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#3 / 2020
Adzinova A.A., Sokur E.A.
Islamic vocabulary in modern Russian
The study examines the features of the process of borrowing Islamic vocabulary in Russian. The Corpus of Islamic vocabulary functioning in Contemporary Russian and different types of systemic semasiological relations of such words are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the semantic, word-forming and sociolinguistic aspects of these (investigated) units, certain conclusions can be made about the features of the composition and structure of this lexical group as part of the Contemporary Russian language. It has been revealed that the most characteristic phenomenon of these group of units is synonymy, as well as that Islamisms, fully mastered by the language, are also active in word formation. The results of this study have theoretical significance in terms of a comprehensive study of language borrowing. The obtained data can be used in studying the processes of borrowing and adapting this body of words in Russian.
Baranova A.Yu., Arkhipova I.V.
Reflection of national features of speech behavior in Russian phraseology
The study identifies and analyzes phraseological units of the Russian language characterizing the manner of communication in terms of reflecting the mental features of communication. The research is based on the study of authoritative sources and refereed periodicals on intercultural communication, mentality and phraseology. The material was represented by phraseological units characterizing the manner of communication. They were extracted by a continuous sampling from phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language. Analysis of semantic features reflecting conceptual and evaluation components makes it possible to assert that the analyzed units are an effective tool in solving communicative problems and in reflecting the national-cultural values of the Russian people. The obtained data can be successfully applied for the theoretical development of cognitive semantics, as well as for the identification of linguistic and cultural characteristics of communication in the picture of the world. The practical significance of the work is that the results can be used in reading special courses in cognitive linguistics and in lecture courses in linguoculturology.
Bedanokova S.K.
Separate complex nominal combinations in Contemporary French
This study examines complex combinations created according to the model: "attribute + determinant" in Contemporary French. In this grammatical structure, the semantics of relations between their components takes on special significance as the main differential feature. Due to the fact that the second component can be expressed by nominal phrases of various syntactic structures, this feature can be used as the basis for the classification of complex combinations. The objective of the study is to identify the nature of this linguistic structure: to reveal the principles of classification of this model, and to determine possible areas of its use. The performed analysis, which is based on the structural and semantic principle, makes it possible to define these complex combinations as lexicalized collocations that are not included in the dictionary of the national French language.
Dedukhina A.G.
Thematic classification of English borrowings of the semantic field “fashion” (based on the material of advertising texts)
This article is devoted to the thematic classification of English borrowings of the semantic field “fashion”, which nominate goods, names of items of clothing, shoes, accessories, fabrics and styles. The material for the study has been the advertising texts of Russian glossy female magazines. The purpose of the article is to describe and highlight classification thematic groups of English borrowings of the semantic field “fashion”, based on the material of advertising texts.
The analysis of the thematic classification of English borrowings made it possible to single out 6 groups of the semantic field “fashion”. It has been established that the modern Russian language very quickly and flexibly adapts to such rapid changes in the world, adopting and adapting foreign language vocabulary in its lexical and grammatical system. The research results can be used in the compilation of reference and educational materials.
Dedukhin A.A., Dedukhina A.G.
Actualization and popularization of the English borrowings in the contemporary Russian language
This article examines actual and fashionable words, represented by the English borrowings in the Russian language, reflecting the social aspect of time, nominating notions and events and being important for the society in this period. Mainly, the material of the Russian printed advertising texts has been used for the research. The purpose of this article is the revealing of actual and popular English borrowings, their analysis, and the exposure of the reasons of borrowings. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of the work are defined by the method of linguistic analysis of borrowed lexemes in the Russian language. A method of scientific observation with linguo-semantic analysis helped to come to the conclusion that activation of the process of borrowing is typical and important for the modern period of the Russian language development, where foreign words play an essential role in the receiving language. The practical novelty is the opportunity of reference and research usage of obtained data on the English borrowings in the Russian language.
Dzhabrailova M.M.
