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#1 / 2020
Abregov A.N.
The Adyghe word khalyghu "bread" and its single-root derivatives: word-formation and etymological aspect
The paper explores the lexeme of khalyghu "bread" and its stem words. The study material is represented by data from lexicographic sources. The aim of this paper is to determine the etymology of the above lexeme and the word-forming structure of single-root derivatives. The objective is to identify the origin of this lexeme and analyze ways to form single-root derivatives of lexemes. In order to solve the task, a comparative-historical method was used, as well as a structural-semantic and word-formation analysis of words was carried out. The theoretical significance of the study is that the analysis will be a certain contribution to the theory of etymology, lexicology and word formation of Adyg languages. The practical significance is that the results of the work can be used in reading lecture courses in modern Adyg languages, as well as in lexicographic practice in creating etymological and word-forming dictionaries of Adyghe and Kabardian-Circassian languages. The carried-out word-formation analysis of words has shown that the component of khaly / khely with meanings of "round cracknel", "circlet", "loaf" ← "circlet" appears in all words.
Bagirokov Kh.Z.
Bilingueme as a tool to study bilingualism in the text
The terminological instrumentation of bilingualism is analyzed, which is an urgent need for modern linguistics. Typology and bilingueme function in the Adyg language texts performing intercommunication is the goal of the work. Scientific and theoretical significance lies in the implementation of a complex verbal-semantic and linguoculturological analysis of texts of bilingual language personality, which makes it possible to use the method of contextual and semantic analysis in the representation of ways to update bilinguemes of the author’s language personality in bilingual literary text. The conclusions show that bilingual realities, bilingual culturemes and bilingual mythemes contribute to the formation of a society with a positive intercommunicative orientation, perceiving the foreign-language culture with an interest. The practical value of the work lies in representing the linguocultural potential of the Adygs in conditions of Adyghe-foreign natural and artificial language contacts.
Golyev A.A.
Anthropogenic impact on the paremiological fund of Estonian Language (case study of proverbs and sayings about hunting and fishing)
The relevance of this work lies in the fact that it examines linguaculturologically some Estonian proverbs and sayings in terms of how human impacts on the environment are reflected in the language. The main goal of the work is to show how human activity contributes to the appearance of certain proverbs and sayings. The paper deals with Estonian proverbs and sayings dedicated to the national Estonian crafts. Some of the sayings dedicated to agriculture, hunting or fishing are compared among each other. It is claimed that environmental changes caused by human activity contribute to the appearance of such proverbs and sayings in which fishing is praised and the value of hunting on the contrary is belittled. Such an analysis of the paremiological fund of Estonian language by using an example of some paroemias about hunting and fishing in the linguocultural aspect is carried out for the first time. A theoretical significance of this material is that it can be used to deepen knowledge in phraseology and to further develop the theory of language. The practical value of this material lies in a possibility of its application in higher school lecture courses on cultural linguistics.
Kubashicheva S.K.
Problem of interlanguage matching of Russian phrases and their English equivalents
The paper provides an analytical review of the design possibilities of Russian and English verbs, determines their structure, functions, and range of their lexical combination, showing discrepancies in the semantic volume of lexical units. The study of free phrases is aimed at identifying significant typological discrepancies in the languages of different systems. Comparative analysis of the relationship between vocabulary and syntax of Russian verbs and semantics of English equivalents are determining factors in solving problems of translation of non-predicative collocations. As a result of the comparison, it is inferred that various forms in structure in English correspond to uniform Russian phrases. The prospects of translation practice make the study of practical significance and provide the possibility of further research in the field of linguistics, theory and translation practice.
Levchenko T.L.
Slang representing the concept of “beauty” in modern English: gender aspect
The article deals with the slang names of female and male persons, describing their beauty in English linguoculture. The aim of the research is to study and characterize the ways how gender-labeled slang units are formed. The research is based on lexical units selected from lexicographic sources by the continuous sampling method. The analysis has revealed that the same vocabulary replenishment methods are typical for slang and for the literary language, regardless of gender. This conclusion indicates that slang is a whole layer of language, and it cannot be regarded as separate lexical units outside the literary norm. The studied lexical units belong to the periphery of the concept of “beauty” and make it possible to give a characteristic of the image of a handsome man and beautiful woman within a certain social group. The theoretical significance lies in expanding the understanding of the conceptual and linguistic picture of the world of native English speakers. The practical significance lies in the possibility of its use in the compilation of dictionaries of English slang, at lectures and practical classes in lexicology and linguistics.
