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#2 / 2020
Nekhay V.N.
REVIEW OF THE COLLECTIVE MONOGRAPH "GENDER DETERMINATION BY ETHNIC FACTOR: CAUCASUS DISCOURSE. M.: SPUTNIK + PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2019. 134 P." Team of authors: Kh.G. Tkhagapsoev, A.Yu. Shadzhe, N.A. Ilyinova, E.S. Kukva, Z.Ch.Taukanova. Monograph is rec
The peer-reviewed monograph analyzes the features of the evolution and development of gender relations in the North Caucasus. By using an interdisciplinary approach in understanding the causal conditionality of gender transformations, the author's team identified universal and specific factors that determine the transformation of gender in the socio-historical space of the region. Through the reconstruction of the experience of gender interactions in traditional North Caucasus society, the most stable stereotypes of their representation in a globalizing world are identified. Ethnic identity is the main determinant of maintaining the authenticity of gender models that reproduce moral and institutional norms. The latter is responsible for the "positive" preservation of the basic elements of ethnogender communications, among which the sectoral structure of the ethnic community, the "vector orientation of marriage," the sacralization of the status dominance of the "elder" and the prohibition of sexual marriage through blood-related relations are distinguished. However, the profound changes in regional society caused by the forced export of Western values, the marginalization of the relationship between men and women, the total feminization of all spheres of social life provoked a gender inversion. It radically modified the system of status-role dispositions of ethnic groups of the North Caucasus and turned into an instrument for their adaptation to the dynamics of post-modern transformations.
Literary Criticism
Apanasenko O.P., Panesh U.M.
The evolution of genre forms of historical and revolutionary prose in national literature of the 1960 - 1980s (based on the work of Adyghe writers T. Kerashev, A. Yevtykh, I. Mashbash, etc.)
This article examines the themes, genre forms and structural and style features of the works of T. Kerashev, A. Yevtykh, D. Kostanov, and I. Mashbash, which influenced the formation of historical and revolutionary prose of the Adyghean national literature of the 1960-1980s. The publication reveals such features of the art of word at a new stage of its development, such as the strengthening of problematicity, the evolution of the genre of descriptive, multi-aspectual narration, the formation of socio-psychological story and novel, concentrated problems, individualized, psychologically intensive characters. The historical, sociological and comparative-typological methods used in the work help to explore the work of writers in the context of philosophical and aesthetic problems of our time and formulate conclusions about the features of a new stage in the formation of national prose, reflecting the typological features of the domestic art of the word. The obtained results contribute to solving problems related to the evolution of the literary process, the formation of genres and styles, and can be applied in the study of the history of Russian literature and in the development of textbooks.
Bakov Kh.I.
Features of humor and satire in the work of the Circassian writer Safarbi Khapantsev
For the first time, the article considers the humorous and satirical works of S. Khapantsev in order to study their poetic identity, topics, genre forms and structural-style features of stories and essays that influenced the formation of Circassian prose. In 2013, the author of the article published the monograph “Adyghe Literature: Humor and Satire”, which, for technical reasons, did not include the works of a talented comedian, so this article fills this gap. Particular attention is paid to the writer’s innovation, his creative personality, as well as to the writer’s skills. Original epithets, comparisons, and other expressive means of the author are highlighted. The humorous works of S. Khapantsev, embodied in the form of a short story, are considered separately, although the author does not distinguish them. The historical, sociological and comparative-typological methods used in the work help analyze the writer's work in the context of artistic and aesthetic searches of Adyghe literature and draw conclusions about the role and significance of humor and satire in the development of national prose. The work contributes to solving problems related to the evolution of the literary process, the formation of genres and styles. The results of the study can be used in the practice of Adyghe schools and universities in the region.
Siwen Guo
I. Turgenev’s prose poetry in literary criticism of China
The main purpose of this article is to study the process of exploring poems in prose of I. Turgenev by Chinese writers. The content of the study is an analysis of the views of Chinese scientists at different stages, and comparison of the theme and form of such works as "Threshold", "The Beggar" and "A Menial Worker and Kid-Glove" of the Russian writer with analogical works of the Chinese famous modern writer Lu Xin. The author of this study shows that the incorrect translation at a certain stage caused the incorrect interpretation of the literary text by Chinese researchers and reminds us once again that the accuracy of the translation and respect for the original text are the main requirements for studying foreign literature. The analysis shows that Turgenev’s works stimulated the creation of the "poem in prose" genre in the Chinese literary world, and strongly influenced the work of Chinese writers of the twentieth century. The article summarizes new material on the studied topic, which will help readers better understand the meaning of Turgenev's works, and thereby gain greater distribution outside of Russia.
Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P.
Postmodern aspect of M.A. Bulgakov's work
The work of M.A. Bulgakov is analyzed in order to identify postmodern foundations in it. The hermeneutic, comparative and intertextual methods are used to examine traditional and innovative aspects of Bulgakov’s works. Similarities and differences with the work of writers of both the long-past era of the New Age and the recent era of postmodern are revealed. The works of M.A. Bulgakov are considered to be a synthesis of traditional features that transform into a new quality and are associated with the key concept of postmodern literature - intertextuality. Much attention is also paid to other features of postmodern literature inherent in Bulgakov's work, including apocalypticism, Multiverse, and the use of fantastic elements. The results of the study contribute to a more complete understanding of the works of M.A.Bulgakov, as well as the postmodern aspect of his work.
Pavlova O.A.
The specifics of expressing the crisis of sociocultural self-identification of Russia in the cycle of I.S. Turgenev "Senilia. Poems in prose"
The "Senilia" cycle was first considered in the context of the traditions of the form of the fragment ascending to romanticism and the decadent world perception, correlated with the existential crisis of the later I.S. Turgenev. On the basis of systemic, typological and semiotic methods of research, an interpretation of the poetics of the cycle as a system of leitmotifs is proposed, in which the motive of the secret purpose of the Russian people has conceptual significance, expressing Turgenev’s vision of the crisis of sociocultural self-determination of Russia. Such an approach significantly enriches the interpretation of the writing position of I.S. Turgenev as a "Russian European", which constitutes scientific and practical significance, and the genre of poems in prose, which synthesized the traditions of romantic poetics and decadence, has become a harmonious form for expressing not only the existential crisis of the author's identity, but also the crisis of self-determination of Russia and Russian man.
Panesh U.M., Shazzo Sh.E.
The depiction of the theme of man and nature in the Adyghe poetry of the 1960-1980s
This study examines the peculiarities of the formation and development of the Adyghe lyric poetry of the 1960-1980s and the reflection of the theme of man and nature in it. The authors analyze the peculiarity of problems, conflict and genre features of the works of I.Mashbash, Kh. Beretar, K. Kumpilov, N. Kuek, R. Nekhay, N. Bagov, etc. The structural and style features of poems caused by changes in public consciousness are established, and the features of a new stage of the literary process are formulated: increased problematicity, deepening of psychological analysis, and a movement towards a variety of poetic means. The historical, literary and comparative-typological methods used in the work make it possible to argue the conclusions that national poetry reflects the typological features of domestic literature - liberation from dogmatic ideas when reflecting traditional themes and the search for new structural-style forms. The scientific and theoretical significance of the work is that it contributes to solving the problems of the evolution of various genres of poetry. Practical significance lies in the possibility of its application in the study of the history of literature and in the development of various teaching manuals.
Chekalov P.K.
Features of the functioning of Abazin literature in the last decade: 2010-2019
The article considers the general state of modern Abazin literature in order to identify the main trends in the literary process. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that specific examples form a complete picture of the development of Abazin literature over the past decade, and scientific importance is in the development of an urgent task of understanding the current literary life. The research methodology is descriptive. The analysis includes such aspects as the impact of political and economic upheavals on the state of literature, publishing products and their qualitative level, the emergence of new genre modifications, the publication of the first national literary and art magazines, the intensification of translation activities, and attempts by Abazin authors to reach the world reader. The value of the research is seen in the actualization of the main problem of modern Abazin literature: despite certain successes and achievements of the last decade, it has no prospects for further development due to the lack of creative youth.
Abysova S.V.
