#2 / 2012
Literary Criticism
D.A. Akhmetova
Spiritual and intellectual range of representation of national life in N. Kuyok’s novel «Wine of Dead»
The paper discusses spiritual and moral sides in representation of national life. The author shows that philosophization in the novel “Wine of Dead” is strengthened, which can be considered as manifestation of a tendency of the epic concept transformation which affected the genre and style parameters of work. Consequences of innovative aspects of interaction with folklore and the myth were the polyphonic nature, the historic-philosophical contents, art elucidation of the historical past in a planetary context, updating of the ideological and moral contents and novelty of development of characters.
F.B. Beshukova, B.M. Tadzhiyeva
The art concept of the central image-character in I. Mashbash’s novel «Aisse Countess»
The paper discusses literary correlations of an image of the heroine of Aisse in I. Mashbash’s novel with female images in sentimental, educational and romantic novels. The moral problems caused by mentality of the heroine, in particular, solution variants of a choice between “a duty and feeling” become the main aspect of consideration.
T.Kh. Gorchkhanova
Art originality of stories by Shamil Akhushkov
The figure of Shamil Zaurbekovich Akhushkov’s (1907-1944) is famous in a pleiad of the Ingush writers of the 1920 - 1930s who have made an essential contribution to development of specific and genre diversity of national literature. The versatile, gifted person, he entered the history of the Ingush culture as the large prose writer, one of the original authors in a genre of the short story, as well as the film expert, the film critic and the cinematographer. He had a good command of the Russian, French and Ukrainian languages in addition to his native Ingush language.
A.M. Gutov
Research of the Narts’ epos at the present stage
The paper discusses the accumulation of a phenomenon of traditional national culture in the conditions of a modern civilization and sums up the history of studying the heroic epos of the people of the Caucasus. Ethnocentric tendencies within several decades take down the Nart epos studies to low-perspective disputes on genesis and ethnolanguage belonging of the main core of the epos. Attention is paid to development of methods of the complex, centralized studying the epos in all national versions.
Z.Zh. Kudaeva
The bee in the mythoepic views of the Adyghes
The folklore texts were analyzed to study mythopoetic views of the Adyghes, in particular, how insects show the code character. The author demonstrates how the bee is allocated with prognostic functions and how it is related to life revival, to a rain and to fertility.
A.S. Kuek
Cult of Mountain and Stone
Globalization sweeps off most bases of nationalities, their notion about good and evil and their world outlook. That is why keeping all meaningful values of nationality is of great importance. This article takes into consideration one of the cults in the Adyghean mythology - the cult of mountain and stone. It’s remarkable that the object of research is “ispyun”, which is thousands of years old and exists nowadays. It testifies to high level of nationality culture. Unique historical monuments are neglected and unprotected, and this shouldn’t be so.
I.V. Lozovoy
Beginnings as «common places» (loci communes) of Russian bylinas
The paper examines the beginnings of Russian bylinas and their functional role in texts. Three groups of beginnings as “common places” are defined: geographical, chronological and subject, their similarities, distinctions, contents and change of structure in different schools of epic singers. Comparison is carried out of beginnings at representatives of two different epic schools.
R.G. Mamiy
Typology and esthetics of the Adyghean novelistics (genres of small prose)
The paper describes the formation and development of small genres in the Adyghean prose. An analysis is made of features of the short story, its parallels and crossings, distinctions and similarities with the story and the great story. An attempt is undertaken to answer a question whether a short story, unlike the story, is an independent genre. The author proposes to introduce such genre forms as «the novelistic story» and «the novelistic great story».
L.Kh. Mukhametzyanova
Book dastans (stories) of the Volga region Tatars: «boundaries» of genre names in national creativity
For the first time heterogeneity of the genre name of epic works of the Volga region Tatars is specially investigated. The author examines functioning and evolution of the terms of “dastan”, “khikayat”, “kyssa” and “kitab” in national creativity. Areas of the use of each term are studied and their compliance with the semantic meaning is revealed.
B.R. Naptsok
References and reminiscences in S. Li’s «Gothic» novel «A Shelter or the Story of Other Times»
References and reminiscences in S. Li’s “Gothic” novel “A shelter or the story of other times” are investigated. On the basis of the analysis of epigraphs, quotes and reminiscences from works of English and French writers - W. Shakespeare, S. Richardson, A. Prevost d’Exiles, F.-T. Marie de Baculard d’Arnaud, Jean-Jacques Rousseau - their literary influence on S. Li’s novel is established. The place and value of references in subject development, in a philosophical perspective and in a system of images of the “Gothic” work under investigation are defined.