Lei Zheng
Research of background processes happening under cultural interaction and relationship between Russia and China
For the first time, the article discusses the background processes of Russia and China in the context of the impact on intercultural interaction. The purpose of the work is to determine the role and importance of background knowledge in the activities of modern specialists engaged in professionally-oriented foreign language communication. The research technique is based on a comparative analysis of background processes taking place in Russian and Chinese society. The author's definition of the phenomenon of modernity – “interculture” – is proposed. The structure of background knowledge is analyzed. The analysis shows that background knowledge is multi-structural, its composition is represented by national-cultural knowledge and universal knowledge. Therefore, in order to master them in whole by representatives of foreign-language cultures, their structure and semantic content should be taken into account, since it is the semantic content that determines the specific conditions for the use of background knowledge in the process of communication. A number of methods have been proposed that will maximize the effectiveness of generating knowledge about background processes among foreign students and specialists. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the presence of background knowledge and the correct interpretation of background processes are of particular importance for any modern person, since they contribute to a better understanding of a foreign-speaking people, provide more effective intercultural interaction and, on the whole, make it possible to transfer to the level of universal knowledge of mankind.
Naptsok M.R.
Suffixal adjectives in V. Nabokov's prose: meaning and structure
The paper explores the suffixal adjectives presented in prosaic works of one of the brightest writers of the Russian abroad V.V. Nabokov. The purpose of the publication is to analyze the nature of formation and structure, as well as peculiarities of the meaning and functioning of suffixal adjectives in Nabokov’s prose in the Russian language. The scientific significance of the study lies in the further development of issues of vocabulary and classification of author’s neologisms. The analysis of the presented linguistic material is based on lexical-semantic, structural and word-forming methods of research and makes it possible to conclude that suffixal adjectives stand in productivity in the second place among the author 's neologisms of V. Nabokov after adjective derivatives created by addition. Suffixal adjectives are characterized by a variety of formants involved in word formation, but the most active in the writer 's prose are suffixes -n-, -sk- and -ov-, which correspond to the tradition of Russian word formation. Thus, it can be concluded that the literary word formation of V.V. Nabokov reflects the general trend characteristic of the Russian language, namely: high productivity of adjective formations, among which suffixal adjectives occupy an important place along with complex adjectives.
Rashidova A.G., Bizhitueva M.P.
Verbs with spatial meaning in the English language in comparison with Lak and Russian languages
In the vocabulary of comparable languages, spatial relations are expressed through various parts of speech, including nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs of place and indicative pronouns. The article deals with English verbs with spatial meaning and their correspondence in Lak and Russian. The reason for the detailed development of the system of cases in Dagestan languages by many researchers of Iberian-Caucasus languages was the complexity of the case system in the mountain languages of Dagestan. We conclude that spatiality is one of the basic categories of thought and language, characteristic of almost all language pictures of the world.The results of the conducted research allow us to use the obtained results as an auxiliary teaching material for the Lak school teachers who teach English, Russian and Lak languages, also, the results can serve as a basis for comparative and typological study of morphology of Lak and other related Dagestan languages, English and some other foreign languages, which are studied in secondary and higher schools of the Republic of Dagestan.
Tadzhibova Z.T.