The concept “Motherland” in the poetry of Raisa Akhmatova
The article deals with the place and significance of the concept "Motherland" in the poetry of Raisa Akhmatova. The author highlights and studies the main components of this concept. The goal of the article is to determine the linguistic and cultural nature of the concept "Motherland" as one of the important ethnic symbols of the Chechen ethnic culture, implemented in the works of poets. The relevance of the research lies in the lack of a systematic analysis of the concept “Motherland” in the Chechen poetry. In this paper, the experience of studying the concept of the Motherland as a socio-cultural phenomenon is systematized, and the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of the Motherland are compared. The concept “Motherland” in Chechen linguoculture is considered through the prism of national identity, which is the key in the study of the origin of the national idea. The analysis of practical material has shown that the objectification of the concept “Motherland” in the poetry of R. Akhmatova certifies the individual author's embodiment of the corresponding image. Having studied the concept “Motherland” in the poetry of Raisa Akhmatova, we were able to show the national specifics of the concept under consideration as a component of the language and national picture of the world.
Kopot L.V.
The concept of Russianness in the literary discourse of E.G. Vodolazkin
The goal of this study is to trace the implementation of the concept of Russianness in the literary works of E. Vodolazkin. The relevance of this work lies in the close attention of domestic and foreign researchers to the problem of the cultural code of the Russian people, its values, and national character. The object of the study is the literary discourse of E. Vodolazkin, Doctor of Philology, specialist in ancient Russian literature, author of such bestsellers as Laurus, The Aviator, Brisbane, Solovyov and Larionov. The novelty of the study is that an attempt was made to reveal the semantic scope, to determine the semantic structure of the concept of Russianness using an example of new material in a literary discourse. Paradigmatic, synthagmatic and word-forming connections of the concept of Russianness are revealed. The methods of context and contextual analysis and a descriptive method were used. The practical significance of the study is that the results can be introduced into university courses teaching the contemporary Russian language, into special seminars in linguoculturology and cognitive linguistics.
Kubashicheva S.K.
The creative potential of merging in the English language space
The issues of the new linguistic direction "neology" are considered. The significance of the study lies in the extratextual factors of the intensive development of the lexical system of the English language. This is a subject of scientific interest aimed at structural-semantic analysis of the word-forming model and stylistic features of neologisms that are not recorded in bilingual dictionaries. Using an analytical review, it is possible to establish an extensive group of English neologisms formed by a productive method of blending, as well as to determine the main features of neologisms - connotative components. It has been established that the method of scientific observation expands ideas about the intensity of the development of word formation and enrichment of the English language culture as a whole. The practical significance of the work is the possibility of using contextual systematization of material on lexicology and lexicography in the compilation of dictionaries.
Malyutina S.A.
Sochi School of Linguistic Rhetoric: thesaurus matrix of excursion discourse
Using an example of the “Sochi Olympic” macroconcept, the article provides the results of creation of the thesaurus model of the excursion discourse (ED), a subtype of a tourism discourse, which, in turn, is a type of institutional discourse. The study material includes methodological developments and individual texts of Sochi tour guides, which serve as the basis for their oral public speaking (27 texts, a total volume of more than 800 pages). The study considers excursion discourse and professional language personality (LP) of a tour guide with regard to the concept of lingual rhetoric (LR) paradigm of Sochi School. This provided the idea of an excursion discourse as the process and the product of a guide’s speech and thought activity, a special type of professional LP, an active subject of relevant discourse processes in Russian multiethnic and cultural educational space, a Russian native speaker, advocate and promoter of the Russian language, Russian history and culture. Under the LR approach to the study of the excursion discourse, a macroconcept “Sochi Olympic” was analyzed as the first concretization level of an abstract macroconcept “Sight”. The second level includes 12 mesoconcepts: “Climate”, “Nature”, “History”, “Myths / Legends”, “Ethnography”, “Architecture”, “Culture”, “Politics”, “Sport”, “Economy”, “Cuisines of the Caucasus”, within which 38 cataconcepts are singled out. The study of the process and the product of a guide’s speech and thought activity within a system of the universal LR parameters and mechanisms of LR competence fulfilment in a professional LP formulates conceptually significant provisions and conclusions that are relevant, including for improving the level of practical recommendations in the field of guides professional training and improving their speech and thought culture.
