#3 / 2012
Literary Criticism
F.B. Beshukova
Post-modernist structure of the art text of «The Black Mountain» by N. Kuyek
The paper examines the genre specifics. The author puts forward the hypothesis for post-modernist structure of the studied text, referred to a novel genre. In order to disclose the main problem, a number of questions are actualized: specifics of an embodiment of the author’s consciousness, feature of structuring a system of images, text chronotope.
M.M. Gubanukayeva
Influence of the Russian literature traditions on art outlook of the Chechen writers of the 1920-1960s
This paper examines influence of creativity of A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontov and L.N.Tolstoy on art outlook of the Chechen writers of the 1920-1960s. In the pre-revolutionary period, when writing was absent, the Russian language played the great role in development of Russian-language art thought of the Chechens. The Russian language acquainted national intellectuals with literature and provided them an opportunity to have direct and indirect contacts with the figures of Russian literature. Mastering experience of Russian classical literature is one of the main secrets of the accelerated development of national literature of the Chechen people.
A.K. Matyzheva
The Adyghean «small» prose: genre preferences
This work examines the development of «small» prose genres (the short story and the story) in the Adyghean literature and the theoretical sources which have influenced the formation and dynamics of emerging genres. Results of research allowed the author to give a new assessment to the short story and to the story in treatment of a question of genre preferences.
U.M. Panesh
About Tembot Kerashev’s spiritual heritage
The present research focuses upon T.Kerashev’s place in national culture. An attempt is undertaken to present history of literature as the history of public thought and to trace, on this background, the main stages of creativity of the writer. As a result, sources and features of the main works of the master and their typological relations to the domestic literature and to the 20th century realism were defined.
A.K. Pshizova
Art tools for historical color of an era in Tembot Kerashev’s short stories
The paper discusses the formation and development of small genres in national literature – the great story, the story and the short story. Relying on numerous works of the Adyghean literary critics and critics focusing upon genre problems, the author of this paper investigates theoretically specific features of formation of the short story as a genre in the new writing literature of the Adyghes.
A.A. Serdyuk
National consciousness in A. Bayborodin’s creativity
An analysis is made of national consciousness as one of the basic problems in creativity of A.Bayborodin. The paper examines unity of orthodox and national values in Russian literature. The national ideal of the writer is disclosed.
V.T. Sosnovsky, A.P. Burnusuzyan
Interpretation of the Daghestan national greetings in «Khadzhi Murat», the great story by L.N.Tolstoy
The Caucasus enriched L.N.Tolstoy with a folkloristic, historical and ethnographic material which later was used in «Khadzhi Murat”. In communication of mountaineers, the greetings making an independent genre classification group are very common. The Daghestan national greetings which were developed by century tradition of the mountain moral code are widely used in “Khadzhi Murat”. They contain a lot of things: the custom of the Daghestan hospitality, mountain ethics, etc. Understanding this, L.N.Tolstoy aspires to keep semantic meaning of mountain greetings for the art and narrative purposes, improving and altering them in various lists of edition of the “Khadzhi-Murat” great story.
A.A. Skhalyakho, D.S. Skhalyakho
National factor as the major component of literary creativity
The paper discusses the aspects of national and cultural originality in the literary process. An analysis is made of communicative properties of the language as a tool for display of national life and a form of manifestation of art thinking of the people. It is inferred that the national in literature is displayed not only in the language, but also in contents of literary works where the national spirit impregnating the art organism of the work is the determinant factor.
M.A. Khakuasheva
New story parable «A Worldwide Flood» by M. Emkuzh (1994)
An analysis is made of one of the modern works of the Adyghean Russian-language authors – the great story «A Worldwide Flood» of the Kabardian prose writer M. Emkuzh. This story is noted for a complicated composition, symbolism and a semantic saturation. «A Worldwide Flood», along with the novel «Abrag» by J. Koshubayev, can be referred to anti-Utopia stories, a new direction which has arisen in Post-Soviet Russian-language literature.
F.N. Khuako
Evolution and genre specifics of the lyrical story
The paper discusses the history of the origin and development of the lyrical story, its composite and stylistic features. The analysis is made on the basis of a considerable literary and critical material. The author examines the theoretical fundamentals and the questions related to traditions, innovations and specifics of art lyricism in prose.