Semantic analysis of Russian and English paroemias expressing the concept of “learning, knowledge”
Proverbs and sayings reflecting the concept of “learning, knowledge” in Russian and English linguistic cultures are identified and analyzed. The material of the study was the paroemia of multi-structural languages. The choice of proverbs and sayings as the material for the study is due to the insufficient study of the paroemias of the studied languages from the point of view of identifying the semantics of the lexical components, expressive-evaluative and expressive means, as well as the figurative basis of these units. The aim of the study is to identify common and different components of the concept of “learning, knowledge” in Russian and English linguistic cultures. The research methodology is based on comparative contrastive semantic analysis, continuous sampling method and linguo-cultural analysis. Paroemias of learning, knowledge occupy a special place in linguistic studies of languages. As a result of the analysis, it has been revealed that the implementation of this concept has both positive and negative connotations. Common to the Russian and English people is a comparison of knowledge with wealth, strength and modesty. In both cultures, a desire to learn all life is welcomed and warnings are given against small / insufficient knowledge. Distinctive features are a different attitude to the methods of obtaining knowledge, difficulties in the way of students. Nonequivalent paroemias were also discovered that reflected the realities of a particular culture. In the course of the study, we can conclude that the presence of correspondences in Russian and English paroemias in terms of content, but not in terms of expression, speaks of different perceptions of the surrounding reality. At the same time, the figurative basis of paroemias coincides, since all people, regardless of nationality, think in universal categories.
Khachmafova Z.R., Sereda L.M.
Gender picture of the world in women's prose discourse
The paper explores the women's language consciousness, actualized in the literary discourse of a female author and through a female character. Women's linguistic personality is analyzed as an object of linguocognitive interaction of the main participants of communication at psychological and gender levels, implemented in discursive practices of women's literary discourse. Gender, as the basis of social stratification, is verbalized in the discourse of women's literary prose in the form of the realization of gender characteristics and stereotypes. Discourse is considered as an individual means of self-expression of a woman (author and hero), as well as a generic means of gender identification, having a specific gender code. The conceptual analysis of literary text and modelling methods, which represent the content of the concept in the form of a field structure, were used to establish that women's literary discourse is an independent discourse, with special specificity of the world view, as well as gender-relevant concepts. The theoretical significance and practical value of the study lies in establishing the status of the gender approach in the study of the discourse of female prose, as well as in the possibility of using the results of the study in university courses in the theory of gender linguistics, cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics.
Khachmafova Z.R., Shkhumishkhova A.R.
Main models of term-derivation in subject area "Computer technologies" (German language materials)
The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the most productive morphological, morphological-syntactic and syntactic derivational models of terms in subject domain "Computer technologies" in German. The research methodology is based on derivation and structural analysis to determine the word-forming structure of computer terms and establish derivation models. The study has found that computer terms differ in systemic character at semantic, morphological, and word-building levels. The authors prove that derivation mechanisms for the formation of terms of the subject area "Computer technologies" are diverse and specific, the terms are created by the following methods of derivation: suffixation, prefixation, word addition, lexical-semantic term formation, abbreviation, syntactic term formation and borrowing. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the study of the mechanisms of term-derivation as one of the most important means of systemic structuring and systematization of terminological vocabulary, as well as in the deepening of general theoretic ideas about formal-structural peculiarities of terms of this subject area.
Khlopova A.I.
Comparative analysis of the content of the basic value of “work” in the linguoculture of the Russians and the German-speaking Swiss
In the article the author tries to establish the content of the basic value of Arbeit (work) in the Swiss linguoculture, which is compared with the content of the basic value of ðàáîòà (work) in the Russian linguoculture. A free associative experiment is used as the main method of researching the content of the basic value. It is the most effective way to detect the deep associative links of a word and therefore it can be used in different methods of word analysis. Nuclear reactions of the Swiss indicate how relevant the lexeme and the basic value of Arbeit (work) itself are for the respondents. The Swiss mention a big amount of work, pleasure taken from it and financial reward. The most frequent reactions of Russian respondents are the reactions of salary and money. It is important that not only the core of the associative field is different, but also the periphery of it, which reflects the potential capabilities of the word. Therefore, the periphery of the associative field shows how and how often the word is used in speech. Thus, it can predict the further development of the meaning of the word.
Chale Z.I., Belokopytova I.A.
The traditions of oral and written culture on the German TV
This article analyzes the key features of the oral and written forms of language on the German TV. These forms of language existed constantly. The character of this correlation can be direct or indirect. In our Age of television and other media communications it is of special interest. The purpose of this work is to identify and demonstrate the existence of constant interaction between these two forms of language on the German TV. The practical importance and scientific novelty of this work lie in determination of parameters of culture in the Age of television, which are reflected in language of this society at this cultural and historical stage. The methodology of research is based on a comparative analysis of the oral and written forms of language on the German TV. The authors conclude that the correlation between these two forms of language is conditioned by the social environment of the historical Age, in which humanity now lives. The theoretical findings of this research represent some contribution to the study of the modern state and development of language.
