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#1 / 2019
Baste Z.Yu.
The article analyzes the linguo-cognitive specificity of the worldview of the bilingual language personality. Bilingualism is a complex psycholinguistic phenomenon and is considered by modern language science in close connection with the concepts of linguistic consciousness, linguistic personality, since language is a way of thinking and a means of communication, and also represents the worldview of ethnos and linguistic personality. It is concluded that the bilingual linguistic personality is a phenomenon characterized by the interaction in the human linguistic consciousness of social and linguistic forms and norms of two different groups with different cultural and socio-political characteristics. At the same time, on the one hand, these are linguistic categories of the native language or that “of the mother”, acquired in a natural way, on the other hand, the foreign or native language, but secondary-learned. The recognition of the possibility of forming a full-fledged bilingual personality makes it advisable to study native and non-native languages in close connection with culture. The data obtained contribute to the determination that the language always exists as a means of self-expression of a nation, its mentality, spirit and spirituality, the development of the world around it, and that the bilingual person combines in its linguistic consciousness two linguistic worldviews, which correspond to two languages he speaks almost at the same level.
Glushchenko A.N.
The paper observes the lexico-semantical and cognitive-pragmatic peculiarities of the political discourse of Donuld Trump on Twitter. Personal profile of the President of the USA, in contrast to other political representatives, is a vivid example of the linguistic behaviour of Trump and specialties of his daily communication. The following social profile is especially interesting for its personification and emotionalism. The analysis of personal social texts, including linguistic and extra-linguistic aspects of this particular person, allow us create a complete image of the figure of Donuld Trump, full of a number of individual elements of deposition and speech tactics, such as emotional expression, impulsiveness in oral and written communication, underlining of personal achievements. Social network Twitter of Donuld Trump is also unique according to the percentage of messages of personal matter.
Grushevskaya E.S.
The actualization of the union phenomenon (UF) is shown on the material of the analysis of linguistic representations of various levels - from lexico-grammatical to discursive. The research hypothesis is the ontological status of the union's seme determines the necessity and the possibility of describing the actualization of the union phenomenon in political discourse. The goal is to characterize the additional elements of the value-strategic potential of political discourse. The novelty of the research approach lies in the justification of the UF as a value-strategic alternative-complementary phenomenon (ACP) of political discourse. The theoretical significance of the research consists in identifying and defining linguistic representations of the value-strategic potential of political discourse, in practical terms, in applying the results of analysis when interpreting political texts with the aim of prospectively studying the status of the union phenomenon as an alternative complementary phenomenon in various linguistic cultures. The results of the analysis showed the general and specific characteristics of the phenomenon of union, manifested as strategies of integration and differentiation.
Evsyukova T.V., Glukhova O.V.
The research deals with the issues of an interdisciplinary nature and is relevant to the fields of lingvoculturology, onomastics, axiology and brand-naming. The aim of the research is to study the differences in axiological codes of trademarks at the stage of creation and at the stage of perception by speakers of other lingocultural environment. To achieve this goal, the article discusses the definition of the axiological code; identifies the axiological code of verbal trademarks in the creating linguistic culture by comparing the cultural code with the values of culture; considers decoding values of the trademark with the recipient - the representative of a different linguistic culture, and especially its adaptation. The method of associative experiment is used as the main method to reveal the structural elements of the axiological code identified by the recipient.
Zdanovskaya L.B., Nepshekueva T.S.
The paper discusses the specific perception of the notion “Political Olympus” in the German linguistic field. The peculiarities of the cultural and historical development, European worldview and world interpretation, the specifics of coordination between the institutions of political and state power in Germany have been the reasons for fixing divergent fragments in the picture of the world, realized by the notion “Political Olympus” in the mental mindset of the Germans. Global changes taking place in the social and political life of any society are usually reflected in the lexical system of the language. The analysis of the texts in the Russian and German print media in the framework of political discourse revealed the national peculiarities of perceiving the notion “Political Olympus” in the German linguistic culture, which led to the conclusion of the polar explication of the characteristics of the notion in question in the German language. According to the author, the notion “Political Olympus”, on the one hand, is firmly established in the mental mindset of the German people as personification of power, democracy, freedom of choice, stability of economic development, and on the other hand, it is a symbol of conflict, crisis of power, political powerlessness. The findings of the study of the notion “Political Olympus” in the German linguistic field demonstrate the increasing trends of its actualization. In this regard the analysis of the peculiarities of the notion “Political Olympus” language explication is of substantial interest. The author therefore concludes that the notion is universal on the basis of its correlation with culture constants. Practical significance of the material presented is the possibility of its usage in the preparation of special scientific and methodological seminars on cognitive linguistics and theory of intercultural communication.