Orekhova E.S.
Military honor (experience in etymological analysis)
The article considers one of the main concepts of Russian military culture – the concept of honor. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the Russian military concept sphere. At present, deepening into the national specifics, which is contained in the language, is becoming one of the factors for establishing interethnic relations, which determines the practical significance of the work. Using the method of analyzing dictionary definitions, the author builds a model of the lexical meaning of the word honor, and then defines the conceptual core of the concept "military honor". It is contained in internal moral principles that allow us to serve for the benefit of society. A study of the near-core space of the concept, which includes synonymous lexemes - conscience, dignity, honesty, decency - is being conducted. The author reveals the near and far periphery of the honor lexeme, which indicates the most important quality of a Russian serviceman – the ability to sacrifice his interests for the benefit of the state and society. The author consistently proves the opinion of M.K. Mamardashvili, who puts an equal sign between the lexemes of honor, dignity and love. The publication discusses the historically formed ideas about military honor and duty, which, in addition to internal moral qualities - dignity, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience - include the concept of sacrificial love for the Motherland and his affair.
Ryabko O.P.
Frame analysis of motivated-nominative quality-item “nature locative” in language worldview (from the materials of the English language)
The scientific aspect of the article is the anthropocentric direction in linguistics. Anthropocentrism promotes the study of a person's cognitive capabilities, his mental activity, presented in language forms. The article defines the role of cognitive processes in the study of lexical-nominative fields (specifically the floranimic field) within the language worldview. The purpose of the article is to describe the motivational space in the names of complex structured floranims with the discourse-logical frame-forming quality-item "natural locative". The publication notes the importance of using methods of definition description and frame classification in the study of factual material, as well as the significance of the frame structure of the quality-item under consideration. It presents the orientation and address activities of nominators of the plants’ world. The results of analyzing the frame semantics of the motivational quality-item "natural locative" allowed us to identify three topical subframes. The obtained data characterize the variety of places where native English speakers have settled, their imaginative and spatial logical thinking. The article concludes about the significance of the hierarchical field structure of the cognitive-discourse frame "natural locative" in the transfer of naive knowledge to emerging scientific knowledge, using empirical and experimental material. From the nominative point of view, the considered quality-item is represented by a frame-forming type of direct nomination, where the modifier directly indicates the natural locations of the plant. The direct nomination potential is relevant for the three topical subframes. The frame-defined form of the nomination - a complex structured unit - provides information about the long, historical linear development of this form of nomination. The obtained conclusions and research results have made specific theoretical additions to the theory of cognitive-frame floranimic nomination, and to the general theory of frame nomination.
Skhalyakho E.N.
The integrative aspect of terminology formation of the “Interior Design» subject area
The article is aimed at considering integrative aspect as a system-forming characteristic of terminology of the "Interior Design" subject area. The object of the research is terminology of the "Interior Design" subject area in the Russian and English languages. The subject of the research is the logical-conceptual and categorical-thematic aspects of its study. During the studying process such methods as observation, comparison, synthesis and generalization, conceptual-categorical classification and systematization were applied. It was established that the terms of the "Interior Design" subject area are formed due to the process of conceptual integration, which involves considering background information as well as the new area of special knowledge. The theoretical value of the research lies in revealing the process of integration as a cognitive-pragmatic mechanism of the terminology formation of the "Interior Design" subject area and in a certain contribution to the development of professional terminology. The practical value lies in the possibility of using the results of the article in special courses in terminology, and intercultural professional communication.
Tikhonova A.P.
