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#4 / 2019
Arutyunov S.A.
Today and yesterday. About A.K. Shaparova's book "Political Repression of Circassians in the North Caucasus (1918-1940)", Nalchik, 2017 - 822 pp.
This deeply meaningful and perfectly designed book was published two years ago, unfortunately with an announced circulation of only 300 copies. The book is somewhat unusual in its structure. The author's text in it is relatively small. The vast majority of the texts are memories of people who have been subjected to repression - arrests, many years of camps, exile or forced to flee and hide from them, people whose parents and relatives were innocent and killed or tortured both directly by their guardians, and by hunger, diseases, unsustainable work and inhuman living conditions. But there are many lines in these same memories about how the ones who managed to survive in this monstrous butcher of Bolshevism and Stalinism, have found strength for decent and noble work, often under changed names and far from their places of origin for great achievements in their work and for universal respect in society. They have found strength for feats while defending great homeland from the threat of foreign enslavement, and for realization of their spiritual nobility and the best human qualities so highly standing in the Circassian mentality and vision of the world and man in it. The book is written in Russian, but some sections and documents are given also in the Adyg (Kabardino-Circassian) original and in English translation.
Literary Criticism
Paranuk K.N.
Role and functions of the house and city chronotopes in the gender space of the novels of D.Rubina "On the Sunny Side of the Street" and L. Ulitskaya "Medea and Her Children"
The work deals with the gender picture of the world in novels of bright representatives of modern female prose D.Rubina and L Ulitskaya. The author analyzes and investigates the gender space of these novels, the specifics of chronotope in them, and the role and functions of the house and city chronotopes in the gender field of novels. The comparative analysis carried out makes it possible to reveal the conceptual significance of these chronotopes in novels for the gender content of semantics and the structure of novels. The use of gender and comparative methods of research determines the theoretical significance of studies related to systemic analysis in a new direction of modern literature such as genderology. In practice the results of this study can be used in classes on modern national literature in schools and universities.
Khatkova I.N.
The main features of the novel in A.P. Chekhov 's work "Drama During a Hunt"
The article studies little-learned aspects in the work of the famous Russian writer A.P.Chekhov. The authors explore some features of A.P. Chekhov 's "Drama During a Hunt" as a work of the novel genre. The study updates the problems associated with identifying the peculiarity of the novel. The publication deals with the nature of the conflict, free and engaging organization of the plot, peculiarities of the system of images, composition of the work and its ending. The methodology of the study is based on the identification of the novelistic pattern in A.P.Chekhov 's work "Drama During a Hunt". It is concluded that the work is an attempt to appeal to the novel genre. The scientific and practical significance of this article is related to textual and typological analysis of the work, which reveals elements of the novel genre. The relevance is determined by the factor that the problem of the novel in Chekhov 's early work is least studied and covered in literature studies, and that the presence of elements of the novel in Chekhov's stories is only mentioned in some monographs. Thus, the novelty of this study is underlined by the lack of a full scientific research on the topic.
Khuazheva N.Kh., Pshizova A.K.
Philosophical aspect of the perception of the world in the lyrics of Muliet Emizh Dunuim yehyl1egye gupshyseheu Emyj Mul1et ilirke kyumate1yhair
This study discusses the works of the famous Adyghe poetess Muliet Emizh, which reflect the spiritual life of man at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the new century. The study of the poet 's lyrics is relevant in modern times, since it refers to eternal, enduring spiritual values in human life: love, loyalty to duty, honor, dignity, and adherence to the traditions of ancestors. Emphasis has been placed on stylistic specificity, and peculiarities of artistic skill of the poet. Language peculiarities of works are highlighted. Historical-literary, textual, and cultural analysis made it possible to conclude that the poetess in her work was able to show in detail the internal life and philosophy of the contemporary of the late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The results of this research can be used in the study of the Adyghe lyrics of recent decades.
Chekalov P.K.