Yarmolinets L.G., Terpelets Zh.A.
The functional stratification of sports megadiscourse
Due to the fact that sports discourse holds a prominent place in any national picture of the world, the problem of its typology and functioning in a modern multicultural society is becoming extremely topical today. For the first time, sports discourse is considered in the aspect of functional stratification. Our methods of research are the theoretical analysis of scientific sources on studied problems, a method of contextual and complex analysis to define the discursive characteristics of the text. They show that sport is a multi - dimensional structure that includes a variety of areas of human activity involved in various communication situations. The purpose of the study is to analyze the discourses of various spheres of sports communication that are included in the sports megadiscourse in the cognitive-pragmatic aspect. It is considered that specialties of linguistic identity of participants and their genre characteristics need to be studied. The results of the research have theoretical and practical values and lie in the fact that at present consideration of sport communication from the standpoint of ethnoculture is urgent as many types of sport activity and thereafter sport communication suppose interaction between different linguistic cultures. The conclusion is made that interdisciplinary sport discourse consideration is possible in the context of integral and competence approach combining cognitive, pragmatic, ethnocultural and psycholinguistic aspects.
Literary Criticism
Autleva F.A., Simbuletova R.K.
Features of translations of A.T. Tvardovsky’s works in English-speaking countries
The main features and peculiarities of translations of A.T. Tvardovsky’s works into English are analyzed in order to consider the main forms and stages of professional interest in his creativity in English-speaking countries. The place of translation texts of the poet is determined in anthologies of Russian and Soviet poetry, published abroad since the mid-1950s. The material for this study was obtained from the publications of translations indicating the chronology and characteristics of publishers. The comparative characteristic makes it possible to evaluate different versions of translation of the same poetry text belonging to different translators. The present work shows difficulties in translating spoken, dialect and colloquialism vocabulary into English. The obtained data of the conducted text study allow determining the main parameters of successful work of translators. The results of the analysis are relevant for further research of principles and methods of literary translation created basing on science, aesthetic and spiritual value, and mental equivalence. The results can be used to improve this process by selecting the most adequate linguistic-stylistic forms and means designed to deepen the meaningful and spiritual-expressive influence of the translated text on the foreign reader. The results can also be used in the theory and practice of literary translation.
Kirimov T.N.
National color in Amdi Giraibay’s love lyrics
In order to assess the reliability of sources about the fate and creative path of Amdi Giraibay – the Crimean Tatar literary figure of the first third of the 20th century, we consider the general issues of biography, textual study, and the psychology of literary thinking of the author. The individual characteristics of the poetics of the verses from the cycle of love dedications written by him in the 1917-1921 are thoroughly analyzed. The living types of Crimean Tatar youth striving for enlightenment, the poet’s mother, as well as the faces of pretty girls arise before readers’ eyes. At the same time, the work explores the ways and methods of understanding the psychological nature of the poet, his writing skills, problems of disclosure of national characteristics of literary traditions in the Crimea. Attention is also paid to the development of poetry in the Crimean Tatar literature of this historical period, such as a sonnet and fable. The relevance and scientific novelty of the topic are due to the poor level of prior study of the poet's creative heritage. This article aims at identifying the author's image, the national ideological and aesthetic value of Giraibay's poems. Semiotic, textual, biographical, historical and typological methods of the analysis allowed us to identify features of his writing skill. We have identified that Giraibay's love lyrics are a reflection of ancient linguistic and literary traditions of Crimean Tatars. The poet through simple vocabulary expresses complex moral and psychological feelings and, reflecting on the meaning of love, tends to self-destruction. We see similar phenomena in the work of his contemporaries. We emphasize that sentimental optimism determines the poet’s creativity, and the eidetic vision of the world in Giraibay’s poetry compels the reader to perceive the feelings experienced by the author. For the poet, death is associated with knowing the truth of being, reuniting with a lover. The high pathetic and graceful style, variety of themes and images define Giraibay's identity.