K.M. Shikov, P.K. Chekalov
Metric-rhythmic pallete of the collection of K.L.Mkhtse «In one world»
An analysis is made of a metric basis of the poetic book by K.L.Mkhtse «In one world». The authors used the statistical methods to reveal a ratio of syllabic-tonic and tonic meters, disyllabic and three-syllable meters; and the quantitative structure of multimetric compositions, white and free verses. The carried-out analysis represents a rich variety of forms, meters and rhythms which the Abasin poet used in the late 1970s.
K.G. Shazzo
The art conflict in a lyrical work (A.Fet, A.Blok and N. Baratashvili)
The paper examines the art conflict in lyrical work, features of its manifestation in the identity of the hero, his experiences, character and the nature of disclosure of the many-sided epic world in the confessionary text, an originality of a lyrical plot, lyrical composition etc.
Yu.A. Yakhutl
Updating traditions of the Adyghean enlightenment in the Adyghean new written-language novel (question statement)
The paper discusses the idea of studying transformation of Adyghean enlightenment traditions in the post-revolutionary period of history of national literature. Works of the well-known Adyghean writers T.Kerashev and A.Evtykh are examined. It is established that three periods of enlightenment in the North Caucasus in literature have become a uniform chain of forward development and have led to the post-revolutionary period of national culture and education.
N.Ts. Bitkeev, A.N. Bitkeeva
Folklore of the Mongolian ethnoses: traditions and innovation
The paper focuses upon the connection of tradition and innovation in folklore of the Mongolian ethnoses. An analysis is made of its current state, wealth and identity of spiritual culture of the Mongolians. The authors emphasize that the folklore helps people to perceive more completely reality, it is a source of enrichment of speech and its genres reflect achievements of moral and art culture of the people. Nowadays patriotic, pedagogical and art traditions of the Mongolian ethnoses did not lose their value.
A.M. Gutov, M.M. Pashtova (Mizhayeva)
On translation of the Adyghean folklore text
This work describes the history and modern methodological problems of translation of the Adyghean folklore text. The authors allocate the important structural elements of the text (phonologic, lexical and stylistic), the transfer of which causes certain difficulties in translation into the other language and suggest versions of the solution of various translational and edition problems. Folkloristic translation is regarded as the scientific problem the adequate decision of which actualizes language and cultural features of the original. The role of the expanded comments to the text is noted and their functional versions are given.
N.Kh. Emykova
Khokhi-toasts in transmissions of the Adyghean radio
An analysis is made of folklore genre transformations, in particular, khokhi-toasts at their different operational stages in mass-media texts. The author arrives at a conclusion that the Adyghean radio promoted formation of new cultural language in texts of toasts. With the performing form preserved, a certain deformation of a traditional khokhi genre took place.
S.L. Zukhba, T.N. Chamokov
Deity of a horse in mythology of the Abkhazians and Adyghes
The paper discusses scant information about almost forgotten but popular in the past Abkhazian and Adyghean deities of a horse named Achyshyashyan (Abkhazian name) or Pshishana (Adyghean name). In order to reconstruct images of these deities the authors used folklore and ethnographic data, as well as some data of scientists of the 19th-20th centuries.
S.L. Zukhba
Female beauty ideal in the Nart epos of the Abkhazean-Adyghean people
In the Nart heroic epos of the Abkhazean-Adyghean people, the beauty is regarded as one of the main dignities of the woman. The author takes the most characteristic examples from texts of this majestic spiritual monument glorifying the bewitching beauty of a number of Nart women. With reference to them the concept of beauty is described as set of fine qualities in contrast to the ugly.
Z.Zh. Kudayeva
Center symbolics in mythic/poetic views of the Adyghes
On the basis of the analysis of folklore sources and a mythic ritual complex the assumption is put forward that a system of the Adyghean mythic/poetic views included steady cosmogonic ideas of a tree as a Center of space.
A.N. Sokolova
On cultural diffusions in the post-folklore environment (using a dance «Oyra-oyra» as an example)
The paper deals with the subject related to the dance «Oyra-oyra», occurring in the European post-folklore environment. On the basis of the great case of data obtained in archives and business trips, from the content analysis of Internet space, scientific literature and fiction, the author puts forward an idea of «the Caucasian trace» in the history of emergence of the dance and analyzes multiethnic and globalization impregnations in its structure and
in the contents and multisemantic codes, interpreted differently in the specific environment.
