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#2 / 2019
Arutyunova T.S., Cherkasova I.P.
Dynamics of student’s conceptual sphere in light of academic discourse
For the first time, an attempt is made to study the representation of concepts in academic discourse and to reveal the peculiarities of dynamics of a conceptual sphere of a contemporary student. The data obtained in the framework of this scientific research, based on the study of domestic and foreign sources, refereed periodicals, devoted to the study of discourse as a complex structural-semantic construction of an axiological system with a certain functional perspective. The results of the study are of theoretical significance, since it demonstrates a partial change in the structural-semantic filling of concepts, the proved partial preservation of meanings, and variable meanings. The research methodology is based on a questionnaire and on a comparative analysis of the fundamental concepts of one- and four-year students of higher educational institutions, aimed at identifying dynamics features of a conceptual sphere of a contemporary student. The data obtained can be successfully applied in linguistics and pedagogy.
Bogdanova E.A.
Phraseological units with the ethnonym component in French
The article deals with the issues related to the French phraseological units with the ethnonym component. Selecting the material, we focused on the phraseological units encompassing the nouns designating ethnoses, which appeared in language due to cross-cultural communication. They are noted for brevity, figurativeness and reflect the attitude of native speakers towards representatives of other culture of language. The analysis and interpretation of semantics of the phraseological units containing ethnonyms show that the bad experience in contacts with representatives of other cultures most often is reflected in the French culture of language that has the explanation from a position of cognitive psychology. Data of the conducted research point to reflection of ethnic stereotypes in phraseology, and the sense of the majority of phraseological units with this component remains unmotivated. Many phraseological units with the studied component at the heart of the sense have the historic facts connected with contacts with other people and include a set of the qualities attributed by native speakers of French to representatives of other languages and cultures. The anthropocentric orientation of modern humanitarian researches defines relevance and prospects of studying phraseology, in particular the phraseological units containing ethnonyms. The obtained data can be applied in studying elements of the French culture of language, including the description of features of the French phraseological picture of the world.
Kovrygina N.V.
Creation of the concept "space" in the Russian language picture of the world
The given research discusses the main features of the concept of "space", analyzes the features of the representation of this concept in the Russian linguistic worldview and reveals its ethno-cultural specificity. The author sets out to develop a system of analysis of Russian cosmonyms, consolidated in a conceptual macrosystem and achieves this by methods adequate to the subject and object of research. The concept is understood as a unit of collective knowledge, which has a linguistic expression and ethno-cultural specificity. Units reflecting the main associations are identified. The material of the research includes data from linguistic dictionaries. The scientific importance of the research is due to the fact that the author supplements and systematizes some theoretical concepts of the modern theory of the concept and represents the insufficiently explored concept of "space". The use of a set of different methods of linguistic analysis, including system analysis, made it possible to come to the conclusion about the importance of this concept in the space of Russian linguistic consciousness. As a result of research, some features of the concept "space" functioning in the Russian linguistic worldview were revealed. The research makes a contribution to the development of linguoculturology and linguoconceptology, describing the national specifics and evolution of the analyzed concept as one of the basic concepts of culture.
Kopot L.V.
Pragmalinguistic features of representation of gender stereotypes in an advertising discourse
For the first time we undertake a new approach to the analysis of intensively developing advertising discourse from positions of gender linguistics. The purpose of this research is to identify the pragmalinguistic features of the verbal units, which transfer and fix the gender stereotypes. These stereotypes are traditionally functioning in society and actively, explicitly or implicitly, taking root into communication that, in turn, opens the way to creating the text focused on women or men. An analysis is made of gender roles of target audience, represented by an advertising discourse, and the verbal units of the perfumed advertising discourse realizing the representations historically developed in society concerning what has to be the woman and the man. Based on the methods of observation, comparison and a system research, we reveal the language means, which are verbally reproducing gender stereotypes through public discursive practices. Also, we define the specific techniques caused by gender intention of the addressee, allowing us to open profound mechanisms of behavior of women as the main consumers of perfumery products. Results of our research expand pragmalinguistic ideas of a gender phenomenon in the field of an advertising discourse and can be used in teaching higher school courses on sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics and ethnocultural linguistics.