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
Novels "The Mountain Peaks Do Not Sleep" by A. Keshokov, and "The Family of Shogemokovs" by H. Teunov in the context of historical-revolutionary prose of Adyg literatures of the 1960s-1980s
The paper discusses the peculiarities of the "contemporary" stage of development of Adyg literatures, which influenced the evolution of historical-revolutionary prose, namely: strengthening the concept of personality, movement to problem-analytical display and variety of poetry means. The specificity of the problems, the evolution of the conflict and genre forms of the novels "The Mountain Peaks Do Not Sleep” by A. Keshokov and "The Family of Shogemokovs" by H. Teunov are analyzed to define the ideological-thematic and structural-style peculiarities of these works, which are connected both with the traditions of the panoramic, multiaspectual novel and new trends. Reliance on a relatively typological method allows us for the first time to draw conclusions that these works reflected the complex dynamics of the development of historical and revolutionary prose, its movement from descriptive to literary problems and variety of literary forms. The findings contribute to the definition of various genre forms in national literature. Practical significance lies in that the conclusions can be used to create the history of the peoples of the North Caucasus and to compile textbooks and manuals for teaching.
Paranuk K.N.
Dialogue of cultures in the novels "The Story of Iron Wolf" and "Mercy of the Black Mountains, or Death the Other Side of the Black River" by Adyghean writer Yunus Chuyako
For the first time, an attempt is undertaken to explore the creativity of the Adyghean writer Yu.Chuyako in line with the interaction of national literatures. The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of literary thinking of the topic "Russia – the Caucasus", and the specifics of the dialogue of cultures. The problems of novels are analyzed in line with dialogism; their genre-style peculiarities are revealed. The novel "The Story of Iron Wolf" became the first experience in Adyghean literature of a new, creative interaction with mythic-folklore material within the framework of neomythologism. The literary analysis of the dialogue of cultures, spiritual and moral paradigms of the era in this novel is carried out in historical, social sections against the background of the broadest panorama of life of people in Russia and Adyghea. The analysis of the novel "Mercy of the Black Mountains, or Death the Other Side of the Black River" emphasizes Pushkin's role in the interaction and convergence of national literatures. The comparative-historical, typological methods of research, as well as diachronic and synchronous methods are used to establish the multiaspectual disclosure of the topic in historical, social, cultural, spiritual and moral perspectives, its spiritual and moral content. The work contributes to solving theoretical problems of studying the dialogue of cultures in line with comparativistics. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility to be used in the creation of special courses on the problems of dialogue of cultures.
Setova T.S.
Ideological and literary searches of the general 1960s and 1980s Adyg prose about the War and I. Mashbash's novel "A Hundred and First Pass"
The article explores the genre and structural-style features of I. Mashbash's novel "A Hundred and First Pass" in the context of prose about the war of Adyg literatures of the 1960s and 1970s. Evolution of the concept of personality, strengthening of problems in the works of Circassian, Kabardinian and Adyghean writers are considered. The author analyzes the modification of conflict, synthesis of epic narrative and lyrical aspect, which determine the formation of a small social and psychological novel of emphasized problems. Historical-literary and comparative-typological methods make it possible to draw conclusions that the novel of I. Mashbash on the military theme reflected ideological-literary searches of the national literature at a new stage of its development. The importance of the article lies in the solution of problems of genre and style development in the new written prose, as well as in the possibility of its application in the study of the history of literature, and in the development of university textbooks and teaching manuals.
Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A.