Karipidi A.G., Baturyan M.A.
The purpose of this article is to study the verbalization of the concepts “TRUTH” and “FALSE” in the phraseological units of the English and Russian languages. In the course of the study, general scientific, linguistic and comparative methods are used, 5 types of idioms are distinguished, the opinions of eminent scientists are cited. Idiom phraseological units act as imaginative means of language. Ideas and images that underlie a phraseological nomination, when people communicate with each other, operate with linguistic meanings as a result of cognitive activity. Such values are considered in various discursive situations. The research is made within the study of such a phenomenon as “concept” and provides the definition of a “phraseological unit”. As a result of the analysis of the existing informative database and the peculiarities of the presentation of the concepts “TRUTH” and “FALSE” on the material of the phraseology of two languages, we come to the conclusion about the diversity of the studied concepts, however, we single out the predominance of the “FALSE” concept in the studied languages. The establishment of the meaning of the concepts “TRUTH” and “FALSE” in Russian and English plays an important role in practical and theoretical activities in modern linguistics.
Litvinenko E.Yu., Garaeva M.V.
The article proves the significan role of the language in the context of ethnic accommodation of the ethnic group to the host community. The aim of the work is to determine the role of language acquisition in the conditions of trans-ethnic accommodation, affecting the processes of convergence / divergence between representatives of the ethnic group and the dominant group. The theory of “linguistic suppression” and a comparative analysis of ethnonyms that mediate the ethnic group’s perception of the host community representatives and vice versa was used as a research method. The definition of “accommodation” is given from the point of view of language studies. The levels of scientific research carried out in recent decades within the framework of linguistics and sociolinguistics, which can be divided into multinational, socio-contextual, institutional and individual, are distinguished. Citing examples of ethnonyms, the authors emphasize that complex ethnonyms play the key role in inter-ethnic communication, which imply not only genetic mixing of representatives of different ethnic groups, but also the attitude of an ethnic group and society in different interaction contexts. The role of the language qualifier, which allows determining the ethnic identity in the process of accommodation to the host culture, which may take the form of the so-called “dual identity”, is analyzed. The obtained data can be applied in the process of building language policy to enhance the convergence of ethnic groups and relieve tensions caused by the language factor.
Litvinenko E.Yu., Garaeva M.V.
The article is devoted to one of the most relevant topics for contemporary sociolinguistics - the presence of gender asymmetry in linguistic world views and verbal communication practices. The goal of the article is to substantiate the significance and heuristic potential of sociolinguistic research for modern study of gender and inter-gender relations. The authors use cognitive methodology of sociolinguistic research of gender, according to which the language picture of the world represents both the product and the starting point of cognitive processes through which a person is oriented in the society and build social expectations. Practical and scientific significance is determined by understanding the language as one of the most important tools of cognitive activity in constructing a conceptual world image and gender models of social behavior and communication in particular. Being a sociocultural construct, gender represents itself through the forms of language communication, and therefore gender linguistics is the key to understanding the internal dynamics of the cultural design processes of masculinity and femininity images. On the materials of modern sociolinguistic studies, the article shows the asymmetry of the male and female models of language communication, which largely determines the representation of the hierarchy of the male and female models through the use of specific vocabulary, patterns of word formation, features of verbal communication characteristic of the male and female gender. The findings can be useful for linguistic socialization of young people in order to overcome gender asymmetry in an emancipating society.
Naumenko I.V.