T.N. Chamokov, M.N. Khachemizova
Archaic attribute in a system of fantastic images in the Adyghean heroic epos «Nart»
The paper describes relations of fantastic images of the Adyghean heroic epos «Nartkher» to historical and genetic realities of an antiquity, in particular, to archaic attributes of the Ancient Meot period (the 8th – 7th centuries BC), coinciding with a Cimmerian Era — time of formation of the main core of the Nart epos. The Nart legends about fight against giants, about Sauseryko’s single combat with Totresh; and «Nart Kozheub», «Nart Koles», etc. were taken as an initial material. A link is established between the archaic attributes of the Nart epos and the archeology and ethnography data concerning the Era of Bronze and the early Iron Age, reflected in Nart legends and Adyghean pshinatles.
K.G. Shazzo, Sh.E. Shazzo
On poetics of «Nart» epos
An analysis is made of some questions of «Nart» poetics (Adyghean version). An attempt is undertaken to investigate the content and motive functions of rythmic and rythmic-intonational repertoire of epic texts and formation of genre and style features (on the basis of one of the poems devoted to Sausoruko). The most important conclusion is that the sound-phonetic compositions influence directly the plot-event narration bases.
A.N. Abregov, A.A. Khatkhe
Scientific and national flora nominations in English, German, Russian and Adyghean languages
The article is devoted to the investigation of the scientific and national denominations of plants in English, German, Russian and Adyghean languages. A research objective is to show the peculiarities of the flora kingdom nominations in the scientific terminology and in the colloquial speech, where there are different names for designating the same plant. The material analysis shows that the scientific and the national names of plants have different structure which is indicated by phytonyms of these languages.
A.N. Abregov
Structural and motivational interpretation of a number of lexemes in the Adyghean languages: etymological etudes
The structural and motivational characteristic of a number of lexemes in the Adyghean languages is provided only on the basis of etymological researches though in agglutinative languages, as the linguistic literature shows, the borders of morphemes are accurately delimited from each other. Lexical units of the Adyghean and Kabardino-Circassian languages are examined taking into account historical changes at phonetic, morphemic and semantic levels.
A.A. Altunin
Structural components of the concept of «politeness» in the Russian and English language cultures
The paper examines the specificity of components of the concept of «politeness». An analysis is made of various approaches to the «concept» definition. The author shows the concept structure, analyzes the universal category of «politeness» and reveals similarities and distinctions in understanding the studied concept by representatives of Russian and English communicative cultures. It is inferred that the people, belonging to different language culture communities, have distinctions in perception of the world.
M.P. Akhidzhakova, A.N. Khavdok
Semantic field of reflection of the Adyghes’ mentality in A.Evtykh’s language space
The paper discusses a system of verbal meanings which corresponds to social and ethnocultural competence of native speakers. Following the interpretation of a fragment of reality in conceptual system, the author shows the formation of a sense of verbal expressions about construction of a definite «world picture». Interpretations of the different conceptual structures belonging to a conceptual system which can «choose» the interpretation corresponding to intuition of the native speaker are given. Creation of the conceptual model providing the «true» information for a certain fragment of reality is described.
M.P. Akhidzhakova
Cognitive structure of a system of historically developed spiritual and moral spheres of thinking and behavior of the Adyghes in A.Evtykh’s mental language space: linguoculturological aspect
The paper discusses the creation and reconstruction of mental reality of the Adyghes’ life, psychology and civilization. Following the ethnoreproducing mechanisms, the author shows the most complicated transformations in the way of life, thinking and moral bases of life of the modern Adyghe. Various situations of eternal moral and ethical values – humanity, philanthrophy and the real courage – are described. The language material testifying that the consciousness of the writer is focused on the reflection of moral traditional values is given.
Kh.Z. Bagirokov, Z.U. Blyagoz
On the concepts of “the native language” and “non-native language”
The paper discusses various approaches to definition and interpretation of the concepts of “the native language” and “non-native language”. At research of this problem it is very important to differentiate the concepts of “the language” and “speech”. The coexistence of two language systems is the main source of reflection of verbal means of communication in the language and speech of bi - and multilingual society.
