#1 / 2012
Literary Criticism
I.V. Lozovoy
Poetics of narrating (solved and unresolved questions of “common places” (loci communes) in Russian epos studies)
The paper discusses stages of studying and the nature of “common places” of the Russian heroic epos. The review of scientific researches on the given theme for the last one and a half centuries is presented. The author defines basic positions from the point of view of the solved and unresolved problems related to this point in question. This work formulates directions of studying “common places” and their use in definition of the epic singer as a representative of this or that narrating school.
B.Kh. Lyamova
On an originality of children's poetry by Nalbiy Kuek
The paper shows specificity of reflection of children's attitude to the world in N. Kuek's creativity. Data on his literary heritage addressed to children are followed by definition of the role of creativity of N. Kuek in education of young people. This work shows the originality of N. Kuek’s poetic manner, including selection of art means and forms of expression of author's consciousness taking into account age features of the reader-child.
R.G. Mamiy
Theoretical and methodological problems of studying national literatures: Academician G.G. Gamzatov’s doctrine
This paper examines the life and activity, scientific and creative achievements of G.G. Gamzatov, the only Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences on literary criticism in the Caucasus. A small review of his fundamental works is given. The topicality of this theme is caused by that G.G. Gamzatov has created the scientific, literary critical doctrine on theoretical and methodological bases of studying national literatures not only of Daghestan and the North Caucasus, but also of whole Russia.
E.V. Nikolsky
The novel genre of the family chronicle in the Russian literature at a boundary of millenia
The paper examines specificity of the special type of prose, namely: the novel of the family chronicle and its defining lines, including linear chronicle and family problems (presence of several generations of one family, a microclimate of a family, a problem of fathers and children, etc.) and specificity of a historicism. Resting upon experience in creativity of Russian modern writers and writers of Russian abroad, whose products have become widely known for the past two decades, the author comes to a conclusion that this genre has great prospects in the literature.
A.P. Popova
“Russian modern fairy tales” by D.L. Bykov in a context of national tradition of satirical literary fairy tales
The paper discusses features of realizing the genre of the Russian literary satirical fairy tale in D.L. Bykov's creativity. The aim of the research is to reveal specific features of literary fairy tales using an example of works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and M. Gorky and to track their influence on D.L. Bykov’s literary fairy tales. Fairy tales of the latter, on the one hand, have absorbed a part of traditions of a satirical literary fairy tale, and on the other, have become a new word in the Russian literature, close to a postmodernism.
Y.G. Pykhtina
On space of a village and Russian character (based on works of L. Tolstoy “Landowner's Morning”, A. Chekhov “Peasants” and I. Bunin “The Village”)
The spatial image of the village is analyzed as a specifically national image on the basis of works of L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov and I. Bunin. The author examines some traits of the Russian character related to space, where the people live (relationships with a family home, humility, integrity of nature, inability to organize the personal space, etc.).
T.M. Stepanova
Folklore elements of art structure in two related books by R. Gamzatov “My Daghestan” in a context of intellectual prose of the North Caucasus
Leading tendencies of development of intellectual prose of the North Caucasus are examined on the basis of works by E. Kapiev and R. Gamzatov. The question is considered in a context of ethno-mental outlook. The structure and poetics of the two books by R. Gamzatov are analyzed as a part of his philosophical-aesthetic system. The author comes to a conclusion about novelty of the person’s concept in intellectual prose of the writer.
N.Kh. Khuazheva
The art concept of the person in novels on historical past by A. Evtykh
This paper examines the novels of Asker Evtykh about the historical past with the purpose to analyze in them the ways of artistic realization of the concept of the person (“Barge”, “The Bull blood”). The theoretical basis of this problem and the used researches of scientists on creativity of Asker Evtykh are presented. The author discloses innovative solution of the problem of human character and mutual relations of the person and history which is realized through the complicated plot-composition structure. The history is shown through the images. It “is dissolved” in style, in features of a narration and in an individualization of speech of heroes.
