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#2 / 2018
Literary Criticism
Gerelegiz Husnu
On evolution of the concept of the personality in Tembot Kerashev’s works
The paper discusses the formation and evolution of the concept of the personality in Tembot Kerashev’s works. In his first works (the story “Ark”, the novel «The Road to Happiness»), the philosophy of revolutionary reorganization of reality defines an idealization of the image of the heroic character and an esthetics of «extreme contrasts». In prose of the following stage (the second half of the 1950s – the 1980s), in novellas «The Daughter of the Shapsugs», «Abrek», «The Revenge of the Horse Herder», in stories «Life Lesson», «Last Shot» and others, the problematical character is deepening. The writer pays attention to the idea of inherently valued importance of the individual that leads to enrichment of an art form. The historical-literary, comparative and typological methods of the research used in work help to mark out features of artistic realization of an author’s position, to draw conclusions on creative identity of the writer. The theoretical importance of work lies in that its provisions expand idea of the art concept of the personality. The analysis made in this paper can be used at further studying the famous writer’s works.
Dzhambekova T.B., Kilabova M.A.
Internal consistency, structural and semantic innovation and variety of prose of the Chechen writer Musa Beksultanov
The paper deals with the works of the famous Chechen writer Musa Beksultanov and different areas of his creative character, which are distant one from another by «the way of perception and display». The purpose of the study is to analyze and describe the inner proximity and unity of the stories, novels and essays of the writer, which are shown in community of an author’s position. From this perspective we study M. Beksultanov’s writing, characterized by «richness» of the poetic images, fresh thoughts, bright «expression, surprise and conviction». To solve these problems, we use the method of contextual analysis, the result of which was a direct and at the same time comprehensive statement of the national identity, the main features of which are originality, particularity of the content and form of works. The material of the study was the literary texts published by the writer over the past few decades. The significance of the study for the theory and history of literature is the reflection of the relationship of the heroes of M. Beksultanov’s works with nature, as well as the characteristic deep moral and ethical relationships between people. These facts underline the novelty of symbolics, stylistics and poetics of Musa Beksultanov’s prose, as well as an expression and lyricism, a delicate balance of internal and external resource. The humanistic conception of the writer is solved in a similar way, which is generally reduced to the aesthetic and spiritual-moral paradigm of the universal history – overcoming the power of the evil.
Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P.
Traditions and innovation in I.A. Brodsky’s poetry (from material of «The Great Elegy for John Donne»)
In this paper, we examine traditions and innovation in I.A. Brodsky’s creativity. “The Great Elegy for John Donne» serves as an object of research. We investigate how I.A. Brodsky, using traditional genre, composition and expressive means, creates new fabric of the poetic work. The attention is focused on a circle of the subjects and figurative system offered by Brodsky. Such approach to works of the poet allows us to reproduce a complete picture of literary process throughout intervals occurring at different times, to show interrelation and transition of art means from one literary direction to another and to reveal an originality of his literary skill. We have established that, creating «The Great Elegy for John Donne», Brodsky uses traditional genre definition – «elegy» – combining it in the name of the poetic work with another genre concept – «message» – as the last one can have the specific addressee. There is a merge of traditional and new techniques at creation of the elegy: in a composite ring I.A. Brodsky uses new technique of «the centrifugal movement of the poem». The traditional circle of the subjects united by a theme of «time-immovability-dream» (this concept is entered by us), receives new interpretation when Brodsky refers to figurative system, the components of which are created by means of traditional figures of speech and syntactic figures.
Kilabova M.A.
Reflection of dialogue of cultures in intellectual prose of M. Beksultanov
The paper discusses the features of reflection of questions related to dialogue of cultures in intellectual prose of the Chechen writer M. Beksultanov. The purpose of this paper is to analyze M. Beksultanov’s understanding of problems of literary communications and influences, which have found reflection in his essays, literary critiques and an interview. This publication shows depth of his reader’s and literary preferences including a wide range of authors of the national, Russian and world literature, writers of the different ideological, art and esthetic directions – realists, «neorealists», «neoromantics», existentialists, representatives and masters of esoteric and mystical allegories, «neomythologism», lyrical prose, and consciousness stream literature. In his literary theory and practice, M. Beksultanov displays interest in everything innovative in art, aspiration to overcoming traditional stamps and stereotypes. The conclusion is drawn about importance and relevance of cross-cultural problems for the writer’s works.
Panesh U.M., Setova T.S.