Levchenko T.L.
Linguistic features of the representation of the of external beauty stereotype in the media discourse: gender approach
An attempt is made to study the linguistic features of the functioning of the stereotyped view of external beauty in the media discourse, taking into account the gender approach. The work reveals and describes stereotypical ideas about the external beauty of a man and a woman in English linguistic culture. The material of the study includes the texts of gender-oriented English Internet magazines. The study used the methods of continuous sampling and classification of gender-marked vocabulary and the method of definition analysis. The conclusion is drawn that, under the influence of the media, new gender stereotypes of beauty are forming. The theoretical and practical significance lies in the possibility of applying the results of the study in creating courses of lectures on gender linguistics, as well as in drawing up dictionaries of linguocultural concepts in English.
Plaksin V.A.
On the linguistic economic worldview
The purpose of this article is to consider the principles and stages of the formation of the economic worldview, its relationship with the corresponding segment of the linguistic worldview. To achieve it, the author uses an interdisciplinary approach treating the combination of the set of methods and research techniques used in the analysis of texts of different styles and genres (component analysis based on vocabulary definitions, contextual analysis and comparative analysis). The article discusses principles and stages of the formation of the economic worldview, which combines in the unified context terminological and non-terminological, narrowly specialized and generally scientific, linguistic and extra-linguistic information; as well as its relationship with the corresponding segment of the linguistic worldview. In this connection, the terminological system in its broadest terms – the "cornerstone" of the linguistic economic worldview development – is being analyzed, as given in the economic discourse. As a result, market economic terminology, being a systemically organized linguistic and discursive sphere, is viewed upon as structured knowledge about the worldview by key conceptual units. The changes in the structure and functions of the economic terminological system, reflected in the corresponding linguistic worldview, are determined by the general economic state of the country, the importance for the whole society of certain economic problems at a certain stage of its development. The theoretical significance of the results is in a demonstration of the relationship of a special sphere of vocabulary of market economic discourse as not just a list of terms, but a specific lexico-semantic and functional system, reflecting a certain relation of economic concepts. The practical results of the study can be useful for analyzing modern economic processes and creating tools for managing them.
Popova L.G., Osadchaya O.N.
The verbalization of the valuable component of the linguistic cultural concept “mercy” in the Russian and English languages (problems and prospects)
This article defines the place of the concept “mercy” in existing classifications of linguistic cultural concepts. A method of revealing proverbs and idioms capable of representation of the valuable component of this concept in the language is proposed. The relevance of the proposed research lies in the fact that many scientific works are devoted to the study of the representation of concepts on the material of several languages, which is the object of close attention of the linguists of our days. The purpose of the work is to establish similarities and differences in the verbalization of the concept under study through the paroemias of the English and Russian languages, which contain in their composition the nuclear lexemes of the concept. In the course of achieving this goal, the following tasks were solved: to establish the nuclear lexemes of the concept of "mercy" in English and Russian languages, to identify and compare the composition of the paroemias representing this concept and containing these lexemes. Additionally, this article clarifies and compares the composition of nuclear lexemes of this concept on the basis of etymology dictionaries, thesauruses and bilingual dictionaries by means of the reversible method in order to discover proverbs and idioms containing these lexemes in phraseological dictionaries. In this article, phraseological units are systematized in the form of theme groups. Similarities and differences of this concept explication in the Russian and English languages are defined during the comparison.
Tikhonova A.P.
The problem of word order typology in the Hattian language and the Abkhaz-Adyghe parallels
For the first time, a typological interpretation of the structure of the Hattian sentence is given. The basis of the study was the opposition of transitivity / intransitivity as the main property of the verb and as a major feature of the language structure. The study of the ways of transferring subject-object relations in the Hattian language made it possible to come to the conclusion that the verbal preverbs dominate in the transmission of these relations, which gives grounds to consider the Hattian language to be basically ergative. The Hattian verb dictates a word order in which the object of the action takes the first place, the doer of the action (subject) follows it, and the predicate itself (verb-predicate) tends to occupy a phrase-terminal position. In the Hattian language, intransitive verbs form the basis of the nominative construction, and transitive verbs form the basis of the ergative construction of the sentence. Comparison of the typology of word order in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages revealed a striking similarity between them, which points to the common origins of these languages. The research results can be applied when writing the history of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.