Counting rhymes in the folk games of Altaians
The paper examines the features of counting rhymes as a genre of game folklore of Altaians. Different versions of folk terminology, the history of the study and fixation of texts are considered. For the first time an attempt is undertaken to systematize them in accordance with the classification proposed by G.S. Vinogradov. As a research methodology, an analysis of texts was used, which made it possible to identify two groups of counting rhymes in Altai folk games: counting rhymes-replacements and counting rhymes-numbers. The work identifies methods of maintaining accounts, considers poetic techniques, functions, that counting rhymes perform as part of folk games, and also analyzes text options. A comparison of the counting rhymes in the Altai game folklore with similar texts in the folklore of other nations shows similarities, both in composition and in content. Considerable attention is paid to the lexical composition of counting rhymes. Thematic groups of words, that are associated with the life and work of the people, are determined. This study was carried out by using folklore materials stored in the Scientific Archive of the Research Institute of Altaistics named after S.S.Surazakov, scientific works and previously published folklore texts, as well as field materials of the author, received from carriers of Altai culture. The results of the study can be applied in researches on folk games.
Menkenova K.V., Shorvaeva N.V.
Storyteller K.B. Muchkaeva and her narrative heritage
This paper presents the material about Kalmyk storyteller K.B. Muchkaeva and her repertoire, collected in preparation for the folklore research expedition in the regions of the Republic of Kalmykia under the guidance of Professor E.E. Khabunova and its direct implementation (2008-2018). In the current realities of globalization, there are processes leading to the extinction of the original culture of small peoples and their folklore traditions. In this regard, work aimed at identifying and preserving the unique heritage of masters of storytelling art of the small peoples of Russia is especially valuable and important. Interviews conducted as part of field studies made it possible to identify the names of previously unknown masters of Kalmyk fairy tale art and fix their repertoire. This seems especially valuable in the framework of preserving national folklore traditions and interesting for introduction into scientific circulation and further research. During the field work, it has been found that the repertoire of the storyteller K.B. Muchkaeva mainly consists of works of religious and cult content.
Beshukova F.B., Alricabi Sajjad Salim Garid
Modern PR - technologies for creating a political image
The goal of this study is to identify the most relevant communication technologies for creating the images of the political party and the Russian political leader. The main attention is paid to the technology of mythology, based on the concepts of domestic and foreign leading specialists in the field of sociology, psychology of mass communications, political technologies, advertising and PR. The study was carried out using methods of communication strategies, comparative typological, content analysis, motivational and psychological. The work notes the need to identify the most effective PR-technologies for image formation as extremely popular and relevant. It is revealed that myth is most relevant in the political sphere as a means of manipulating mass consciousness. Political myths, like simulacra, are artificial in nature, i.e., they are created using creative fiction for a certain purpose - the formation of a given image (politics), and a picture of the world.
Anchek S. Kh.
Ethnic phenomenon in the structure of language personality (case studies of A.A. Skhalyakho)
The article examines the language personality in the aspect of its existence in the ethnocultural space, which is represented by the video text of the Adyghe literary critic, famous scientist, Doctor of Philology, Professor A.A. Skhalyakho. The publication shows that the Adyghe language personality is objectified in a video text that reflects both his language consciousness and the features of his ethno-cultural picture of the world. In the speech behavior of A.A. Skhalyakho, there is a tendency to imagery, the magic of a lexical phrase, detailing and concretization, instructions, repetitions of the same thought in different speech ways, antitheses. At the same time, he focuses on both the content and form. The study has found that A.A. Skhalyakho is the "artist of the Adyghe word", "the Creator of the Adyghe verbal art", "the expert on Adyghe reality", and "the holder of highest degree of Adyghe structural-linguistic complexity". The theoretical and practical significance of the studied material lies in the possibility of its inclusion in the University lectures on cognitive linguistics and, lingual culturology.
Berestneva A.V.
Direct and indirect means of expressing disagreement (based on the story of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland")
The article considers the speech act of disagreement taking into account semantic, grammatical and pragmatic aspects. The research material was the text of L. Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". Among speech acts that contain an element of disagreement in their semantics, we can distinguish several subtypes that have different shades of negative meaning. The choice of language means to convey the negative attitude of communicants depends on many factors. All examples that demonstrate various types of negative reaction confirm the fact that it is the ability to express the speaker's personal attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor that distinguishes the act of disagreement with a special emotional coloring. Systematization of verbal means in the course of pragmatic analysis allowed us to identify the most frequent models that are characteristic of each speech situation.