Kh.Z. Bagirokov
Art bilingualism as the multilingual space: the problem statement
The paper discusses the bilingual and multilingual situation in the Adyghean language space, which affected the formation of a language picture of the world in the Adyghes of the historical homeland and abroad and caused strengthening communicative interactions and search for ethnos self-identification in the conditions of globalization. Nevertheless, at the present stage the functioning of the Adyghean language in multilingual conditions is still poor studied.
M.R. Bagomedov
Functioning of hydronyms in the Darga toponymic system
The paper examines the hydronyms of Darga, one of the unique regions of multiethnic Daghestan. An analysis is made of the names of the water objects fixed in the territory of the settlements of Akushinsky, Dakhadayevsky, Kaytagsky, Levashinsky and Sergokalinsky rural areas. On the basis of the analysis of a large actual material, the author reveals the common and distinctive features of the analyzed toponymic units in the Darginsky language.
A.Yu. Baranova
Toponymy as the means of actualization of mentality in the Russian-Adyghean language culture
The paper examines mentality of the Russian and Adygheans through the toponymic system. The author shows that the Russian and Adyghean toponyms of the region represent an objective picture of contact of two cultures. Both the cultural and historical relations and the national features, which are displayed in toponymy, are noted. It is inferred that the views of native speakers and specificity of a world vision of two peoples are reflected in ways of the toponym nomination.
Z.U. Blyagoz
Realization of bilingual training as the call of the times: linguistic aspect
The paper discusses the conditions of parallel functioning of the state languages at the present stage of social development in the Adygheya Republic. After considering the interaction of the Russian and Adyghean languages, the author shows the formation and development of bilingualism: the formation of speech skills in the Russian and Adyghean languages and mutual enrichment of languages and cultures of the peoples. The work describes the extralinguistic (beyond the language) and language factors, promoting the formation of the Russian and Adyghean speech in modern conditions, and gives the typological characteristic of the considered languages.
R.A. Volkova, Yu.M. Nechay
Semantics and functions of an emotional and expressional particle of doch in the art text (from materials of the language of E.M.Remarque’s prose and its translations into Russian)
The paper discusses the semantic-functional specificity of modal particle doch in the works of E.M.Remarque. Being the part of the sentences that have different aims, it promotes implementation of important illocutionary intentions of the speaker, providing him an opportunity to influence the course of verbal communication in order to achieve the desired pragmatic results. An analysis is also made of variants of its transformation in the Russian translations.
M.A. Gasanova
Numerical symbolics in the Tabasaransky paremiology
A linguocultural analysis is made of the Tabasaransky proverbs and sayings with a numerical component. The author focuses attention on the material and spiritual aspects of numerical symbolism related to the life and death of a human being and to understanding the time and space categories by the Tabasaransky native speakers.
T.M. Grushevskaya, N.Yu. Fanyan
Modular approach to the text/discourse analysis: contribution of the Geneva linguistic school
The paper discusses the modular approach to the text analysis, the criteria characteristic of any type of a discourse, initial requirements for the complex analysis of a text / discourse and the results of the text / discourse analysis in argumentative orientation.
Yu.N. Gusak
Functional specificity of punctuation in dichotomic space of language and speech: basic approaches and principles
An analysis is made of the basic works on research of the punctuation system of Russian, representing various approaches and opinions, concerning principles on which the punctuation is based, and permanently emphasizing its importance and functional specificity in text creation as an actual research position in linguistics. The language saved up the huge resources allowing us to represent and interpret the text in a new way. This explains the special urgency why it is necessary to study punctuation.
B.M. Dzhandar, M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
Composite syntactic whole in the Russian, Adyghean and English languages
A composite syntactic whole is the largest of structural-semantic units, which constitute the text. The paper discusses the construction of the composite syntactic whole in the Russian, Adyghean and English languages.
B.M. Dzhandar
Comparative and typological characteristic of a syntactic system of the Russian, Adyghean and English languages
The paper presents a comparative and typologic description of a syntactic system of the Russian, Adyghean and English languages. As a result, essential features have been revealed for both three compared languages and for each language separately.