Kharaeva L.Ch., Ezaova M.Yu.
On the historical and semantic evolution of one Adyghe root
For the first time, the article deals with the historical and semantic development of the etymological complex delhu. Etymological, historical, semantic and linguocultural analyses of derived lexemes, dating back to the etymon, are carried out using a broad illustrative material of the Kabardino-Circassian, French, and Greek languages. The article also provides data on the parallel development of French lexemes, which are in a hypothetical etymological relationship with the Adyghe, through the ancient Greek language. The article explores the relationship between the two lexemes: the Adyghe dalyku and the French dauphin, ascending by the results of the analysis to a single root. The analysis of linguistic and extralinguistic facts allows us to assert that the hypothesis we put forward about the etymological and semantic relationship of the analyzed lexemes is justified. This statement fits into the system of semantic transitions in words that go back to one etymological complex. The conclusions given in the article are supported by the proven existence of close Adyghe-Greek relations, which affected the emergence of numerous language parallels. Greek language and culture are still a donor language in various fields of human activity, a mediator between different linguistic cultures. In addition to the Adyghe and French linguocultures, this study touches the Indo-European language, where the studied lexemes are reflected.
Khuazheva Z.G.
Functional - semantic varieties of a paraphrase
Varieties of paraphrasing in a literary text are considered. Our goal is to show that the paraphrase can be used for different variants of the meaning of the statement. This is possible due to the variability of language expression, the presence of different ways of information design. The relationship between the paraphrase and the primary designation of the situation is based on the variable reproduction of the content with the full or partial development of the language form. The material of the study was the literary texts of Russian classics of the 19 – 20th centuries. The paper used search methods of empirical and theoretical research: analysis, synthesis, comparison. The relevance of this research lies in the fact that paraphrase can be considered as a macrostructural stylistic figure, contributing to the strengthening of the author's image, the disclosure of its multi-aspect and performing the text-forming function of the prospectus. The results of the study may be useful for further development of typologies of paraphrasic transformations in the text and identification of the function of paraphrasing as a text-forming factor.
Khuazheva Z.G., Tlevtsezheva M.M.
Specificity of the art text, paraphrase as the component of esthetic information
This article discusses the analysis of the participation of paraphrases in the dynamics of the figurative development of verbal-artistic information. Our goal is to show that paraphrase provides meaningful enrichment of information due to the effect of repetition, expansion, stratification or fragmentation of the earlier designated information. The material of the study was the artistic texts of the Russian classics of the 19th and 20th centuries and published literary translations from French into Russian. Research methods were determined by the specifics of the object of study. Among them are the methods of translation comparative analysis, and elements of the transformational and component techniques. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the linguopoetic essence of paraphrase and the use of paraphrase in artistic discourse are not well understood. This aspect is very important, since semantic processes are accompanied by textual implications, which are of great importance for the realization of the intention of the author of a literary text, since they are associated with the development of additional images on an associative basis. The study allows us to reveal the specifics of the use of paraphrases in a literary text as a method of linguistic poetics and as a method of translation. The results of the study may be useful for the further development of the problem of paraphrase in the translation perspective.
Tsaturyan M.M.
Linguotheoretical aspect of studying the text of the novel 'The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club' by Charles Dickens
This paper examines the relation of postpositive to the lexical-grammatical kinds of prepositions and adverbs based on the original text of the novel by Charles Dickens 'The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club'. The recognition of the super-specific nature of the verbal-post-positive unit (VPP) and, accordingly, the lexical status of their component - the verbal core and postpositive, does not give a concrete answer to the question of their linguistic nature. As the units used in colloquial English, VPP are of interest from the point of view of communicative linguistics. The study analyzes the overall correlation of the signs of wholeness and separate grammaticality in the structure of the VPP, which points to a significant predominance of the latter. The English language has no lexemes whose components would have mobility similar to that of the components of the VPP under study.