Principle of content and form preserving in K.L. Mkhtse's translation book "Coming Back"
Translations of poems by Abazin poet Kerim Mkhtse into Russian, made by Moscow poet Andrei Galamaga, are being investigated to clarify the question of the conformity of the form and content of the original and the translation. The scientific significance of the article lies in the level of the carried out prosody analysis, which reveals various nuances of convergence and deviations of Abazin and Russian texts. The comparative method used makes it possible to determine the adequacy of formal features of verse such as stanza, rhyming, size, principles (figurative parallelism), means (lexical ring), etc. In the content-related plan, this publication deals with the identity of poetry images and their meaningful content. The practical significance of the work lies in that that the Russian-speaking reader will receive a qualified idea of the correlation of translation to original, and subsequent translators of K. Mkhtse 's works will be able to take into account their success and shortcomings in their creative activities noted during the study. The analysis of five representative works leads to the conclusion that, regardless of individual deviations from the original, the translation work of A. Galamaga is based on the principle of preserving the form and content of the works to be translated.
Shevtsov K.V.
Solzhenitsyn as an ideologue: the problem statement
The aim of this study is to identify and analyze textually different variants of paradoxical synthesis of differently directed attitudes in Solzhenitsyn’s works. The tasks of the work focus on understanding the ideological views of the writer, which have an ambiguous interpretation in the domestic literature. Throughout almost all his life, A. Solzhenitsyn combined Orthodox faith with love for the revolution, being a true Christian and at the same time a fiery revolutionary.
This paradox was most pronounced in the book "The Gulag Archipelago", where the religious idea of self-judgement and self-cleansing works with the incongruous singing of revolutionary violence. Solzhenitsyn's search was manifested in the fact that, along with advice to the reader to abandon the search for external enemies and fight personal moral defects, he fiercely calls for an armed fight against the hated regime. Another example of Solzhenitsyn's paradoxical duplicity is the combination of rational-logical and religious-mystical attitudes. The author of “The Gulag Archipelago” is both a born mathematician, used to thinking rationally, and a mystic fatalist, who has no doubt that the Lord himself uses him as a tool for the realization of the highest will.
As a result, we have revealed that Solzhenitsyn as an ideologue was always distinguished by categoricalness in judgment and assessments, he clearly gravitated to an authoritarian-preaching word. Despite this, however, the writer's works have a pronounced polyphonic nature, combining opposite conceptual-sense principles. The reason may be that the complex, multifaceted personality of the great ideologist writer combined fundamentally different things.
Abazov, A.Ch., Astezheva, A.M.
The song “Night Attack of Kabardians” in the creative heritage of the writer of Circassian abroad Shaban Kubov
Comprehension of the theme of Russian-Kabardian relations in historical heroic songs is a priority task of modern Adyg literary science. In this respect, the problem of studying the songs of nameless improvisators about the Russian-Caucasian war in the recording (in musical treatment) occupies a special place. In particular, the records of the Circassian writer Shaban Kubov are of particular interest. We are talking about a version of the historical heroic song “Night Attack of the Kabardians” little-known among Russian folklorists. Created by couplets, which is inherent in elegy - one of the genre forms of lyrics, this song is about the struggle of the Adygs for their independence and selfless love for their native land. The words of the song call for stoicism and courage, for the highest moral and ethical standards of behavior of the Adyg. Studying the creative heritage of Shaban Kubov will give us the opportunity to take a fresh look at real events and facts; to understand the author's position on the depicted events; to establish the fate of real heroes and their prototypes, etc. The study is based on the method of research from text to fact proposed by the Adyg folklorist R.Unarokova, as well as on the method of comparative-typological analysis of folklore text.
Gutov A.M.