On typological features of the 1960s – the 1980s prose on war subject (from materials of the Adyghe literature)
The paper discusses the features of formation and development of the Adyghe prose of the 1960s – 1980s on a war subject in the context of the Soviet literature. The publication identifies the lines of a new stage of art of a word caused by the «modern» cultural-historical period of public reality – strengthening of problematical character, and the movement to profound character and artistically truthful, psychologically motivated display of events. An analysis is made of evolution of the conflict and genre forms in works of A. Evtykh, I. Mashbash, Kh. Ashinov and P. Koshubaev. Various tendencies are available in development of prose - large-scale depiction of military events and psychologically profound, analytical display, which correspond to two genre structures. The historic-literary, comparative and typological methods used in work allow us to formulate the following conclusions: in war prose, intensive attempts were made in the 1960s – 1980s to develop new genre forms – the synthesized lyrical-epic novella of characters and problems and a small in volume moral philosophical novel with a complicated design. The scientific-theoretical importance of this work lies in the solution of problems of formation and development of various genres in national literature. The practical value is its application at a research of history of literature, in development of high school textbooks and manuals.
Panesh U.M., Urakova F.K.
On evolution of the historical novel in the 1950s through the 1980s and the narrative forms adjoining it (from material of the Adyghe literatures)
The paper investigates the development of a genre of the historical novel and narrative forms adjoining it in the Adyghe literatures of the second half of the 1950s through the 1980s. An analysis is made of the originality of problems, conflict and genre forms of works of T. Kerashev, A. Shortanov, I. Mashbash, etc. The material of the specific analysis of small prose of T. Kerashev and the novel «Mountaineers» by A. Shortanov are taken as a basis to formulate lines of a new stage of domestic art of a word – strengthening the problematical character by deepening the concept of the personality, and the movement to variety of narrative forms. The comparative and typological methods used in work lead to a conclusion that the Adyghe prose on a historical subject overcomes information and descriptive orientation, style uniformity of the epic story, where the main loading lies on the author’s comment, and starts intensive development of unknown genre modifications. The scientific importance of work is that it stipulates the solution of theoretical problems of development of genres and styles. Its practical demand is due to a possibility of application at a research of history of domestic literature and in development of high school textbooks and manuals.
Petrishin D.V., Paranuk K.N.
Initiation as a sacral element of art structure of the Russian magic fairy tales
The paper explores the initiation ceremony as a basis of the Russian magic fairy tale. Its purpose is to define sacral sense of a ceremony of initiation in contents and structure of the fairy tale. The following problems are solved: to reveal conceptual significance of a ceremony of initiation in the fate of heroes; to examine elements making the ceremony, such as excommunication of the hero from parents, isolation of the neophyte, a sacrifice, tests of the hero and to define sacral sense of the fairy tale elements under study. The structural and typological, comparative and hermeneutic-interpretative methods used in work allow us to draw a conclusion that the ceremony of initiation makes sacral sense and conceptual significance in semantics and art structure of the magic fairy tale. The theoretical significance of the results of research is associated with the problem of the system analysis of a sacral basis of the Russian magic fairy tales with the use of cross-disciplinary approach and with attraction of psychological, historical, ethnographic and culturological works. They can be applied on classes in folklore at schools and higher education institutions.
Ryaguzova L.N., Li Yan (People’s Republic of China)
The concept of «informidable death» in A.S. Pushkin and V. Nabokov’s art consciousness
The paper examines views and style expression of a concept of «informidable death» in art thinking of A.S. Pushkin and its perception in S. Volkonsky and V. Nepomnyaschy’s critical reflection. In this concept, Pushkin formulates, at first sight, unsolvable contradiction, namely: how it is possible to love life and to give it so easy, to play it, to risk it. Self-annihilation, fearlessness in the biographic plan goes deep owing to philosophical perception of death in the face of eternity, «the indifferent nature», but mainly the concept of «informidable death» belongs to its poetic description. The authors analyze attributes and lexical equivalents of concepts: «the mystery of death», «death face», «a moment of death», «death shadow», «custom of death», as well as give literary parallels with its analog, grotesque death («cheerful», «amusing death») in V. Nabokov’s works. System, typological, structural, semiotic and conceptual methods are used. As a result of observations it has been established that a metaphorical designation of a phenomenon of death at Pushkin as «informidable» has the ontological reasons and art criteria, that makes the practical importance of this research.
Ryaguzova L.N., Ciao Jiezhao (People’s Republic of China)
A.I. Solzhenitsyn and V. Nabokov: paradoxes of literary «meetings» and «nonmeetings»
The paper examines the strategy of public behavior of A.I. Solzhenitsyn and V. Nabokov, their possible vital «meetings» and literary parallels in a critical reflection of a modern emigrantology. The common subjects of judgment of exile as space of cultural creativity, subjectivization of Russia and a way of creative development of traditions of the Russian literature are for the first time structured most completely. The comparative analysis of publicistic skill and role function of authors in aspects of comparative-historical, conceptual and culturological methods is given. The scientific novelty of this publication lies in the planned prospects of a further research in the field of art ontology, high degree of a self-reflection and a language game in works by both authors. The practical importance of comparison of two paradoxical creative persons in a situation of emigration and evolution of art thinking of the 20th century is obvious, especially in the context of reading a phenomenon of attraction / pushing away national traditions.
Tibilov I.S.