Ethno-cultural Community of the Hattian and the Abkhaz-Adyghe Languages
In our research we proceed on the assumption of the indissoluble connection of language and culture. For the first time we treat such a quality of culture as stability, which helps to preserve the basic vocabulary throughout millenniums. The material of the investigation includes composite and derivative words of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages containing the components of the words that preserve traces of more ancient state of the language. In the research the combinatorial method of investigation is used that is based on the study of Hattian texts, on the comparison of repeated combinations of words and grammatical forms. As supporting points of the investigation we take into consideration the purpose of the text (ritual, prayers, incantations) and bilingual inscriptions (Hattian-Hittite bilinguals). The use of the identical components in composites and derivatives in the Hattian and modern Abkhaz-Adyghe languages confirms their ethno-cultural community. The confirmation of the ethno-cultural community of the compared languages is essential for the history of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages, which have no written tradition, and the study of the ways of their historical development presents considerable difficulties.
Fomenko L.N., Miroshnichenko L.N.
Functional significance of headlines in newspapers in Greek when articles are used or omitted
This article describes the functions of newspaper headlines, paying attention to lacunar structures such as "noun + article", where by all grammatical rules there should be an article. Our carefully studied observations in publicist speech show the most interesting phenomena of spontaneous character such as the play of words in translation, abbreviations, omissions, which undoubtedly also depend on the mentality of the reader. The novelty of the work is due not only to the minimum number of works in the journalistic style, namely Greek newspapers, but also to the small amount of information on the grammar of the New Greek language. In addition, the prepositions of the New Greek language are graded, which are used mainly in the genitive and accusative case, both with and without the articles. Depending on the use or omission of the articles, different functions are distinguished, which are implemented at different stages of perception of the text.
Literary Criticism
Nemets G.N.
Linguo-cognitive specificity of essaying of Yu.N. Tynyanov`s literary portrait: experience of discourse reconstruction
The linguo-cognitive specificity of essaying a literary portrait is analyzed using an example of memoirs-biographical texts about Yuri Tynyanov. This discourse is characterized by anthropocentricity, associativity, analyticity, and subjectivation of the narrative. The scientific problematization of the research is emphasized by the background knowledge about the nature of the literary portrait as a speech genre presented in the memoirs and biographical discourse. Separate essayed fragments as elements of discourse are able to build a whole of the created image. The aim of the work is to identify the linguo-cognitive specifics of essaying a literary portrait as a personal discourse. The main objective of the research is to analyze the main features of Yu.N. Tynyanov's speech portrait, using an example of multi-genre memoirs and biographical texts. Using the methods of narrative and linguo-discursive analysis in the work, the author analyzes the structures of memoirs-biographical texts containing certain features of essaying portrait descriptions. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that an essayed literary portrait as a linguistic phenomenon is a tool for reconstructing a personality, its individual psychological characteristics. The practical significance of the work is characterized by the fact that the obtained data contribute to the determination that essaying in the system of a semiotic whole exists as a linguistic phenomenon that reveals the psychological abilities of a person according to the data of memoirs and biographical discourse. It is concluded that essayed portrait descriptions can act not only as fragments of memoirs and biographical texts, but also as elements of essayed discourse of a literary portrait. At the same time, the essayed portrait descriptions analyzed in the work are diverse in terms of genre and species structure (portrait-snapshot, portrait-silhouette, portrait-plot, portrait-memory, etc.).
Panesh U.M., Mamiy R.G.