S.S. Doyunova, R.Yu. Namitokova
Precedent-related names of vodka
The paper examines the phenomenon of precedentness and precedent-related texts using an example of names of the well-known product of material culture, the Russian vodka, being part of the language culture. The authors reveal also the features of text implementation for an advertising discourse as the precedent-related phenomena possessing huge pragmatical potential that causes emergence of a great interest in this phenomenon in modern linguistics. Results of research allowed the authors to define sources of precedent-related texts and different types of their transformation.
E.E. Zhuk
Features of studying language means of comic and their translation (taken from works of O. Henry and P.G.Wodehouse)
This paper regards the problem of language means of the comic category in fiction text. The author underlines the necessity of studying the comic means from the cognitive point of view, taking into account the author’s linguistic nature. The critical analysis of the comic category promotes profound understanding of the fiction text through the culture.
N.B. Kazarina, L.A. Isayeva
Sports discourse: continuum discretization
This paper examines a sports discourse as a composite multi-aspect uniting including central and peripheral zones, each of which has a set of specific features. Zones of a continuum are characterized on the basis of professional competence of participants of a discourse, communication situations, the purposes, strategies and tactics of communication and language means of their realization.
S.G. Kazarina
Typological term studies as a differentiated linguistic discipline
This paper substantiates allocation of typological term studies as a relatively differentiated linguistic discipline which is at a boundary of term studies and linguistic typology and which is characterized by the existence of its own object, subject, research methods and specific applied products.
A.M. Kambachokov, D.D. Gubzhokova
Features of zoomorphism functioning in the Kabardino-Circassian language
The paper deals with the features of functioning in art speech of the Kabardians and Circassians of word forms and phrases-metaphors with a rod word – the name of the live being, giving the figurative characteristic to the person. The authors make an analysis of lexical semantics of zoomorphisms, define their composition, borders of application and a syntactic position in the sentence. Besides, the work reveals the most effective ways of achievement or strengthening expressivity in the Kabardino-Circassian language by using zoomorphisms.
S.K. Kubashicheva
Extralinguistic factors and stylistic features of causative constructions in languages with different systems
The paper examines, in a comparative and typological aspect, the extralinguistic factors influencing the stylistic and statistical characteristics of causative constructions in languages with different systems. An analysis is made of frequency of realization of constructions with causative semantics in various functional styles, as well as of the semantic relations between actants of causative constructions in the English and Adyghean languages.
E.N. Luchinskaya, M.N. Kunina
Actualization of event representation as the specificity of interaction in a discourse of the judicial police officer-performer
This work studies the status and parameters of a discourse of the judicial police officer-performer as a special type of the institutional discourse functioning in the legal sphere. This discourse was not yet a subject of special linguistic studying in a modern science. The event aspect of actualization of a discourse of judicial police officer-performer assumes consideration of a role of participants of a discourse in the course of professional communication and the analysis of communicative situations of different genres. Distinguishing the lexical-thematic groups in a discourse of judicial police officer-performer is the promising direction in research of this problem.
L.S. Makarova
Semantic dispersion and art transformation of an image in a poetic translation (using a material of the Russian and French languages)
This work discusses specifics of poetic translation and the possibility of translational transformation of an artistic image. The author develops and specifies the concept of dispersion of the sense, capable to bring to a discord between the poetic original and translation.
O.E. Pavlovskaya, N.Yu. Zimina
Specifics of ornamental idiostyle of postmodernism (as shown by the novel of V. Pelevin “Generation P”)
The paper discusses the problem of specificity determination of ornamental idiostyle in creativity of Russian postmodern writers, in particular, in V.Pelevin's creativity. Definition of the writer’s idiostyle is given and specific features of Victor Pelevin’s ornamental idiostyle are revealed. It is inferred that the writer’s creativity corresponds always to a certain literary direction and to some extent is always beyond any currents owing to the specificity and originality, which is caused by identity of the writer's style.
N.E. Malova
Linguo-cognitive categories of “implicitness” and "subtext"
The linguo-cognitive categories of “implicitness” and “concept” are characterized as the markers of ideological level of work, and respectively, identity of an author's view of the world. These categories have no special language means of expression. The process of decoding demands certain efforts from the addressee who should correlate the content elements so that they had the meaning and importance. Having considered the features of “beyond the text” information, the author characterizes specific possibilities of an implicitness and subtext for research of a full picture of the art text.