Problems of metapoetics of literary translation in K.I. Chukovsky correspondence of the 1960s
The paper identifies and analyzes the main features of metapoetics as one of the forms of author's reflection and self-analysis, determining the place of its elements in articles, studies, essayistics, memoirs and epistolary heritage of K.I.Chukovsky, the Soviet writer, literary scholar, one of the outstanding representatives of the domestic translation school of the 20th century, its theorist and practical worker. Problems of metapoetics of literary translation are considered based on the material of correspondence of the writer of the 1960s with English and American specialists in Slavic studies and Russian Philology, "Sovietologists” – Sydney Thomas, Ernest G. Simmons and Mirra Ginsburg. The data obtained during the study of intensive correspondence of K.I.Chukovsky with Western colleagues, contribute to the identification of the basic principles of effective translation activity, which lead to the achievement of a high level of equivalents of original literary texts of Russian writers in English. The results of the study update further developments of basic concepts of literary translation. They draw on the principles of scientific, literary and mental adequacy of translation and are intent on optimizing this process, basing on selection of the equivalent linguistic-stylistic forms and means, which can enhance the information-aesthetic and emotional-psychological impact of the translated text on the foreign reader. The obtained data can be successfully applied in theory and practice of literary translation.
Chukueva Z.N., Dzhambekova T.Â.
Modern methodology for analyzing the role and functions of fact/document in event-chronical prose of the 20th and 21st centuries
The problem of the relationship between fact (document) and fiction, their role and significance of the literary text by the very definition and nature of the creative act is one of the fundamental areas of literary science. This issue is of particular relevance at the present time, when the documents are increasingly penetrating into works of fiction in different forms, embodying various author's goals and strategies. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the structural-semantic role and functional load of factographic material in the domestic and North Caucasus event-chronical prose. Literary interpretation of the problem is carried out based on contemporary theory about acquisition by documentary fragments included in the literary text of signs of artistic image. Attention is also drawn to the possibility of interpreting the document as an intertext. As a result, it has been established that the author's multivarious application of factographic material is dictated by the genre and style specificity of the text. In the realistic literature that is the subject of our study, the document becomes a factor emphasizing the validity of the described, and a way of reflecting the author 's position.
Shishkhova N.M., Ankudinov K.N.
Features of the manifestation of romantic worldview in the lyrics of Alexander Blok (1904-1912)
For the first time, an attempt is made to broaden the range of problems and aspects of historical and literary study of Blok’s creativity. The belief in the organicity and inner integrity of the poet's creative path makes it possible to talk about the special cult of romanticism in his poetry world, the fruitful analysis of its manifestations in different chronological segments of its development. The goal is to find associative processes of the relationship between reality existing and created by the artist. Romanticism is our past, one of such phenomena that shaped our consciousness, and, as the study has shown, a way to bring romanticism closer to our time. It determines the need to pay attention to the origins of Blok poetry, its ideological and artistic development closely related to romantic worldview in both West European and Russian literature. Analysis of the features of romantic thinking of A. Blok is a very important component for understanding his artistic world, creative consciousness of the era as a whole and complex ideas of contemporary poetry. The presented work contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of the development of Russian literature of the 20th century.
Kapranova I.P., Korobchak V.N.
The author's conceptosphere of Oscar Wilde's fictional discourse
The article analyzes the individual author's concept, that is, the conceptualization of the author's world, in particular, in the linguistic development of the linguistic personality. The purpose of the article is to investigate the system of concepts, and to show the features of verbal representation of the author's concepts in the literary text. In this regard, the conceptosphere of the elite linguistic personality, realizing the axiological views of the era, is of interest. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the phenomenon of fictional discourse is attracting increasing attention in the framework of anthropocentric studies. Individual author's concept is the conceptualization of the author's world, manifested in his individual style, imagery of the text. The article considers the fictional discourse of Oscar Wilde, in particular, the author's fairy tale within the anthropocentric paradigm of scientific thinking, in which the potential of language units of different levels is realized. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of the author's fairy tale not only from the point of view of anthropological linguistics and cognitive science in order to study the conceptual information of fictional discourse, but also within the framework of germaneutics. It has been found that the author's fiction concepts and conceptions are realized not by direct nominations, but by figurative language means. Therefore, cognitive understanding is insufficient, and in order to understand fictional discourse (fictional concept), a desobjectified understanding is necessary.
Bukhurova M.M.
