#3 / 2013
O.S. Aketina
Conceptual analysis of the fiction text and a fiction concept
A fiction concept is believed to be, first of all, a unit of “individual” consciousness of concept sphere, verbalized in the uniform text of the writer’s creativity. The starting point of semantic filling of the word during the historical development is shown to be consistently transformed into an image, concept and a symbol, turning into a cultural concept in its modern look. The character and ways of representation of a national concept in the fiction world of this or that author define features of his individual concept sphere. The use of this or that specific technique of the analysis of fiction concepts in many respects depends on the research object (the specific author, the concrete fiction text), as well as on the type of the studied concept.
A.A. Asheva
Elite language personality as an ideal carrier of cultural and speech competence
The elite language personality is described as the ideal carrier of cultural and speech competence which allows him to create texts of any complexity and to simultaneously observe both language and communicative norms. Representatives of elite speech culture have the full knowledge of language system and ability to differentiate various forms of speech and communication situations. They know rhetorical techniques and have ethical subcompetence. It is inferred that a set of the above-named qualities causes formation of a speech-behavior standard.
M.I. Bakova
About differentiation of numeral “one” and its homonyms in the Kabardino-Circassian language
We consider the problems of delimitation of functional homonyms using an example of numeral “one” and its homonyms. As a result of the analysis of a language material meanings of numeral “one” and its homonyms are defined. An analysis is made of the main methods of differentiation of functional homonyms in the Kabardino-Circassian language which will help us to understand features of each part of speech and the general and differential signs of functional homonyms.
I.A. Borisenko
Text of stomatology subject domain as an informative - terminological unit
Scientific communication is described as process of scientific text activity. The author gives a characteristic of a scientific journal discourse and its main components, as well as defines the types of scientific communication. It is inferred that the main information function in subject domain is carried out by terms.
R.A. Volkova
Text-forming functions of emotional - expressive particles in the language of E.M. Remarque’s prose: dominance, cognitivity and pragmatism
We used the material of the language of E.M. Remarque’s fiction to examine text-forming specifics of emotional - expressive particles of doch and ja, correlating sense of a particular literary text with the author’s opinion and participating in the realization of the stylistic features in dialogic constructions. It is inferred that the text-forming function of these particles relies on their ability to modify and transform the major meaning of the statement in the course of speech.
I.V. Volobuyev
Epithet in an advertising slogan in the Russian and English languages
The paper discusses the main aspects and techniques of use of epithets in advertising slogans. The author shows that the epithet represents not only an adjective defining a noun, but also an apposition noun and an adverb which defines a verb metaphorically. Classification of epithets is given. It is noted that the epithet has to have figurative, expressive and metaphorical character. It gives the additional art characteristic in the form of the hidden, easily guessed comparison to the person, phenomenon or subject. The advertisers use epithets to give a positive assessment to advertised goods.
I.K. Gitinova
Improperly - direct speech: structural-syntactic aspect
The paper deals with the improperly - direct speech and its structural-syntactic organization. The author investigates syntactics as the semiotics section of improperly - direct speech. Components of improperly - direct speech structure (a lexical unit, the simple phrase, the extended phrase, the sentence) are allocated. It is established that improperly - direct speech is often found in various text materials and can vary from one lexical unit to the whole sentence.
N.O. Grigoryeva
The status of multifunctional syntactic words in the language system
The paper examines various approaches to the description of language units, in particular syntactic words. The status of multifunctional syntactic words is proved to be of special class and criteria are revealed for inclusion of units in this class. The author defines the principles of the description of system of syntactic words on the basis of multifunctionality / monofunctionality and multisemanticity/monosemanticity. It is established that the offered approach allows investigators to describe also the other units of language system (syntactic and categorimatic) that answers need of the integrative description of language system.
T.M. Grushevskaya, V.V. Meteleva
Interactive nature of discursive translation
The paper examines interactive relations between links of a communicative chain of the speaking and listening. The interpreter is shown not to be the communicative personality in full sense of this concept. His motives do not coincide with motives of the main communicants. The authors describe dependences between various components of communication. It is established that the sense of the communication “at the exit” proves to be modified to a certain degree, despite an initial task to keep the set sense at most.