O.E. Pavlovskaya
Features of SMS communication of the student of secondary professional education as a representation of pragmatical level of the language personality
This paper examines SMS communication as a representation of pragmatical level of the language identity of the student of secondary professional education. The author analyzes such language features of SMS as an informal language, emotionality and use of forms of addresses and nonverbal signals.
M.A. Poleva
Language consciousness of the adolescent through a prism of internal speech of characters of fiction
The paper examines the internal speech of characters using an example of the novel by J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”. The author emphasizes need of studying the language consciousness of the adolescent and ways of its expression in a work of art. The analysis of internal speech of the adolescent shows a set of different ways of its actualization in fiction.
V.B. Popova
Categorial resonance in treatment of a definiteness / indefiniteness dichotomy
An analysis is made of the content of the category of definiteness and indefiniteness given in the Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. The author shows that it is necessary to differentiate the concepts of definiteness / indefiniteness like acquaintance to the reviewer, his individualizing characteristics and like calculation of borders of a subject of speech: still estimated, variative characteristics (indefinite article) and already estimated (definite), without their obligatory specification.
E.G. Somova, G.A. Abramova
Phonics in the organization of the poetic text
The paper discusses the role of the sound organization of a verse in creation of an artistic image and in decoding the author’s idiostyle. This work traces the phonic features of art texts caused by influence of a sound image and gives examples of use of the author's individual phonic methods in compositions of Russian and foreign poets (Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Balmont, Khlebnikov, Zabolotsky, Poe and Frost).
M.S. Skhakumidova
Communicative, speech and rhetorical preconditions of Russian teaching
This paper deals with the complicated and unsolved yet question on communicative, speech and rhetorical preconditions of Russian teaching. The author shows the ways of activization of the rhetorical means strengthening the tools of a language material and promoting education of the general culture, in particular, the culture of speech behavior and the discipline of thinking.
N.V. Tishin
Interpretation of a political discourse in mass media
The paper gives a definition of a discourse and elucidates the concept of interpretation of mass media political discourse. The political discourse can be examined, at least, from four points of view: political science, purely philological, socio-psycho-linguistic and individual hermeneutic. The author also shows that the tools of interpretation are of three types: properties of speech, knowledge of properties of speech in this language or in human language in general and strategies, organizing a real course of interpretation and connecting among themselves the purposes and means of interpretation.
R.B. Unarokova, G.Sh. Unarokova
Linguocultural concept “nasyp / happiness” in the Adyghean language
The paper examines the basic linguocultural concept of “nasyp / happiness” in a concept sphere of the Adyghean language, reveals and describes figurative, conceptual and value characteristics in the language consciousness of the Adyghes. Axiologic, national and specific characteristics of this concept are analyzed.
R.B. Unarokova
“Special languages” of the Adyghes: a linguofolkloristic aspect
An analysis is made of the forms of art organization of communication significant of Adyghean communicative culture, ways of their functioning according to a technique offered by linguofolkloristics and ethnolinguistics and the new directions of a science on the language and folklore relations. Also the author explores specifics of poetic texts through which the mysterious language is realized.
F.K. Urakova, B.M. Bersirov
Comparative characteristic of lexical and grammatical units of the Russian and Adyghean languages
The paper discusses the questions of the comparative and typological description of lexical and grammatical units of the Russian and Adyghean languages. The difficulties in mastering Russian lexicon are related to the interlingual lexical interference caused by essential divergences in lexical system of the Russian and Adyghean languages. The authors show that the compared languages differ at grammatical level not only in absence of certain grammatical categories, but also in nature of expression and functioning in speech of identical categories of parts of speech.
F.K. Urakova
Comparative and typological description of phrases in the Russian and Adyghean languages
The paper deals with the questions of the comparative and typological description of phrases in the Russian and Adyghean languages. This study allows outlining a strategy of the prevention and overcoming interfering influence of the native language promoting more rational organization of a language material in order to improve the quality of teaching Adyghean pupils to Russian.
Z.R. Khachmafova, E.N. Luchinskaya
Intertextuality as reflection of linguocultural consciousness of the female language personality
Intertextuality is investigated as a characteristic of individual style of the female author to reveal the central artistic images, symbols and the motives functioning as stem-forming elements of the art continuum.