The article studies the features of metaphorization of lexeme traffic in the American language picture of the world. The choice of American English to study the metaphorical representation of the lexeme is due to the significant influence of the American automobile culture on the formation of the linguocultural community. The goal is the study of the semantic expansion of the concept in the US automotive discourse. The relevance is due to the lack of knowledge of the metaphorical nomination of the lexeme in American English. The material of the study is taken from authoritative general and special dictionaries of the English language. An analysis of metaphorization, including from the standpoint of an etymological approach, led to the conclusion that its metaphorical rethinking is affected by the linguocultural environment. In the course of the study, the etymological method and the methods of definitional and component analysis were involved. It has been established that phrasal verbs are the most frequent means of transportation, as well as anthropomorphic models, some of which undergo double metaphorization, penetrating into other types of discourse.
Neustroev K.S.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the subject matter, as well as the characteristics of selected speech acts (RA) in terms of their relationship. As the source of empirical material, the voluminous, phenomenologically complex and illustrative “Copyright Law” of the United States, adopted in 1976, which is distinguished by a certain discursive dynamic, was chosen. In modern humanitarian knowledge considerable attention is paid to the multidimensional analysis of the interaction of the pragmatic and non-pragmatic aspects of linguistic objects. This is facilitated by the growing mutual interactions between the language science and interdisciplinary research. Such epistemic prerequisites determine the relevance of the problem under consideration in this article, which is identifying the relationship between the subject matter, as a linguistic object, and the indirect nature of the speech act. The scientific and theoretical significance of this study means that it enriches the linguistic understanding of such a subject area as “Copyright” and reveals the regular nature of the relationship between a certain understanding of the subject area and an indirect speech act.
Kretov A.V., Pavlovskaya O.E.
The article deals with the translation of the chosen places of Octoechos from Greek and Church Slavonic languages into Russian, that was made by St. Theophan (Govorov). The material is valuable not only as a historical heritage of our people, but also as a source of spiritual, moral, aesthetic, intellectual values and landmarks. Language tools that embody the pragmatic purpose of translation are analysed with a view to make the text comprehensible for contemporaries. Various techniques of representation of the pragmatic function of chants are examined in different levels of the language. The conclusion is that Saint Theophanes had an interpreting intuition that brought the Greek and Church Slavonic liturgical texts closer to modern perception while maintaining the common theme of the original.
Plotnikova L.I., Plotnikova Ju.V.
The article gives an analysis of lexical neologisms in poetic texts of Belgorod authors. The study of this phenomenon poses the actual problem, because the author’s words represent lingvocreative specific of linguistic personà and tendencies of linguistic development. Along with the regional marked words, they are important components of a regional poetic discourse. The multi-aspect analysis of author’s words allowed to reveal dominants of regional poetic word creation. The used methods of the system scientific description, interpretation and the contextual analysis of author’s words allowed to draw conclusions that the dominant of regional poetic word creation can be considered as addition of different words. Along with them dominate prefixal and suffixal substantives, compound and prefixal adjectives, suffixal verbs, prefixal adverbs. The created words, on the one hand, reflect creative abilities of the linguistic persona, and on the other hand – reveal typological features of the regional poetic world.
Popova L.G., Gamov A.N.
The proposed article analyzes the existing definitions of the military term and puts forward its own point of view on the status of the military term of the English language. There is proposed a possible thematic classification of military terms of the English language. On the example of the ÕÕth century English-language prose by two authors E. Hemingway and R. Aldington, the presence of thematic groups of military terms is revealed, the frequency of their using is established. It is concluded that in these prosaic texts military terms retain their meaning, recorded in specialized dictionaries. The relevance of the proposed study is due to the constant scientific interest of linguists in the study of military terms and the definition of the status of a military term, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, insufficient knowledge of the functioning of military terms in the fiction. The scientific novelty of this work is due to the fact that it establishes for the first time possible changes in the thematic classification of military terms in English prose of the twentieth century. The purpose of the article is to clarify the composition of thematic groups of English military terms in the prose of the XXth century. Hence, the objectives of the proposed study are the analysis of the existing definitions of military terms, the definition of the composition of thematic groups of military terms used in English prose of the XXth century. This work has theoretical and practical significance, as it contributes to the development of a direction of modern terminology as the study of the specific use of terms in non-special texts. The results of the study can find their application in the expansion of articles of dictionaries of military terms of English.
Redko G.V., Eremeeva A.A.