Golyev A.A.
The linguo-cultural value of national phraseology as shown by some Estonian proverbs and sayings about nature
The relevance of the work is that some Estonian proverbs and sayings about nature are subjected to linguo-cultural analysis in terms of reflecting stereotypes of mass consciousness in them. The main goal of the work is to describe various expressive features of Estonian sayings about nature, revealing linguo-cultural specifics of the language. The paper deals with Estonian proverbs and sayings dedicated to material objects of the surrounding world: forest, wind, rain, etc. It is argued that the material world of nature surrounding a person throughout its history has been reflected in the paroemias of the Estonian people. Analysis of the paremiological foundation of the Estonian language using an example of some sayings about nature in the linguo-cultural aspect is carried out for the first time. A theoretical significance of this material is that it can be used to deepen knowledge in phraseology and to further develop the theory of language. The practical value of this material lies in a possibility of its application in higher school lecture courses on cultural linguistics.
Zemliakova N.V., Savelieva O.G.
Actualization of the evaluative modality of phraseological units with the meaning of cognitive activity
The problems of evaluative modality as a component in the semantic structure of phraseological units are considered. The research focuses on phraseological units with the meaning of cognitive activity which is an extensive group of phraseological units that represents cognition carried out by a person. The specifics of the implementation of evaluative modality correlates with the ability of the phraseological unit to combine rational and emotional evaluation. The study of the evaluation modality is determined by a typical situation of evaluation, in which the object of evaluation, the subject of evaluation, the basis and nature of the evaluation are distinguished. To identify the nature of the evaluation, which manifests itself in the form of explication of positive, neutral, and negative attributes, in the semantic structure, an analysis of separate groups of phraseological units with the meaning of cognitive activity (phraseological units representing sensations, perceptions, memory, thinking) was carried out. The data of the study show that the evaluative components in the semantic structure of phraseological units with the meaning of cognitive activity are updated based on the evaluation of the associative image that appears when creating a secondary name and forms a positive or negative attitude. The main characteristics of the evaluation represented by this group of phraseological units are the evaluation of the emotional state, moral and ethical evaluation, the evaluation of the degree of intensity and the evaluation of the degree of importance.
Kisel I.F.
Metaphorical modeling of BUSINESS WOMAN concept in media discourse
The goal of this study is to describe features, and update the constructs "femininity" and "masculinity" as components of the image of a modern businesswoman through cognitive metaphor. The relevance of this work is due to the unrelenting interest of linguists in the study of linguistic objectification of various concepts that reveal the uniqueness of a particular linguistic culture. The BUSINESS WOMAN concept is one of the significant fragments of the modern picture of the world of Russian and German linguistic culture and contributes to the comprehensive study of language, consciousness and culture. In this regard, it is relevant to study the metaphorical representation of this concept from the point of view of establishing its cognitive stereotypes that structure it in the minds of speakers of Russian and German. During the study, continuous sampling, descriptive-analytical, metaphorical modeling methods were used. The material was the texts of informational, analytical and business publications published in periodic print or electronic publications dedicated to business women, as well as various lexicographic sources in Russian and German. The theoretical significance and scientific novelty of the study lie, firstly, in studying the mechanisms of metaphorical conceptualization of the image of a businesswoman in a business media course; secondly, in establishing the role of cognitive metaphor in the formation of cognitive stereotypes of a businesswoman in the Russian and German language consciousness. The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of applying the main conclusions in teaching university courses in linguocentology, the theory of cognitive metaphor, and genderology.
Kopot L.V.
Ways of constructing ethnic identity in the republican press
The goal of this work is to analyze verbal ways of forming ethnic identity in regional publications. Relevance is determined by the increased interest in the cultures of the many peoples living in the Russian Federation, in an increasingly globalized context that seeks to preserve the commonality of national cultures. The novelty lies in the material marked by the specifics of the region under consideration. The themes of the texts are identified, the headings of which reflect the national picture of the world of the people; the role of language as a marker of cultural space is justified. Labelled vocabulary is analyzed, in which the category of ethnicity is verbalized. The author arrives at a conclusion that the language culture of the Adygs is unique. Methods of continuous sampling of material, discourse analysis, and definition are used. The obtained results can be applied in sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, and medialinguistics.
