#1 / 2013
E.M. Malysheva, N.A. Garazha
Review on Lennart Samuelson's monograph “Tankograd: secrets of the Russian back, 1917-1953”. M.: ROSSPEN: Fund “B.N. Yeltsin's Presidential Center”, 2010. 375 p.
Z.Sh. Kidakoyeva
The conditions of the formation of the Kuban party press at the beginning of the twentieth century
An analysis is made of the Kuban information space in the period before acceptance of “Provisional rules about the time press”. The work examines the first private newspapers and conditions of formation of the regional oppositional press at the beginning of the 20th century. It is established that the regional oppositional press at the beginning of the 20th century was created on the basis of the revealed political processes of formation of the revolutionary organizations in the Kuban area.
Yu.V. Luchinsky
Media field of the judicial text: literature vs censorship
The analysis is made of the consequences of lawsuit against the novel by William S. Burroughs “Naked Lunch”. The Boston lawsuit took place in 1965 and attracted the attention to beatniks’ literature. The paper shows the role of writers, who spoke at the trial in support of the novel and turned the hearing into the scene to voice the beatniks’ manifestos.
M.V. Novak (Nedogarko), F.B. Beshukova
Typological characteristic of the press of Russian Orthodox Church in the USA in the period of the 19-20th centuries: “founder-publisher” category
The paper deals with the history and typology of the press of Russian Orthodox Church on lands of North America in the period of the 19-20th centuries. Process of formation of system of the press of the Russian diaspora is analyzed along with problems of national consciousness and belief against a background of ideological and religious associations. The authors show the typeforming signs of emigrant editions, as well as the category of “founder publisher”. A typological variety of hierarchy of church editions is analyzed. It is inferred that at the present stage the system of the religious press continues to develop, becoming more complicated, filled and effective though the main typological groups of editions have already been defined in the 20th century.
Z.E. Pinchuk
Features of cross-cultural communication in a context of the translated serial printing edition
The paper discusses the media context of the translated serial printing edition as a component of cross-cultural communication. An analysis is made of interrelation of culture and media context, influence of cultural factors on it and reflection of features of cross-cultural communication in the context content. It is established that the context of the translated serial printing edition has a number of the features caused by its inclusiveness in cross-cultural communication. These features are defined by presence of two cultures in an edition context.
G.V. Sokolova
Ontological aspect of the importance of assessment lexicon in mass media
The paper discusses the features of a journalistic assessment in mass media texts which is characterized by aspiration to decrease a categoricalness of assessments and to give objective reflection of events. The most widespread technique is considered to be citing of well-known texts. This technique is capable to intensify intellectual experience of the addressee and answers specifics of easily understood media texts with their emphasized orientation to wide audience. Distribution of this technique has promoted that this phenomenon is considered both as a style line and as a journalistic strategy.
A.V. Shishkina
Interview as a genre of dialogue communication in system of legal relations (as shown by publications on work of the Adygheya judicial system)
The genre palette of modern journalism is analyzed. The priority of analytical journalism and tendency to interpenetration of genre forms is noted. Specific type-forming features of the main types of a genre of interview are revealed. The content analysis of media texts of various specific and genre belonging is carried out. It is inferred that analytical and information genres prevail in modern newspaper journalism, and decline of art journalism is observed.
Folklore and Literary Criticism
I.F. Gerasimova
The World War I in poetry of the Russian futurists of 1914 - 1916
The paper deals with the poetry of the Russian futurists in the period of the World War I. It demonstrates worldview generality of the World War I perception by futurists, uniting them with poets of other literary currents of Silver Age. It is established that, from the point of view of an art form, preservation of features of futuristic poetics is inherent in verses of futurists. It is inferred that views of poets-futurists evolved: from a greeting the entry of Russia in war to unanimous recognition of antihuman essence of war between the people of Europe.
R.S. Daurova
Poets-improvisators in a context of folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey
This paper explores the typology of dzheguako specialty in folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey. The study is based on materials of five folklore expeditions in Turkey (1997-2005) carried out by the Center of Adyghean Studies of the Adyghe State University as well as on a number of the published works of the contemporary Adyghe specialists in folklore devoted to problems of folklore of foreign Adyghes. The author shows that in modern conditions in diaspora as well as in the historical Homeland, of all dzheguako specialties, performers-authors of songs are most active. If we do not take folklore of the Adyghes living abroad into account, we will have no complete idea of the Adyghean folklore.