E.V. Nikolsky
Semantic role of motive of a native home in novels - family chronicles
The paper discusses the role of motive of a native home in a novelistic subgenre of the family chronicle. The author uses creativity of writers, whose heritage is not connected with each other (Vsevolod Solovyev (1849-1903) and Joyce Carol Oates (1938) to show that the native home is an external display of internal state of a family. Such motives are characteristic of the Russian and foreign literatures. At the end of the paper, further prospects of researches are designated.
U.M. Panesh, S.R. Panesh
Structural and style features of poems of I. Mashbash («A thunder in mountains» and «Memory»)
The present research focuses upon a new art interpretation of a subject of war by the Adyghean poets within a traditional socio-historical problematics in poems on a military subject. The authors show strengthening of art problematical character and psychologism of a plot of poems, a withdrawal from heroic-epic intonation, accuracy of descriptions, aspiration to open critical situations, the truth of the heroic act and difficult situations in life of heroes. The main thing is a conclusion that the Adyghean poetry about the war could express the main typological directions in art searches of the Adyghean writers.
U.M. Panesh, V.T. Sosnovsky
On significance of traditions and new approaches to studying literature of the 20th century
The paper discusses a traditional concept of the history of national literature of the 20th century which leans on “a historicism principle”. The authors show the new approaches, including formalistic, when studying art creativity. A periodization and structural and typological classification of national literature are considered.
K.N. Paranuk
Mythic-poetic context of great stories of Adyghean writer Nalbiy Kuyek «Bechkan’s excellent horse» and «Loneliness Wood»
The paper shows how mythic poetics influences an art basis of stories of N. Kuyek “Bechkan’s excellent horse” and “The Loneliness Wood”. The author reveals features of a space-time continuum of the great story, temporal plans and degree of a mythologization of images. During the analysis, the conceptual character of leading mythologemes – the wood and loneliness – are defined in narrative. Results of research testify to considerable influence of poetics and myth ontology on semantics and art structure of great stories of N. Kuyek.
V.T. Sosnovsky
Ideological and art originality of N. Zinovyev’s poetry
This paper examines the poetic creativity of Nikolay Zinovyev, the author of 12 poetic collections, the winner of the Great literary award of Russia and of the international competition of poetry “Gold Feather”, Secretary of Board of the Union of writers of Russia. Analyzing N. Zinovyev’s verses, the author marks their high civil pathos, high art advantages, the urgent problematics, simplicity and the lapidarity of style. Addressing the past and reproducing familiar pictures of modern life, N. Zinovyev stands up for careful attitude to the morally high that there was at various times, believing that only fidelity to centure-old traditions will help people to overcome the evil which has taken roots in our society and to deduce Russia from the dangerous social and moral bog.
T.M. Stepanova, S.L. Zukhba
D.S. Likhachev about the folklore model of the world in the Old Russian literature
The paper examines the leading tendencies in Academician D.S. Likhachev’s analysis of features of the folklore model of the world using a material of works of the Old Russian literature in a context of an ethno-mental and historical world outlook. The folklore elements of structure and poetics of a number of monuments of the Old Russian literature are analyzed. The authors come to a conclusion about efficiency of interaction of literature and folklore in this period.
A.A. Skhalyakho, R.G. Mamiy
Interpenetration of national and non-national as a dialectic way of development of literature
The paper examines the interpenetration and interconversion of the national and universal as the only right dialectic way of development of literature. The authors show how the innovative phenomena, incorporating to the national experience, become traditional and the non-national becomes national, gaining new qualities.
A.A. Skhalyakho
About features of creativity of Bitlostan Koble
The literary heritage and the tragic biography of Bitlostan Hadzhiretovich Koble, the known poet, the playwright and the public figure of the 1920-1930s are examined.
R.B. Unarokova, R.S. Daurova
Folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey: from experience of creation of an electronic database
The paper addresses the questions related to development of principles of an archiving and storage of folklore texts, in particular, to creation of multilevel information system – an electronic database on the basis of folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey. The Center of Adyghe Studies at Adyghe State University carried out theoretical and technological support of an electronic resource and elaborated the form of the unified description of a storage unit that will allow the solution of both educational and research tasks.