Li Li
The bestiary of the Russian language as an open system: as demonstrated by potential families
The zoonymic space (bestiary) of the Russian language is presented as a clearly structured system, the core of which is formed by zoologisms connected by relations of word-formation derivation - the names of males, females and cubs. The core also includes designations of animals with a suppletive relation of the basics, which have a high frequency. At the same time, the presence of lacuna in this system (unoccupied position for the designation of female or cub) suggests the relevance of our research.
It has been revealed that the bestiary of the Russian language is represented by three groups, which conditionally can be called families (complete, incomplete, and potential). The object of research in this article is the so-called potential families, the formation of which occurs by filling the lacuna "designation of the female" and even more actively – the lacuna "cub". The data obtained basing on the material of the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, Wiktionary as mobile lexicographic source and informal Internet communication, suggest that the bestiary of the Russian language is an open, developing, replenishing lexical system both in the standard (dictionaries of new words, Wiktionary) and in the sub-standard (Internet communication).
New zoologisms (names of females and cubs) recorded by dictionaries, have already passed the test of time and have proved their communicative significance.
Neo-derivatives appearing in Internet communication, testify to the meta-language reflection of Internet users. Most of them are formed by productive models and, therefore, have a chance to fill the existing lacunaå in the system by means of word formation. A derivative word is able to replace the existing expanded cognitive structures in the language.
The results of the research have a theoretical significance, consisting in systematization of knowledge about zoologisms of the Russian language, about active derivation processes in informal Internet communication, and about the role of Internet search systems in obtaining data for derivatology.
Mukhortova I.I.
Functional and semantic features of the infinitive in medical and banking job descriptions (from the material of the English and Russian languages)
For the first time, an attempt is made to investigate the syntactic functions of the infinitive inherent in the non-personal form of the verb in job descriptions based on the material of the compared languages in the field of medicine and banking. The article analyzes the meanings of precedence, simultaneity, and sequence that are explicated by the infinitive in the presented syntactic functions. The purpose of this work is to identify functional and semantic features of the infinitive in the compared languages, as well as to determine similarities and differences in the functioning of the infinitive in medical and banking job descriptions. Various methods were used in the research process. Contextual analysis allowed us to interpret the meaning of the infinitive with words that are closely related to it. Descriptive-analytical and comparative methods helped to identify morphological and syntactic features of the language phenomenon, as well as features of the functioning of the infinitive in instructions in the languages under consideration. The research is significant for the development of Internet linguistics and comparative linguistics. The functional features of the English-language and Russian-language infinitives, similarities and differences in their use in medical and banking instructions are considered. The results of the work have theoretical significance related to the systematization of characteristics and hidden categorical meanings of the infinitive, depending not only on its syntactic function, but also on the semantics of words surrounding it. The obtained data can be used in further comparative studies of morphological systems and the genre of instruction in different languages. The results of the research can be applied in the practice of teaching English and Russian languages, the methodology of linguistic research, and the theory and practice of translation.
Unatlokov V.H., Zhiletezhev Kh.Ch.
Ethno-specific and universal in the functional paradigm of lexeme “head” in the Kabardino-Circassian and Karachay-Balkarian languages
This article is devoted to the study of the functional features of the lexeme "shkhye" in Kabardino-Circassian and "bash" ("head") in Karachay-Balkarian languages in the comparative aspect in the process of nominating the realities of the world around a person and its axiological potential in the process of verbalizing the status of a person. This approach allows us to establish the universal and ethnospecific in the functional paradigm of this concept. The analysis of the material of studied languages shows that the verbalization based on the dominant component "shkhye" - "bash" and its attendant mental abilities are the most productive of the category of pejorative character, and the lexeme "shkhye" - "bash" stands in an absolute sense as a representative of the very positive qualities. The goal is a semantic and linguoculturological analysis of the "schchye" and "bash" ("head") vocabulary in a comparative aspect from the material of Kabardino-Circassian and Karachay-Balkarian languages to establish a universal and ethnospecific in the functional paradigm of this concept. The results of the study can be used in lexicographic practice.
