Philological Sciences: Linguistics
R.Y. Namitokova
Scientific directions of the Russian Language Department and the role of KTSIROSK in their realization
In the paper the author presents a review of the basic directions of scientific activity of the Russian Language Department at the Philological Faculty for the past years. The results of research work of teachers, post-graduate students and students participating in the development of actual problems of learning Russian and regional onomastics of the Northern Caucasus are given.
R.Y. Namitokova, N.I. Tereshchenko, I.A. Neflyasheva
The language of modern city (presentation of the program of social-dialect practice of students of the second course, specialization: philological provision of journalism and document-keeping)
The modern city speech shows new tendencies in the life of our society connected with strengthening of the personal basis, with dynamism, spontaneity of dialogue, easing of official relations, aspiration to a language game and to variation and with liberalization of the language. Studying alive speech is actual for development of a linguistic outlook of students - the future journalists and document-keepers.
I.V. Arkhipova
Interaction of sense and the form in constructions with syntactic application
Of great importance in understanding and perception of the statement and the text is their formal - grammatic expression and syntactic features. Change of initial sense of a phrase is influenced frequently with its syntactic valency, compatibility with other words and phrases. This list can be added with asymmetry between sense and the form, influence of the form on sense of the statement, as well as with orientation of the author of speech to a language game. Specificity of the person of the recipient, a level of his intelligence and language intuition are important as well.
Z.K. Bedanokova
The advertising text as a reflection of active processes in lexical system of the Russian language
The paper is devoted to some lexical features of the advertising text, reflecting active processes in the modern system of the Russian language. These processes are connected with activation of slangy and colloquial lexicon in the language of MASS-MEDIA and advertising, with expansion and narrowing of value of units owing to determinologization and precedentness. Problems of adoption of another language lexicon and its adaptation in the Russian advertising text are considered.
A.P. Tikhonova
Connection of spatial and temporal meanings (as shown by a material from the Adyghe, Russian and English languages)
A study of the ways and means of expression of spatial-temporal relations in a context of modern concepts allows one to profoundly investigate the features of a national language picture of the world in comparable languages and reveal their similarities and distinction. In the paper the author proceeds from the assumption that natural languages represent the culture codes differently reflecting and structurizing the world around.
T.A. Ostrovskaya
A dichotomy of aggression vs tolerance in the Russian and English communicative behaviour
The paper discusses the psycholinguistic aspects of aggressive communicative behaviour in the Russian and English-speaking linguocultural communities, as well as the tolerant behaviour as antipode of aggression. Examples are given of political correctness as a variant of tolerant behaviour and a display of the double standard.
T.D. Achkasova
Specific features of language structurization of space
The author examines specific features of a view of the person about the world in realities of space that is a reflection of cumulative sensual experience.
L.S. Makarova
Translational modelling of art discourse
In the paper the author considers a reconstruction in translation of specific features of informal conversation of literature characters by means of translational actualization of certain discourse markers in the text of translation.
I.A. Chitao
On techniques of teaching pupils of senior classes to make a dialogue
The paper is devoted to a system of teaching pupils of senior classes to make a dialogue. Specific features of dialogical speech are as follows: a) a unit of dialogical speech is the so-called dialogical unity (microdialogue); b) ellipses and dispositions are peculiar for remarks of dialogical speech; c) dialogical speech is not only questions and answers; d) dialogical speech is rich in colloquial formulas and a cliche. The paper contains the characteristic of deductive and inductive methods of teaching pupils to make a dialogue, as well as basic exercises teaching to support conversation.
Literature and Literary Critisizm
U.M. Panesh
A study of a history of the literature today: the traditional trends, new tendencies, basic concepts
The literary process at the present stage is characterized by destruction of the settled ideological values, by loss of habitual aesthetic reference-points and, as a consequence, by world outlook vacuum. These new tendencies in the Russian literature are connected not only with sociohistorical changes in life of Russia, but also with fundamental features of the formation of culture in the 20th century. We mean crisis of a historicism in thinking, audit of a traditional deterministic conception, blossoming of modernist and postmodernist directions in art. Activation of new, formalistic approaches inclusive, has become the inevitable and in many respects productive phenomenon. It, on the one hand, has enriched the art - aesthetic process and has helped one to objectively reconsider a history and the theory of the literary process. Absolutization of a principle of fragmentariness has resulted at the same time in attempts of ignoring of traditional fundamental approaches and basic positions. While studying the literary process, for example, it is difficult to do without national ground and temporal, historical-public features that generated it. At the same time the system analysis does not contradict perception of a literary work as the unique phenomenon reflecting phenomenal creative ability of a separate artist.
K.N. Paranuk
Mythological poetics and structure of the text in the Adyghe modern novel (Y. Chuyako, N. Kuek, D. Koshubaev)
In the paper the author considers novels of the Adyghe writers Y.Chuyako, N.Kuek, D.Koshubaev. Their creativity is full with mythological poetics. The author studies the role of mythological poetics as the means of the semantic and structural organization of the text, reveals structural invariants: a system of leitmotifs, binary oppositions, images-symbols, various repetitions, features of chronotop which in aggregate create a complete structure of works.
T.M. Stepanova, M.A. Alentieva
On a mythological component of folklore and literature
A mythological dominant of folklore in the totally atheistic Soviet period was not welcomed. However it was impossible to remove this phenomenon from spiritual, cultural and art spheres. Therefore, undoubtedly, it existed in officially admitted Soviet literature at a level of art archetypes, frequently “assimilating” and being levelled by other forms of folklorism.
F.B. Beshukova
Interrelation between philosophical and literary-critical methodologies in analysis of the cultural – aesthetic phenomena
The purpose of the paper is a definition of the contents of concept “methodology” (the process of the origin of the given basic principle of any scientific research, its development in philosophy and in literary criticism and the further interpretation in a modern science).
I.N. Khatkova
Landscape as a structure-forming basis of a narrative in works of Sultan Khan-Girey
In the paper the author investigates the originality of a landscape in works of Sultan Khan – Girey, the Adyghe writer - educator of the 19th century. Pictures of a nature create picturesque conditions, become a reflection of the author's idea and the emotional implication of work; they emphasize intensity of action and its symbolical expressiveness, as well as are used as the means of the psychological characteristic of heroes.