R.B. Unarokova
Zefeuse (poetic debate) in the Adyghe folklore
The paper examines the poor-studied problems of poetics zefeuse – one of the unique ancient genres of the Adyghe folklore. An analysis is made of the features of composition and the sound organization of a verse, as well as of typology of the cliche formulas used in the texts of debate.
M.A. Khakuasheva
Post-Soviet Kabardian-Circassian great story
The paper provides the general characteristic of a genre of the Kabardian-Circassian great story of the last three decades. The response to social and cultural crisis or reaction becomes the main task of a part of modern works. Similar motives, having a clear folklore basis, at the same time are inconceivable without the composite process of a symbolization and semiosis. The plot fragmentariness and strengthening pre-apocalyptic motives are specific features of the Adyghean modern literature. The new, profoundly drama vision of the historical past and future of the people, a personality role in the new world, a new scale of ethical and esthetic values and considerable strengthening the existential perception are more often is defined in this genre.
M.N. Khachemizova
Features of folklore of the Circassian diaspora abroad in a context of the Adyghean general culture (on the basis of a material of expedition to Jordan and Syria)
The paper examines the folklore of the Adyghean diaspora living in Jordan and Syria. The author demonstrates the texts expressing ethno-mental bases of the Adyghean people, testifying to a continuity of mythic-epic traditions at the present time. It is proved that the folklore of the Circassian diaspora abroad is the major component of humanitarian (intellectual and esthetic) history of the whole ethnos.
F.N. Khuako, T.B. Djambekova
On philosophical implication of prose of A.A. Khagurov
The paper deals with the style and composition specifics of art prose of A.A. Khagurov, the Adyghean modern writer, whose last collection of works was issued in 2011. On the basis of the analysis of prose the author of this paper arrives at a conclusion that the modern national prose as a whole is specific.
T.N. Chamokov, M.N. Khachemizova
Tembot Kerashev and folklore of the Adyghes
The paper discusses the role of the Adyghean folklore in creativity of Tembot Kerashev, who addressed constantly the national sources to reproduce the historical time, typical images, national features and psychology of heroes. Transformation of folklore traditions to the course of realistic style, as a steady esthetic law, occurs in all genres of prose of the writer. It is inferred that creative reconsideration of folklore promotes development of socio-historical and esthetic experience of the people by T. Kerashev.
T.N. Chamokov
On some features of poetics of the Adyghean Nart epos
This research focuses upon the originality of poetics of the Adyghean Nart songs and legends reflecting forward evolution of national art consciousness of the Adyghes from a mythic creativity to heroic-epic images and motives. The author examines the “mechanism” of interrelation of tradition and improvisation and an originality of poetic tropes (comparisons, metaphors, epithets and hyperboles), promoting steady preservation of the archaic Nart poetic texts and archetypes.
P.K. Chekalov
Elucidation of a genre of the art autobiography in scientific literature
The author of this paper shows characteristic features of a genre of the art autobiography. On the basis of the sudied scientific literature twelve characteristic indications of this genre are distinguished after estabkishing related forms of autiobiography.
Sh.E. Shazzo
Features of Russian vanguard in N. Kuyek’s lyrics (on question statement)
The paper discusses the esthetic-philosophical aspects of lyrics of Nalby Kuyek in a context of spiritual creative searches of Russian vanguardists of the 1920s – the beginning of the 1930s. Principles of poetic, figurative and language system in structure of art thinking of the poet are shown.
K.M. Shikov, P.K. Chekalov
Innovative nature of the creative person of Mikael Chikatuyev
The paper discloses the innovative essence of creativity of M.Kh. Chikatuyev. Specific attention is given to his contribution to formation of national landscape, love lyrics and satire. Spheres in which the poet acted as the innovator are defined.
K.M. Shikov
On formation of creative identity of the writer in the Circassian literatures
The paper examines the ethnocultural features and specifics of formation of creative identity of the Adyghean writers who have created the literary works that are unique in art form and content. An attempt is undertaken to disclose the features and the reasons of a fenomenal nature of creativity of national writers issuing works in the Russian language. The main research interest is concentrated on literary process of the 19th – the first half of the 20th century.