T.B. Dzhambekova
Chechen folklore and literature: actual problems of interaction at a stage of the origin and formation of fiction
The paper deals with the transformation of experience of oral national creativity in literature which went by the way of fixing and literary processing of a folklore material, by creation on its basis of the works of art reflecting motives of oral national creativity, or by inclusion of its separate genre qualities in structure of new written works. Synthesis of folklore and literature is caused by a complicated union of forms, techniques and esthetic criteria. It is established that folklore, “interfering in literature”, defined in many respects its esthetic, style and art features. This is the development of art wealth of last years rather than “folklorization”.
Z.D. Dzhapua
The history of preparation of seven volumes of “The Abkhazian Nart Legends” for the edition
The paper discusses the new approaches to development of projects related to the scientific edition of multivolume folklore collections. This work generalizes the methodology of edition basing on preparation of a complete collection of the Abkhazian Nart Epos for the publication. The textual innovations applied in preparation of these seven volumes to the edition, will make this composition fundamental for the Abkhazian humanitarian knowledge and culture.
O.P. Zykov
Biographical writings in journalism: terminological aspect
The paper actualizes the development of a theoretical basis of biographical writing. The complex analysis of a number of terminological concepts is carried out. A version of classification of biographies is presented. The purpose is to define the specificity of drawing up biographies of figures of domestic journalism. The author shows that natural interest of society to biographies of outstanding figures extends gradually, goes deep and differentiated that is promoted by branch specialization and intersectoral integration of modern science.
O.V. Kapets
Love and family in I.A. Ilyin and L.N. Tolstoy’s creativity
The paper examines the major philosophical and religious problem and interrelations of religion, philosophy and literature. The comparative characteristic is given of the basic provisions revealed at disclosure of this problem in creativity of philosopher I.A.Ilyin and writer L.N.Tolstoy. It is established that the reason of the similarity which is traced at their approach to a problem of “the love and a family”, is their applying to cultural wealth of Christianity.
F.N. Kerasheva
Searches for “the sense of the life” through a prism of the child vision in Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill a Mockingbird …”
The paper deals with the novel of the American writer of the 20th century Harper Lee “To Kill a Mockingbird …”, depicting a life, customs, morals and manners of the provincial small town of the State of Alabama through observations of the little six-year-old girl. The novel shows the process of Tom Robinson, disclosing a true situation in the south of America where people consider as a sin to kill a bird – the mocker, but murder of the Black is regarded to be a civic duty. It is established that two plot points of view (children’s and adult) find absolute unity at the end of the novel.
R.G. Mamiy
Small homeland as a moral and esthetic phenomenon in Iskhak Mashbash’s creativity
An analysis is made of sources of Iskhak Mashbash’s art creativity. The author of the paper defines the role and value of a home and the house, native aul of Shkhashefizh and entire small homeland in the origin and formation of an art and esthetic world vision, moral and philosophical consciousness of the poet and the writer. The attention is focused on the works reflecting problems of people and the earth, the artist and reality. It is inferred that the small homeland is a basis of the poet’s creativity.
B.R. Naptsok
Myth embodiment about Prometheus in M. Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus”
The paper examines the problem of an embodiment of the myth about Prometheus in M. Shelley’s novel. Having considered the main versions of the Ancient Greek myth about the titan Prometheus, the author defines and analyzes Prometheus’ motives of creativity and a feat, secret knowledge and creation, work and the patience presented in novel of M. Shelley. The conclusion that romantic and Gothic interpretation of the myth about the creator Prometheus is realized in an image of scientist Victor Frankenstein becomes the main thing.
U.M. Panesh, R.S. Zhazhieva
Reflection of new social life of the Adyghes in the nature (landscapes) of early works of Tembot Kerashev
This work discusses the character of interrelation between landscape sketches and artistic images of heroes in early works of T.Kerashev (the stories “Vodka” (“Àðêú”), “Mashuk’s Shame” (“Meshchykjo ishkhaklu”), «Sariyet’s Secret» (“Sarety ishef”) and the novel «Road to Fortune»). The authors reveal features of functioning of pictures of the nature being quite self-sufficient and acting as independent images. A socially caused type of a landscape is allocated, which at first in stories and then in the novel “Road to Fortune” is shown as reflection of a social status of heroes.