A.A. Kalashaova
Verbal components of the advertising text as pragmatically caused units of an imperative discourse
The paper describes the verbal components of the advertising text which act as pragmatically caused language units promoting efficiency of advertising communication. An analysis is made of the lexical and morphological resources of an advertising discourse creating pragmatic effect. It is inferred that advertisement is a special version of the imperative discourse making a considerable psychological impact on the addressee.
V.A. Kesovidi
Picturesque portrait within the fiction text: essence and information space
The paper examines the picturesque - portrait image of the personality within the fiction text. The picturesque image of the personality is shown to act in a text as the unit caused by semantic-pragmatic space of the whole literary work. Three types of picturesque portrait images are allocated: a detailed description of the head, a detailed description of a body and a detailed description of an accessory. It is established that the picturesque image of the personality presented in the literary work has the substantial program and is closely connected with attention to a problem of “the person in an era”.
Yu.V. Kopylova
Newspaper metaphor as a way to express a social assessment in sports materials of the Russian press
The newspaper metaphor functioning in sports materials of the Russian press is described as a way to express a social assessment. Various types of the metaphors the use of which creates the pragmatic potential of the newspaper text are a subject of the analysis. The conclusion is drawn that features of sports life and activity cause high activity of those metaphorical units which, on the one hand, express the author’s assessment, and, on the other hand, make considerable emotional impact on the addressee.
L.S. Makarova
Graphic design of poetic speech and its transformation in translation (from materials of the Russian poetry translations to French)
The material of French translations of the Russian poetry is used to define the ways and the reasons of transformation of graphic design of poetic speech in translation. The author takes into consideration factors of linguistic character (distinction in punctuation usage of two languages) and the characteristics related to features of poetic translation, caused by figurative and esthetic parameters of poetic speech. It is inferred that a wide use of transformations of graphic design of the original in translation is one of manifestations of translation strategy of an expressivization.
L.K. Pazova
Language interference in the conditions of the Abazin-Russian bilingualism (from materials of phrases)
The paper deals with the questions of a syntactic interference in the Russian speech of Abazin pupils. The author uses a material of the phrases taken from texts of fiction, oral national creativity and from dictionaries. The comparative analysis of this syntactic unit of the Russian and Abazin languages shows that distinctions are observed in structural, grammatical and functional features. Distinctions in the functional features are shown to be a basis of an interference which is observed in the Russian speech of Abazin pupils. The same interlingual distinction can be methodically relevant for carriers of one of the compared languages and irrelevant for carriers of another.
K.I. Sarayeva
Announcement: ways of expression of basic components (from materials of fiction announcements in French)
The paper discovers the basic components of a derived text of the announcement type, expressed by means of lexical and syntactic units. Among them are components making semantic base of the announcement. Ways of presentation of basic components according to the revealed characteristic parameters are shown. Lexical and punctuation ways of expression of the revealed parameters for basic components are established.
Zh.V. Svintsova
Toposes in the Russian Presidents’ inaugural addresses
The paper deals with the toposes of the Russian Presidents’ inaugural addresses. The author defines their topical. The structure-forming topos in an inaugural speech is shown to be the introduction in a position. The basic topos an inaugural speech is the topos of unity and greatness of the nation. The extending toposes of an inaugural speech are subdivided into the general, for all speeches of this genre, and private, depending on audience expectations and on a situation in the country.
E.A. Semko
Metaphor as means of manipulative use of language (from materials of the French political press)
The metaphor is regarded as the most frequent stylistic means of expressiveness of any language. The author presents French metaphors that are used in the French press to show positive and negative sides of pension reform. It is established that political loading of a text material is formed by using metaphors with the meliorative or pejorative connotation, giving a positive or negative assessment to the represented material.
M.M. Tlevtsezheva
Adjective phrase-semantic group of “existence of alcohol intoxication of the person” in modern Russian
The paper examines the semantic structure of the adjective phrase-semantic group of “existence of alcohol intoxication of the person” as a part of the microfield of “physical condition of the person” in modern Russian. The PSG under study includes two conglomerates, representing the synonymic-antonymic and synonymic blocks. The semantic structure of the phrasemes forms a basis for formation of associations of phrasemes of different level: from a synonymic row to a phrasesemantic field.