Song of the ballad type in the Adyg historical heroic epic
For the first time in the Adyg folklore, the task is set to establish the fact of existence in the Adyg folklore of works of ballad type and to determine their main typological and distinctive features. For this, one of the songs of lyric-epic character is taken as an example. The small lyric-epic form is one of the unexplored areas of song folk culture of the Adygs. The state of study of the problem on this ethno-linguistic material is characterized and the reasons why the subject under consideration did not attract the attention of researchers before are established. All known records of the song are involved in the analysis, which allows the author to establish the range of variation at the level of content, stability of poetry text and geography of existence. Attention is drawn to such common features of the ballad genre as the presence of a detailed narrative, single-hero and single-event, dramatic nature of the situation and others. As a result, it is concluded that the ballad or song of the ballad type did not receive independent genre status in the Adyg song tradition. However, it occupies its important place in the context of the general poetry and musical culture of the people. Further research in this field has a favorable perspective for establishing the sociocultural and artistic significance of the ballad in the Adyg folklore.
Kudaeva Z.Zh.
Legends: on definition and classification of genres of the Adyg non-fairy-tale prose
This work studies the genre characteristics of the legend, as one of the least studied genres of the Adyg folk non-fairy-tale prose. The study of the genre of the Adyg legend, namely: the identification of its features, differentiating features, the main components of its plot-thematic groups and the most productive plot-forming motives contributes to the clarification of ideas about one of the constituent elements of the Adyg non-fairy-tale prose and the creation of a complete and exhaustive system of genres of Adyg folklore. The methodological basis of the work was the principles of comparative-historical, and historical-typological methods of research, which involve a comprehensive, systemic study of folklore in its relation to historical reality. The genre differentiation of the legend is based on the principles of historicism, the historical conditionality of the concept of “reliability”, the perception of the “miraculous” and the dominant nature of the aesthetic function associated with it. Genre varieties of toponymic and religious legends are identified and characterized as part of the genre.
Pashtova M.M.
Stereotypical oral texts on property relations in the local folklore tradition
The material of stereotypical texts of one of the major Circassian enclaves of Turkey (Uzun Yayla) is used to study oral explications of the culture of economic relations - texts about property in folklore discourse, actualizing material values (money, gold, livestock, land, etc.) as a resource of power, a marker of social (in some cases - ethnocultural) identity, as an ethical and socio-regulatory tool. The folklore of the Circassian diaspora in the claimed aspects is considered for the first time. The material is collected by deep interview and included observation in the enclave of Uzun Yayla (Central Anatolia), consisting of 67 Circassian villages. The author identifies stereotypical perceptions of money and property and key mainstreaming strategies of their actualization, analyzes the socio-communicative conditions and mechanisms of transformation of these perceptions in a particular local tradition, and defines pragmatic functions of studied texts. The analysis made it possible to draw a conclusion that stereotypical oral texts about money and property, on the one hand, represent the traditional (feudal-chivalry), commerce-denying attitude, and, on the other, the texts form an understanding of the need to master the culture of money for success in today's urbanized society. Also important is the conclusion that the studied texts (in particular, memorates about the crisis events of the last century), actualize a number of traditional ethnocultural values in collective memory.
Unarokova R.B., Khakunova E.Kh.
Adyghe modern wedding: from reconstruction experience
At the present stage in the world there is an intensive revival of festive rite forms of folk culture. A comparative analysis of traditional and new forms of the wedding rite functioning is carried out to solve in practice the problems of determining the security and transmission functions of the wedding rite. Based on this analysis, a script of a modern Adyghe wedding has been developed. Sources for writing the script are scientific works of Adyghe ethnographers and folklorists, in particular, the monograph "Folklore of Adyghe Wedding" (in Adyghe language) and a collection of Adyg health and well-being wishes. Field materials on the wedding rite stored in the Central Archives of Adyghe State University and Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities are also widely used.
Beshukova F.B., Khazhgerieva A.A.
Technology of mythologization of modern advertising: communicative aspect
The paper focuses on identification of conceptual principles of postmodern aesthetics relevant for modern advertising. The objectives of the study focus on advertising technologies of lifestyle formation, image, and style through addressing myths, cultural codes, and simulacra. The analysis is based on media and postmodern methodologies. Postmodern stylistics becomes quite popular and effective in modern mass culture. This is due to the general trend of culture and mass consciousness development. The authors show that advertising fundamentally changes its orientation, moving from direct proposals to hidden impact on psychological structures of consciousness and behavior of the consumer. Among characteristic features of modern advertising are imagery, desire for developing stories, active attraction of media persons and cult figures from the sphere of show business, science, politics, etc. The selection of the person of the advertising campaign takes into account the specifics of the target audience. As a result, conclusions are drawn on the effectiveness of mass communication technologies identified and described in the publication.