B.A. Tsey
The moral-philosophical aspect of art elucidation of a problem “the people and the war” in I. Mashbash's novel “Millstones”
The paper investigates the moral-philosophical aspect of the Adyghe historical novel devoted to the Caucasian War of the 19-th century and banishment of some of the peoples from the Caucasus. The author examines such aspects as the new qualities of moral and philosophical problems in chronology of movement of the novelistic epos of I. Mashbash; the moral and philosophical aspects of art elucidation of a problem of war and peace, the people and the war in the novel “Millstones”; a humanistic orientation of the novel in the decision of the major moral problems of life of the Adyghes in the 19-th century; and features of the art-style decision of moral and philosophical problems in the novel “Millstones”.
I.A. Tsipinov
Forms of a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Adyghe traditional society (as shown by a material of mythic-epic tradition)
The paper provides an analysis of dominant forms of a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Adyghe traditional society, based on a material of mythic-epic tradition of the Adyghes. The author substantiates the original indicator of increasing historicism in tradition which is the peaceful outcome of a conflict situation predetermined by appearance of the person in the mythic-epic arena. This testifies to the end, within the limits of folklore, of process of its formation and development lasting throughout the history of mankind.
T.N. Chamokov
On continuity and innovation in system of the Adyghe new written prose
This paper examines the continuity and innovation as the major factors of forward development of national literatures. The author traces their dialectic interrelation and interaction in the Adyghean new written prose in theoretical and historical-typological aspects. This work reveals the “mechanism” of connection of traditional experience and innovative discoveries in a novel genre, mutual penetration of folklore-epic and literary consciousness; esthetic reorientation to eternal humanistic problems of human existence by means of creative reconsideration of traditional mythological figurative system of the Adyghean ethnos.
K.G. Shazzo
On the art method in the national literature of the 20-th century
The paper discusses features of the origin and formation of socialist realism in the Russian literature of the 20-th century and the character and the content of its formation in new written literatures of the North Caucasus. The main attention is focused on the analysis of false ideologically-esthetic orientations of the method and on its major components.
Kakhuzheva Z.G. (Tkhabisimova)
Structural models of a news note in newspaper publicism
The paper describes structural models of a newspaper note which is the basic genre of the news journalism intended for informing reader's audience. The author shows typical properties of short and expanded news notes which differ not only in a display subject, but also in composition. It is inferred that in the Russian mass-media the expanded news note, which is characterized by the structural organization, is dominant.
S.V. Lyapun
New approaches to classification of newspaper genres in the theory and journalism practice
The paper discusses the interpretation of the concept of a publicistic genre in a context of modern scientific views. The author demonstrates new views on system of genres of the newspaper publicism, which has undergone considerable changes at a boundary of centuries. The description of the different points of view on the decision of this problem testifies to intensive development of the theory of the publicism comprehending professional work of journalists.
V.V. Smeyukha
Female network magazines: the theoretical and typological characteristic
The paper discusses the typology of modern female network magazines. On the basis of the theoretical and typological analysis the author carries out their classification, reveals types of editions, gives them the characteristic, as well as defines development tendencies.
Chzhan Shuan
The Olympic media strategies of China
The paper examines experience of the People’s Republic of China in advancement of the events positively influencing the image of the state. The author describes the typology of mass media in China, channels of distribution of the information and the most productive information technologies providing advancement of the country which holds the Olympic and Paralympic Games at the international level.
F.A. Autleva
Literary translation problems in Marshak's critical heritage
The paper characterizes indications of dialogue of cultures on the basis of a material of many-sided activity of S. Marshak. The author of this paper examines metapoetics data in Marshak’s “adult” lyrics and in literary-critical papers, in particular, related to the theory, history and practice of literary translation. Examples are given of Marshak’s analysis of his translations from “The King Lyre” and K. Balmont’s translations of W. Blake’s verses.