N.I. Kharrash, N. Gezayli
Connotative lexicon as an aspect of the lingual-stylistic analysis of the fiction text
The paper deals with the questions of theoretical and practical stylistics. On the basis of the analysis of the latest works it is established that stylistics, being some kind of grammar of communication, enters the structure of both lecture and practical materials at all stages and levels of training. The style as a set of methods to express thought is shown to bear information appealing to some experience of the person. It is noted that connotative lexicon, being an aspect of the lingual-stylistic analysis of the fiction text, is reflected in various functional styles.
A.V. Khartikova
Semantic space of the detective text: the contents and expression plans
The paper examines “the semantic space”, which is used to designate the substantial side of the text. Simultaneously, its use is characterized by a polysemy and intersection with other text phenomena because of broad understanding of category of text space. It is shown that the mental semantic space (the contents plan) of the fiction text is dimensioned, open and capable to express not only obvious, directly explicit meanings, but also the implicit ones. It is noted that detective works belong to narrative texts the purpose and result of narrative process of which are defined as connection of events with the final act of their completion. It is established that texts can be classified by their relation to reality.
B.M. Khachak
System of functional displays of gender-role distinctions in language
The paper discusses the gender stereotypes fixing in language the ideas of courage and feminity and the related models of behavior of individuals. Different strategies of speech behavior of men and women are developed on the basis of patriarchy stereotypes. The author shows that gender stereotypes and gender roles influence each other. Stereotypes establish those tasks which have to be performed by the man or the woman. It is established that distinctions in speech behavior are not manifested in most cases and do not testify that the gender is a regular defining factor as was supposed at the initial stage of gender researches.
Zhou Hanzhuy
Symbolisms of idioms about dog in Chinese and Russian languages
The paper presents the results of an analysis of Russian and Chinese phraseological units with the animal component. The study is based on the comparative analysis. The presented research fragments show the specificity of the phraseological units with the word dog/gou in Chinese and Russian languages, which reflects the features of mentality of native speakers of these languages.
S.Kh. Yakhutl
Implicitness of the fiction text as implementer of a cognitive paradigm of the author’s bilingual language identity
The paper deals with the problem of differentiation of such categories as implication and implicitness. Cognitive paradigms are explored as means of the organization of knowledge and thought of the person. Therefore the cognitive paradigm represents one of the promising ways of cognitive modeling and incorporates superficial representation and propositional base of the text (micro and macrostructure).
Literary Criticism
T.A. Alborova
Myth and reality in the novel of Mikhail Bulkaty “The seventh campaign of Soslan Narty”
This paper investigates the interaction of folklore and the Ossetian prose on the example of the novel by Mikhail Bulkaty “The seventh campaign of Soslan Narty”. The folklore motives and methods and the extent of their influence on the ideological and artistic structure of the Ossetian novel are revealed. Urgent problems of our time are raised in this novel. It is established that the writer, on the basis of military democracy of our mythical ancestors, reflects modern reality in all its manifestations.
H.I. Bakov
The problem of studying the history of literatures of the North Caucasus people
An analysis is made of the condition of the North Caucasus modern literary criticism. The author shows the disproportion in development of history of literature based on the examples of separate literatures of the region and the country as a whole. Also the author examines the topical questions of the theory and art criticism during the Post-Soviet period which demand scientific solution. It is established that priority subjects are the questions related to the history of literature of the region. The author gives recommendations to solve them.
A.P. Burnusuzyan
Poetry of the North Caucasus diaspora as part of a cultural heritage of the Caucasian House
The paper explores the subject and problems touched in the general emigrant poetry as a projection of existing problems in creativity of diaspora writers. It is emphasized that in works of poets emigrants the historical homeland appears as a certain integrating ideal that sometimes leads to globalizing perception of the Caucasus. It is established that the general emigrant subject is concretized through a prism of a continuous spiritual bond with the Caucasus, defending generally - symbolical value of the Caucasus as historical homeland and emphasizing its immortal basis. The poetry as a whole declares commitment to the Caucasian House, being a part of its cultural heritage.
A.S. Kuyek
Sacred tree in mythic poetic views of Adyghes
The paper deals with one of the cults of the Adyghe mythology: a sacred tree, the forest and a grove. The results of analysis of folklore texts and ethnographic materials show that there is the whole system of the representations actualizing the functional importance and mythological symbolics of a tree in the Adyghe mythic poetic consciousness. An especially interesting detail is highlighting the goddess of a tree personifying a vertical model of the world: top of a tree is the sky, roots are depth of the earth and a trunk is this world. The author comes to a conclusion that the tree and the related mythic ritual complex is the sacral Center of the world.