V.V. Sheremet
The media convergence typology
The paper discusses the essence of concept of the convergence which has become a characteristic of functioning of modern mass media and the reasons of a transfer of the studied phenomenon from other areas of a science and fields of activity to the theory and practice of journalism. The author describes various approaches to studying the media convergence and its typological features.
A.V. Shishkina
Information genres of periodicals as means of information openness of judicial system in Adygheya
An analysis is undertaken of information genre priorities of press service in the Judicial Department of the Adygheya Republic. The author shows the role of regional mass media in providing the atmosphere of openness and the publicity in Adygheya aimed at expansion of possibilities of control by society of management processes and self-government in the state.
M.P. Akhidzhakova
Intercultural bases in text aspect of modern linguistics
The paper discusses the unique structure of culture of the people or ethnic group which contains universal properties and qualities of this or that ethnocultural community. It is shown that language and culture can be compared as independent semiotic systems, in many respects structurally isomorphic and mutually displayed. The language incorporates every possible combination of results of activity of the person, his thoughts and spirit itself. The information, put in the text by the author, organizes reality display in consciousness of the reader.
Kh.Z. Bagirokov, Z.U. Blyagoz
Realization of cognitive mechanisms in the bilingual artistic text
The paper deals with the phenomenology of bilingual language consciousness in the artistic text. The authors consider the mechanisms of linguistic interpretation of cognitive and culturological intentions of the artistic text of Circassian writers-bilingualists living in the historical homeland and abroad. They represent “a speech fabric” in which the bicultural speech code is fixed.
V.P. Balakhova
Stylistic potential of a polypredicative complex sentence
The paper examines a stylistic potential of a polypredicative complex sentence. It is noted that the author’s message defines his idiostyle, promoting genre formation, and the syntactic organization, semantics, pragmatics, the communicative essence and stylistic potential of the text cause realization of his general communicative intention.
S.K. Bedanokova
Some features of functioning of the past times in an artistic narration
The paper deals with a polysemy of the verbal forms related to essential weakening of time semantics at their inclusion in the artistic text. The text and time forms of a verb are examined from the point of view of the text organization (using an example of Passé simple and Imparfait). Cooperating with the other means of expression of the time relations in the text, they serve formation of integrity and cohesion of the text, implementing text-forming functions.
N.I. Valeeva
Role of punctuation marks in the communicative and semantic organization of polypredicative complex sentences-microtexts
The paper discusses the role of punctuation marks and their functioning in polypredicative complex sentences-microtexts. Features of use of punctuation marks in paremiological statements are revealed. Specificity of the use of the independent punctuation caused by communicative and pragmatical tasks of the author is investigated.
S.N. Gasanova, D.S. Samedov
On differentiation of a compound word and the phrase in the Agulsky language
The paper discusses the differentiation of a compound word and the phrase in the Agulsky language. An attempt is undertaken to differentiate compound words, appositive constructions, analytical constructions and phrases taking into account phonetic, morphological, syntactic features of these units.
S.N. Gasanova
Syntax of phraseological units of the Agulsky language
An attempt is undertaken to analyse features of functioning of phraseological units in the text and to define semantic-syntagmatic relations between phraseological units and words. The research objective is to reveal features of the phrases containing phraseological units.
E.V. Zavertkina
Oikonymy and its inherent features
The oikonymy – a set of geographical names of settlements – is investigated in this paper as a part of lexical system of language. The position of oikonymic lexicon in system of language is considered from the point of view of a system-functional approach to language. The research has revealed the inherent properties of oikonymic lexicon presented in this paper.
V.Yu. Zaytseva
A scheme of argumentation creation by respondents with a «concrete conceptualization» style
The paper discusses features of the scheme of argumentation creation by the respondents belonging to a group of a concrete conceptualization within a cognitive style of «a concrete/abstract conceptualization». Following the concept definition of «argumentative communication», S. Tulmin’s argumentative-functional model, used for the analysis, is considered. The analysis of one of the statements is provided and the general features of the argumentation, characteristic of this group are deduced.
A.D. Iriolova
Linguistic realization of the emotions and feelings related to love (as shown by U.S. Maugham’s works)
The paper examines the designation and ways of expression of the emotions and feelings related to love. An analysis is made of the means related to manifestation of emotionality in language of the well-known writer. The differentiation of emotions and feelings is made. The analysis of texts of U.S. Maugham’s works shows that emotions and feelings are displayed at the same time both in internal experience and in external behavioural manifestations.