Lyapun S.V., Sokolova G.V.
Sports journalism development in the digital age
Taking into account the genre-thematic component, the authors describe trends that are inherent in the development of sports journalism of the digital age, which has become one of the popular trends of the global infocommunicative space. A systemic approach study using observation and comparison techniques has found that sports journalism is a very large area, since modern sports interact closely with other spheres of public life. The new media environment creates objective prerequisites for intensive development of professional activity of sports journalists, using effectively information technologies. Sports journalism develops intensely in two main genre directions: news and media analytics. The authors draw a conclusion that sports media texts demonstrate markedly two sides of activity of modern author-journalist - creative and technological. The results of the study are of interest for mass communication theory and medialinguistics.
Novak M.V.
Directory "Atlas of Russian Orthodox Publications of the USA of the 19th and 20th Centuries" as experience in factual data systematization
The aim of this article is to summarize one more way of presenting the results of the work on systematization and presentation of the basic factual data necessary to ensure full overview familiarity with the wide range of Russian Orthodox periodicals published in the territory of the United States of America in the 19th and 20th centuries. Studying the history of any complex social, political or cultural phenomena (in particular, the history of Russian journalism abroad) in order to adequately understand their essence and significance requires a visual, easy-to-perceive representation of the entire panorama of events and facts that accompanied their genesis and functioning, as well as active political forces, popular ideas and active personalities. An adequate understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the US Orthodox Press system requires, first of all, a visual representation of all elements of this system, as well as a brief description of the personalities of its main organizers and publishers, ideological encouragers. The Atlas - Directory consists of sections providing the most substantial information about each Russian publication. The amount of information provided about any of the units that made up the Russian printing system of the studied period ranged from a few lines to several pages - according to the trace, left by this publication and its employees in the history of Russian journalism of America and the whole Russian abroad. The results of the work are the first experience in publishing a reference atlas on this subject.
Study of Arts
Galina G.S.
Typology of artistic images in the Bashkir national opera
The article deals with the system of artistic images in the Bashkir national opera, the formation of which occurred during the period of Soviet cultural construction. Since the musical and stylistic standard of this period was the Russian classic opera for all young national schools of composers in the country, the system of artistic images was borrowed just from it. In the context of the Bashkir national opera, many theoretical questions, including its artistic and substantive plan, remain undeveloped to this day, and this article, the relevance of which is indicated in the light of the above, is the first attempt to comprehend this problem in opera. In the process of consistent consideration on the basis of existing classifications in Russian musicology, the main goal of the work is achieved – the creation of a system of artistic images in the Bashkir national opera. Their names are also borrowed from the practice of Russian musicology, in some cases precisely, in some-modified. The author notes the changes in the characters and ways of their implementation that occurred in the process of adaptation of the European genre. It is pointed out that this is due to the peculiarities of the national mentality, which corrects not only the images, but also all the structural components of the opera.
Sokolova A.N.
The Caucasus pre-revolutionary sound recordings as a scientific research object
This study presents some of the materials obtained as a result of many-year collection work in the archives of Russia and Great Britain: lists of Ossetian musical folklore recorded on vinyl pre-revolutionary discs. The aim of this study is to declare the need for scientific research of pre-revolutionary sound recordings, which allow us to reconstruct the musical aura of a century ago, to have starting sources for observation and understanding of evolutionary processes in the development of traditional culture, including musical and verbal texts. The study of ancient records is also important from the point of view of regional history, local history, cultural anthropology, sociology of culture, folklore and ethnomusicology. Published archival sources will open to science new names of performers, forgotten musical genres, interesting topics and stories.
Abregov A.N.