M.A. Kuchmenko
Postmodernism in modern literary space
In this paper, emergence of a postmodernism is considered as an artistic – ideological system in domestic literary process. The author gives various points of view on defining features of a postmodernism and borders of its distribution and influence. The variety of views of specifics of postmodernist tendencies in modern literary space is discussed. The conclusion is drawn about a progressive role of a postmodernism in formation of the new reader and in searches for new artistic and esthetic values.
A.A. Malkhasyan
Art conceptualization of Peter I and tsarevitch Alexey in D.S. Merezhkovsky’s novel “Peter and Alexey”
The paper deals with the art conceptualization of the identity of Peter I in D.S. Merezhkovsky’s novel “Peter and Alexey”. Unlike I.Lazhechnikov, K.Masalsky and A.Pushkin who showed Peter I only from a positive side, D.S. Merezhkovsky represents the first Russian Emperor many-sided. For the first time in the Russian literature the writer gives Peter I not only positive, but also the negative characteristic. Today, when the new view is formed on Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great, D. Merezhkovsky’s novel “Peter and Alexey” becomes very topical and deserves versatile objective research.
B.R. Naptsok
M.G. Lewis’s “Gothic” novel “Monk” in perception and assessment of English readers and critics of the late 18th century and early 19th century
This paper explores perception and assessment of “Gothic” work of the late 18th century. During the analysis, the biography of English writer of the gothic style M.G. Lewis, journal articles, notes and critical responses of writers and critics S.T. Coleridge, T.J. Mathias and G.G. Byron are considered. The conclusion that the M.G. Lewis’s composition was a sensational success at readers and received a negative assessment at critics becomes the main thing. Only in the middle of the 20th century researchers E. Raylo, M. Summers and others rehabilitated the name of the author, and the novel was called by the last “Gothic” novel of pre-romanticism, tragic in sounding and monumental in value.
K.N. Paranuk
Features of a mythology in novels of G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and N. Kuyek “Wine of Dead”
The paper discusses the features of a mythic creativity in novels of G.G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and N. Kuyek “Wine of Dead”. The author shows a typological convergence in subject, touched problems and mythological infrastructure of novels, methods and techniques of myth creation. It is inferred that the character of myth creativity and type of a mythology in novels of G. Marquez and N. Kuyek is common for both writers.
N.Yu. Prays-Harding, F.B. Beshukova
D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky and M. Tsvetaeva: destiny and creativity collisions
The paper examines the aspects of private and public life of Prince D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky. Using the archive materials, the authors describe his meeting with poetess Marina Tsvetaeva and his role in recognition of the poetess’ talent. An analysis is made of similarity of destinies of Mirsky and Tsvetaeva, as well as tragic consequences of their return to Soviet Russia. Literary and critical activity of Mirsky is estimated as the significant contribution to objective comprehension of literary space of the Russian emigration.
I.N. Khatkova
Ethnomental bases of “Circassian Legends” by Sultan Khan-Girey
This study considers the story of Sultan Khan-Girey “Circassian Legends” as the ethnocultural phenomenon. The author notes the use of a considerable ethnographic material to represent certain qualities and lines, conditions of life, inner world and psychology of the people. The story “Circassian Legends” contains important data on morality, customs and traditions of the Adyghes, as well as the detailed review of the Adyghe oral creativity. It is established that all features of a life and traditional customs of the Adyghes are presented in detail and all descriptions are given taking into account the importance of ethnographic details.
E.A. Churilova
Images of women as reflection of multidimensionality of national life in the new prose of the North Caucasus written in Russian
This study actualizes the ways of anthropological studying the literature of the North Caucasus. The paper presents the images and destinies of women – heroines of works of the new North Caucasian prose written in Russian. The author examines both the female roles of the bride, wife and mother traditional for the Caucasus, and the new ones, tragic images of the present: shahid suicide bombers and women in the war and after war. It is inferred that a gallery of woman images of the new North Caucasian prose reflects the complexity and multidimensionality of national life of the region.