Tsaturyan M.M.
Genre aspectuality of fiction and translation activity (the novel by Ch. Dickens"The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" used as an example)
This work identifies and analyzes the genre-stylistic classification of the translation types of a fiction text, which include two main subtypes – fiction and informative translation. Particular attention is paid to variations in the translation of verb-postpositive units from English into Russian, in which they are not presented as a separate group: the author compares the methods of translating verb-postpositive units in Charles Dickens's novel "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" by several Russian-speaking translators. The scientific significance of this work lies in the study of the variety of translations of the same fiction text, whose difference significantly influences the final result of the translation of the text and subsequently provides the basis for analyzing the methods of translating the verb-postpositive combinations from English into Russian. The study methodology is based on a comparative analysis of one text of the original and three variations of translation from English into Russian. It has been established that the arising complications when translating a fiction text are due to the fact that the situation (fragment of reality) is not identical in each language. As a result, it is necessary to translate not a single word, but a specific situation, taking into account the descriptive stereotype in the recipient language.
Zhang Jiahui, Dediukhina A.S.
Analysis of the translation into Russian of Chinese lexeme, expressed by concept (义) - "Yi"
The paper attempts to analyze the Russian translation of the important Chinese concept of “Yi” (justice) in the book “Lunyu” of Confucius and the author’s methods of translation of this concept are given for the first time. The article explains the importance and necessity of familiarizing the book “Lunyu” with foreign readers and its translation. When introducing this concept, a comparison of different interpretations of the concept in Chinese and Russian books is introduced. The paper presents an analysis of six popular options for translating the Chinese concept “Yi” into Russian, which are the materials of analysis. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of two languages and different translation options from a historical and functional point of view. The authors provide a comparison table and discuss the advantages and inaccuracies of the studied translation options. A variety of translations of the same concept is revealed, which explains the need to take into account the context when translating it and indicate the original concept in brackets. The authors offer translation options for this concept. Moreover, it is generally understood that the translation of the concept of “Yi” is characterized by both diversity and integration. The translation of this concept should not go beyond the essence of the concept (coincidence with the ritual and the properties of the concept itself), and the translation, as such, will differ formally.
Study of Arts
Evtykh S.Sh.
The potential of the art market in modern society
For the first time, the article discusses various areas of functioning of regional subjects of cultural and mass orientation - the Art Gallery and the National Museum of the Republic of Adygea. The author examines mechanisms of the art market in the process of typical interaction of its subjects. The process is analyzed from the position of the socio-cultural mechanism - as an "artist-public", and the economic mechanisms are studied through the act of sale, as a "seller-buyer". The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of the social functions of the art market - information, mediation, value-generating, stimulating, regulatory and sociocultural. The presented functions give a complete picture of art entrepreneurship in the art space of modern society. The analysis of various forms of realization of artistic products formed in modern society revealed the artistic, aesthetic, material and evaluation significance of works of art. The results of the study can be useful in further analysis of the current state of art space in order to modernize it.
Suleymanova F.Kh.
Mountain landscape of the North Caucasus as the basis for the formation of artistic images in the contemporary art of Circassian artists of Russia and Turkey
For the first time, an attempt is undertaken to examine the forms of influence of the creative personality and geographical space of the North Caucasus on the formation of an artistic image in modern fine art of Circassian (Adyghe) artists of Russia and Turkey. It becomes possible to analyze the ways of art to display reality, given the degree of influence of the sociocultural environment on the artistic consciousness of authors. The methodology is based on a comparative, typological, art history and sociocultural study of artistic objects created by Circassians of the metropole and diaspora in order to identify aesthetic dominants, priority styles, value ideals and principles when choosing themes, plots and images. Two space-time models are updated, which affect the formation of the imagery of the North Caucasus mountain landscape. The acquired knowledge can be used for comparative and typological studies of the work of masters of the metropole and diaspora in implication to various ethnoses and ethnic groups, which, in turn, gives rise to new meanings and new artistic forms of creativity.