On the etymology of several dendronyms in Adyg languages
The etymology of several dendronyms in Adyg languages is proposed using a comparative-historical method of studying the corresponding lexemes. Linguistics has established the view that in agglutinative languages the boundaries between morphemes are transparent. However, words do not always break down into original morphemes. This usually occurs when words undergo phonetic changes of different order, whereby the inner form of the word is obliterated. Only etymological analysis is necessary to restore the original sounding of such words. The results of this study allow us to deeply penetrate the history of the word and expand the scope of etymological works, which is important for both general and Caucasus linguistics. The material can be used in reading courses in lexicology and semasiology, etymology and word formation, in developing special courses and special seminars, as well as in lexicographic practice in making an etymological dictionary of Adyghe language.
Bguasheva Z.B., Pshizova A.K.
The concept of "good" in Adyg sayings and proverbs
The authors explore one of the most significant cultural concepts of the Adyghe language consciousness "good". Attention is focused on the manifestation of national-cultural specificity, the conceptual characteristic of this concept is considered. An attempt is undertaken to provide, using an example of the group, a proverb corps of the Adyghe language with the concept of "good". In modern linguistics, the linguoculturological approach is updated to study language units, among which sayings and proverbs occupy a special place as cultural values of centuries-old experience of an ethnic group, because each language in its own way reflects reality in accordance with the historical experience of the people, their culture and living conditions. The topic under consideration is relevant: paroemias are a dictionary-shaped knowledge, a reflection of the social reality of the Adyghe people. The results of the study can be applied in the development of the problem of paroemias in the Adyghe linguistics, in university courses on lexicology and in lexicographic practice.
Bedanokova Z.K., Gavrilova B.A.
Sitcom as a discourse of the degradation of spiritual values (evocative analysis of television situation comedies)
A study of cognitive-semantic features of texts of mass culture is undertaken in order to identify conceptually determined units and their functional and aesthetic potential. The material of the study was the verbal component of situation comedies as an intensely developing segment of modern telecommunication in the form of dialogues and remarks characterized by indirect speech, ambiguity. The methodology of studying complex semantic forms is based on narrative and evocative analysis, during which a number of stereotypes, actively functioning in sitcoms, are considered. Also the conceptuality of antonymical concepts "education - ignorance", culture - rudeness, platitude" is justified through dialogues with contaminated meaning in situation comedies. The results of the study have theoretical significance, lying in identification of opposed vectors of meaning generation and representation of complex semantic forms of invocation and profanation. The obtained data have led to the conclusion that the conceptual field of dishonorable attitudes contrasts not only with the form of expression, but also with the anomalous form of content, which is excessive even for the genre of mass culture. The practical value of the study lies in developing a typology of stereotypes represented in sitcoms perceived by the TV viewer and contributing ultimately to the degradation of spiritual values, whatever reality they broadcast. As a result, the intellectual and cultural message of the author of the sitcom text is transformed into a template and stereotype in the consciousness of the modern resident, which certainly creates conditions for the degradation of spirituality and language.
Bedanokova S.K.
On the peculiarities of color namings in structurally various languages
An attempt is undertaken to systematize color namings in French, Russian and Adyghe, basing on the identification of indicative discrepancies and similarities in the perception of color space as a linguistic-color component of the language picture of the world. The author considers and compares "color namings", which are realized by separate lexemes, phrases, idiomatic expressions and other verbal means first using dictionary materials of Russian, French and Adyghe languages. The practical value of the study lies in the formation of a system of color namings in the Adyghe language, using texts of artistic works of Adyghe writers I.Mashbash and N. Kuyek as an example, which is of an applied nature. The results of the study are of theoretical importance due to the identification of the most stable trends that determine the specificity of color namings in the Adyghe language, which are related to other languages. Major and intermediate color namings are transmitted to varying degrees by reference to the prototype color. In conclusion, it can be said that the linguistic-color picture of the world leads to new knowledge, to understanding the characteristics of an ethnos.
Vinnik Yu.V.
