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#4 / 2018
Abregov A.N., Adzinova A.A.
On etymology of names of a butterfly in the Adyg languages
The publication explores lexical units nominating one of representatives of fauna - a butterfly - in the Adyg languages. These names in the specified languages got out of the internal shape, their word-formation structure is darkened therefore they are investigated diachronically with use of a comparative-historical method. The analysis of the nominations in related languages makes it possible to establish their history and the place in the lexical-semantic system of the Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian languages, as well as to define a possibility of attributing the corresponding lexical units to the all Adyg unity. The research has both theoretical and practical value: it expands knowledge in the field of the lexical-semantic insects group and makes a certain contribution to the Adyg etymology. This material can be used in lexicographic practice during creation of the etymological dictionary of the Adyghe language.
Bogus Z.A., Yagumova N.Sh.
Metaphorization of flora and fauna names in structurally various languages
The paper analyzes the process of human thinking as a conceptual system, which is metaphoric by the nature. The research is conducted based on material of the phytonymic and zoonymic names in the Russian, Adyghe and English languages. The publication shows that the motivational bases of the nomination of animals and plants lie in the area of ordinary consciousness and are components of a naive picture of the world. The role of somatisms in semantic indicative space of a name of zoophytonyms is defined. The comparative analysis of the phytonymic case in the Russian, English and Adyghe languages makes it possible to reveal certain similarities and differences in motivational and nominative aspect. Based on this, the authors draw a conclusion that within cognitive linguistics the important part in conceptualization of reality is assigned to a metaphor, which is inherited in the interpreting nature of naive concepts and ordinary representations. The obtained data allow the deepening and comprehension of a role of metaphor in further development of the theory of language. The stated material can be applied in higher school lecture courses on a lexicology and cultural linguistics, and during practical and seminar training.
Volodina O.V.
Features of the female language personality representation in a business media discourse
The aim of this research is to establish gender specifics of manifestation of the female language personality in a business media discourse. Its object is a language mechanism of designing the female language personality in a media discourse, namely functioning of lexical-semantic, grammatical and stylistic features. The texts of authors-women taken from popular business online editions (Forbes, Vedomosti and Expert) served as the material of this study. A method of the description based on the application of Yu.N. Karaulov three-level model of the language personality was used to establish the system of verbal-semantic, lingual-cognitive and pragmatical properties of the female language personality in a media discourse. Means and techniques of an explication in the course of modeling of speech realization of the female language personality in the context of the media text are analyzed. It is established that the most important characteristics of the female language personality in a business media discourse are the emotiveness and estimation of statement. Intertextual impregnations, objecting a female language picture of the world in a media discourse, serve for transfer of author's assessment and implementation of manipulative impact on the reader. The intertextuality represents a marker of a lingual creativity of the female language personality thinking. Theoretical conclusions and practical material of article can find application in developing special courses and special seminars on cognitive linguistics, the theory of the language personality and gender studies. The research makes a contribution to the solution of problems of studying mechanisms of designing the female language personality in a media discourse.
Devyatkina E.M.
The features of the consonantism in the Shilan dialect of the Erzya language
The research describes some features of a consonantism of one of the unstudied Erzya dialects – Shilan, used in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk district of the Samara region. The research rests on data collected by the author during the expeditions to the Samara region in 2011-2012 and on archive materials obtained from Philological Faculty of N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, the Republic of Mordovia). The Shilan dialect belongs to dialects of the late period of formation, and its place in modern classification of the Erzya dialects is unknown. In this paper, the consonantism of the Shilan dialect is investigated in detail, its areal features are distinguished. Thus, isoglosses of consonants of the beginning, middle and end of a word generally coincide in dialects, and the most interesting implementations of some isoglosses are allocated at the beginning of a word. The undertaken attempt to investigate the features of the Shilan dialect provides an opportunity to concretize and expand the available ideas of the common and peculiar features in the field of phonetics of the Erzya language. This is of interest not only to specialists in the Mordovian languages, but also to the linguists dealing with problems of the languages contacting to the Erzya language.
Zemliakova N.V.
