#4 / 2013
A.Kh. Abubakarova
Lingual - mental specifics in I.M. Bazorkin’s creativity
The paper addresses the bilingualism phenomenon in I.M. Bazorkin’s fiction texts. Specificity of bilingual representation is analyzed in terms of lingual-mental characteristics of Vainakh society. The author provides examples to characterize the bilingual language personality in Vainakh language space. It is inferred that the value of fiction texts is not settled by only national orientation, but also carries out intercommunication function, i.e. participates in dialogue of cultures.
M.P. Akhidzhakova, A.Yu. Baranova
Sign features of “subsequent meanings” in language space of the fiction text
This paper sheds light on how the nature of the extra lingual content is related to the cogitative content that forms the subsequent meaning in language space of the fiction text. Speech structuring in language space of the fiction text with the specific features is shown to occur due to interrelation and interference of the immediate and subsequent meanings. The language consciousness of the author, which is determined by features of language space of the fiction text, discloses spiritual, moral, ethical and behavioural norms of heroes. It is established that “subsequent meanings” in language space of the fiction text underlie formation of semiotic (sign) systems and mechanisms of information-saturated language consciousness.
R.P. Bibilova, A.S. Tskhovrebov
Comparative analysis of compound sentences with the dividing relations in the Russian and Ossetian languages
The paper discusses the comparative typology of compound sentences with the dividing relations in the Russian and Ossetian languages. The authors examine differential signs and structural-semantic subtypes of these syntactic constructions and the semantical-grammatical relations expressed in them. It is inferred that the comparative analysis of compound sentences with the dividing relations in the Russian and Ossetian languages will provide conscious learning a training material in Russian by pupils bilinguals, will give the chance to limit interfering influence of the native language on the Russian speech of pupils and will help to eliminate the reasons leading to syntactic mistakes.
I.A. Borisenko
Pragmatical component of a semiotic figure of the term as a representant of information transparency and veiling in subject domain “Stomatology”
The paper discusses the terminological space of the text of subject domain “Stomatology”. The model of a pragmatical component of a semiotic figure of the term is presented. It is inferred that information space in subject domain “Stomatology” consists of two information and substantial subspaces (explicit and implicit), closely connected with each other. The characteristic is given of an information explicity and implicity through a prism of terminological space of the text. It is proved that each information and substantial subspace represents the certain definitely structured system possessing a certain lexical, thematic and figurative specifics to uniformly consider a scientific fragment of reality.
I.V. Volobuyev
Language means of expressiveness of the advertising text in English
The paper sheds light on expressive opportunities of advertising texts from the point of view of their potential ability to make a speech impact on the consumer. It is shown that the leading place is taken by TV advertising. Examples are given of the use of various stylistic techniques and means of expression in advertising. The author examines how such means as alliteration, a rhyme, a rhythm and adjectives are used in advertising. It is established that advertisers use means of expression to give a positive assessment to advertised goods.
T.M. Grushevskaya, T.I. Gassiy
The political newspaper text through a prism of subjectness markers
The paper examines the interactive relations between links of a communicative chain (the speaking - listening). The universal scheme of the organization of political newspaper text information is presented. The authors allocate and describe markers of subjectness realization in the political newspaper text. It is established that use of language means is defined in many respects by their social and estimated qualities and by opportunities from the point of view of effective and purposeful impact on mass audience.
B.M. Dzhandar, F.A. Teuchezh
Similarities and distinctions in the Adyghe, Russian and English languages at grammatical level
The comparative and typological description of syntactic units of the Adyghe, Russian and English languages is carried out to reveal similarities and distinctions in a grammatical system of the languages under study. It is inferred that the grammatical system of compared languages differs not only in absence of certain grammatical categories, but also in nature of expression and functioning in speech of identical categories of these or those parts of speech.
E.V. Zaysanova
Pun as a way of creating the comical effect in anecdotes
The pun is considered to be a way of creating the comical effect in the anecdote. The analysis of existing pun classifications is maid. It is established that pun, as the way of creating the comical effect, makes the anecdotes vivid and dynamic.
E.S.-A. Idrazova
Names of pets in the Chechen fairy tales
For the first time the theme group of words of the Chechen national fairy tales is examined from the point of view of semantics. The author makes a linguistic and semantic analysis of the terms “pets”, as well as a quantitative analysis of the terms. Loans are noted. It is inferred that most of the studied vocabulary is the native Chechen. The vocabulary related to horse breeding is used most frequently.
V.A. Kesovidi
System of code transitions in interpretation of author’s and picturesque portraiture in art communication
The system of code transitions is considered at presentation of the portrait image of the personality within the fiction text. Information which is read by the recipient out from a portrait is shown to appeal to deep structures of his mentality, generating profound and substantial emotions. Code transitions in interpretation of a picturesque portrait within a work of art are allocated and described. It is inferred that the task of the writer is to inform the recipient more authentically what the artist wants to tell and to compositionally purposefully enter an art portrait into the text to realize the plan and transfer his thoughts and feelings.