A.R. Khunagova
On definition of concept of “fashion” through “concept” definition
The main characteristics of “the concept” are presented. The contents, structure, the main types and features of the concept are examined which allows all-round definition of a concept of “fashion” and elucidation of its essence. The concept of “fashion” is treated as a sociocultural concept - regulator, which is characterized by high value for the corresponding linguocultures.
A.A. Shazzo
A tendency to language democratization in the qualitative press of the beginning of the third millennium
The paper discusses the tendency to language democratization in the qualitative press where there is the contamination of the language means belonging to different styles of communication. The use of stylistically lowered elements of a slang and popular speech causes expressivity and assessment, promoting manifestation of the author's “I” of the journalist who possesses stylistic competence and sense of proportion. Emergence of other style elements in analytical texts of the newspaper journalism focused on book and written speech, is a steady tradition in modern mass media.
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
Compound sentence as a special structural-semantic type in the Russian and Adyghean languages
The paper presents the comparative analysis of a compound sentence in the Russian and Adyghean languages. The author shows the approaches to this problem in the compared languages and structural-semantic characteristics of this type of sentences, as well as defines the typology of compound sentences in the Russian and Adyghean languages.
Study of Arts
G.Å. Kaloshina
Opera-oratorio formation in the 1920s in A.Honegger, I.Stravinsky and A.Schoenberg’s creativity
The paper examines the formation of an opera-oratorio in creativity of A.Honegger, I.Stravinsky and A.Schoenberg. A basis of rapprochement of the opera and the oratorio is the myth. It leaves traces on semantics of a plot, spatial-time processes, genre priorities and composition structure, as well as on interaction of the collective and individual principles. The author shows the features of image treatment, the role of symbolical level of the dramatic art and some versions of symphonization.
M.L. Karamanova
“Sticks” by G. Kancheli as a multigenre composition
The paper discusses the verbal, intra-thematic and composite levels of synthesis in the composition “Sticks” by G. Kancheli for a viola, chorus and an orchestra. The multigenre whole is formed by interaction of musical and extra musical genres, namely: concert, cantata, requiem, symphony, poem, motion picture art, prayer and liturgy. The composition connects features of sonata allegro, the multiple rondeau, a monocycle and variations. The author reveals the multilevel character of mythological space of dramatic art and the apocalypse concept.
T.S. Rudichenko
Christian tradition and folklore of the Don Cossacks
The paper discusses the religious views of the Don Cossacks and the influence of the main views of the Christian dogma on their folklore. An attempt is undertaken to create the objective basis of opinions about religiousness of Cossacks, to reveal sources from which orthodox ideas got into national culture and systematize Christian images, motives and subjects in folklore. Influence of Christian tradition is traced at levels of the contents (concepts), forms of expression (poetics) and the organization of a system of texts (in their semiotic understanding).
A.S. Sagitova
Stage director's searches at the Bashkir theatre in the 1960s – 1990s
An analysis is made of the 1960s – 1990s stage direction of the Bashkir academic drama theatre named after M. Gafuri. This period is defined as time of gradual deep updating the academic scene, its exit to new level of art thinking when the saved-up traditions stimulate searches for new scenic forms and ways of reflection of life. As a result, all components of the theatre – directions, dramatic art and performing arts – develop intensively and by the beginning of the 1990s the theatre appears in the tideway of the most progressive currents of a modern domestic scene.
Z.Ts. Khot
Musical and educational activity of the Adyghean State Philharmonic Society in 2007 through 2012
The paper shows the educational capacity of the institution, the ways of further development of this activity and the role of musical and educational department of the Philharmonic Society. It is inferred that the musical and educational capacity of the institution is not confined and there is a prospect to expand the designated directions of work at the expense of attraction of modern ideas of musical management.
Yu.G. Tsitsishvili
Monothematism as a principle of musical dramaturgy of the screen version of F.M.Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” (Director V. Bortko, composer I.Kornelyuk)
The paper shows the role of a musical thematism in disclosure of an ideological plan of the screen version of F.M.Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot”. In the course of the analysis of the film, the principle of musical monodramatic art realized through a monothematism has been revealed.