Ways of figurative conceptualization of ideas about the qualities of a person in the Russian language picture of the world
The inner world of a person is considered as an object of figurative conceptualization, the main ways of figurative nomination of ideas about character, belief, emotional sphere, etc. are revealed and analyzed. Human mental activity becomes a source for the appearance of figurative names. The main goal of the research is to identify and describe ways of figurative conceptualization of ideas about a person’s inner world in the Russian language picture of the world. Conceptualization of ideas about a person is considered by us as a generalized description of the studied array of empirical data, which is systematized in the course of theoretical analysis. The most productive ways include metaphoric and metonymic transfers. The article pays special attention to the usual metaphor as a frequency method of figurative conceptualization of ideas about the inner world of man. Figurative language constructions that represent the characteristics of the inner world of a person and point to the specific properties of the mental sphere of the person served as the material for the study. The analysis of the methods of imaginative conceptualization of ideas about the qualities of a person made it possible to identify the following patterns: (1) metaphorical transfer emphasizes mainly the negative qualities of a person, the most frequent are associations with images of animals and hard, empty inanimate objects; and (2) the use of metonymic transference as a way of figurative conceptualization of the inner qualities of a person is based on the combination of semantic fields of the type: “human soul” - “man”, “human head” - “man”. Different ways of conceptualizing ideas about the qualities of a person have different motivational aspects, involving the identification of a figurative basis and mechanism for the emergence of a figurative nomination, as well as a definition of its casual or occasional nature. The identification of ways of figurative conceptualization of ideas about the qualities of a person in the Russian language picture of the world allows us to semantise figurative nominations that are close by categorical meaning and reveal their national and cultural specifics.
Kondrashova O.V., Sheldeshova I.V.
The limiting semantics of lexeme "one’s own" (according to the explanatory dictionary by V.I. Dahl)
For the first time, based on material of "The Dictionary of Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dahl, we examine the contextual semantics of pronoun one’s own in order to allocate elements of restriction of the space of the personality, which is estimated by language consciousness of the people as ‘one’s own, close, native’. An attempt is undertaken to show that this returnable possessive pronoun, the major meaning of which is to point to object belonging to any person, contextually expresses also the idea of locality and can be referred to a group of the so-called "limiting" words. The scientific importance of this research is determined by the appeal to deep layers of semantics of a word, explicited by case contexts – phraseoliged set phrases. Based on the use of methods of lexicographic observation, the lexical-semantic analysis, systematization of material and its contextual interpretation, conclusions are drawn, which expand idea of the embodiment in Russian of basic binary category "one’s own – other’s" and can be considered by drawing up the corresponding fragment of a Russian-language picture of the world. The practical value of work lies in a possibility of use of its results in courses of lectures on a lexicology and morphology, in special courses on cultural linguistics and ethnolinguistics, as well as in practice of teaching Russian as foreign.
Kopot L.V.
Linguocultural features of manifestation of an ethnogender in an advertising discourse
The paper discusses the mechanism of designing ethnogender stereotypes in an advertising discourse and specifics of reflection of national culture in gender representations of society. The following methods are used: (1) the observation method, which allowed finding the specific case of advertising texts; (2) the comparison method, promoting establishment of similarity and distinctions of objects and phenomena of reality; and (3) the method of a system research including the linguoculturological analysis of collected material. Definitions of gender, ethnic and ethnogender stereotypes are analyzed, and verbally presented stereotypes of Russians about another ethnic group or nation are identified. Conclusions about specifics of heterostereotypes are drawn. The relevance of this research is predetermined by new approach to the analysis of intensely developing advertising discourse from positions of ethnogender linguistics. The theoretical importance of work lies in expansion of linguocultural ideas of an ethnogender phenomenon in the field of the advertising text. The research demonstrates that language means transmit verbally and fix the ethnogender stereotypes, which traditionally developed in the Russian society. This work is justified by the practical importance determined by the fact that results of this research can be used in higher school courses on cultural linguistics, ethnocultural linguistics and sociolinguistics.
Kubashicheva S.K., Tov N.A.