S.I. Buglak
Correlation of comparison and metaphor in the English language
The paper examines similarity and distinctions in comparison and metaphor functioning. Comparison is the basis of cognitive metaphor of the type Life is journey. Its basis consists of figurative comparison (simile), the analogy and associative similarity. The analogy is a more expanded comparison type. Comparison is explicit and a metaphor is implicit. Comparison and a metaphor represent a sphere of action of figurative speech. This paper distinguishes unreal, figurative comparisons, as well as real comparisons of identical, superfluous and sufficient degrees. However, all types of metaphors cannot be explained in comparison terms.
N.I. Valeeva
Communicative and syntactic organization of a complex polypredicative sentence-microtext
This paper examines interactions of thematic and rematic relations in the complex polypredicative sentence-microtext. Its communicative function is defined. The author identifies the sentence and text-organizing indications of microtext, specific feature of which is its communicatively-syntactic organization.
G.Sh. Davletkulova
A concept of intonation in the linguistic and methodical literature
The paper discusses various approaches to treatment of concept of intonation, its components from the point of view of linguists and methodologists of different generations and theorists of Antique and Medieval public speaking. Their opinions are generalized. Works of linguists on relationship of punctuation with intonation are analyzed. A conclusion is made on the basis of similar relationship in the Bashkir language. The author presents a number of components of intonation and defines a role of intonation in speech at training to syntax, to the native language punctuation and to expressive reading.
S.N. Dolzhikova
Features of penetration of anglicisms in the language of mass media
The paper discusses the problem of lexical borrowings and features of penetration of anglicisms in the language of mass media. The goal of the paper is to consider problems of expansion of anglicisms in the Russian language system. This goal is realized in the solution of the following problems: to examine stages of process of borrowing and functioning of anglicisms in the mass media sublanguage. As a result of the analysis it has been established that the reasons of borrowings of anglicisms in the language of mass media include, along with the bases, the terminology, “craze”, expressiveness of novelty and an emotionality of the statement, which have got reflection in the literature, as well as sublanguage identification (or speech sphere).
A.F. Isyangulova
Semantics and stylistics of lexically and grammatically substantiated meanings of the category of belonging in the Bashkir language
The paper discusses semantics and stylistics of lexically and grammatically caused forms of a category of belonging in the Bashkir language with the use of prose and poetry substyles of literary and art style as an example. The author shows the means and mechanisms of participation of these forms in syntactic transposition. Such types of secondary functions of addresses both to persons and not to persons are distinguished and analyzed. The author underlines expressiveness of the addressers-characterizations used in poetic speech.
A.A. Kalashaova
Ways of realization of formula AIDCA in discourse of published advertisement
The paper describes ways of impact on the advertising target audience the use of which promotes successful communications. The author shows the pragmatic and composition - stylistic role of AIDCA model providing efficiency of the advertising message. Positive influence on consumer behavior is due to that the addresser draws attention of the consumer, creates interest, causes desire and trust and, at last, induces to necessary action.
O.S. Kuzoyatova
The basic directions in metaphor cognitive researches
An analysis is made of the main approaches to describe metaphor in cognitive linguistics. The specificity of this phenomenon and its component filling are revealed. On the basis of the comparison of the approaches to metaphor research the emphasis is made on the necessity of taking into account its sociocultural background and sociopragmatic aspect.
M.D. Kunova
Parcelling and parcelled constructions in the Adyghe language
The paper examines the phenomenon of parcelling in the Adyghe language on the basis of examples taken from T.Kerashev’s compositions. It is ascertained that similar to other languages, parcelling and parcelled constructions function in the Adyghe language. Their use is characteristic both of oral speech and of written, in particular, in publicism and in the fiction language. The constructions can be subdivided in two groups by composition: with parcellate as a word or a word combination; and with parcellate as the whole sentence. Working out this topic will help us to solve some problems of syntax of the Adyghe language.