Formation of a small epic form in the Ossetian literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
In the paper, we explore the evolution of a small genre form of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which has exerted impact on development of the Ossetian literature. Bright representatives of a prosaic genre of that time were S. Gadiev and A. Kotsoev. In this regard, relevant is the research of the questions connected with specifics of their art creativity in a comparative and typological aspect of consideration. The novelty lies in specification of genre definitions, in identification of typological features of realism of Kotsoev aimed at depiction of «typical characters in typical circumstances» rather than specific real persons as at S. Gadiev. Also, we deal with manifestations of romantic and realistic tendencies in prose of the period under study, identify the prepotent thematic complex, describe the process of transition of the author to critical realism and analyze Kotsoev’s attitude to socialist realism. The main methods of this research are comparative and typological. The outcomes of this research include identification of the art, social, spiritual and moral priorities of A. Kotsoev embodied in his art world, as well as finding out of a role of works of the writer in the course of formation of the Ossetian literature.
Khazueva B.A.
Constants of art judgment of images of the nature in lyrics of the Chechen poet Shaid Rashidov
The paper explores the features of art judgment of images of the nature in lyrics of the Chechen poet Shaid Rashidov, the specifics of disclosure of these images in the Chechen folklore and literature, the main forms of use by the author of symbolics of flora, in particular images of the trees going from mythological motive of a world tree. The work fixes the verses devoted to spiritual moral and philosophical understanding of the nature, methods of parallelism, animism, anthropomorphism, metaphorization and allegory in disclosure of phytonymical symbolics and evolution of this lyrical subject in works by Sh. Rashidov. The comparative characteristic of a number of poetic texts is carried out. The conclusion is drawn that motives of the nature are relevant and efficient for disclosure of depth of the lyrical hero’s inner world in poetry of Sh. Rashidov.
Cherevko G.V.
Function of expressional gestures in stories of V.V. Nabokov
The paper explores the typology of gestures depending on speech construction and on expressiveness degree in them of the expressional attitude. The purpose of work is to comprehend a problem of nonverbal means of communication of heroes. Importance of studying nonverbal means is caused by both literary and common cultural reasons. One of serious problems is deficiency of communication, impossibility of establishment of contact of the person with the outside world. The communication units, most significant for V. Nabokov’s creativity, which can be useful to other authors and to culture in general, are allocated and described in the system of communication. The practical value of work is defined by a possibility of its use at further studying literary works of V. Nabokov.
The research is focused on the methods which have developed within historical poetics and, in particular, the analysis, as well as on the approaches approved in a communicative esthetics, in that its specific link which is connected with stories and the system of nonverbal communication. The methodological base of research is presented by works on studying nonverbal means of communication of M.N. Zhornikova, S.A. Grigorieva and O. Maslennikova. In work, the emphasis on the lexical nature connected with specific lexical units – gestures has been for the first time placed. Thus, the gestures which are found in stories can be subdivided into the following groups: exaggerated «theatrical», intense emotional and extraordinary, and a certain type of gestures is typical of each hero.
Shovgenova T.A.
The historical – revolutionary theme in the Adyghe literary discourse
An attempt is undertaken to assess the national literary science of works on a historical-revolutionary subject which has become the noticeable phenomenon in art prose. The relevance is defined by insufficient study in literary criticism of many features of historical-revolutionary prose: the subject has not received the deep analysis in respect of genre definitions of works, assessment of the principles of historicism and artistic implementation of historic figures. The purpose of this paper is to generalize the existing estimates and to designate prospect in a research of a historical-revolutionary subject in the Adyghe literary science. Application of comparative, historical and theoretical methods of research has allowed us to come to a conclusion that the historical-revolutionary subject has given unique shape to literature of the 20th century. An era has presented the considerable works transmitting a spirit of the age, showing evolution of regeneration of people. The practical importance of work is that it can become a part in development of lessons, after-hour occupations in various educational institutions and theoretical base of further researches of the Adyghe historical-revolutionary prose.
Maroulis Dionysios
Homer and Cavafy: a relationship of thematic intertextuality
The relationship between the poet Cavafy and Homer is characteristic for the way Cavafy worked on his poems. Cavafy can be described as a poet of library, since the source of inspiration for many of his poems are his readings. Many of these works of Cavafy are symbolic. In particular, the poet borrows characters and situations from myths, distinguishes them from their characteristic environment and generalizes the features of their character, elevating them to a symbol. In the search for symbols and images that play such an important role in his work, the poet turns primarily to the Homeric world. In this article, an attempt is made to compare the mythological poems of Cavafy with the Homeric prototype in order to highlight some of the typological tendencies of the poet’s work. The main method of analysis is the thematic comparison of Homer’s works with the poems of Cavafy in order to explore their thematic relationship and demonstrate that Cavafy in Homer’s heritage seeks for symbols for the main themes of his poetry such as fate, death, youth. It must be noticed that most of his mythological poems are permeated with respect to the meaning and version of his mythological source, except the poem «Ithaca», where pleasure and knowledge are delivered by the desire for travel.
Shkhalakhova S.S.