Wu Mi Na
Musical and poetic intonation in the interpretation of the texts of Chinese poets by G.Mahler in the symphony - cantata “The Song of the Earth”
The basis of this study is a comparison of musical and poetic intonation in the symphony-cantata "The Song of the Earth" by G. Mahler, as well as composition methods that create a unique synthesis of cultural traditions of the East and West. A composition written at the beginning of the 20th century (1907-1908) on the verses of the collection “The Chinese Flute” by Chinese poets translated by H. Bethge subtly conveys the aesthetics of "love" inherent in the worldview of medieval China, realized in art thanks to the principle of “observation”. Combined with the aesthetics of symbolism in music of the early twentieth century, and the principles of "action" and "procedurality", the poetic intonation in music is realized through the semantic motives of mountains, the connection of the object and subject, and expectations. The purpose of our study is to reveal the general and special in G. Mahler’s interpretation of the verses of medieval Chinese poets, which laid the foundation for “The Song of the Earth” symphony-cantata. Research methods include the method of comparison, historical-style analysis, the method of hermeneutics, and musicological analysis. The individuality of the composer's approach is revealed by a number of compositional techniques - the transformation of the symphonic cycle into a symphonized vocal cycle; mismatch of semantic components of text and music as a method of intensification of development; and synthesis of genres. All above-mentioned is aimed at revealing the rich potential of poetic images, often fixing the "moment-vision" or "image-state". The general features in G. Mahler's interpretation of the poetic text are the "objectification" of emotions in both vocal and instrumental parts, due to general intonation; tonal links combining the cycle. The theoretical novelty lies in identifying the specifics of the interpretation in musical composition by G. Mahler of the meanings of ancient Chinese poetry in translation by H. Bethge. The practical significance of the study is associated with the possibility of applying the results in the course of training, including by Chinese vocalists when performing compositions by European musicians.
Zhao Jiawei
Seven variations for clarinet and piano on a theme from the opera “Silvana” op. 33 by C.M. von Weber: on continuity of vocal intonation in instrumental genres
The article discusses various forms of manifestation of the vocal music in chamber-instrumental works by C.M. von Weber. The purpose of the study is to determine the semantic functions of vocal intonation associated with the genres of academic and folk tradition in the individual style of the composer. For this, methods of hermeneutics, comparative studies, and musicological analysis are used. By comparing the intonation spheres of the opera “Silvana” and the composition “Seven Variations for Clarinet and Piano on a Theme from the Opera “Silvana” op. 33, the relationship between artistic images of the opera and specific variations has been established. In the course of the study, it was proved that the inclusion of an arioso style, as well as reliance on folk song sources, contribute to the concretizing the figurative and artistic spheres of chamber-instrumental music and event development of the work. Melodiousness, cantellation of the themes of instrumental works, inherent in chamber-vocal and opera works by C.M. von Weber, a narrow range of themes convenient for reproduction by voice, and repeated structure determine the “singing” intonation during instrumental performance and easy memorability of melodies, which leads to the unconditional popularity of both the vocal and instrumental masterpieces of the Master.
Zheng Xujun
The new life of R. Drigo’s ballet "Harlequinade" in virtual space: on interpreting the image of Harlequin in the ballet of the 20th - 21st centuries
The study examines various incarnations of the image of Harlequin in the history of world theater art and in Russian ballet. The history of theatrical art showed the existence of four types of interpretation of the image of Harlequin, relevant also for modern Russian ballet. The purpose of the work is to identify changes in the image of Harlequin in interpretations of the ballet “Harlequinade” by R. Drigo by the domestic choreographers of the 20th-21st centuries that currently exist in the virtual space. For the study, a set of approaches and methods were chosen: interdisciplinary, culturological, various methods of analysis: comparative-typological, phenomenological, hermeneutical; methods of historical-evolutionary and musicological analysis. The specificity of the reflection of the comedy “dell’arte” in the musical decisions of “Harlequinade” is investigated. By comparing different versions of production of R. Drigo’s ballet, it has been found that the interpretation of the image of Harlequin is seriously influenced by genre impacts that can be enhanced or weakened by choreographers in their interpretation: P. Gusev (1975) – by using a fairy tale; Y. Burlak (2011) - comedy dell’arte in its later French version; A. Mishutin (2012) - the Mystery. All interpretations of the image of Harlequin have much in common: the spirit of deception, game, and illusion.