The objects of the study are phraseological units as martial units of the language, making expressions expressive, emotional and figurative. The goal is to characterize phraseological adhesions, turns and combinations and present the specificity of each type of phraseological unit. The relevance of the work is the need to identify adequate ways to transfer phraseological units as cultural realities, reflecting the national identity of the people. For the first time, idioms borrowed from different languages are described and an extra-contextual interpretation of their meanings is presented. The originality of idioms borrowed from the Old Slavonic language is noted. The study helps to solve the problem of transmitting national-cultural meanings, especially in fiction, since it is known that the phraseologisms reflect the history of the ethnic group, its culture and way of life, its national character and worldview, and also develop a theory of stable phrases, in particular phraseological units, having a complex semantic structure that distinguishes them from non-phraseological (free) combinations variables of similar component composition and structure. It is proved that phraseological units are important not only as a means of communication, but also as sources of various socially significant information. The main methods of research used are as follows: a comparative analysis method, a contextual method for determining features of functioning of the studied units in textual material, elements of component analysis for determining the degree of proximity of the lexeme of the original language and translation, and also a method of quantitative analysis. The results of the study can be useful in the stylistic analysis of the text and the interpretation of its meaning.
Sarangaeva Zh.N.
The aim of this work is to describe the emblematic characteristics of the concept “nomadism” in Kalmyk culture and language. The emblematic description of the concept is displayed in its verbal expression. The emblematic interpretation is revealed in the meanings of culturally-marked dialect, lexical and phraseological units, etiquette formulas, etc.
The material of the study was data of explanatory, synonymous, phraseological and paremiological dictionaries.
The methods of component and contextual analysis, the interpretative method allowed us to identify the definite evaluative and ethno-specific features of this phenomenon.
The study reveals in lexical units the notion “nomadism” is both expressed with the help of one- and multi-word equivalents through the complex semantic shades of meaning. Lexico-phraseological units with the component ‘nomadism’ and ‘nomadic’ denote the key notions that correspond with the basic values of Kalmyk lingvoculture. The emblematic characteristics of the concept are also expressed in its special ritualization.
The work has the certain practical significance. Its results can be applied in the lectures on interpretive cultural linguistics, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics and intercultural communication.
Tkacheva A.N.
The aim of this work is to identify, classify and analyze some lexical and grammatical means of naming French Comedy films. The role of English words, neologisms, antonyms, phraseological units, interrogative and imperative sentences of movie titles of French Comedy films was studied. The linguistic means express the irony, expressivity, emotions. Several linguistic means can be used simultaneously. The comic and gaming titles provoke psychological arousal, attract attention and involve the audience into the decoding of the incorporated meaning. The lexical and grammatical means are an indicator of the author’s attitude to the film’s characters and plot. The linguistic and stylistic components of the original linguistic game are often lost in the translating the French film comedies titles into Russian. The research results can be practically used in the training of specialists of cinema and media industry, as well as in teaching French to students of screen and creative professions.
Filimonova E.P.
The article observes the concept competition as a linguo-cognitive dominant of sports discourse. The components of the concept such as “victory”, “beauty”, “rules” (norms), “obstacle” are identified and analyzed. The concept “competition” enters into certain opposition to such concepts as “health”, “strength” and “physical perfection” due to the emphasis within the concept on such notions as success and risk. Sports discourse suggests active involvement of the linguosemiotic and social background, involving the concepts of competition and game, as well as all concepts subordinate to them, in the speech activity of parties to sports communication. The results of the study have a theoretical significance due to the fact that the cultural space is characterized by the presence of an element of competition in it, and competition in strength and agility, endurance is important for human society not only to achieve material gain, but also in terms of enjoying the game. It is concluded that the whole history of mankind is a reflection of competition in various fields - in economics, in education, politics and art, and thanks to it, interpersonal conflicts are resolved peacefully, a symbolic embodiment of which is sports.
Edilkhanova Kh.J.
In conditions of dynamic expanding of modern world knowledge national specifity of other culture help to understand each other better.
The article deals with the linguistic ways of reflection of the national mentality of the Chechen and English nations.