Functional and semantic features of illocutionary units in English
The paper deals with the "minor" units relating to auxiliary parts of speech in terms of the translation. The research of features of polysemic language units in the English texts is aimed at differentiation of particles and adverbs and definition of their functions in a specific speech situation. The comparative analysis of the actual material identifies changeable semantics of particles and its dependence on a context. The offered practice of translation equivalents shows connection of the English particles with the illocution, which can be used to study similar language units, as well as for the subsequent researches in this direction. Translation of similar language units in texts of various styles and genres draws special attention of experts in the field of theory and practice of translation. In this regard, need for studying similar problems is obvious. The relevance and the practical importance of this research is caused by insufficient attention in grammar and translation theory to auxiliary parts of speech which linguists traditionally carry to minor units of language. Thus, it is established that the English particles are units of language, which are directly connected with the communicative purposes of the personality in a certain situation of communication and, therefore, have semantics, which completely changes depending on a context.
Kumuk S.Kh.
Phraseological units as way of reflection of the Adyghe picture of the world
The article analyzes phraseological units as a way of reflection of features of the bilingual language personality of the author in T. Kerashev’s fiction texts in the Adyghe and Russian languages. The obtained data can be successfully applied in lecture courses on the theory of language, cultural linguistics, lexicology, axiology, as well as in researches of phraseological units in terms of cross-cultural communication and typology of a language picture of the world. Results of this research help study characteristic features of mentality of both all people in general and separate social groups. Phraseological units give the chance to understand more deeply history of the people, its attitude to human merits and demerits, and specifics of outlook. Expedient and appropriate use of phraseological units in their primary form makes the language of work be alive and emotional. Use of a comparative and interpretive method, methods of the component - semantic and contextual analysis allowed us to establish that the phraseological fund of language is the most valuable source of information on culture and mentality of the people, where notions of the people on myths, ceremonies, customs, habits, morals and behavior are concentrated.
Naptsok M.R., Tlevtsezheva M.M.
Adjectival composite words with a basic component adjective in art prose of I.A. Bunin
The article deals with the complex adjectives with a basic adjectival component presented in prosaic works by one of the best writers of the Russian abroad. A research objective is the nature of education and functioning of the adjectival composite words in I.A. Bunin’s art prose. The scientific importance of this research lies in further development of questions of word creation and classification of author's neologisms. The analysis of the presented linguistic material rests on lexical-semantic and word-formation methods of a research and allows us to come to a conclusion that complex adjectives in general prevail among author's neologisms, and at the same time adjectival composite words with the basic component, equal to an independent adjective, are the most widespread in word creation of the writer. Adjectives also act as a prebasic component in the majority of similar additions. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the general tendency to high efficiency of the adjectival composite words in Russian, as well as a tradition of use of complex epithets in classical Russian literature finds reflection in Bunin’s word creation.
Ponomarenko I.N., Bedanokova Z.K.
On semantics of a proper name
An attempt is undertaken to examine a proper name as the language sign having semantic filling proceeding from its duality. Being a part of a lexical system of any language, proper names have a number of specific signs and represent a special class of words. However, the question of a correlation of a name and concept remains unresolved: there are several points of view. The analysis shows that according to the first, proper names have no meaning as they are not connected with expression of constant concepts-significations, and therefore proper names are called "form (asemantic) words", "labels". Another point of view is that proper names have a meaning both in language and in the speech, but of different type, than that of common nouns. The feature of proper names is displayed not only in the meaning, but also in grammatical shaping and functioning of these language units, which, in turn, in the modern linguocultural environment transforms, expands and even forms semantic space of a relevant onym.
Redko G.V., Eremeeva A.A.
Features of the concepts "language personality", "speech portrait" and "image" in relation to a political performance
The work deals with characteristic features of a political public speech. Stages of preparation of the speech of the sender are noted. Requirements imposed to style of political communication are presented. Five levels in structure of the language personality allocated today are described: verbal - grammatical, cognitive, pragmatical, emotional, and motor-articulation. Two approaches to a concept of the language personality are considered: statistical and dynamic. The originality of each of approaches is noted. The research has a certain theoretical importance as it suggests that the language personality is characterized by a certain mere verbiage, having this or that rank of rate of the use, having a certain level of cultural knowledge and personal characteristics which promote formation of a certain speech portrait. Emphasis is made that the speech portrait describes features of speech behavior and serves as one of factors of formation of the politician image. It is worthy of note that the image is formed by tactics and strategy applied in a political discourse. It is proved that during the political performances a certain image or a character, which promotes achievement of his purposes, is assigned to the politician. Results of this research can be useful in the analysis of speech characteristics of the sender and interpretation of their sense.