M.V. Laskova, E.V. Reznikova
Personal pronouns in a political discourse
The paper deals with the usage of the personal pronouns in the political discourse. These pronouns are means of manipulating the public opinion as well as a significant characteristic of a politician reflecting his outlook and ideology. The work examines historical changes in the usage of the personal pronouns in the political life of the country and the effect which the choice of the pronoun produces on the audience.
I.V. Oparnikova
Ways of language explication of a fragment of the world picture in a professionally-slangy component of the language of medicine
The paper examines the problem related to language expression of a professional picture of the world of the physician. Ways of the language organization of professionally-slangy lexicon and phraseology of language of medicine are investigated. The author shows a role of ways of word-formation and word change in realization of the basic tendencies of formation of professionally-slangy nominations.
L.M. Pelipenko
Types of equivalence in translation of phraseological units with the component-numerals one, two, three from English into Russian
The paper presents the results of an analysis of English and Russian phraseological units with the component-numerals “one, two, three / îäèí, äâà, òðè”. The study is based on contrastive investigation of phraseological units, the research being focused on the description of types of equivalence.
T.B. Samarskaya, E.G. Martirosyan
The publicistic text: essence, specificity and functions
The concept of publicisity is considered and an analysis is made of functions of publicism and specificity of influence of the publicistic text on mass audience. The creative nature of the publicistic text, its assessment and objectivity are characterized in detail. On the basis of publicistic texts taken from Russian newspapers, syncreticity and dialogues of the publicistic text are analyzed, definition of conjecture is made and the basic signs of discourses are nominated.
A.S. Sopova
Polypredicative compound sentences in communicatively-pragmatic aspect (basing on the material of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s compositions)
The paper describes the polypredicative compound sentences in communicatively-pragmatic aspect. The language means promoting the decision of problems of communicatively-intentional tasks of the author of the text are revealed. Features of formation of sentences to exert speech influence on the reader are shown.
Z.S. Tochieva
Development of Ingush-Russian bilingualism in the multiethnic environment
The paper deals with the social-linguistic problem of the Ingush-Russian bilingualism. Based on the data of general census of the population the author has drawn the tables that characterize the dynamics of the Ingush-Russian bilingual development at Soviet period. The determinant in that process was the Russian multiethnic society formed in the period of the social, economic and cultural transformations in the Ingush Republic, which significantly exceeded in number the native population.
D.Sh. Kharanutova, L.D. Shagdarov
Motivational foundation of the word as the initial semantic model (as shown by the Buryat language)
The paper deals with semantic motivation of names of reality phenomena in the Buryat language. The motivational characteristics of derivatives, designating the leader, are analyzed. The authors disclose the relationship between the informative side of derivative nominations and the inner form of words, reflecting the character of logic-semantic processes in the formation of derivatives. It is inferred that in the Buryat language, the motivational foundation, when defining a leader, represents a semantic interference on the basis of horizontal vision.
T.V. Shcherbakova
The communicatively-syntactic organization of polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences in artistic texts
The communicative-syntactic organization of the polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences is described on the basis of their compositional-semantic types. The author identifies specific structural-semantic and communicative features of the polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences. The conclusions are generalized, stating structural-semantic, syntactic, communicative features of the polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences and the specificity of their actual division and punctuation.
Study of Arts
I.A. Bashkatov
Art education of the future artists-teachers in the classes of sculpture and plastic anatomy
This paper reports upon the historical development of the sculpture and sets the tasks and goals of modern teaching future artists-teachers to sculpture and plastic anatomy, including the preservation of the traditions and giving a new modern sense. The course program of sculpture and plastic anatomy for the graphic art faculties is analyzed. The conditions are defined to make the implementation of the artistic education of future artists-teachers in the classes of sculpture and plastic anatomy most effective. The author emphasizes the role of interdisciplinary relations of special disciplines and independent work, based on the personal interest of the future artist-teacher.