Tsaturyan M.A.
Discursive character of the language person in the political discourse
The paper presents the review of language person in political discourse in the system of linguistic researches. Definition of the important features of language person in political discourse as a specific kind of media discourse and as a subject of a linguoculturological research is given. The research shows that suggestibility and personality, being the peculiarity of speech impact, characterize the language person in the political discourse. The suggestive impact on the recipient by means of figures of speech is implemented through the synthesis of communicative, linguocultural and linguostylistic categories. The publication describes the figures of speech as the means of suggestibility of the political discourse: metaphor, simile, epithet and so on. The political discourse includes not only the logic, rhetoric and linguistic means of the speech impact, but also personal sense structures, among which are values, opinions and convictions of the author that are expressed with the help of irony, estimating lexemes, idioms, simile, lexical and semantic repetitions, etc.
Chigrinova E.A.
The ñomparative analysis of an objectivization of the main signs of an image stereotype "the bad doctor" in the Russian and British media
High interest of mass media in healthcare field, namely in level of qualification and professionalism of medical personnel, determined the topic of the presented research, the object of which is the image of a medical worker, which was considered for the first time from the standpoint of the stereotyped image. Two possible scenarios are established: positive and negative, that represent the stereotyped image of the doctor. The structure of the identified images is considered from the point of view of field organization: central and additional signs are distinguished. The stereotyped image of a "bad doctor" is described in detail. The data obtained within the scientific research based on studying and the analysis of the publications of the Russian and British network press creating a negative image of the doctor made it possible to reveal the multi-level language means verbalizing the main signs which are the center of field structure of images stereotypes "the bad doctor" and "a bad doctor". As a result of a detailed comparative analysis of the empirical material, similarities and differences in the means and methods of objectifying the established main signs of the considered stereotyped images were revealed. The findings of the research contribute to the further development of the linguoculturological approach to description of means of expressing social objects in various languages and can be used in university courses on lexicology, stylistics and rhetorics.
Shokarova O.A.
The problem of interpreting special scientific terminology in the explanatory dictionaries of the Adyg languages
For the first time, a study is conducted to identify the problems of interpretation of special scientific vocabulary in the explanatory dictionaries of the Adyg languages. The relevance of the stated theme is determined by the fact that the inclusion of special lexemes of a scientific nature in general philological dictionaries and their description is very complex and requires a separate scientific consideration. The aim of the study is to study the problem of the interpretation of scientific terms in the Adyg dictionaries. To identify and resolve this problem, the scientific terminology from the field of linguistics, presented in the general philological and explanatory dictionaries of the Adyg languages, in particular in the "Dictionary of the Kabardino-Circassian language" and the explanatory dictionaries of the Adyghe language is considered. According to the principles of lexicography, the inclusion of the term in the explanatory dictionary takes place on actual basis of its belonging to the lexical reserve accumulated by educated people - experts in different fields, as well as on the selection of texts used as sources of materials and the nature of use in the context, etc. Without focusing on the discussion of these criteria, in our study we will consider the semantic characteristics of the terms included in the explanatory dictionaries of the Adyg languages. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of interpretations of linguistic terms presented in the explanatory dictionaries of the Kabardino-Circassian and Adyghe languages, as well as on the etymological and semantic analysis of some considered lexemes. Practical and scientific significance lies in the fact that the results obtained can help in conducting research in the field of Adyg lexicography and linguistics in general.
Literary Criticism
Kukueva Z.V.