Azhagafa as the archaic character of folk theater of the Adyghes
The paper deals with the questions of ceremonial and professional theater of the Adyghes. The author identifies genetic and typological linkages, functions and behavioral properties of azhagafa, the most ancient character of the Adyghe ceremonial culture and goat-hoofed satirs – participants of processions of Ancient Greek God Dionysus. The unity of sources and parallels of development of early types of creativity in the ancient people is established. Results of this research will promote profound studying a complex of folk ceremonial theater as a basis and forerunner of the Adyghe modern professional theater with the subsequent analysis of interrelation of a triad: an azhagafa – dzheguako (khatiyako) – the actor of modern theater. The conclusion is drawn that the archaic azhagafa, at a late step of development transformed in dzheguako – the medieval actor manager of merrymakings, is the central figure in formation of a character code of ceremonial theater.
Novak M.V.
Chronological dictionary – desk book «History of Russian Orthodoxy in America»: experience of creation
The purpose of this paper is to present data in system, in the dictionary – desk book organizing them in a chronological order to study history of any complicated socio-political or cultural phenomena for the adequate understanding of their essence and significance requiring evident representation of the whole panorama of events, facts and operating forces and persons. In order to compare various facts and identify their relationships of cause and effect, dictionary entries have the form of tables, which will allow synchronization of the course of various historical, political or public processes. To make the formalized statement of the dictionary text more fascinating and exert emotional attitude to events of far history, we included subjectively painted statements and quotes of participants or witnesses of historical events of formation of the Russian Orthodoxy in the USA in the dictionary, by using a comparative and typological method and technique of «storytelling». Results of work have a theoretical and practical significance, as this is the first experience in edition of such work and on such subject.
Primina O.M.
The ratings of higher education institutions as an image-forming component of information space
The relevance of the research is determined to the fact that in the modern period the society is engaged in the development of human capital, the basis of which is a competitive and flexible education system. In this regard, many countries carry out work to compile university rankings, informing the public about the best universities in the world. In addition, the ratings of universities, influencing the activities of universities and national policies of many countries, are becoming an increasingly important factor in the market of educational services. The formation of the global information space has determined the necessity of ranking the standards of higher education and recognizing the qualification characteristics of specialists in the labor market. The purpose of creating ratings is information in the media for the target audience (applicants and their parents), which significantly affects the image of universities and allows determination of the main trends in the development of higher education in a particular country. This article examines the role of ratings as an important component of the university’s image in the world market of educational services from the point of view of the global information space.
Shishkhova N.M.
Some problems of journalism in the training course of history of the Russian literature of the 17-18th centuries
The paper explores the ways of the origin and formation of domestic journalism, its genre system, originality of functioning, and the most important – specifics of art interaction and functioning of its forms in the history of the Russian literature of the 17-18th centuries. The author formulates the theoretical justification and the main methodological approaches to comparative analysis of the history of journalism and history of literature. The extreme relevance of this problem is due to two components: need of an integrated approach to a research of the literary and art phenomena, and obvious «fading» of scientific interest in history of the press of this period. The problem of a periodization of the 18th century journalism causes scientific polemics and becomes an important part of the history of the Russian literature. It helps disclose not only the general laws of development of the press, to present process of formation of genres of journalism, a way of professionalizing journalistic work, but also to see analogs of public and literary processes and to hear art language of an era.
Achilova E.N., Buyanova L.Yu.
Terminological verbalization of the category of the subject of financial and economic activity: the derivative aspect
From the cognitive-derivational positions, the specialized category of the subject of financial and economic activity is analyzed, the derivational features of its formation are identified and argued, and its role and place in the derivational system of the metalanguage of the global economic science are presented. The theoretical significance lies in the reflection that the verbalization of this category is due to both extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors that determine the diversity and heterogeneity of the linguistic explication of the category of the subject in the economic discursive area. The conclusion is drawn that the processes of terminological derivation are of a universal nature, i.e. are carried out by common cognitive models in all languages, but using the national-international terminophone means, resulting in heterogeneous in structure and degree of specialization terminological units that form the language of science of each cognitive field. The practical value of the above material and observations consists in the possibility of its application in the practice of teaching high school courses in the theory of language, word formation and general terminology.
Boyko S.A., Shaprinskaya O.N.
Representation of ambivalence in fiction discourse
The article is devoted to research in the field of discourse theory. The main purpose of the study is to identify ambivalence in the basic author’s concepts of the L. Carroll’s works «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland», «Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There» and R.L. Stevenson’s «Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde». Scientific importance of the article is that the concept of ambivalence is a largely unexplored topic. Scientific novelty of this work is in the identification of the ambivalent meanings’ structure of the basic concepts of L.Carroll è R. L. Stevenson. In the article, the following methods of the investigation are used: frequency analysis, contextual analysis and linguo-hermeneutic approach. The results of the research make some contribution to the theory of discourse, linguo-hermeneutics, the theory of linguistic universals and literature. The results obtained during the process of the investigation contribute to the theoretical understanding of the category «ambivalence» in the language. Practical significance of the research is expressed in the possibility of usage of the results during lecture studies and practical exercises, special courses on the theory of language, lexicology, applied linguistics, the theory of text, the theory of understanding and hermeneutics, literature criticism. The article also defines the terms «discourse», «concept», «ambivalence», describes the study of the ambivalence of the fundamental concepts in the above mentioned works and its result.