Sokur E.A., Sheozheva B.A.
The role of component-zoonym in formation of individual meaning of a phraseological unit
The work examines features of formation of the meaning of phraseological units with a component-zoonyms, in particular, what semes are brought by this component in semantic structure of phraseological units and how it causes semantic specifics of the studied phraseological units. The phraseological units incorporating a component-zoonym served as material of this research. The role of component-zoonym in formation of the individual meaning of different grammatical types of phraseological units is noted. The general specifics of their meaning consisting in availability of the estimated nature of such expressions are described. The used method of scientific observation, as well as the carried-out discoursal, component and contextual analysis made it possible to draw a conclusion that phraseological units with a component-zoonym in language not only carry out a role of emotional and expressive synonyms to lexical units, but bear also nominative loading. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of article are defined by importance of a comprehensive investigation of estimated means of language. The undertaken analysis of features of formation of the meaning of phraseological units with a component-zoonym allowed us to state some ideas important for linguistic semantics.
Tikhonova A.P.
The problem of possessivå prefixes in the Hattian language
The article deals with one of the most complex and controversial issues of Hattology, which still has no unambiguous solution. For the first time an attempt is made to reveal the meaning and status of nominal prefixes, which, in our opinion, will allow us to answer a number of unresolved issues. The material of the study was the texts of two bilinguals: “The God of the Moon, Fallen from the Sky” and “Building Ritual”. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of two or more languages from a historical point of view. The analysis of the Hattian nominal prefixes and their comparison with the Abkhaz-Adyghe possessive and class indicators revealed their typological and material similarity and showed that they are grammatically poly-functional elements: first, indicators of grammatical classes, secondly, indicators of the possessive category, as well as indicators of numbers and persons of the verbs and names. These data confirm that the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages are closely related and originate from a common language-basis.
Fanyan N.Yu., Ovcharova K.V.
Ritual discourse in space of the discursive practices (argumentative aspect)
The importance of the offered research in theoretical aspect is development of scientific potential of the existing researches in integrative space of the analysis of a discourse in general, a ritual discourse in particular; and in practical aspect, updating the tasks connected with designing an effective model of communication in various types of a discourse. In this context, the target task is set to justify need and a possibility of modeling of a ritual discourse in an argumentative aspect that causes novelty of a research. It is based, first of all, on a hypothesis of ontologic essence of rituality as the category forming discursive space proceeding from the methodological principle interpreting an argumentativeness as not only a procedural, but also ontologic phenomenon. At the same time the tool to the solution of a task is application of the method of a projection uniting various principles – cognitive, psychoanalytic, hermeneutical, phenomenological, synergetic and semiotic, promoting complex interpretation of the ritual discourse. The authors arrive at a conclusion that the category of an argumentativeness, having actually ontologic target task, proves in the best way statement of a problem of studying an essence of the ritual discourse, as well as any other type of a discourse.
Khazhokova E.A., Khazhokova E.A.
Applicative constructions in the French political texts
The article deals with constructions with syntactic application in political discourse. Special attention is paid to applicative sentences and their functional properties. The practical material of the study includes the texts of the French media. It is noted that the use of the applied constructions in the French political texts is explained by the richness of the composition of these structures. The specificity of constructions with syntactic application (SA), including various stylistic means and figures of speech is investigated. It has been established that among the main functions of such structures are expressiveness and influencing function. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that recently the linguistic arsenal of political texts covered in the French media has expanded, requiring a detailed analysis for proper understanding and interpretation.
Khachmafova Z.R., Pogrebnyak N.V.
Metaphorical modeling of an image of the politician in a media discourse
Features of functioning of metaphorical models with the sphere source "a sports game", "a chess game", "gambling" and "a theatrical game" in the German media texts are analyzed, and their pragmatical potential in modeling of an image of the politician is studied. The aim of this study is to describe features of metaphorical modeling of an image of the politician in the German media. Electronic versions of publicistic articles of the German editions of Spiegel and Süddeutsche Zeitung devoted to political figures served as material of this research. As a result of use of a method of conceptual and metaphorical modeling, the specifics of functioning of a cognitive metaphor in the German media political discourse are revealed. The carried-out analysis allows us to draw conclusions on that the potential of metaphorical models of a game is considerable, estimating, influencing and forming a world picture.