Reflection of the Caucasian war in Adyghe lullabies
The purpose of the research is to study Adyghe lullabies containing elements of the historical memory of the people. The relevance of the topic is dictated by the need to fill in the gap in the Adyghe literary criticism on the study of the genre of a lullaby in general and lullabies that reflect a specific historical era, in particular. For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the texts of lullabies about the Caucasian War and eviction is carried out taking into account the main functions of this kind of songs (lulling, edifying, educating, prophesying, etc.). The study uses the method of structural analysis to determine the genre-style and compositional characteristics of lullabies. When studying the texts of lullabies, the hermeneutic method is used to identify the main motive lines sung in lullabies. The results obtained in the article indicate that history was reflected in all genres of literature and folklore: the theme of the Caucasian War and eviction, which has not lost its relevance for a century and a half, is also embodied in the genre of a lullaby. The results of the presented study can be useful in studying Adyghe folklore and literature, in developing special courses in national literature by teachers, as well as in writing diploma and other types of qualification works by students and post-graduate students.
Study of Arts
Li Bin
Categories of space and movement in creation of electronic music
The article presents the categories of space and movement in the form of philosophical universals that help the perception of new content and expressive means of electronic music. Musical art is constantly updated and developed, and each era changes the standards of its predecessors. Using the methods of deconstruction and reconstruction, modern composers of electronic music not only express certain ways of thinking and technology for creating electronic music, but also form new connections with the environment and sound space. Differences in the artistic expression and creative language of the methods of deconstruction and reconstruction in electronic music create new expressive opportunities that cannot be immediately "read" and interpreted by the listener. In this regard, the aim of the article is to analyze the universal components of music, which help the listener to adapt to and understand new semantic and artistic possibilities of electronic musical works. The methods of hermeneutics, comparative studies, holistic and musicological analysis are used to reveal the basic concepts, as well as various forms and types of sound expression of electronic music. The author concludes that the methods of deconstruction and reconstruction reflect not only new types of thinking, but also new ways of the relationship between man and world, man and society.
Li Yang
National tendencies in the vocal music of the modern composers of China
The article presents an analysis of the main trends in the development of contemporary composer creativity in China. Following the development of the Chinese economy and culture, with its important component - musical culture, China becomes more and more open to the world. In Chinese folk songs - a symbol of Chinese culture, as in China itself, a lot of innovations is gradually appearing. At the beginning of the period of the policy of reforms and openness, Western musical works flooded China, and some of the free-thinking musicians began to adopt and apply Western modern compositional methods to create Chinese musical works. In the 1990s, two names dominated in Chinese vocal art - Tang Dun and Hu Tinjiang, composers working by applying Western compositional methods to the processing of national musical material. From the point of view of composition, their works combine modern structure and means of musical expressiveness with the ability to excite the listeners' feelings. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of creating national vocal music based on the example of the works of Hu Tinjiang of the beginning of the 21st century. Research methods include an integrated approach, musicology analysis, hermeneutics and comparative studies. An analysis of vocal compositions has shown that the most promising for synthesis are the genres of a song and Chinese modern opera, in which national traditions continue to exist as the intonation basis of modern music, and the use of timbres of national instruments, Chinese social stories and typical characters of modern life. Western influences are associated with the use of instruments of the Western European Symphony Orchestra, certain principles of shaping, and the belcanto technique. This unusual synthesis creates the unique beauty of China's contemporary musical art.
Martirosov A.V., Kucherenko M.S.
Visual-graphic and spiritual heritage of plastic traditions of the Scythian Animal Style in the Kuban region as an example of oecumenical ancient culture of the Northern Black Sea coastal area and the Caucasus
The article is devoted to the problem of the contextual interpretation of the ethno-cultural renaissance, the revival of the artistic identity of the Kuban and the North Caucasus region, some aspects of the historical self-identification of the Circumpontian traditional area of civilization of ancient Europeans and the influence of archetypal samples of their traditional art on subsequent cultures of Eurasia. A detailed interpretation of the artistic phenomenon known as the Scythian Animal Style (SAS) introduces a new element in the refinement of its socio-cultural nature, which arose as the well-known antithesis of “calmness” and “poise” of classical antique iconography. The moment of direct relationship between the long-term conservation of the SAS in the Kuban region and its connection with the late Alanian codification of the Nartes epic are considered. The text is an attempt to modernly assess the SAS, its significance in the process of cultural revival of the Kuban region (Kubhan), understood in the traditional antique sense, as a territory of active interaction between the European and Caucasian cultural tradition.