L.T. Kalabekova
Leading role of time category in the functional importance of paradigmal forms of verbal conjugation (in the French, Russian and Ossetian languages)
The paper addresses the categories of time and space. Obviously, they are the most primary categories of life not only in ontogenesis, but also in categorization and conceptualization by the person of the world around. It is inferred that the research of any grammatical category (i.e. the material of the French, Russian and Ossetian languages), the nearest implication of which is one of the forms of verbal conjugation (for example, a voice, a mood or an aspect), should take into account a priori the presence of time in it.
A.S. Kolomiytseva
Genre signs of polypredicative complex sentences - paragraphs in the Russian text
The paper describes the genre signs of polypredicative complex sentences in function of paragraphs as the composite, syntactic and communicative units of texts. They carry out the specific communicative and pragmatical objectives directed to realization of the general communicative task of the text, corresponding to its genre features and functional orientation of the style of speech. The author shows means of realization of the main signs of art, publicistic, scientific and official styles of speech by polypredicative complex sentences - paragraphs.
Z.G. Kakhuzheva (Tkhabisimova)
Linguostylistic features of a news note
The paper provides an analysis of the item of newspaper news the linguostylistic features of which are created by orientation to the informing type of speech causing the use of language standards. It is noted that in news materials of the press, such forms of informing speech as fact ascertaining, the informative description and an informative narration are intensely used. It is inferred that the distinctive properties of these types of speech in newspaper journalism are objectivity and lack of assessment.
Y.G. Kocharyan
Linguistic origin of the military term
The present article is devoted to the study of the concept «term», it’s characteristics and particularization of the «military term». It also deals with the ways of replenishment and widening of English military terminology. The most prevailing ways are suffixal term formation, combination of two words, conversion, abbreviation, lexico-semantic word formation.
N.I. Melkonyan
On ways of formation of a computer slang
The paper discusses some innovations in English and emergence of new lexical units in the conditions of electronic communication. An analysis is made of the emergence of a computer slang, ways of its word-formation, as well as its distribution among professionals and ordinary users.
Yu.P. Nechay
Language means and ways of an explication of a modal assessment (as shown by the language of the novel by E.Voynich «Gadfly»)
The paper examines means and ways of expression of a modal assessment in the novel language of E.Voynich “Gadfly”. It is shown that a change of a word order, presence of a synonymy, specification, repetitions and tropes influence the expression of a modal assessment. Selection, sequence and nature of use of modal means of different levels are proved to be a semantic code of a modality. It is established that information put in the text by the author, organizes the programmed display of reality in consciousness of the reader.
N.V. Samarina
Functional-semantic field as an object of study in modern grammar
The research deals with such a notion as a functional-semantic field. The structures of the functional-semantic field and the functional-semantic category are compared. It is inferred that there exists a variety of functional-semantic fields which focus on a solution of representation issues basing on the material of one language as well as on comparison of several languages with such categories as definiteness/indefiniteness, quantitiveness and comparativeness.
A.P. Tikhonova
The Khattsky – Adygsky lexical parallels (linguocultural aspect of a language sign)
The Khattsky and Adygsky lexical units are compared to prove the relationship of the Khattsky and Adygsky languages at lexical level. Word-formation affixes and the root elements used at a word composition are revealed. It is shown that it is possible to appeal to the modern languages in order to restore a logic-conceptual structure of ancient words.
N.R. Khamitova
Verbal word-formation of pair nouns in the Bashkir language
The paper describes the unique way of word-formation of nouns in the Bashkir language. After the general specificity of pair nouns is considered, the author discloses functional possibilities of a making basis which differ from each other in degree of their activity and efficiency. Process of participation of verbs as a making basis in a system of formation of pair nouns is analyzed in detail. Semantic versions of the pair nouns having a verbal origin are distinguished.
Study of Arts
T.S. Rudichenko
Principles of studying and practical adoption of national singing traditions
The paper examines the questions related to introduction of achievements of basic science in performing practice. The author offers effective working methods for the heads of creative groups, putting a task of preservation of a tradition. Those are designing a studied repertoire in accordance with the structure of genre system; presentation of samples in typical forms and in various genre and style cover; learning mechanisms of typification of the text and tune and means of a variation and combination of different cliche.