Literary Criticism
Li Yan (People's Republic of China)
Mortal motifs in prose of the Chinese writer Yu Hua
The article discusses the mortal motives of the prose of the Chinese writer Yu Hua and analyzes the artistic methods of their implementation. Attention is paid about how the author develops three types of describing the death of heroes. The influence of life circumstances and autographic principles on the writer's artistic creativity is investigated. The author of this publication analyzes “The Story of Death”, “Classical Love”, “Live”, “How Xu Sanguan sold blood” in terms of the expression of mortality. Parallels between Chinese traditional views on the perception of the phenomena of death and life in Buddhism and Confucianism are given. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the specification of the analysis of a little-studied topic in the context of the Russian-language literary tradition. It is established that Yu Hua, in terms of humanity and art thanatology, pays attention to the death of ordinary people, reinterprets it, extolling life, blaming cruelty and injustice of world order.
Naptsok B.R., Sokolova G.V.
On studying the intertextuality in the work of literature
The category and concept of intertextuality introduced for scientific use by M.M. Bakhtin and developed by poststructuralists J. Kristeva, R. Bart, and J. Derrida are investigated. The analysis of intertextuality in the work of literature enables us to consider process of updating a specific literary tradition, to see dialogical inclusiveness of the fiction text in cultural, historical and social contexts and to determine features of interpretation of the intertext by the reader. Main types of intertextuality – internal and external – show the mechanism of the diverse text and cultural interactions presented in types of a literary mystification or pseudo-imitation of the ancient text in works of literature, in the insert intratextual elements, in a syncretic intertextuality, in hints, reminiscences and epigraphs. The main thing is a conclusion that directly or allegorically evoking subject, figurative, motive, cultural and psychological associations and analogies, the intertext directs the reader toward the writer's plan.
Panesh U.M., Mamiy R.G.
Features and typological relationships of the story in the Adyghe literatures of the war period (1941-1945)
In this publication, we analyze genre and structural features of prose in the Adyghe literatures of the war period. Such lines as realization of a heroic-patriotic subject, connection of the document and fiction, facts of life and truth of imagination, and a bright plot are defined that results in greater art problematical character. Thematic, composite and style features of small prose are elucidated. The comparative and typological method applied in work allows us to formulate conclusions that works of wartime prose reflect both national peculiarities of the Adyghe prose, and typological lines of domestic literature of the new period of development. Results of this research contribute to the solution of problems of evolution of various genres of literature, and can be applied to study history of literature and to develop higher school textbooks and manuals.
Panesh S.R.
On studying “The Life of St. Juliana Lazarevskaya”
This article discusses the peculiarities of composition of "The Life of Juliana Ossor’in", and analyzes the new features of the story about life distinguishing this work from the others. As the original work, "The Life" little reminds a narration of this type, as there are no lines of classical correct life in it. In the course of the research, the author traces Juliana's aspiration to carry out an ideal of pious existence in the life, filling it with new contents. It is inferred that the work resembles the household story, the biography and is not the secular story. In general, the obtained results can be of interest in studying, analyzing and comparing works of Old Russian literature and fiction texts as in many works of this period a secularization of the holy hero is found.
Paranuk K.N.
Wood mythologeme in the novel by A. Kim "The Father – the Wood" and in the story by N. Kuyek "The Wood of Loneliness"
This work examines the mythopoetics of the novel by A. Kim "The Father – the Wood" and the story "The Wood of Loneliness" by the Adyghe writer N. Kuyek. To identify features of a mythologism of these works, the role and functions of a mythologeme of the wood in semantics and structure of these works are investigated, and the conceptual value of a mythologeme of the wood is defined for expression of the philosophical idea in works by both authors. The carried-out comparative analysis allows us to draw a conclusion on a typological convergence of their epos, and on the structural-semantic importance of a mythologeme of the wood in their narrative. The historical-literary and comparative methods are used to define the theoretical importance of this research related to the system analysis of a paradigm of a neomythologism in modern domestic literature. The practical importance lies in its use at classes on modern domestic literature at schools and in higher education institution
Hazueva B.A.