Literature of the post-war decade: the influence of traditions and ideological and aesthetic searches (based on Adyghe prose and poetry)
The paper discusses the features of the development of Adyghe prose and poetry of the 1940s - early 1950s in the context of domestic literature. Topics, peculiarity of conflict and genre features of works of T.Kerashev, D. Kostanov, M. Paranuk, A. Gadagatl and others are analyzed. Literary searches of writers are revealed under the conditions of the dominance of the theory of conflict-free and dogmatic attitudes of socialist realism, as well as attempts to increase problematic, meaningful fundamentals of works through the use of diverse poetic means. Historical, literary and comparative typological methods help formulate conclusions about the features of a new, intermediate stage in the development of national literature, which reflects the typological features of the domestic art of the word. The work contributes to solving problems related to the evolution of genres, styles and individual skill of the writer. The importance of the conclusions is also related to the possibility of their application in the study of the history of domestic literature, the development of textbooks and teaching manuals.
Khakuasheva M.A.
Scientific and journalistic aspects of the work of Ali Shogentsukov (towards the 120th anniversary of the poet's birth)
The article is the first to consider some of the critical and literary works of the classic of Kabardian literature Ali Askhadovich Shogentsukov. The purpose of the study is to make a scientific analysis of new aspects of the poet's work that had not been previously studied. In particular, they are devoted to individual literary works of representatives of the national literature of the initial period. These works are a resonance for this or that event or phenomenon in the literary life of Kabardian and Balkarian writers, in the general literary process, thus allowing us to determine the general position of the poet, his view of certain aspects of literature and culture in general. We use the method of a comparative analysis to examine the works of the Kabardian poet and the works of the authors of the period from 1920s to 1940s. The practical and scientific significance of the study of A.Shogentsukov's articles devoted to national literature makes it possible to trace the peculiarities of his attitude towards most of its aspects, in particular, they clarify the ideological platform of A. Shogentsukov, which was based on the principles of cultural and literary consolidation, internationalism, systematic study of fraternal literatures of the North Caucasus, classic Russian literature. The article "Bekmurza Pachev" was used as an example to show that there is a keen deep interest in the history of Kabardian literature, the study of which A. Shogentsukov understands primarily from the standpoint of the continuity of the folk artistic tradition. Along with this, the poet worried about the problems of children's literature, children's and youthful creativity. Among the young researchers he names the "Kabardian poet and translator" A. Keshokov, the talented young Balkarian poet K. Kuliev and others.
Continuing the ideological orientation of J. Naloev, A. Shogentsukov considered integration with world and mainly Russian literature as one of the main ways of developing national literature. The article shows that one of the talented writers of the early period, J. Naloev, highly appreciated the literary work of the young Kabardian poet A. Shogentsukov. The results of our study can be an additional contribution for a more complete understanding of A. Shogentsukov’s creative heritage.
Khot S.Kh.
Historical revolutionary novel in Adyghe prose of the 1960s-1980s: typological community and national identity
An attempt is made to typologically study the general and national in the artistic development of the historical revolutionary novel in Adyghe prose of the 1960s-1980s in a comparative aspect. Based on the comparative typological method, the processes of evolution, ideological and thematic commonality and national identity of the novel in Adyghe literature are analyzed. The specifics of the genre and poetics of the works of writers about the revolutionary past are determined. The Adyghe historical and revolutionary novel, focusing on the experience of multinational Soviet literature, went its own way of development. The results obtained in the framework of scientific research presented in the historical and literary context allow us to conclude that the heyday of such a genre in national literature of the second half of the last century is explained by the desire for a conceptual depiction of the person and people in the revolution, as well as the mainstreaming of this issue from the point of view of a new reading of the "modern" historical and revolutionary novel. The practical significance of scientific work is associated with the possibility of successful applying the findings in a typological study of the history of literature in the North Caucasus.
Gutov A.M.