Comparative analysis of parameological material in Chechen and English languages allow us to say about specific worldviews of each nation. The purpose of this article is to compare stereotypes of behavior of both nations through the analysis of paroemia, to reveal similar traits of Chechen and English paroemia and similar requirements to each representative of nations, due to the influence of mentality of two different nations we can see characteristic of each nation. From theoretical point of view, the research allows us to generalize scientific knowledge in the field of research, and also analyse and synthetize the available theoretical material. The following methods of research had been used in the process of work: critical analysis, scientific and methodical literature in the problem of researching; comparative method - comparison of linguistic realities of two cultures; and ethods of analysis and synthesis to study structural and semantic of system of proverbs.
The study revealed specific features characteristic of Chechen and English paroemia, reflecting the national mentality of each nation. A figurative idea of the national mentality of two different languages was formed on the basis of the analysis, necessary for a better mutual perception of nations.
Literary Criticism
Bakov Kh.I.
Features of the figurative system in the poetry of Kurman Duguzhev
The article deals with the problems of mastery of the talented Circassian poet Kurman Duguzhev (1941-1984) based on the lyric material. For the first time, a lyrical-epic analysis of the poem “The Dance of Askhad” is conducted, that made it possible to identify the features of the poem composition and plot. Particular attention is paid to the issues of the poet’s innovation in the use of original visual tools: epithets, comparisons, avatars and metaphors. The main motifs of the poet's lyrics and means of individualization of images are revealed. The concept of a “small homeland” is noted, the origin of which is connected with the poet’s biography, with his creative individuality. The results of research of K. Duguzhev’s poetry can be used in the practice of secondary and higher school, in which the Adyg literature is studied.
Tugaeva M.A.
Category of time in A. Akhmatova's artistic texts
The article is devoted to identifying the role of the philosophical category of time in the structure of the artistic texts of the poems of Anna Akhmatova. The purpose of the work is to compare the artistic speech with the everyday speech in order to give semantic and graphic characteristics of the temporal relations of the poetic text as a reflection of the artistic style of the author. The material of the study included verses and poems of Anna Akhmatova from different periods of creativity. The article is based on contextual, comparative and descriptive research methods. Some features of Akhmatova's poetic system of syntax are identified, associated with brevity and fragmentation of phrases, weakening of the verb, which gives the syntax conciseness and laconicism. The means of enhancing the expressiveness of A. Akhmatova's writing are repetitions, parallelisms, rhetorical questions, interstitial exclamations, expressive particles, repeating conjunctions, metaphors and other figures of poetic syntax that, in the artistic perception of man, transform ontological time as a form of physical reality in artistic time as a form of aesthetic reality. The results of the study are both of theoretical (the study of the individual manner of the author, the functioning of artistic speech) and practical significance, determined by the interrelation of the two branches of philology (literary criticism and linguistics) with the theory and practice of teaching national literature in secondary and higher education.
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
On features of formation of the Adyghe modern prose of the late 1940s and early 1950s
The paper examines the typological features of development of the Adyghe modern prose in the second half of the 1940s and in the beginning of the 1950s in the context of domestic literature. The problematical character and an originality of the conflict of prosaic works are analyzed, their genre features and style originality determined by ideological attitude and the theory of absence of conflict are established. The art searches connected with an attempt to reflect hot topics and to strengthen the art problematical character are revealed. The used sociocultural, comparative and typological methods help to formulate conclusions about features of the new, intermediate stage of the formation of national literatures that reflected typological features of domestic art of a word. Work contributes to the solution of problems of evolution of various genres of literature. Its value is connected also with a possibility of its application at a research of history of domestic literature and in the development of textbooks and manuals.
Khavzhokova L.B., Shogenova E.A.
Musarbi Sokurov's sonnets as the first experiments in mastering the genre in Kabardian literature
The article is devoted to the study of the sonnet genre in Kabardian poetry, based on an example of Musarbi Sokurov's sonnets. The urgency of the problem involved is due to the rapid progress of the innovative genre of the sonnet and the sequence of sonnets in Kabardian literature and the need to fill the existing gap in identifying the main trends and guidelines for its evolution.