Golubtsov S.A.
Foreign lexical inclusions as a mean of character’s portrait representation
The article deals with the principles of the description of the foreign lexical inclusions used in the works of the British writer S. Maugham. The data obtained within given scientific study that is based on the study of foreign lexical inclusions help to determine its functions which are responsible for attracting the reader by affecting his intellectual and emotional spheres. The study proves that the foreign lexical inclusions are introduced to the text for achievement of the increased expressiveness of the fiction text, also for individualization of the character’s speech and the creation of their portraits. Methods of the study include interpretative and functional-stylistic analysis of the fiction text. The study results are of theoretical importance, including systematic approach to the working out the functions of foreign lexical inclusions, among them there are realization of comic effect, euphemism, language competence, author’s critical opinion and local national peculiarities. It is proved through the analysis that foreign lexical inclusions reveal various effects in fiction texts. The given results could be successfully used directly for study of the functioning of the foreign lexical inclusions in creative speech that helps to describe individual author’s art world view and is fruitful for the theory of text analysis.
Golubtsov S.A., Luchinskaya E.N.
Language game as a mean of actualization of intertext in the fiction discourse
The main principles of the description of the intertextuality that is understood as a kind of language game are revealed. The data obtained within given scientific study that is based on intertextuality help to determine intertextual insertion which may be correlated with the different situations. Language game is understood as an activity that realizes according to the certain rules when the process is more important than the result and it is the mean of specific communication. The usual aim of language game is the recipient, that’s why one should pay attention to the author’s game with the text and also to the reader’s transformation into the author’s companion and co-author. Methods of the study include interpretative analysis of the fiction text. The study results are of theoretical importance, they include systematic approach to the working out the ways of intertext interpretation due to context which presupposes the broadening of its intertextual perspective. It is proved through the analysis that the play with the intertext opens various effects that are used in fiction discourse. The given results could be successfully used directly for study of the functioning of the “precedent word” in creative speech that in a whole helps to reveal the main essence of the play – renewal in multiple repetitions.
Demchenko E.F., Ostrovskaya T.A.
The frame analysis of concept «property» in the British culture of language in the first half of the 20th century
This work discusses ways of verbalization of a basic social cultural concept «property» in the British culture of language in the first half of the 20th century. Lexical units, verbalizing the concept «property» in the text of the novel «The White Monkey» by John Galsworthy, are analyzed. The material of the considered lexical units is used to construct the frame model of the concept «property». The authors define the conventional and specific features of the concept «property» and the reality fragments covered by this concept. The conclusion is drawn that in the first half of the 20th century the concept «property» is widely presented in the sphere of the relations of property and covers such fragments of reality as the subject, an object and conditions of the relations of property, as well as the actions made by the subject and an object of the relations of property. For carriers of the British culture of language of the considered period the most important fragment of reality within the relations of property is operating by an object of the relations of property and ways of such operating. The theoretical importance consists in expansion of idea of a conceptual and language picture of the world of native speakers of English. The practical importance of the stated material lies in a possibility of its application by drawing up dictionaries of linguocultural concepts of English, the theory and practice of cross-cultural communication, and in teaching a practical course of English.
Cankilic Adnan
On ways of formation of the Adyghe onyms designating the place, tools and material names with an affix and sound alternation
The problem of ways of formation of various parts of speech in the Adyghe languages still draws attention of researchers of the Adyghe languages, in particular Kh.Sh. Urusov, Yu.A. Tkharkakhov, etc. However, there are still questions which demand the studying. New ways of word formation in the Adyghe languages are revealed. Proceeding from it, we focus our attention on some aspects that make it possible to reveal new, most productive ways of word formation. Unfortunately, word-formation opportunities of the Adyghe languages have not found full reflection in the existing scientific researches on this subject. We have made attempt to consider in more detail phonetic changes in word formation process. Results of our research can be used in higher institution course «Modern Kabardino-Circassian Language» and in a lexicographic grammar.
Zelenskaya V.V., Kanon I.A.
Provincial personality: world outlook, sociocultural and aesthetic components (based on the novel prose of S.-G. Colette)
The article is devoted to revealing the world outlook, sociocultural and aesthetic components of the provincial personality in the fiction text. During the determination of the notion “provincial personality” it is established that the author rethinks the meaning of the word “province”, and the capital / provincial correlation is seen in the binary opposition. A new type of human character is stated, that was formed in conditions of geographical distance from the capital marked by a specific moral value. The data, obtained within the given scientific study based on the description of the fiction texts, help to identify the dominants of the emotional state of the provincial personality and the artistic means of their incarnation. The results of the study are of high theoretical value that presupposes systematic approach to working out the entire personage image that is based on detailed description of artistic means. During the analysis it is concluded that the province can be understood as a state of the human soul. The main method of the study is cognitive analysis of the fiction text. The results obtained can be successfully applied both for the studying the language personality of the character or individual author’s language personality and for further learning the theory of fiction text analysis.