The main prerequisites and trends of development of autobiographical prose in the Chechen literature
An attempt is undertaken to analyze the reasons of relevance of autobiographical prose of Moussa Beksultanov against the background of development of an autobiographical genre in the Chechen literature in the context of literary process of the North Caucasus. Taking into consideration that throughout history of professional art literature of the region this genre was not widespread both in the Chechen literature, and in the majority of other new written literatures, this research defines the reasons, sources and prerequisites of this phenomenon. The publication shows that throughout the long pre-literature, preliterate period, predominant for folklore outlook were a mythologism, fiction, and a fantasy. Signs of such phenomena as historicism, "documentalism" were minimized. The author proves that early forms of a biographism and autobiographism in the history of literature are for the first time formed based on the developed professional literature, in particular, literatures of the people of Russia whose formation belongs to later period, taking into account similar traditions of the Russian literature and national writers educators of the 19th century, in this case – Vainakh writers Chuck Akhriev and Umalat Laudaev. The analysis of signs of autobiographism in their texts made it possible to reveal such components as use by authors of their own life experience, biographic episodes, with expression of an open position, and such important component of the autobiographical narration as the image of the author having specific lines. The technique of this research is based on the comparative analysis of a phenomenon of works of "extra art", but very peculiar type in literatures of the North Caucasus since the middle of the 20th century. The author carries out historical state-of-the-art review of an autobiographical component in the pre-war (S. Baduev, S.B. Arsanov, M.Mamakaev) and contemporary Chechen prose and poetry. Results of this research can be applicable as a methodological basis for the literary and typological analysis.
Naptsok B.R., Meretukova M.M.
Motives of Oriental fairy tales in Charles Dickens's creativity
The purpose of this article is to analyze the works of Charles Dickens, which include subject and figurative motives from the Oriental fairy tales of the collection "Thousand and One Night". The scientific importance of this research is in poor study of a question on influence of the Arab fairy tales on Dickens's creativity. The comparative - typological analysis of Dickens’s art and publicistic texts and letters allows us to claim that in many compositions of the English writer there are subject and figurative motives of fairy tales, which help him to disclose the extensive range of art values, to rethink the known fantastic images in a new way and to create original images. Our results show that Dickens's addressing Oriental fairy tales opened the way to expanding significantly limits of art and publicistic texts by means of the semantic analogies, direct or fragmentary quotes, intra text inclusions, hints and reminiscences which are indirect references to the known Oriental plots or characters. The practical importance of this research lies in use of its results when studying relevant problems of history of the English literature.
Panesh U.M., Shazzo Sh.E.
The Adyghe prose on a historical subject in light of domestic literature of the 1950s
The article investigates the nature of formation of the Adyghe prose on a historical subject of the beginning and the second half of the 1950s in light of domestic literature. The purpose of this research is to analyze an originality of problems, composition, and genre forms of works of the Adyghe writers of this period. Such lines of art of a word as strengthening problematical character, the movement to variety of art means, and updating genre formations are formulated. The cultural - historical and comparative - typological methods used in work make it possible to formulate conclusions on that the Adyghe prose on a historical subject begins to overcome an newsworthiness, a unilateral descriptiveness and there begins the movement on a way of style variety. This work solves theoretical problems of formation and development of genres of historical prose. Results of this research can find application at a research of history of domestic literature, and in development of various textbooks and manuals.
Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A.
Features of expressive system of the book "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by W.Irving
The article reveals and analyzes key parameters of a system of figurative and expressive means in works of the American writer Washington Irving using the material of his book "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". Characteristics are given for various interpretations of category of figurativeness in literature presented in estimates of domestic scientists. The purpose of this research is to analyze figurative function of artistic literature in connection with specific objectives of expressiveness of the literary text, dictated by its genre specifics and belonging to a certain literary and artistic direction, namely: to Romanticism. A study is made of specific forms, methods, techniques, and the basic principles of creation of expressive system of the book "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by W. Irving using the material of translation of S.A. Bobovich into Russian as manifestations of an originality of its content and artistic form. Visual, color, tactile motives, images of the work and their multiple-valued functions are analyzed. Examples of intertextual relationships are noted, and existence in the text of synthesis of romantic and realistic ways of the rendering is confirmed. The data obtained within the research based on comprehensive textual study of the work, provisions of a number of the authoritative sources and the reviewed periodicals devoted to the mentioned problems promote identification of the main signs causing the expressive figurative and semantic basis of the analyzed text. Results of the research open the way to systematization of approaches to the analysis of the image system of the work of art, all expressional means creating its esthetic value in general. The obtained data can be used as initial material for development of skills of the practical analysis of texts of the synthetic plan and as theoretical base for further studying the principles of a combination of romanticism and realism, elements of versatile, multidirectional genres and artistic techniques in the course of the textual analysis of literary works.