The main attention of the authors is paid to both formal and informative features of sonnets of the specified author. The features of observance / non-observance in his sonnets of the canonical norms of the genre are revealed. In this research, the method of the structural analysis, allowing determination of genre, style and composite characteristics of the sonnet, is used. The hermeneutical method, promoting identification of the main motif lines, is used to examine the informative features of sonnets. It is found out that the sonnet passed a difficult way of formation in the Kabardian literature. Thanks to the first poets who wrote sonnets this genre reached a certain level of development and now occupies one of the leading places. At early stages of formation of the sonnet by M. Sokurov, all canons of this genre were mastered, beginning from subject and finishing with formal indicators. Results can be used in studying the Kabardian poetry, in developing special courses on national literature and in writing qualification works.
Khadzhieva L.L., Khorolsky V.V.
Publicistic discourse in the postmodern literature of Europe at a boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries: disputes on the ideals and methods of study
The article is aimed at scrutiny of the world outlook of some authors close to postmodern aesthetics, at investigation of their methodological ambivalence, that influences literary texts and contemporary public writing (e.g. J. Baudrillard, J. Barnes, P. Ackroyd), popular scientific texts (PST), created under the influence of rhizome-structured textual models; value relativization patterns being the core of “transitional period” problem. The article deals with the unsolved problems of methodological preferences in postmodern literature in the context of symbiotic relationships of artistic and journalistic texts in the framework of information age ideology and predominance of hedonistic consumerism ideals. Dominating entertainment (playful) strategies and patterns of Postmodern mass culture determine imagery of both literary and journalistic texts. Contextual analyses of J. Barnes and – to a lesser extent – P. Ackroyd’s PST and artistic discourses, investigated in the realm of artistic and non-fiction narration symbiotic unity, make it possible to draw conclusions about contradictory gist of such texts that are created under rhizomatic and relativistic ideals impact. This conclusion is important for creating generalized value-aspect criteria of contemporary literary process. Cultural-informational approach to PST analyses is relevant for mediatization of mass culture products bringing forth ambivalent ethical ideals. The article can be used during lecturing on foreign literature history. Also it can be used for cultural studies and media critical interpretation of texts that joins together fictional, documentary, popular scientific and other strategies.
Shishkhova N.M., Kapets O.V.
The purpose of the study is the scientific understanding of the important problem “Dostoevsky and the East”, rarely analyzed by literary scholarly science for various reasons, the accumulation of the writer's views, scattered in the artistic space of the novels. It is revealed that the peculiarities of the solution of the stated problem are often highlighted, emphasized as one of the main ideas in the writer's subjects. On the basis of the comparative historical method, the hypothesis is substantiated that in the typology of Dostoevsky’s characters, the place of the Muslim prophet is often found next to Christ, and these images, as interpreted by the writer, acquire a universal character and fit into the archetype system. As a result of the textual analysis, it has been established that the reason for this attitude may lie in the understanding by Dostoevsky of the commonness of the main ideas of thinking, traditions and customs of different peoples and faiths.
Kudaeva Z.Zh.
Sacral foundations of the Adyghe etiquette - Adyghe Habze (based on Adyghe proverbs and proverbial signs)
The main objective of this study is to compare, analyze and identify the mythopoetic parameters that underlie the Adyg etiquette rules and norms. The study is carried out using comparative and structural-semiotic research methods. The material for the analysis are the tests of the Adyg proverbs and proverbial signs-rules. As a result of the research undertaken, it was revealed that etiquette rules and attitudes, as well as “superstitious” signs-rules constitute a single semantic field, the main parameters of which reflect the mythological coordinate system inherent in the Adyg ethnic tradition. At the heart of the "superstitious" signs-rules and proverbs embodying moral and ethical attitudes and norms of etiquette (adyghe habze) is the sphere of the sacred, objectifying and relating the mythological model of the world with everyday life. The norms and attitudes of the Adyg etiquette, embodied in the texts of proverbs, as well as the "superstitious" signs-rules contain implicitly present mythopoetic ideas, the myth-ritual scenario, which should ensure a favorable course of life.
Salazhieva E.I.