Putecheva O.A.
Trends in the development of Eastern principles in the creative work of A. Bakshi
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the embodiment of Orientalism in the works of the Russian modern composer A. Bakshi. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize, basing on the example of A. Bakshi's work, the modern principles of the development of Oriental musical material in avant-garde and experimental music. In the course of consideration of a number of works of the composer, and correlation of models of refraction of Orientalism in them with the works of other authors, it is suggested that Orientalist trends are not only one of the most important layers in the music of A. Bakshi, but also are the basis of avant-garde searches in the art of music.
The main content of this research is the study of the evolution of Eastern principles in the works of A. Bakshi from the model of the "conditional East" to the use of leitmotifs, images and timbres in a more "authentic" manifestation of the Oriental elements; from the creation of the "Oriental" concept – to the "immersion in the system" of music and construction of the principles of Eastern music.
The article summarizes the new material on the topic under study; introduces the concept of "Eastern principles of composer's creativity"; includes in the scientific circulation one of the "Eastern principles" of modern composition – the principle of "immersion in the system", and based on the example of A. Bakshi's works, shows the embodiment of multi-level models of work with Eastern material. As a result of the analysis, which consisted in considering the evolution of the use of Oriental material in the works of A. Bakshi, the author arrives at the conclusion about the presence of a tendency to strengthen the flow of the musical culture of the East and the increasing role of the "Eastern artistic principles" not only in the development of innovative foundations of the works of A. Bakshi, but in general, in the works of modern composers of avant-garde.
Sadykova N.V.
The formation of composer school on Sakhalin: problems and prospects
Òhe article examines the issue of the existence of composer creativity in one of the most poorly studied regions of the country in the field of musical art – the Sakhalin Region. The degree of maturity of the composer's school in the region, and the representation of the genres of academic music are estimated. For the first time, the names of composers of the region, the ideological and thematic content of their work, the genre range and musical poetics are introduced into scientific use. The author’s hypothesis about the initial stage of the creation of the composer tradition of the Sakhalin Region is substantiated, the reasons for its rather late emergence and non-intensive development are revealed. The work of six leading composers of the region is disclosed - L.A. Nikchemny, V.N. Naumov, A.P. Baz, A.M. Zhuk, E.A. Zaitseva and I.A. Aldakov spiritually and technologically connected with the twentieth century. It is suggested that the fragmentation of the presentation of the genres of academic music by local authors in the musical culture of Sakhalin is partly due to the fact that composition is not the main way of professional self-realization of musicians: as a rule, these are high-level professionals engaged in pedagogical or performing activities. Based on archival and source study work (collection, processing, systematization of information), and generalization of publications about composers in the media, television programs, conversations and interviews, an attempt is made to recreate the creative image of composers, as well as their inclusion in Sakhalin’s modern musical life.
Yan Yuan
Processing, arrangement, transcription, composition and their semantic functions in works by F. Busoni
The article presents an analysis of the main techniques of F. Busoni's work with musical material. The purpose of the study is to illustrate the difference between processing, arrangement, transcription and composition by using a number of works by F. Busoni as an example. The use of a complex of methods of scientific research - comparative studies, hermeneutics, and musicology analysis made it possible to establish a direct connection between the aesthetic principles recorded by the composer in the work “Sketch of a New Aesthetics of Musical Art” and the work of the Master. The scientific and practical significance of this study lies in summarizing the views of F. Busoni on composer creativity and analysis of specific techniques of composition, relevant both for the practice of composition and for music science. The work shows that, in contrast to processing, the arrangement has a relatively independent artistic value. The value of processing is not the original text itself, but its talented alteration. The embodiment of the author’s intention in a musical text of any genre is already its arrangement, whereas transcription in the composer's understanding is the creation of original works based on borrowed material. Based on the example of the compositions of I.Bach - F. Busoni “Fantasy and Fugue in D Minor”, “Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E-Flat Major”, and “Ten Choral Preludes”, it is proved that the composition by Busoni is a statement by the composer about an aesthetic musical problem he is interested in, often with the use of fragments of the original work.