S.R. Panesh, G.V. Sokolova
Strengthening the problematical nature and analytical basis in poems of the 1970s to 1990s (Kh.Beretar, N. Kuyek)
The paper discusses the art problematical character and analytical basis in the Adyghean poems. The work shows a strengthening psychologism of a plot, a withdrawal from heroic-epic intonation, the accuracy of descriptions and aspiration to disclose critical situations. The authors arrive at a conclusion that the national poem expresses the basic typological directions in art searches of the Adyghean writers.
N.G. Pugacheva
On the interrelation of theoretic-literary and medialogical elucidation of the “author-hero” correlation
The paper examines the “author-hero” correlation in mutual relations of three aspects of a conceptual framework: general philological, theoretic-literary and medialogical. In the specified area, the types of art conceptualization of the hero are established, in particular, the theory of counter activity of the hero (M. M. Bakhtin). A theoretical proposition on principal distinction of two types of heroes – artistic and journalistic– is substantiated. It is summarized that in the first case the hero is synthetic and in the second, analytical.
D.S. Skhalyakho
Aspects of intertextuality in Yu. Akhmetukov’s story “Heroic death”
The paper deals with the thinnest processes of interference of cultures using an example of research of intertextual aspects in Yu. Akhmetukov’s story «Heroic death». The author studies features of an image formation in newly-formed art prose of the Adyghes. It is noted that an available convergence of the poem by A.S. Pushkin “The Caucasian Captive” and Yu.Akhmetukov’s story “Heroic death” is caused, first of all, by typologically conflict knots of works originating from uniform political space of represented time. The originality of the moral and philosophical perspective concerning questions of war is considered. It is established that historical process is interpreted by A.S. Pushkin as inevitable collision of carriers of opposite cultural ideas that leads to death of culture of one of warring parties.
R.B. Unarokova, A.A. Khatuova
Cry songs of people exiled to Siberia in the Adyghe folklore
The paper explores the motive of repressions of the beginning of the 20th century expressed in a number of original genres, most popular of which are memorative and cry songs. Genre and typological features of cry songs of people exiled to Siberia are considered. It is noted that they have become for the first time a subject of the scientific analysis. On the basis of texts of two local traditions – Kabardian and Shapsug – the art specificity of defined subjects and concepts is revealed. It is established that the concept of the exile expressed through concept of Sybyryzh (Old Siberia), is the common for all variants.
B.A. Tsey
Stages of the Adyghean literature addressing spiritual and moral laws of the Adyghe life
The paper examines the stages of forward development of the spiritual and moral content of the Adyghean literature. A number of conclusions on creativity of the Adyghean writers basing on the code of “adygaghe” are drawn: about rapprochement of the Adyghean and Russian writers in the general ethical views; about concentration of attention of the Adyghes on such standards of the Adyghe ethics, as humanity, nobility, patriotism, courage and honor; about change of system of values under the influence of the Caucasian War towards emphasis on eagerness to fight, on nobility and on love for the country; and about profound philosophical interpretation of the ethical code of “the Adyghe Khabze” in modern historical novels of the Adyghes.
M.R. Chamokova
Adyghe folklore and Khamid Tletseruk’s hand-written books
An analysis is made of the creative heritage of one of the Adyghe educators, the representative of a group of poets-efendi of the 1920s Khamid Tletseruk. His hand-written books which are stored in archive of the Center of Adyghe Studies of Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems at Adyghe State University are introduced into scientific circulation. Khamid Tletseruk’s hand-written books are one of the main sources of studying history of the Adyghe educational movement at the beginning of the 20th century, forms of functioning of folklore and specifics of its influence on creativity of poets-efendi of the beginning of the 20th century.
N.M. Shishkhova
M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Fugitive” in a contextof late creativity of the poet
The paper defines the place of the last Caucasian poem of M.Yu. Lermontov “Fugitive” in mature creativity of the poet. This work shows the relationship of romantic and realistic tendencies and their manifestation in art structure, semantic accents and nature of reception of early heritage in the poem “Fugitive”. The place of this poem is established both in creativity of the poet and in the history of the Russian poem of the 1830s – time of the end of the twenty-five- year art tradition related to the development of a genre of the poem. The considered poem together with “Demon” and “Mtsyri” is among the classical samples which are summing up history of the Russian romantic poem.