Specificity of irony in political communication
This work discusses irony as one of the most frequent humorous techniques in the text material of a newspaper. Various definitions of irony are given. Irony has erased the boundaries of genre differences not only in the press, but also in any communication. The language methods of expressing irony are analyzed. The publication notes that irony as a stylistic device that creates a comic effect due to a hidden mockery expressing censure, disapproval, rejection, comes from a subjective idea of the object and has no clear structure. Numerous functions of irony are confirmed. It is concluded that the main function of taking irony is aesthetic, i.e. the transmission of the opposite meaning, in which paradoxy and emotional-value attitude of the speaker are combined. The essence of aggressive and non-aggressive irony functions is specified. It is proved that humor, in its narrow sense, is one of the ways to express an attitude to a particular problem and, in addition to its main function - information, it performs the function of relieving tension, pushing the authorities towards reflection, drawing its attention to problems of concern to society: corruption, red tape, education, finance issues, etc.
Grushevskaya T.M., Solomon Yu.A.
Verbalization of the concept of "personal qualities" in the works of Françouase Sagan
The article discusses the concept of "personal qualities of a person". The classification of groups of personal qualities is given. Examples of physical qualities based on the works of the famous French writer Francoise Sagan are presented in detail. The aim of the study is to identify heroes who are soul mates in relation to each other, having common physical personal qualities. The search for such heroes takes place by analyzing the lexical units used by the author of the works. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of two or more heroes with similar physical qualities of a person. Comparison of heroes is carried out by analyzing the appearance of the heroes, voice data and physical characteristics. The data obtained within the framework of the presented scientific research indicate that not only the heroes of the novels can be soul mates among themselves, but the writer herself has common physical personality qualities with her characters. The results of the study are of theoretical significance, since the analysis allowed the authors to systematize the general qualities of the characters and writer based on the analysis of lexical units.
Kapranova I.P., Korobchak V.N.
Oscar Wilde's concepts of fictional discourse
The article is devoted to the individual author's concept, i.e., the conceptualization of the author's world, in particular, in the linguistic development of the linguistic personality. The purpose of the article is to investigate the system of concepts to show the features of verbal representation of the author's concepts in the literary text. In this regard, the concept sphere of the elite linguistic personality, realizing the axiological views of the era, is of interest. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the phenomenon of fictional discourse is attracting increasing attention in the framework of anthropocentric studies. Individual author's concept is the conceptualization of the author's world, manifested in his individual style, imagery of the text. The article considers the fictional discourse of Oscar Wilde, in particular, the author's fairy tale within the anthropocentric paradigm of scientific thinking, in which the potential of language units of different levels is realized. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of the author's fairy tale not only from the point of view of anthropological linguistics and cognitive science in order to study the conceptual information of artistic discourse, but also within the framework of hermeneutics. In conclusion, we come to the point that the author's fiction concepts are realized not by direct nominations, but by figurative language means. Therefore, cognitive understanding is not sufficient, and in order to understand fictional discourse (fictional concept), a desobjectified understanding is necessary.
Kopot L.V.
Names of Russian ancient trades as a means of verbalization of category of ethnicity
The study is devoted to the category of ethnicity reflected in the semantics of names of Russian ancient trades and positions. The relevance of this work lies in actively developing ethnogender direction, which covers the issues of stratification of the category of femininity/masculinity in Russian linguoculture through mentality represented in the seme composition of the national vocabulary. We analyzed the material extracted by the method of solid sampling from the "Dictionary of Ancient Russian Language of the 11th through 17th centuries". Scientific novelty is related to the attempt to identify together the manifestation of ethnic and gender characteristics in Russian linguoculture. As a result, the lexical-thematic group (LTG) of "names of trades and positions" was studied, lexical-semantic groups (LSG) were distinguished, the gender lexical-grammatical specificity of nomination of persons by trade was described, and markers relevant for determining the gender and ethnicity of the language speaker have been identified. Basically, a descriptive method is used, partly a method of component analysis based on lexicographic sources of the ancient Russian language. The results of the study can be used in reading special courses on linguoculturology, ethnology, genderology, and sociolinguistics.