S.R. Makerova
Implication, message and lexico-phraseological categories
The analysis is made of the implication plan of some lexical-grammatical units as well as its place in constituting literary discourse. Latest cognitive research works revealed that content plan is much broader than expression plan. In this connection grammatical (morphological) categories should be properly investigated as markers of the “covert” messages revealed within the general context. It is established that message has no specific language means of representation: it can be found only within an integrated approach to the fiction text as a whole in structure of which each element, including at morphological level, can become a message signal.
R.Yu. Namitokova
Cognitive analysis of occasional abstract nouns in poetic language: semantics and compatibility
The paper discusses cognitive motivations of occasional abstract nouns in poetic language and the degree of abstraction value of derivatives with the productive suffix –ost’ on the type of compatibility with related words.
T.A. Ostrovskaya
Discourse-forming concepts of elite discourse
The paper sheds light on relationship of concepts and the discourse, forming the elite personality. Definition of a discourse of elite is given and clusters of discourse-forming concepts are allocated. The attention is focused on high degree of conceptuality of this discourse. The author summarizes expediency of application of several methods of the linguistic analysis to detect the concepts underlying research of a discourse.
M.G. Paramonova
Article as an indicator of emotional deixis as shown by a material of a bible discourse
We consider the emotional functioning of articles using the material of the bible discourse in English and German. It is shown that the article can possess different extent of emotional release. The article is an important linguistic means to express an emotionality of different degree as shown by a material of a bible discourse in English and German. The conclusion is drawn that the article can significantly affect the interpretation («sound») of the text as a whole, which will undoubtedly be taken into account in the translation and interpretation of sacred texts.
G.Sh. Unarokova
Phraseological representation of the concept “nasyp/happiness” in the Adyghe language picture of the world
The paper deals with the phraseological units representing a concept nasyp / happiness in the Adyghe language picture of the world. The most significant value points connected with the concept “be happy” are revealed. It is noted that these phraseological units developed in collective consciousness of the Adyghe people and were fixed in national mentality. The high quantitative fullness of semantic groups of a concept nasyp is shown. Five units are allocated as a core lexeme: happiness – destiny, pleasure, wellbeing, virtue, good luck, between which there are interconceptual connections. It is established that the studied concept forms axiological, figurative and behavioural components of mentality of the Adyghes.
Z.R. Khachmafova, E.V. Deryugina
Synergetic features of the faunistic lexicon modeling in the Russian lingual culture
A metaphorical use of names of animals in Russian is investigated in line with a developing synergetic paradigm of scientific knowledge. An analysis is made of the metaphorical models of “animal→a human being”, “animal→illness”, “animal→tool”, “animal→animal”. The authors define zoomorphic nominations significant for the Russian lingual culture acting as the regular spheres sources. Formation of spheres targets is explained by specific feature of the metaphorical process caused by a possibility of creation of the new nominations on the basis of the available rethought name.
Z.R. Khachmafova, A.A. Efremov
Actualized indications of a metaphorical term formation (as shown by terminology of the American oil and gas branch)
This paper explores the main areas and sources of borrowing words and phrases to form the oil and gas metaphorical terms. A study was made of such aspects of a terminological metaphorization, as actualized indications and axiological estimates of the lexical units attracted from areas and sources for creation of metaphorical terms. Rational selectivity underlies formation of oil and gas terminological metaphors.
A.R. Khunagova
Fashion in the advertising discourse (based on a material of the Russian and English languages)
The paper analyses the lingua-cultural features through the advertising of fashion goods and values which it popularizes. The author shows stylistic devices used in advertising to form images related to fashion and influencing linguistic consciousness of Russian and English native speakers. A conclusion is drawn that there occurs an active penetration of English loan words in the Russian advertising discourse about fashion. Whereas the English advertising discourse focuses on fashion brand being an indispensable part of Britain, Russian advertising uses foreign words and brands nominated with the use of English language.
M.M. Tsaturyan, E.A. Vetoshkina
Cognitive features of functioning of verbs with spatial semantics
Features of verbs functioning are investigated as conveyers of spatial semantics. It is proved that a verb is characterized by the variety of links with different classes of words and, thus, variety of types of phrases, as well as by interdependence of verb meanings and phrase structure. It is established that the verb is especially important for realization of the main communicative function of language.
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva, F.K. Urakova
Interaction of syntactic units in arrangement of the microtext and coherent speech
An analysis is made of the essence of system-functional approach to the text theory. Features of functioning of each of units of syntax system are examined. It is noted that of syntactic units “a word form – the phrase – the sentence – the text”, allocated by representatives of modern functional syntax, the text is the dominant functioning system, since its semantic field is a field of realization of functions of units of all other levels. In this regard it is established that in the course of studying the functioning of language units it is expedient to perceive them in interaction.