A.N. Abregov
The areal relations in the Caucasus and a lingual-cultural role of the Adyghe languages in this region
This paper is based on the report submitted at the International Scientific Conference «Languages of the Caucasus» which took place in Germany at Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology of Max Planck on December 7-9, 2007 (Leipzig) and it was devoted to areal language contacts.
This work explores languages of the Caucasus from positions of the areal linguistics, allowing the author to disclose a system of complicated and diverse ethnolinguistic processes in which both cognate and non-cognate languages are participated. It is established that the special role is played by the Adyghe languages in this process since they exert strong lingual-cultural influence on many people of the Caucasus. It is proved that there is a word borrowing and creation of new lexical units by modeling the Adyghe lexemes after foreign patterns.
A.A. Asheva
The theory of the language personality in Russian philology: problems and development prospects
The paper describes the state of the theory of the language personality in Russian philology which causes keen interest in modern scientists - linguists. The author puts such key questions of studying the language personality as a choice of the initial term and gender component, establishment of level of abstraction and structure definition. Insight is given into actual aspects of the language personality who can be considered as collective and / or individual. Prospects of development of the doctrine about the language personality are associated with cognitive, lingual-cultural and communicative directions of the research.
Z.K. Bedanokova, A.G. Baromychenko
Conceptualization or stereotypification of a word “Kuban” in a regional advertising discourse
This work explores the use of a regional component in an advertising discourse. The word “Kuban” categorization is examined in four meanings: “territory”, “fertile land”, “Cossacks” and “the southern resort”, being a cognitive base of a concept “Kuban”. The analysis of these meanings of advertising names and slogans, revealed in the territory of Krasnodar Region and Adygheya, assumes the process of the stereotypification within a field of onomastics, rather than the word “Kuban” conceptualization in a regional advertising discourse.
S.K. Bedanokova
Pragmatic functions of the “si” conjunction in dialogical speech
The paper deals with the actual problem related to the peculiarities of functioning of the conjunction “si” in the beginning of an interrogative statement in the dialogical unity. Conjunction «si» is identified as a structural component of text formation, fulfilling cohesion function, or as a conjunction word expressing the relationship between parts of a complex sentence. As a result of study, the author determines the role of the pragmatic factor in dese-mantization of the conjunction “si” and ways of the change of the correlation between propositional and pragmatic content of the statement.
N.T. Gishev
On the correlation of the language and thinking
An analysis is made of the different points of view on interpretation of relationship between the concepts of the language and thinking. This paper shows that it is necessary to use the differentiated approach to study this question since there are different forms of thinking and different types of languages corresponding to them. Comparison of languages of an erga-tive system with nominative is carried out. It is noted that typologically various languages cannot exist without distinctions in thinking of their carriers. Therefore the thinking and language do not exist separately from each other, and language distinctions cannot exist without distinction of language thinking.
S.S. Doyunova
Pragmatic potential of advertising names based on the material of vodka production (according to the results of experiment)
The paper discusses the pragmatic potentialities of an advertising name of the well-known national drink, the Russian vodka, revealed during the experiment carried out in several social groups. The author shows the main criteria for a choice of this drink in shop by the consumer and the level of interest of the buyer to advertising vodka names. This study al-lowed the author to define the potential of impact of advertising vodka names in real practice and to call the producer’s opinion in question. The author arrives at a conclusion that the name of drink becomes rare object of attention and the consumer is generally guided by nonverbal indicators of information or by its cost.
K.G. Ishtoyan
Decompression of a category of temporalness within the atypical text of fiction
Basic provisions of the theory of conceptual integration are investigated and applied to the analysis of a modern fiction discourse. The author shows how the analysis of conceptual integration strategy promotes recognition of specific characteristics of author’s style. The decompression processes are shown to carry out a function of marking the initial stage of conceptual integration. It is inferred that the content of the point of view in a narration is based on structure of conceptually integrated spaces.
L.V. Kopot
Word-formation potential of abbreviations (as shown by the material of newspaper «Arguments and Fact»)
The paper discusses one of the ways of a compression, namely: abbreviation. An analysis is made of new definitions from the point of view of their belonging to a definite part of speech and ways of word formation. Replenishment of dictionary is carried out by realizing a word-formation potential of abbreviations. It is established that new definitions are often presented by the nouns formed mainly with the help of suffixes.