Khakuasheva M.A.
The metaphysics of evil and reconstruction of new morality in the story "The Forest of Loneliness” by N. Kuek
The article investigates the problems of genesis and manifestation of the phenomenon of evil, vividly manifested in the novel "The Forest of Loneliness". The relevance of this aspect is exacerbated by the fact that the ontology of evil is central in the work of N. Kuek. Evil is embodied in archetypical images, the most typical of the Adyghe culture, but in the works of Kuek they are "mutated" by contamination, which gives the traditional image atypical features.
The aim of the study was to identify the concept of the right strategy of opposition to evil, which acts as a key semantic core of the story. At the same time, it should be considered as one of the most important tasks of the author. In the course of the research, the author used mainly a historical - comparative method, which most fully corresponds to the specifics of the artistic narrative. One of the important conclusions is the definition of the genre specificity of the story, which can be defined as a philosophical historical story-parable.
Sokolova A.N.
From life of folklore genres: Song subject transformations and verbal archetypes
The paper explores the Kuban national songs "Dukhoborochka" and "Oh, You, Galya, Young Galya" which are not coinciding in music, but having the general storyline. By comparing various song versions of Dukhoborochka, we have found legendary and scientific justifications of its popularity, stable and unstable instructive motives. The first ones include the motive of cruel punishment of the girl for her trustfulness and hastiness through burning, the motive of free Cossack life. The second include motives of "the Cossack cunning", insidiousness and a detail of maiden desecration. In versions of the "Oh, You, Galya, Young Galya" song there is a replacement of heroes: instead of Cossacks, "Khazar Jews" act as Galya's "murderers". Cossacks are endued with lines of saviors of the girl. The late origin of this song (in comparison with Dukhoborochka) is confirmed by change of value orientations. In texts of more "ancient" songs, the Cossack tempts a dukhoborka with liberties of the Cossack life. In both invariants of songs, relationship with Old Slavic folklore archetypes is fixed. Cossacks tie the girl for braids (desecration symbolics) to the pine having complicated symbolical loading (a pine is a symbol of death and eternity, a machismo embodiment).
Barouqa Bibars, Ahmadulin E.V.
Features of television development in Jordan
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main stages of formation and development of television in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The research of modern problems of television in Jordan has practical value for definition of its role in a system of national media, as well as in the state and society. The methodology of work is based on the complex analysis of modern Jordanian TV in the context of historical, cultural, social and political processes, and includes methods – historical, system, structurally functional, and comparative. The main thing is the conclusion that for years of its development, the television of Jordan considerably progresses in various directions – in telecasting hardware, in training of professional staff and expansion of genre and thematic range of telecasts. Results of this research can be used for further studying the media of the Arab region and, in particular, for publicizing the work of media of Jordan.
Zykov O.P., Ryabova T.V.
The ideology of illusions of the USSR calendars in pre-war years (based on the example of the "Desktop calendar for 1940”)
The purpose of this publication is to study the composition and content of one of the types of media of the USSR in the pre-war years using an example of a printed annual calendar of the book type. The non-ideological analysis in the conditions of society of the transition period allowed us to establish the status of its target and reader appointment. The methodological basis was the historical and comparative method of research. For the first time the authors of this publication introduce paradigmatic characteristics identified from the context of the analyzed issue of print media into scientific circulation of the theory and history of journalism. It is stated that the calendars of the pre-war years have become the main yearbooks of instrumental journalism. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the results of the study in the preparation of textbooks and anthologies on the history of journalism.
Kotova K. Yu.