Literary Criticism
S.R. Agerzhanokova
Moral, philosophical and esthetic system of motives and images of the nature in Ibrahim Tsey’s novel “Katsuk Khadzhi”
An analysis is made of the place of the concept of the nature in system of ethnoecological and social arrangement. The paper examines the images and motives of the nature being in the novel of Ibrahim Tsey “Khatsuk Khadzhi” not simply a background, but actively operating complex basis most brightly and multilaterally reflecting the author’s vision of the world. Attention is focused on the animalistic images of the novel bearing great symbolical and semantic loading. It is inferred that Tsey’s concept of the nature is of the special importance as most important part of his system of ideas of the world, person and society.
F.A. Autleva
On the evolution of perception of English Pre-Romanticism poetry and its translations in Russia
The paper shows the evolution of perception of English Pre-Romanticism poetry in Russia. The author examines data of critiques on R. Burns’s creativity in the Russian serials since the 1830s, in particular, related to the theory, history and practice of a literary translation and creative identity of the Scottish poet. The conclusion is drawn about the importance of reviews and translations of R. Burns into Russian.
I.A. Dubinina
Animalism of S.-G. Colette as a dominant of creative method and esthetic system
The paper examines creativity of the French prose writer S.-G. Colette. The author characterizes S.-G. Colette’s works and thematic preferences and makes an analysis of characters of the novel “Cat”. The inner world of the hero is shown through the images of animals. The role of a sound form in creation of an artistic image is demonstrated. It is established that author’s subjectivity, i.e. the openly expressed author’s basis, makes up the structural and organizing principle of a memoirs narration in Colette’s creativity.
Z.Kh. Guchetl, R.S. Zhazhiyeva
Paradigms of the Adyghe detective genre
The paper explores specific features of the detective story as one of the popular literary genres in the basis of which is the duel between a crime and human justice. The authors define the sources of the Adyghe detective genre and role of influence of well-known masters on it by using an example of creativity of Vyacheslav Tletseri (novels “Southern Cross” and “Avalanche”). A positive side of a new genre is defined to be that its development in the direction of increasing merits of the hero (his intellectual opportunities) has now no quantitative limit since mind force – in principle – is boundless, and its actual limits depend only on intellectual opportunities and on ingenuity of the authors writing detective stories.
F.N. Kerasheva
Archetype motives in literature
The concept of motive in literature is examined from the point of view of various researches and approaches. Comparative-historical, genetic and structural methods in studying the archetype motives are revealed. It is inferred that motives get into all literary genres anyway, connecting different layers in culture.
E.A. Kivilidi
Functioning specifics of means of art expressiveness in different types of a sketch
Using a material of the leader literary, social and political journal “Literary Adyghea”, the author shows specifics in using means of the art expressiveness, realizing tasks, characteristic of various types of sketch works. Also the short characteristic of versatility of the sketches presented in the journal is given. It is inferred that in the art sketches, means of expressiveness drawing a visual pattern predominate, and in problem sketches, those that create an emotional image. In portrait sketches, correlation of means of expressiveness depends on the author’s specific objective.
S.R. Panesh
Poem-fairy tale and its traditions (A. Gadagatl, Kh. Beretar, I. Mashbash etc.)
An analysis is made of art features of the poems on a folklore basis, their traditions and experience. It is noted that strengthening of epic traditions is observed in them. The plot in such poems is peculiar: the events, facts and acts of heroes put a feat of the main character in the forefront. It is established that the poem-fairy tale enriched literature with plots, characters of heroes, ideas, means of art expressiveness, a figurative and language palette, the national expressions and with the rich imagination of plot lines in development of feats of heroes.
D.S. Tovsultanova, T.B. Dzhambekova
Reflection of the spiritual, moral and philosophical concept of Musa Akhmadov in publicistic works of the last years
The paper discusses the specific features of system of social, political, spiritual, moral and philosophical representations of Musa Akhmadov and its evolution on the basis of materials taken from the central and Chechen mass media of the last decade. An analysis is made of techniques and forms of expressive speech which are present in the publicistic text. Owing to them this type of verbal works is combined with works of art. It becomes clear that the position of the author-publicist expressed through the facts of real life, is in the center of system of arguments, images and thoughts.
Yu.A. Yakhutl
Ideological and art components of the updated model of Adyghe enlightenment in the young literature novel
The paper discusses the idea of studying post-revolutionary enlightenment through structural components of its model in the Adyghe novel. The author presents a complete idea of value of the spiritual and moral basis for mature literature and its new type of the hero. A dramatic nature of searches and attempts to realize ideas of artistic embodiment of new enlightenment is shown. It is inferred that a new approach allowed the author to designate legitimacy of studying the enlightenment in the Adyghe young literature novel.