A.S. Lidzhiyeva
On frequency of functioning of names of the person body parts as components of somatic phraseological units in the Russian and Kalmyk languages
An analysis is made of somatic phraseological units in the Russian and Kalmyk languages. Their functionally semantic characteristics are compared to identify the most frequent of them. As a result of the analysis it has been established that the most common somatic components in phraseological units are the following lexemes: head, eyes, hand, heart and teeth in Russian and tolha “head”, keln “language”, nudn “eyes”, hap “hand” and amn “mouth” in Kalmyk.
E.N. Luchinskaya, B.S. Kabanyan
Intertextuality in the political magazine
The paper deals with a definition of intertextuality in the political magazine. Intertextuality is noted to occur often in the headlines of the articles. The author shows elements of intertextuality in the analyzed texts. The main functions of intertextuality in the political magazine are established. The analysis of the examples shows that intertextuality in the political magazine is used to attract readers’ attention and to send the reader to the content of other messages. To understand the information properly one should be familiar with the required data contained in the intertext.
S.A. Nikiforova
Grammaticalization problems in German
This work discusses the problems of a grammaticalization of lexical units in German. The review is given of researches on this subject, conducted by foreign germanists in synchronic and diachronic aspects. Grammaticalization is defined as the process leading to formation of grammatical forms with new grammatical meanings. It is established that homonymous forms and structures, being at various levels of a grammaticalization, coexist in the language.
T.Yu. Panteleyeva
Integrative characteristic of a word in linguistic examination: the system-discourse aspects
The paper deals with linguistic examination as the sphere of interactions between language and law, discourse and elementary phenomena, which actualize linguistic aspects. The connection of this process and discoursology is characterized. Updating of the specified problems is complied with complicated “word-discourse” integration and in this regard, with interpretation of a word in some cases as a peculiar “curtailed discourse”. System-discourse aspects permit experts to show the relations between individualization and generalization in the process of the examination. Individualization vectors are dependent on that common sense, which is a specific unit of meanings and their aspects.
O.V. Sergeyeva
Pragmalinguistic specificity of tolerance in dynamic aspect of the language identity of the teacher
The paper explores the specificity of tolerance in dynamic aspect of the language identity of the teacher. The study assumes the two-uniform characteristic of a material: theoretical justification of the analysis and systematization of the pragmalinguistic specificity of tolerance. Tolerance ranks high in the traditions of pedagogical communication. It is inferred that pragmalinguistic specificity fills this dominant of the language identity of the teacher with the sense, allowing achievement of pedagogical success.
V.V. Shkatova
On the semantic content of the concept “practicality” in the Russian and English languages
An analysis is made of the semantic content of the concept “practicality” in Russian and English. The semantic content is identified on the basis of defining and ideographic dictionaries. The author concludes that the meanings of this concept in two languages do not fully coincide. In spite of having coinciding meanings, “practicality” in English is opposed to “the theory”, while in Russian, to “spirituality”. This results from the fact that both words are international and may have been borrowed by the languages with a different number of meanings or have acquired additional meanings or connotations.
Study of Arts
V.N. Bubentsov
The origin and development of en plein air painting in the northwest of Russia in the 19th-20th centuries
The paper discusses the history and features of creative comprehension of en plein air painting in the northwest of Russia. Its unique lines in this region are revealed. Special attention is given to the historical and art analysis of the origin and development of a northern open-air painting in interrelation with its existence in countries of Northern Europe. Professional features of technique and technology of painting indicating the unique Arctic territories are investigated. It is established that all artists who have visited the northwest of the Arctic, formed a creative background by their works and promoted the origin and development of a northern open-air painting.
S.I. Khvatova
Orthodox Internet resources and stylistics of chants of modern church service
An analysis is made of the role of the Orthodox Internet resources focused on regentsinging practice and containing materials, necessary for preservation of initial unity of modern Orthodox church service: theological, didactic, musical, audio and videos. Of special value is style variety of spiritual chants offered to regents and choristers. Computer technologies at the beginning of the 21st century get into all spheres of musical performance in the field of church chants more persistently and promote preservation of initial unity of a singing sequence of church service.