Kopot L.V., Adzinova A.A.
Communicative failure as result of violation of ethical standard in texts of social advertising
Scientific interest in advertising language as an object of linguistics is caused by aspiration of copywriters to updating information material that, in its turn, promotes the address both to verbal expressional and artistic tools, and iconic, sociocultural components which are stored in memory of the people, reflecting the active processes in society realized in language. Incorrect examples of a language game in texts of social advertising are revealed and analyzed. Emergence of examples of a language game is a continuous process therefore new advertising texts need the versatile description since there is an expansion of semantic structure of the available words under the influence of intralinguistic and extralinguistic factors. The practical importance lies in formation of an elite information field of advertising texts and the moral culture of younger generation. The following methods are applied: methods of observation, system research and comparison. The conclusion is drawn that the substandard «game» tendency promoting emergence of communicative failures of the copywriter in a pursuit of an unusual form, expression, grotesque, finally the pragmatical effect which is negatively influencing the addressee, is increasing.
Kubashicheva S.K.
English economic texts as sociolinguistic phenomenon
The paper offers a new vision of information space through a prism of analytical character of the English determining translation practice of special texts. The research is aimed at the identification and description of a tendency of development of the specific conceptual sphere of economy as linguistic phenomenon. Important aspects of formation of new lexical layers where terms act as universal remedy of professional communication are revealed by means of the comparative and content analysis. The theoretical problems connected with the translation of texts for the special purposes are designated. Various methods of transfer of figurative phraseology and special lexicon of economic texts which can be applied as an algorithm of work with professional texts and dictionaries are offered.
Kysylbaikova M.I.
The language national consciousness of native speakers of the Yakut and English languages (based on the analysis of the stimulus word «language»)
In order to determine the concept of the language consciousness of native speakers of the Yakut and English languages in relation to the concept of «culture,» an analysis of associative responses to the stimulus word «language» was carried out.
The study of the language consciousness of the native speakers of a particular language is carried out mainly with the help of an associative experiment. The first step in this experiment is the selection of appropriate stimulus words for the concept under study. In this article, an analysis of the stimulus word «language» is presented, which is one of the 15 stimulus words of the concept «culture». Stimulus words are revealed on the basis of analysis of dictionary articles of the term «culture» from the explanatory, encyclopedic, terminological dictionaries. We notice an increased interest in issues of ethnicity and national consciousness. The problem of ethnicity is increasingly touched in the linguistic, culturological, archaeological works of our time. Relevant is the study of the consciousness of ethnic groups that exert influence on the environment and public practice. The article presents an analysis of the stimulus word «language». Through the analysis of the received reactions, based on the results of the associative experiment carried out by the carriers of the Yakut and English languages, we have got an idea of how this stimulus word functions in the language consciousness of the native speakers.
Limarova E.V., Sidorova N.A.
Value aspects of communication competences in structure of the language personality
The paper investigates a question of axiological aspects of the communication competences motivating the organization of verbal behavior of participants of communication, and given as one of components of structure of the language personality. Authors proceed from the principle of value determination of communicative acts and, respectively, formation of communicative competences. We consider the duality of the language personality in the course of communication as the regulator and the recipient of values. Data and conclusions are based on studying numerous works of domestic and foreign authors, as well as on the reviewed periodicals devoted to problems of the language personality, its essence and the competences implemented by this personality. It is concluded that there are the common features at competences of communication and communicative competence in structure of the language personality. Results of this research have the theoretical importance consisting in the description of value aspects of speech competences of speaker and making it possible to directly apply a structural-value method to a research of processes of both speech production and speech perception.
Nechay Yu.P., Tsepordey O.V.
The specifics of the language of German and Russian fairy tale: lexical and syntactical aspect
The article deals with the features of such type of German and Russian folklore as a fairy tale. An analysis is made of the specificity of its national coloring, phonetic, morphological and syntactic means of its execution, as well as the bilingual transformation. The theoretical significance of the work is in the author’s attempt to study how on the example of fairy tailes modern speakers of different ethnicities perceive the fragments of the linguistic view of the world, formed in the previous periods. The practical significance of the work is stipulated by the fact that it allows employment of the comparative analysis of fairy tale characters within another language material.
Osadchaya V.P.