T.I. Berbash
Drawing in senior courses of the art-graphic faculty
This paper examines significance of thematic drawing in senior courses of the art-graphic faculty. It conceives of thematic drawing as a composite activity built on the basis of an artistic image. This image is considered to be a complex system of reflecting objective reality by means of the graphic competence and expressiveness. Examples of thematic drawing of the18-19th centuries in workshops of A.P. Losenko (the St. Petersburg’s “Imperial Academy of Three Noblest Arts) and V.A. Serov’s workshops (The Moscow School of Painting, Sculpturing and Architecture) are given. Ways and methods of conducting thematic drawing in the fifth year course of the art-graphic faculty in a drawing workshop are presented.
M.S. Bobrova
Alexander Zhurbin's rock opera “Orpheus and Eurydice”: dramatic art problems
The concentrated portrait of dramatic art is given. The paper discloses conceptual and genre aspects of rock opera of A. Zhurbin “Orpheus and Eurydice” in a context of tendencies of genre and style interactions in the second half of the 20th century and myth interpretations about Orpheus. The author distinguishes four basic dramaturgic levels, a system of images and composition conflicts, symbolical aspects etc. Means of symphonization are characterized from myth positions – equivalent of fatal action – and tragedy genre.
G.E. Kaloshina
Some tendencies in development of a historical opera in music of France of the 20-th century
The paper discusses tendencies of development of a historical opera in music of France of the 20-th century. The author distinguishes an epic line with a history mythologization and lyric-psychological – with the accent on the ethic-moral problems, developing traditions of an epoch of romanticism. In the tideway of historical subjects a new mystery is formed that is caused by active processes of genre interactions. During the post-war period a religious-philosophical opera is formed with the concept of Christian tragedy. Multivalence and information redundancy of a romantic opera remain. The “covering” (layered) forms and two types of processes of symphonization are characteristic.
I.O. Makarova
Computer graphics in a book illustration
The paper discusses specific features of a book illustration performed with the use of computer graphics. The computer graphics is treated here as a special kind of the fine arts. Special attention is given to non-photorealistic visualization used widely in a modern book illustration. This direction of computer graphics allows the book illustrator to achieve high quality of the image and to avoid excessive photographic detailed elaboration.
S.A. Mozgot
Intimate space in music of the 17-19th centuries: ways of expression and indications
The author uses examples of music of the 17-19th centuries to examine the internal monologue as one of the ways of expression of intimate space in music. The following versions of the internal monologue are analyzed: a monologue-reflection, a monologue-self-reflection and a monologue-conflict. This paper shows their musical indications and the figurative-semantic potential of display of intimate space in music.
A.N. Sokolova
The Cossack dances as a cultural phenomenon
This paper addresses the questions of structure and the content of the Cossack dances, their genre structure and kinetic plasticity. Resting upon modern expedition materials, the author comes to a conclusion that structural and genre determinants of the Cossack dancing culture are heterogeneous. It is also inferred that the Caucasian influence on culture of the Cossack communities living in immediate proximity of the Adyghes, Abkhazes, Ossetins, Ingushes, Chechens and other people of the Caucasus is strengthening.
E.A. Tkachenko
Genre and style interactions in clavier sonatas of the Classical age: problem statement
The paper examines hierarchy of genres and styles inherent in musical culture of the Classical age. The author emphasizes specificity of clavier sonatas as the “experimental” sphere of innovatory artistic quests of that epoch and the priority varieties of genre and style interactions in clavier sonatas of that period of time.
S.I. Khvatova
Conditions of development of modern divine service singing
Conditions of existing spiritual church chanting in temples of Adygheya Republic and Krasnodar territory are analyzed. Distinctions in singing styles of divine service church chanting of Russian Orthodox Church are caused by many external factors (a place in hierarchy of temples of eparchy, a condition of parish, its financial position and specific acoustic conditions) and internal (theological and music education, taste of the regent, his technical equipment, presence of guidelines of the dean and prior etc.).