R.M. Bartsyts
Sanctuaries of Abkhazia in modern ceremonial practice
An analysis is made of the modern ceremonial practice of Abkhazians related to honoring the Abkhazian and patrimonial sanctuaries in the territory of the republic. Seven main sanctuaries of Abkhazia are described on the basis of materials collected in expeditions during the last twenty years. It is inferred that the national and Christian cults harmoniously coexist in religious consciousness of modern Abkhazians.
A.S. Kuyek
Tkhyeshkho in epic legends and ethno-mental views of Adyghes
The paper explores cosmogonic Tkhyeshkho, one of the mythological images of the Adyghe heroic epos “Nartkher”. In a context of a mythic-epic vision and ethno-mental view, the ideas of the Supreme God are analyzed as part of philosophical and esthetic system of the Adyghe people. The analysis of folklore materials confirms that in mythological attitude of Adyghes there was a concept of the founder of the Universe - Tkhyeshkho (Great God). He was represented by the ubiquitous, corporally conceiving being having no beginning, no end and to which everything in the world was submitted. It is established that Tkhyeshkho in Nart epos is presented less widely than in cult khokhs or proverbs, but the analysis of Nart legends helps scientists to study this image more profoundly.
T.N. Chamokov
Zhabaghi Kazanoko in national memory of Adyghes (personality and image)
The paper examines the image of Zhabaghi Kazanoko, the national wise man and public figure of Kabarda, who has become the unique phenomenon of Adyghes culture of the first half of the 18-th century. The author traces the transformation of historic figure of Kazanoko into an artistic image of folklore novelistic prose. The new version of etymology of the name “Zhabaghi” is proposed basing on the Adyghe ancient word “dzhebagju” (“dzhebagjo”) which means the «herald» or “wailing”. Thereby interpretation of its Turkic origin is rejected.
O.A. Bondarenko
Language of youth mass media
This paper discusses the problems related to distortion of Russian and the use of slang in the Russian youth mass media. The youth slang distorts language. It is noted that regional youth mass media, unlike glossy magazines, seldom use slang. In addition, regional editions bear educational function. The author shows that the special attention needs to be paid to development of regional youth mass media which seek to keep Russian without jargons and slang and bear the educational function most actual for youth today.
D.A. Nosayev
Influence of the serial graphic model elements on its success
The paper discusses the design of modern newspapers. The author defines the role of components of the newspaper composite - graphic model in an overall picture of mass media design, examines the modern directions in development of newspaper graphic design, gives the algorithm of serial research and shows importance of use of its results. The design of newspapers is proved to become one of the main typological signs and demands fuller research, assessment and forecasting of its development.
A.A. Tsakanyan
Analysis of the regional market of printed mass media
An analysis is made of the serial market of Krasnodar Territory and factors which are slowing down its development. The author shows the main economic aspects and advertising policy of regional serials. The leading direction of journals and newspapers is strengthening of influence of the economic factors connected with advertising dependence of the budget of editions and with need to improve the distribution system. It is established that in the regional market of the press today there are processes that both promote strengthening of economic stability of local newspapers and journals and work for decrease in their public importance.
N.M. Shishkhova
Journalism questions in P.L. Lavrov’s early works (1850-1860s)
An analysis is made of specific features of views of the well-known publicist and populist P.L. Lavrov related to the purposes and problems of journalism. The present research focuses upon the main stages of discussion round the new information space formed in the 1860s and its role in these disputes. Special attention is paid to problems of integration of various types of editions and the genres noted by Lavrov. As a whole it is inferred that the general system of his views on the press brightly illustrates an originality of the considered period in the history of the Russian journalism.
Study of Arts
S.A. Kushu
Comic dances of Adyghes
This paper studies a large body of folk dances of the Adyghes, which can be attributed to the comic genre. Using two important attributes (the content and form of existence) for classification, the author identifies three sub-genres of dance prevailing today: musical competitive dances and games, musical – theater and imitative. The main conclusion of the paper is that the comic dances of the Adyghes are included in the system of mental ethnic characteristics and have agonistic, educational, theatrical entertainment, artistic and aesthetic character.
S.I. Khvatova
Ecumenical tendencies in orthodox divine service singing
An analysis is made of specific features of modern divine service repertoire. As a result the ecumenical tendencies manifested both in loan of Catholic musical texts of chants and in stylizations, are revealed. The author shows the ways of application in processing the borrowed material and stylizations which illustrate a susceptibility of orthodox singing culture to others, ability to accumulation for achievement of required result of necessary art means, for the purpose of their inclusion in a context of the traditional, without having broken initial prayerful organization of the corresponding rank.
N.M. Shishkhova
The book about the book (The review of Z.Yu. Khuako’s book “From writing – to book culture”)