Constants of art interpretation of the nature images in lyrics of the Chechen poet Shaid Rashidov
This paper discusses features of art interpretation of the nature images in lyrics of the Chechen poet Shaid Rashidov. The specifics of disclosure of these images in the Chechen folklore and literature are noted. The purpose is set to consider the main forms of use of flora symbolics, in particular tree images, going from mythological motive of the world tree. The work analyzes the verses devoted to spiritual moral and to philosophical understanding of the nature. Devices of parallel movement, animism, anthropomorphism, metaphorization, an allegory in disclosure of phytonymic symbolics, and evolution of this lyrical subject in works by the poet are noted. Comparative characteristic of a number of poetic texts is carried out. The conclusion is drawn about relevance and efficiency of motives of the nature for disclosure of depth of inner world of the lyrical hero in poetry of Sh. Rashidov.
Khuako F.N.
Language practice in the texts of Adyghe acting publicists
In the presented article we analyze opinion journalism of contemporary authors available in the Adyghe literature (in particular, that of Nurikhan Kiyarova and Asfar Kuyek). The relevance of the work is predetermined by a poor study of this subject in the Adyghe literary criticism. Explaining the interest in the topic with a focus on highlighting the ethnic history of the Circassians in an artistic way, we naturally proceed to an analytical examination of the works of ethnic representatives. Similar consideration serves as a specific purpose of this article. We also take into account the journalistic experience available in the domestic literature, based on which a number of relevant genre features are derived. Each of these features, considered in a case-by-case manner, is illustrated by textual examples of both writers, which, if possible, are compared with each other. The analysis is proved by bringing respective conclusions about the relevance of this genre activity in the Circassian literature, which makes it possible to come to a final conclusion about the world attribution of their work.
Tsey B.A., Lyamova B.Kh.
Children's poetry of Nalby Kuyek (translation problems)
The paper shows specificity of reflection of children's attitude to the world in N. Kuyek's creativity. This work demonstrates the originality of N. Kuyek’s poetic manner, including selection of art means and forms of expression of author's consciousness taking into account age features of the reader-child. The majority of poems of the poet was translated into Russian. N.Kuyek's talent became available to children of other nationalities thanks to V. Vizirova, E. Kiyanskaya and A. Shazzo's perfect translations. Despite complexity of the translation, each of the translators managed to transfer the main idea and to keep specifics of his works.
Cherevko G.V., Ryaguzova L.N.
The stream-of-consciousness method of L.N. Tolstoy in a theoretical and art reflection of V. Nabokov
In this article, the esthetic and art heritage of V.V. Nabokov becomes subject of interpretation in respect of the aspect of reconsideration Tolstoy’s traditions in it, taking into account not only his lectures about the writer, journalism, but also private remarks, comments on texts, implicit and explicit references in epistolary heritage. The purpose of this publication is to reveal among the techniques, which are genetically going back to a style manner of Tolstoy, V.Nabokov’s structural and semantic characteristics of a complex of correlative general art categories (the art truth / lie, fiction / reality, truth / credibility, common sense, an art detail, a thing, a dream, a stream of consciousness).
In the speech elements of speaking (“ingenious mutter”, according to V. Nabokov), less studied is a sphere of differentiation of transitional forms from silence to the internal speech and a stream of consciousness in a theoretical reflection of V. Nabokov. Identification of functions and mechanisms of formation of a stream of consciousness makes it possible to present Nabokov's reception of Tolstoy’s creativity at the poet level, to trace creative development and transformation of Tolstoy’s subjects and motives in fiction, literary and critical texts of the writer.
Zhao Ciaojie
The motive of “exile” in the novel Mary by V. Nabokov
In the article, the motives of exile, loneliness and nostalgia in the novel Mary by V. Nabokov presented in the associative semantic aspect, become the subject of analysis. The ambivalent nature of the feeling of exile is examined through the concept of the “psychological complex” of Z. Freud and the subject attributes of “his own” and “alien” world, through the structural and semiotic characteristics of time and space. The motive, traditional for emigration, acquires new connotations: assimilation, acceptance of the state, exile as a new form of life and its rules. The pathos of affirmation of one’s personality and creative freedom is perceived as overcoming previous attachments and illusions. Metaphysical "homelessness" turns into the search for "home" in himself in this concept, which is the essence and scientific novelty of the article. It is established that the subject of "the lost paradise" of the childhood, partings with the homeland, native culture and language, and a subject of the drama relations between illusion and reality take the important place in works of art by V. Nabokov.