The place of folklore in information structure and the art system of the work by U.L.Laudaev "The Chechen Tribe"
The paper discusses the role of folklore in an information field and the art world of the work by U.L. Laudaev "The Chechen Tribe". The purpose of this research is to analyze the incentive reasons and motivation of the Chechen educator to address the materials of oral folk poetic art and traditional national culture, mainly, as the sources of prescientific knowledge and manifestation of ethnic mentality. Application of historical-literary, comparative and typological research methods allowed us to state that in U. Laudaev’s documentary and art prose, the folklore genres, entering the concept "non fantastic prose", prevail. Those are a tale, a legend, Hadith, a joke, use in structure of the text of colloquial lexicon and some underestimated folklore genres such as the Nart epos and fairy tales, associated with existence in them of a big share of art fiction. We arrive at a conclusion that the use of folklore texts as a source of data on national character, a figurative system and the art world of verbal poetic creativity is relevant for national educational literature. The theoretical importance of this work lies in justification of methodology of studying an esthetic component of the Chechen educational literature and the practical importance is related to a possibility of use of results of this research in further scientific activity.
Gorbunenko A.Ph.
The rise of modern American poetry and the activities of the magazine «Others: a Magazine of the New Verse»
The purpose of this research is to study the influence of “small magazines” on the development of American poetry. Under the editorship of Alfred Kreymborg, the magazine «Others: a Magazine of the New Verse» has significantly expanded the scope of approaches to modern models of versification. The practical significance lies in the analysis of the magazine, highlighting the staged phases of its formation. The obtained results allow us to understand the specifics of the interaction of poetic texts and the “magazine platform”. The methodological base comprises the historical-typological and comparative methods. The result of the study is the creation of a complete typological picture of that periodical. The carried-out analysis of the «Others: a Magazine of the New Verse» is of special importance for modern science about journalism since it shows the interaction of the editor’s ideology with the ideological platform of the information space. The article is also of interest to modern literary criticism, talking about new experimental forms of poetry.
Gorbunenko A.Ph., Luchinsky Yu.V.
Alfred Kreimborg and the editorial policy of the modernist magazine «The Glebe»
The aim of the research is to investigate the contribution of the American critic and editor Alfred Kreymborg in forming national “small journals” which became an important stage in the development of the international avant-garde. The practical significance of the study includes the description of one of the conceptual projects of Kreymborg dealing with the publication of the literary magazine “The Glebe”. The obtained results help to build a complete picture of modernist periodicals zone. The methodological basis is the historical-typological and comparative research methods. The result of the study is the creation of a complete typological picture of the specified publication. The carried-out analysis of the “The Glebe” is of special importance for modern science about journalism since it shows the interaction of the editor’s ideology with the ideological platform of the information space. The article is also of interest to modern literary criticism, talking about new experimental forms of poetry and about new literary movements.
Tarasenko E.V.
The article is devoted to popularization of volunteer activities of the Russian youth by mass media. The author highlights that lack of the information in mass media is one of the main factors preventing from effective development of volunteer activities in the Russian Federation. Having analyzed the social surveys of volunteer activities and the attitude of the native youth towards this problem the author draws a conclusion according to which in our country there are enough young people potentially ready to do something to lend a helping hand to the needy. It is possible if there is proper information of such kind of activities and active work with the potential volunteers.
Study of Arts
Begicheva O.V.
The national historical ballad in a mirror of "vagrant" plots
Based on the material of the Russian and Western European ballads of the 19-20th centuries, we investigate the plots of the national historical ballads, which have circulation in different countries due to the energetic translation activity of poets. The purpose of the research is to distinguish those, from a great array of ballad plots, that have received representation in musical ballads. To examine two plots “The Song of the Bard” and “The King under the Mountain” (“The Sleeping Hero”), the following research methods are used: the historical and culturological, method of musicological analysis, methods of comparative studies and theoretical poetics. In the musical ballad, they display themselves as a landscape and battle, as a portrait and lamentation. Examples are given for each of them. The general principles of their structure are found: subjects, characters' typification, plot scheme and their motives.
The conclusion is made about the formation in the music of its own semantic field of “Varangian heroics”, which served as the basis for the birth of a separate branch of the “Nordic” or “heroic” ballad.
Burmatov M.A.