Morphological-syntactic features of English football terminology
The paper deals with morphological-syntactic terminological structure of one of such team sports as football. We analyze structural features of English football terminology, productive ways of term building, and term classification by conceptual-thematic blocks as the cognitive phenomenon that conveys a certain amount of information being studied by language means. As a result of the structural analysis, certain linguistic features of the English football terminology are distinguished, differentiating it from the terminological systems of other subject fields. In terms of the structural characteristics, words (non-derivatives, derivatives, complex, abbreviations), term-combinations (two-component, three-component, multi-component) can perform the role of terms. Being part of general literary language, terminology develops according to general linguistic laws and uses the same methods of nomination as general vocabulary. In football terminology, one can trace back main general literary language word building ways. This group of sports terminology is distinguished from the vocabulary by functional criteria. Taking into account research object, such methods of linguistic analysis as functional, component, structural-semantic, and method of direct observation are widely used in the paper. Football terms taken from Anglophone resources served as a research material to study the problems mentioned above.
Rashidova A.G., Bizhitueva M.P.
Adverbs with spatial meaning in the English language in comparison with Lak and Russian languages
The article discusses English adverbs with spatial meaning and their correspondences in the Lak and Russian languages, reveals some patterns of the functioning of English adverbs of «rest» or «movement» in the system of local cases and postpositions of the Lak language and the prepositional-case construction of the Russian language. English adverbs convey case relations more accurately, but when compared with Lak language it is revealed that one meaning of the local case can be transmitted by different English adverbs with a spatial meaning. The reason for the detailed development of the system of cases in Daghestan languages by many researchers of Ibero-Caucasian languages was the complexity of the case system in the mountain languages of Daghestan. The results of the conducted research allow us to use the results as an auxiliary teaching material for the Lak school teachers who teach the English, Russian and Lak languages. Also, the results can serve as a basis for comparative and typological study of morphology of Lak and other related Daghestan languages, English and some other foreign languages, which are studied in secondary and higher schools of the Republic of Daghestan.
Rudenko K.V.
Specificity of the Russian linguistic personality of B. Akunin (based on the example of novels about Fandorin)
The article considers the concept of «writer’s linguistic personality» of B.Akunin based on the example of novels about Fandorin («The Winter Queen», «She lover of Death») to examine an analysis of the author’s idiostyle and to describe Yu.N. Karaulov’s basic levels of the phenomena: structural-linguistic, linguistic-cognitive and pragmatic levels. On the basis of this research the following features are identified: the using of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic means of speech, modern slang, reliance on pretexts, and the use of elements of the language game. The novelty of the research lies in an integrated and systematic approach to the study of the mordern writer B.Akunin as a linguistic personality.
Sitimova S.S., Abregov A.N.
On lexicon and morphology of the Khatukaysky-Adamiysky dialect of the Adyghe language
In order to identify some lexical and morphological features of the Khatukaysky-Adamiysky dialect of the Adyghe language the following problems are solved: to reveal and describe some lexical and morphological features of the Khatukaysky-Adamiysky dialect. The relevance of a subject of this research is caused by existence in the Adyghe language of a complex of the unsolved controversial issues connected with the essence and grammatical status of the Khatukaysky-Adamiysky dialect. Traditional linguistic methods of research are used: descriptive, comparative, method of the contextual analysis, as well as such technique as observation and generalization. Of scientific importance are the revealed morphological and lexical features of the Khatukaysky-Adamiysky dialect and other dialects of the Adyghe language that allows us to comprehend better the morphological, lexical system of the Adyghe literary language and to predict its further development. The theoretical importance of work is in that the research of the problems connected with the grammatical nature of the Khatukaysky-Adamiysky dialect and its functioning makes a certain contribution to the general theory of studying morphology of the Adyghe languages. The practical value of this research lies in that the obtained results can be used during the language analysis in the Adyghe language and the Adyghe literature which is carried out at school and in higher education institution. Research materials can be also applied in a lecture and practical training in the Adyghe language and linguistics.
Sokur E.A., Adzinova A.A.
Microconcepts the husband – the wife in the Russian culture of language
The paper examines specifics of the associations making the field of the considered concepts with the purpose to analyze lexical and phraseological units and to reveal the main cultural principles and stereotypes. Data of linguistic dictionaries have served as material of this research. The concept in the paper is understood as unit of collective knowledge which has language expression and ethnocultural specifics. Units reflecting the main associations are identified. A method of scientific observation with the discursive and component analysis is used. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of work are defined by the place of the studied concepts in language consciousness of the Russian people. The undertaken analysis makes a certain contribution to cognitive and cultural linguistics. It is inferred that there are various cultural principles in language consciousness concerning each of the microconcepts due to influence of cultural tradition and social modeling.
Terpelets Zh.A.
Language mechanisms of female-athlete representation in mass media discourse of the English and French languages: gender aspect
Due to the global popularity of sport, we carry out for the first time the language and culturological analysis of representation of persons of the famous sportswomen and a research of a gender originality of media texts in the English and French languages. We use methods of the theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the studied problems, and a method of the contextual and complex analysis to define discursive, intentional, expressional and stylistic characteristics of the text in gender aspect. Research has shown that female images are subject to a trivialization and stereotypification at the level of gender roles, and the gravity of representation of sportswomen and elucidation of female sport decreases. A research objective is to demonstrate a critical vision throwing down a challenge to the standard ways of thinking. The task is to focus attention on technologies of creation of female images in a sports discourse, and on that which means of language (lexical, stylistic) we use to shape gender identity in media communication at replication of norms and requirements imposed to modern women. We have established that the distorted characteristic of sportswomen in language of popular mass media needs assessment for achievement of bigger progress for women in the sphere of sport.