Yuryeva M.V., Shestak A.N.
Reliability metaphysics in the novel by Olga Slavnikova Long Jump
The novel by Olga Slavnikova Long Jump is analyzed in terms of the artistic method and special style techniques creating the poetic world of the work. The relevance of research strategy is connected with the fact that it positions itself as the representative of the metaphysical realistic line in modern Russian literature. An attempt is undertaken to analyze and interpret a figurative system of the novel, its ideological and thematic level for the purpose of identification of deep meanings of the text. The purpose of work is identification of specifics of an artistic method of the writer through the analysis of poetic features of the novel published in 2017. The lack of the literary works exploring the designated problem field defines scientific novelty of a research. The integrated approach uniting historical-literary and typological methods, as well as a method of the complete analysis of the text, traditional for the academic literary criticism, was the basis of the research. The authors of this article arrive at a conclusion that, recreating the tragedy of life of the disabled hero under laws of realistic art, the writer, first of all, fixes attention on his special attitude, in which a dream and reality are slightly perceived and even interchangeable concepts.
Unarokova R.B., Nagarokov K.R.
London and French collections of the Circassian (Adyghe) folklore: record, interpretation, reconstruction
The paper describes the problems of recording, archiving, interpretation and reconstruction of sound texts of the Adyghe national songs and instrumental music that are stored since 1911 and 1913 in the state archives of Paris and London. The interpreted texts of both collections are investigated in the context of folklore variability: dark places in records are reconstructed and compared to the known, earlier published or archival variants of instrumental folk tunes and national songs. Such variability types as the composite, intra text and performing are identified. Tens of units of verbal texts are introduced for the first time in a scientific circulation that does a problem timely and relevant. Methods of the comparative analysis are used during the research. The conclusion is drawn on that the interpretation of sound recordings from archives of London and Paris, as well as reconstruction on their base of features of the Adyghe national chant will make it possible to return unique folklore texts to scientific and performing space.
Beshukova F.B., Khatkova I.N.
Structural transformations of the modern text
This paper examines structural transformations of the text from post-structuralism positions. Modern researches of text activity developed effectively a problem of structure of the text, its interpretation, the theory of a simulacrum, the code, the sign, a discourse, etc. The notable disruption of habitual ideas of laws of text activity demands new methodological approaches, in particular, a postmodern analytical model. Concepts of a simulacrum of J. Baudrillard, interpretation of the text of J. Derrida, Bart, Foucault, etc. act as basic theories. The purpose of this research is the review of a number of the influential and productive directions of interpretation of the modern media text. The study reveals that discoveries of post-structuralism in the field of language of the text, a language role in communicative process, the influence of speech impact on consciousness, and that is not less important, discovery of new opportunities of communicative influence play a serious role in a modern communicativistics.
Somova E.G., Abramova G.A.
Stylistic transformations in the translated advertising texts
The article discusses the specific features of preparation of the foreign advertising information for broadcasting on Russian SMI channels. Its purpose is to study stylistic transformations of the advertising texts in the process of their translations. Poor translated advertising texts, having lost the originality and a motivational message, are capable to provoke rejection of target audience not only from the broadcast advertisement, but also from the advanced products or service. The research shows that in advertising texts, the stylistic transformations connected with the techniques of a language game are most relevant and the translator has to strive not only for semantic and emotional equivalence, but also for generation at the recipient of the reaction similar to influence of the original advertising text. The comparative analysis of original slogans of the American advertising and their translations adapted for the Russian audience makes it possible to claim that when translating advertising slogans basic is a trans-creation problem, i.e. adequate transfer of an original semantic advertising message by means of other language. It has been found that the techniques developed in the field of the translation of fiction texts can be unproductive in the advertising sphere. In this connection, the successful advertising slogans in the original environment transferred to the different foreign-language soil become ineffective. Results can be useful in work of the copywriters who are engaged in the translation of the borrowed advertising texts.