The evolution of the pop song genre in the musical culture of Russia
The article reveals the methodological aspects of the genre variety of pop song in our country. The metamorphosis of traditional forms of pop songs and the emergence of new genre lines under the influence of social paradigms in Russian society and, in general, changes in the socio-political formation in the state are analyzed. The aim of the study is to study the phenomenon of pop songs in the context of the national mass musical culture. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author approached the comprehension of the national pop song from the standpoint of scientific approaches formed by modern art criticism. The song is shown not only from the perspective of sociocultural dynamics, but also as a noticeable reality of musical art, taking into account the versatility of its genres. It is noted that the genre feature of pop song is associated with both the folklore component and the academic school of songwriting. A historical overview of the development of the Russian song music, the formation and improvement of professional pop vocal skills (a wide repertoire, performance skills, creative originality, etc.) is presented. It is summarized that the long-term vocal creative process served as the basis for the fact that the pop song in Russia acquired the status of an object of national musical heritage.
Mozgot S.A.
Concepts of "Alien", "Others" and "Different" in opera music of the 19-20th centuries: distinctive features and ways of expression
Various models of reflection of public space revealed in concepts "Alien", "Others" and "Different" are examined based on the example of music of the 19-20th centuries. The main objective of this study is to identify the distinctive features and means of musical expressiveness of each of the concepts. The study is carried out using a method of the musicological analysis and methods of hermeneutics and comparativistics. Various examples of spatial comparisons of “Familiar”/”Alien” in domestic music of the 19-20th centuries are given to show the distinction of meanings and techniques of the organization of musical material and to explore the mechanisms of emergence of the additional musical contexts caused by sociocultural realities of time. It is proved that the embeddedness of the Russian culture in the European one from the time of government reforms of Peter I allows us to designate all the phenomena introduced from the West by a concept of "Others" since having common roots, they show essential distinctions (e.g., Orthodox and Catholic Christianity). At the same time, owing to really existing intonational, composite and other differences of manifestations of art consciousness and thinking, various embodiments of the East (domestic and foreign) are called "Different". Systematization in space of the phenomena from area of content of musical art and expansion of empirical base of the description of an image of the person in music through spatial distances provide new opportunities for performing interpretations of works. It is concluded that all images associated with death and the embodiment of the other world and evil spirit are alien to the most human life and the person and they can be referred to the embodiment of a concept "Alien".
Ponkina A.M.
Avant-garde trends in miniature for sax solo
For the first time, the features of the refraction of avant-garde tendencies in unaccompanied compositions (solo), written in the saxophone miniature genre, are analyzed. Compositions of such a plan have gained unprecedented popularity in the works of composers of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries due to the possibility of translating a new range of artistic images through an innovative approach to composing and performing means. As a result, various specific features are inherent in the opuses. One of the most striking is experimenting with timbre sounding of the instrument by introducing methods of playing that are characteristic of folk national and jazz music playing, non-traditional performing techniques, sonoristic and acoustic effects, as well as reinterpreted in a modern key and received a kind of embodiment of such techniques as vibrato, glissando, trill , tremolo, and others. The outcome of these processes is the rethinking of the essence of instrumental virtuosity, which began to be defined as the ability to operate unconventional techniques, since their implementation is associated with significant difficulties in restructuring the gaming machine. The change in the character of intonation, which is fundamentally different from the classical one, leads to an original interpretation of concerting based on a sharp contrast between the components of the palette of timbre, articulation, stroke, dynamic arsenal of one instrument, and to the appearance of timbre dramaturgy, with its characteristic accentuation of auxiliary elements (timbre, dynamics , articulations, strokes, agogics, etc.), embodied through detailed author's instructions, fixed in detail and interpreted in the full score.
Tugaeva M.A., Shak T.F.
The article discusses some approaches to the interpretation and reinterpretation of Silver Age poetry in the genres of modern mass culture. The purpose of the article is to identify certain specific forms of translating poetic texts, style models, personal characteristics of poets in pop song genres in the context of compositional, performing interpretation and visual refraction in television projects. The postmodern basis of these texts is shown, which absorbs poetic and musical quotations, allusions, intonation references for the expression of artistic meaning. The results of the study are both theoretical (the study of the individual stylistics of the poets of the Silver Age, the genre specificity of the pop song), and practical significance determined by the interrelation of philology with various branches of art history (musicology, film studies), cultural studies (the phenomenon of mass culture) and the practice of teaching art history disciplines in creative universities. The data obtained may be involved in the courses «Cultural Studies», “Mass Musical Culture”, “Interpretation of a work of art”, “History of pop music and performing art”.