N.S. Shushanyan
Gender stereotype in folklore as reflection of the people mentality (as shown by bylinas)
The paper discusses the features of social cultural way of life of Slavic society. These features found reflection in folklore, in particular in bylinas. The gender stereotypes created during this period of time are represented in a studied genre of national creativity. It is established that they are interrelated with mentality of the people, influencing the ideas of a role of women and men in society.
D.V. Bykov
Structure of the news blocks on regional television in the USA (based on the example of KHQ station, Spokane)
The paper discusses the structure of the news on regional television in the USA basing on the example of KHQ station of the city of Spokane. The author carries out the comparative analysis of news blocks, reveals common and distinctive features of regional news, gives them the characteristic, as well as defines development tendencies. It is inferred that regional news in America does not have strictly certain structure. News can contain different headings which vary from release to release. The only thing that remains invariable in any news block is live broadcasts of correspondents from a place of events.
O.P. Zykov
The Structural Functional approach to creation of a tree of the purposes of journalism biographics
The paper gives a description of Structural Functional approach and a characteristic of the situation in studying the system, structural and functional analyses by experts of the Humanities. The main requirements to system, structure, function, criteria and indicators are stated. On the basis of Structural Functional approach the author has made the hierarchical model of applied historical disciplines named a tree of the purposes of journalism biographics. As a result of the carried-out theoretical analysis a scientifically reasonable purpose of journalism biographics as a science is formulated.
G.N. Nemets
Essayed advertising text in the newspaper: interpretation strategies
The paper deals with the problem of text essaying occupying a special place in philological science. Essayistic sense becomes a basic source of the discourse sense, and the reader acts as a basic textual subject, which is directed by the author’s thought. Essayed advertising text looks like a “hybrid” both in stylistic and communicative aspects. Intellectualization of advertising language is defined by discourse essaying, where the writing subject becomes fragmental.
E.N. Nechay
Features of functioning of the Taganrog collaborationist newspaper “The New Word” in 1941-1943
The paper discusses the functioning of the collaborationist newspaper in the city of Taganrog of Rostov region. The work examines the causes of the origin of the newspaper, features of its creation, distribution and operation in the occupied territory. It is established that collaborationist activities were strictly regulated and standardized by occupation administration, which affected the quality of the publication.
A.V. Shishkina, F.B. Beshukova
Epistolary genre of journalism in a media discourse of system of judicial legal relations
An analysis is made of genre dynamics of modern judicial journalism. Active interpenetration of genre forms is revealed. The epistolary genre is considered to be the most interactive form of realization of communicative function of the press, in this case, feedback in a position of court society. Epistolary texts are classified, with identification of the main type-forming features. As a result of research the conclusion is drawn that the epistolary genre is widespread as means of communication of judicial authority with the community. Because of great demand this genre has various ways and means of expression in printing and electronic mass media.
Study of Arts
M.G. Kuyek
Anthropomorphic images in art metal of the Kasozhsky period of the Middle Ages
The paper examines the anthropomorphic images in art metal of the Kasozhsky period of the Middle Ages from the Kolosovsky burial ground of the 10-12th centuries, Psekupssky burial ground of the 10-12th centuries, Kuzhorsky burial ground of the 10-13th centuries and from the Zmeysky catacomb burial ground of the 10-12th centuries. The author shows the stylistic features in a context of the comparative analysis and definition of influence of Oriental graphic tradition, as well as the art reflection of pagan religion and mythology of Adyghes in anthropomorphic images of art metal. It is established that the distribution of anthropomorphic pendants is characteristic of the Caucasian people giving a magic force to the image of the person, which is urged to preserve and protect the person, his cattle and his property from evil ghosts, illnesses and diseases.
A.N. Sokolova
Ethnic music in system of values at Kurds of Adyghea
The paper discusses the role of ethnic music in system of values at Kurds of Adyghea. Based on the reliable sources obtained during folklore ethnographic expeditions to the Krasnogvardeisky district of Adyghea Republic, the author comes to a conclusion that traditional musical values – dance “the Govand” and national and author’s songs – are priority among other esthetic and art values. Music performs the integrating, ethnopreserving, apotropaic and psychotherapeutic functions. It is a form of power recharge for the ethnogroup which has recently moved to the territory of Adyghea.