Columnistics in modern online media
The article discusses the author's columns, published in modern online media. The author describes the current state of the columnistics as one of demanded genres of authorial journalism, examines the peculiarities of texts in the column genre and defines their main subjects. The purpose of this research is to analyze author's texts of columnists in various online media. The practical importance of work lies in timely studying genre features at the present stage of development of journalism in order to identify the effective principles of work of columnists of modern editions. For the first time at the present stage, an attempt is undertaken to study a number of author's texts, focusing attention on a form and presentation, as well as to justify approaches in creation of effective columns. As a result, the author arrives at a conclusion that the current state of the column genre, one of the popular genres of journalism, is characterized, firstly, by increased interest in the author’s personality as a subject of the statement, and secondly, by a masterful ability to establish contacts with the audience by the columnist himself, choosing the appropriate form for the narration.
The results obtained during the research can be successfully applied both directly in practice of modern editions of Internet mass-media and as a theoretical basis for further studying the columnistics as one of demanded genres of author's journalism within professional disciplines.
Study of Arts
Begicheva O.V.
Typology of stories and features of music representation of characters in the taboo ballad of Romanticism
The article presents the classification of taboo ballad plots and analyzes the characters in this typological variety of the genre. The purpose of the article is to reveal the connections of literary and musical ballads, using the methods of theoretical poetics and holistic musicological analysis. The objectives of the work include the typology of ballad plots and ways of their embodiment in the musical art. The author shows that the romantic ballad often uses three "wandering plots": "the arrival of the dead groom", "marriage with a mythical creature" and "retribution". The sources of their origin determining the subject-conceptual aspect of the content of repeating character models are named. In the taboo ballad they were Infernal priest, Lover and Narrator. Their musical characteristics, which received concretization through migrating ballad-intonation complexes, are systematized. The conclusion is made about the role of these characters in the construction of the genre Canon of the musical ballad.
Pchelintsev A.V.
Arrangement as a method of contemporary interpretation of national musical instruments (the domra as an example)
For the first time, an attempt is undertaken to understand the problem of timbre reintroduction of the domra in the context of its integration into the sphere of pop-jazz music using the methods of arrangement. A set of expressive means has been identified, which determines the timbre-acoustic characteristics of the instrument in its new genre and stylistic conditions. An analysis is made of techniques and methods of arrangement as a means of modern interpretation of the domra. The author reveals relationship between the technical equipment of the instrument, aimed at the stylistic accuracy of the interpretation of jazz music, and intonation techniques borrowed from related instruments. Specific articulation in the context of pop-jazz stylistics is considered as an important expressive means. The color space of the domra, which is an important facet of timbre re-toning, is studied based on the results of experiments in the spectral properties of the instrument sound, and is a bright expressive tool in the process of arrangement. The results of the study are of theoretical significance, since they open the way for further study of the acoustic properties of folk instruments and their widespread introduction in pop-jazz music. The obtained data can be successfully applied in arranging activities, opening the way to expanding the range of artistic solutions for the processing of the original image of the borrowed original source and its peculiar style transformation.
Shyntyapina E.S.
Art and decorative elements of Stalin’s architecture of sanatorium complexes in the southern coast of the Crimea of the 1950s
The article deals with artistic and decorative elements that characterize the Stalin’s period in the architecture of the USSR, embodied in the sanatorium complexes of the southern coast of the Crimea in the 1950s. Constructed according to stylistics of the Soviet neoclassicism and an empire style, sanatoriums of the Crimean coast reflect the general architectural tendencies, as well as the principles and artistic techniques applied everywhere in Stalin’s architecture of this period. The spatial essence of architecture is connected not only with its intended purpose, but it belongs also to the esthetic spiritual category, which is capable to make high emotional, art impact on the person. The ornament and a decor decorating architectural monuments including recreational constructions are one of the most important means of art and spatial expressiveness. The article reveals the unique style characteristics of the decorative and artistic appearance of sanatorium complexes, which are of particular value in the historical and cultural context of the Soviet art of architecture. The results of the study make it possible to assert that the ensembles of sanatorium buildings are of special cultural and historical value and are a separate architectural unit in the history of the Soviet art.