Korobchak V.N., Pyakina I.V.
Structural - semantic organization of the concept "writer" in S. Maugham's fictional discourse
The article is devoted to the individual author's concept, that is, the conceptualization of the author's world. The purpose of the article is to show the features of the structural and semantic organization of the concept "writer" in the fictional discourse of S.Maugham. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that researchers of the text show an increased interest in language units of different levels, and concepts within the framework of anthropocentric studies. In this regard, it is important to take into account the fact that the fictional worldview of S. Maugham is a complex structural and semantic formation based on a system of concepts that are formed based on individual author's meanings and represent the main axiological guidelines of the author. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of the structural and semantic organization of the concept "writer" in the fictional discourse of S.Maugham within the framework of hermeneutics. We have arrived at the conclusion that the extralinguistic factor plays an important role in the formation of a certain image in the fictional discourse, and the unusual writer’s worldview is formed as a result of a certain way of life.
Loova A.D., Dzhandar B.M.
On correlation of valence and government (from German language material)
This work deals with syntax organization of words in coherent speech. Semantic valence theory as one of the most important directions of modern syntax makes a certain contribution to the study of word combination and sentence structure. The goal of this work is to study the valence characteristics of some German verbs and to highlight certain syntax structures that shape the given verbs in sentences. The lexical units of a given stratum are analyzed using a structural-semantic method to identify the effect of verb valence on sentence structure in German. The analysis of lexical material strongly demonstrates that syntax and lexical combinability, explained by lexical-semantic processes in language, allows us to master the laws of speech construction, and to know internal regularities of relations between components of a phrase. It is concluded that the combination of a word with grammatically dependent words is multiaspectual. The theoretical and practical significance of the studied material lies in the possibility of its inclusion in university lecture courses when considering the theory of phrase and sentence.
Omarova Z.S.
Language symbolism as a means of updating the concept of "Love" in the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov
The article analyzes the linguistic symbols of the actualization of the concept “Love” in the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov: their metaphorical and individual author's specifics are determined; language character models are described; the features of the use of symbols of Avar folklore are considered; culturally significant content of symbols is identified; the role of symbolism and determinative components accompanying language symbols in the actualization of the denotative and connotative content of poetic discourse is determined; and some features of linguistic symbols associated with the conceptual specifics of the poetic works of Rasul Gamzatov in various genres are considered. It has been established that the language symbols used in the lovingly lyric poetry of Rasul Gamzatov are predominantly metaphorical in nature. Key symbols correlate with different culture codes - with zoomorphic, natural, subject, plant, somatic, and religious, forming the language symbolism characteristic of the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov. The analysis of the poetic material made it possible to formulate a number of conclusions about the role of linguistic symbolism in the actualization of the concept “Love” in the works of Rasul Gamzatov: linguistic symbolism has an expressive, evaluative and individual author's character; to actualize the theme of love, comparative symbols associated with the different culture codes are used; the significance of love is emphasized by the use of definitive components of an evaluative and symbolic character; the language symbolism in the lyric poetry of Rasul Gamzatov also actualizes its vulnerability, and therefore one of the key components in such discourses is the verb ö1óíèçå “preserve, save”.
Sokur E.A., Arkhipova I.V.
Features of the cultural linguistic concept of "clothing" in Russian language
This work discusses the cultural linguistic features of the concept of "clothing" in Russian language. The material of the study was based on the paremiological units reflecting the concept in question. The authors show that there are cognitive classifiers in the field of clothing, which organize the semantic space of the language as a whole. The method of scientific observation with discursive analysis, a component analysis, and a contextual analysis are used. The scientific and practical significance and relevance of the article are determined by the relevance of the comprehensive study of the sphere of concepts in the Russian language. The undertaken analysis of cultural linguistic features of the concept of "clothing" makes a certain contribution to linguistic semantics. It is concluded that clothing reflects, embodies certain stereotypes, communicative attitudes, rules and norms of behavior.