Idealization in circassian epic tales and songs
The formation and transformation of epic images are associated with the evolution of the consciousness of the entire society. The purpose of this article is to establish aesthetically motivated patterns of reflection of this evolution using the analysis of typologically different epic heroes as an example. Such a task is intended to establish a number of important laws in the formation of an artistic image in verbal art. Within the framework of the historical-comparative method, using the techniques of genetic and typological analysis, as a result of the study of texts, it is possible to establish the main stages of the transformation of artistic consciousness and the role of narration in creating images of specific characters. This allows us to determine the main stereotypes of the characters, their connection with the evolution of the world perception of the bearers of the epic tradition, to substantiate the logical motivation for the emergence of heroes of one type or another depending on the evolution of consciousness, to highlight constant and changing components of the narrative, to determine the dominant functions at certain stages, their connection with development stages of consciousness and artistic reflection of reality. The study was carried out based on the theoretical and methodological principles of domestic and world philology on the material of authentic records of the Adyg epic and folklore of other peoples. The results obtained are of great practical importance for establishing the peculiarities of the history of ethnic artistic culture and for clarifying some aspects of the general theory of the development of aesthetic consciousness from syncretic narratives, where the system of representations does not separate fiction from reality, to samples of conscious artistic creativity, including the author's.
Novak M.V.
Media coverage of racial minorities in the United States of America in the context of cross-cultural communications
The aim of this work is to address the problematic issues of race relations in the United States of America over the past century and a half. The rationale for the relevance of the study is the fact that when studying cross-cultural communications in order to adequately understand the features and prospects of their development in a country, the experience of the media in the U.S. is very indicative. Despite the fact that issues of assimilation of immigrants from various countries of the world have long been on the agenda of the American authorities, human rights defenders and academics, first and foremost, representatives of the media cover cross-cultural conflicts and their resonance in public life. As a result of the study, it can be concluded that American journalism in this problematic space not only developed its own experience of cross-cultural communications, but also paid for systemic errors of the period of open discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities. After the country had adopted a policy of equality and tol-erance in all spheres of public life, the media had proved that the incomplete readiness of one of the most influential social institutions of society to new cross-cultural relations had adversely affected the lives of the participants in those relations.
Study of Arts
Yu Yan
"The Queen of Spades" by A.S. Pushkin - P.I. Tchaikovsky in cinema space: on inter-textuality
The article is devoted to the intertextual connections of “The Queen of Spades” by A.S. Pushkin-P.I. Tchaikovsky, actualized in the space of cinema. We are talking about the adaptation of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Queen of Spades” by Sergei Orlov in the film “These ... three correct cards ... ” (USSR, 1988) and by Pavel Lungin in the film “The Queen of Spades” (Russia, 2016). The author focuses his research interest on the musical dominants of the designated screen ver-sions of the class samples in Norma's cavatina from Vincenzo Bellini's opera “Norma”, “Casta diva”, and in Dalila's aria from K. Saint-Saens's opera “Samson and Delilah”. In the first case, we are talking about Norma's cavatina from Vincenzo Bellini's opera “Norma” “Casta diva”. In the second – about Delilah's aria from the opera “Samson and Delilah” by C. Saint-Saens. The inclusion of opera fragments of foreign composers by domestic directors in the cinema space, which creates a precedent for “text in text”, seems justified for a number of reasons. Firstly, the story “The Queen of Spades” is marked with a similar technique, where the story of Anna Fedo-tovna's victory, told by Tomsky, turns out to be woven into the story about Hermann, whose au-thorship belongs to Pushkin. Secondly, in the opera of the same name by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the function of “text in text” is performed by the interlude “The Sincerity of the Shepherd”. In addi-tion, in the same way as in the sideshows the relationship that develops between the main charac-ters of the opera with a finale different from the pastoral is played out, Delilah's aria and Norma's cavatina act as the quintessence of the meaning of the relationship between Hermann and Lisa (film by Sergei Orlov “These ... three correct cards ... ”) and Andrey – the performer of the part of Hermann, and Sophia Mayer – the prima, shining in the part of the Countess (Pavel Lungin's film “The Queen of Spades”). Finally, thirdly, the fact that both film adaptations pass under the sign of the masterpieces of the opera classics can be considered as a recognition of the equal face of the works of V. Bellini, C. Saint-Saens and P.I. Tchaikovsky, included in the golden fund of world musical culture.