Tikhonova A.P.
Problem of interpretation of Hattian texts
Traditionally Hattian texts have been analyzed only on the basis of Hittite translations. This study is an attempt to identify the problems facing the researchers, based on the characteristics of the Hattian language itself and on the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages. This will allow us to penetrate deeper into the features of the Hattian phonetics and morphology. The material of the study presents fragments of Hattian-Hittite bilinguals, furnished with translation, as well as fragments of texts not translated by the Hittites. Comparative-historical analysis of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe lexical and grammatical forms showed the identity of the word components, which confirms the genetic relationship of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages. Knowledge of the problems that arise in analyzing Hattian texts is important for their adequate interpretation. The results of the research can be used in writing the history of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.
Ujukhu D.M., Osipov G.A.
Implementation tactics for the principle of a suggestion in advertising communication
We analyze ways and implementers of suggestive potential of the advertising message, in which the suggestion is the integral quality of any advertising text. We investigate also the language tools used for manipulations. The purpose of this paper is to analyze, identify and systematize the media and non-media advertising tools and the suggestive language means which are implemented in advertising texts. Quantitative and qualitative methods of a research have allowed us to establish that the suggestion realizes in cognitive and pragmatic aspect and represents the property of the text based on use of certain linguistic persuaders and manipulation. We have established that the advertising message is not so much a means to lay information, as a tool to influence consciousness of the personality and to manipulate it.
Shevatlokhova E.D., Arkhipova I.V.
On proper nouns of adjectival type of declension
The group of proper nouns of adjectival type of declension is examined using an example of onyms of adjectival type. A research objective is to show a variety of ways of their nomination and their features and to give material for a further research of adjectival nouns. It is inferred that the proper adjectival nouns represent the numerous group which is of interest to a further research in various aspects. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that for the analysis we take the material which was earlier not exposed to the similar analysis. The practical material was analyzed using the methods of linguistic observation, differentiation, component and descriptive. The practical importance of this research lies in that that its results can be applied when studying modern linguistic processes in the field of the transitional phenomena of parts of speech.
Study of Arts
Abakumova E.V., Pozdnyakova T.S.
Homeland as subject in works of Adyghea artists
We deal here with the interpretation of an image of the Homeland in the context of the fine arts of the Adyghea Republic in order to disclose possibilities of a creative method of artists to implement a subject of the Homeland in works of art. Theoretical elucidation of the content of the concept «Homeland» of modern multiethnic society gives the chance to purposeful carrying out the art criticism analysis of easel and monumental compositions. We use as an example the works of artists A. Bersirov, T. Kat and F. Petuvash, accumulating spiritual experience of generations in their creativity, to show the formation of ethnic socialization in the region. Objects of the fine arts are filled with signs and therefore we consider them as the semiotic text with its integrity and the connectivity of its elements with formal and substantial unity. With use of methods of hermeneutics and semiotics, we analyzed the contents of works through a prism of the signs of «hearth and home», «Circassian gardens», «Narts», «life tree» and others. As a result, we have found out that there is the interrelation of an image of the Homeland in the fine arts of Adyghea with the subjects based on historical events, religious views, folklore, traditions and customs.
Pchelintsev A.V.
Harmonic variation as a composite method: on the technique of arranging folk songs
In the article, compositional techniques associated with the arrangement of folk songs are examined and analyzed. The author views the arrangement as a self-sufficient form of creativity, much like the composer’s, and focuses on the need for constant updating of approaches to the interpretation of folk tunes, including with the help of the achievements of the modern musical language and its expressive means. The researcher attributes to the most essential factors of transformation of the whole complex of the harmonic, textural, timbre changes, arsenal of dashed, articulatory and register features characteristic for a given instrument or ensemble combinations. The greatest attention is paid to harmonic variation as the most important means in rethinking the harmonics basis of the arranged object. The ability of a tone to perform unique harmonics functions allows you to constantly enter it into the context of the transformation. The repetition and variation of melodic cells characteristic of folk tunes also create conditions for their re-intonation based on harmonic variation. This circumstance, based on the «negotiation» of the melody with harmony, makes it possible to hear the source from a new, unexpected side. As examples, two samples are given - the wedding song of the Ulyanovsk region «Uzh vy, yakhonty, yakhonty» and wedding song of Novgorod region «Zvonili zvony»: variants of re-comprehension of the harmonious structure of folk tunes are presented here. The obtained results allow the author to draw a conclusion about the multifaceted links of the musical language, potentially incorporated in the folklore source, and can be successfully applied in the professional activities of the arranger.