Study of Arts
Abakumova E.V., Orlova M.A.
The paper deals with the features of art perception by the viewer of works of art. The purpose of this work is to identify specifics of perception of an ideological conception of the artist through a prism of metaphors and associations. The complex
analysis of specifics of metaphoricity and associativity of perception of the work of art is for the first time carried out. The publication discloses interrelation between the artist’s thinking and need of understanding by the viewer of these specifics. Basic conclusions of this research can be used in drawing up courses of lectures and seminars on history of the fine arts, as well as in training of young specialists in the field of the fine arts and art criticism. Use of formal and logical methods of research
with method of the art and stylistic analysis allowed the authors to come to a conclusion that art perception is treated as a process of creative studying an artistic image, associations and metaphors and as a dialogue of works of art with the subject of perception. For complete perception of an ideological conception of the work of art, the viewer needs to know specifics of associative and metaphoric thinking of the artist.
Begicheva O.V.
The material of Russian music of the 19-20th centuries is taken to examine the leading tendencies of development of romantic ballad. The dynamics of its two leading musical models – taboo (ballads of horror) and national-historical (ballads of historical destiny) are presented. The purpose of this publication is to create a panorama of the ballad in the Russian musical art, to show the formation, the culmination of these models, as well as to identify the features of the Russian concept of the genre. Research methods include the main method – historical and cultural, method of musicological analysis, methods of comparative studies and theoretical poetics. Various examples of the ballad genre in the Russian music of the 19-20th centuries are given to show a step-by-step process of mastering the meanings and principles of the intonation and dramatic organization of the ballad of horror and the ballad of historical destiny. The reasons for the emergence of the Russian version of the ballad genre due to the national picture of the world and socio-cultural realities of the time are revealed. It is proved that the embeddedness of the Russian ballad in the European family and the subsequent separation from it means the birth of the national version of the genre. Having reached the culmination point of development, the ballad corrects the existing typological models, synthesizing their poetics in the interests of its culture, permeated with heroic and Patriotic ideas.
Malatsay L.V., Boldovskaya E.N.
The purpose of the conducted research is to create for the first time a creative portrait of Professor of the Orel State Institute of Culture, composer, arranger and researcher – M.V. Pikalov, who left songs of his own composition, arrangements of choral scores, as well as valuable works on the history of choral art. The methodology of the research is based on systemic and complex approaches that allow combining different methods of musicological research at certain stages of the construction of a
scientific theory. Musicological and analytical methods make it possible to reveal the features of the composer’s language of songs and the arrangements of choral scores. A laconic form, modal variability and other means of musical expression used by
the author convey brightly and clear philosophical reflections on the life of a person and his fate in his songs. M.V. Pikalov showed special sensitivity in the work on arrangements of compositions by classical composers for different teams of performers. Author’s educational-methodical works and collections are considered in the aspect of scientific-historical comparisons. The biographical method of interpreting facts presented new possibilities for understanding the process of the formation of musical orientations of personality. Authors come to a conclusion about a culture-forming role of the personality of N.V. Pikalov in the history of musical art of the Orel region.
Khvatova S.I.
The paper discusses the dynamics of poetics of Franz Liszt – the composer of the 19th century whose creativity in many respects predetermined ways of development of the 20th century music. The purpose of this research is to identify two leading trends – expressive and impressive – in development of harmony of the 19th century in Franz Liszt’s compositions in consent with E. Kurt’s theory. Special attention is focused on chordica and tone structures of works of the composer. Worksare systematized by accumulating new methods of harmonious development, as well as by updating chord structures. The publication investigates the process of gradual leaving from early romantic harmony to the phenomena belonging, to a greater
extent, to the 20th century. The analysis made based on a historical method of a research with attraction of special art criticism tools has demonstrated that decisive for Franz Liszt, who took the abbot’s orders at the end of his career, has become intellectualization of creative process, increase in semantic load of each element of musical language and emergence of symbolism. The theoretical value of this work lies in actualization of a research of harmony evolution of the 19-20th centuries, especially by means of the analysis of compositions of composers whose creativity covers more than half a century and gives the chance to find processes of evolution of musical poetics within one author’s style.