The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#1 / 2021


  • Agapov P.V.
    Review of the official opponent on the thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Law on specialty 12.00.08: Beshukova Z.M. “Mechanism of criminal-law counteraction to extremist activities: content, structure, main directions of optimization”

    This paper presents a full and objective assessment of the doctoral dissertation “The mechanism of criminal-law counteraction to extremist activities: content, structure, main directions of optimization”, prepared by Zarema Muratovna Beshukova and successfully defended in 2021 at the Dissertation Council at the Chechen State University. The author's concept of the mechanism of criminal-law counteraction to extremist activity is analyzed. The dissertation's contribution to the understanding and clarification of the doctrinal principles of criminal legal counteraction to extremist activities in the face of growing external threats to Russia's national security is noted. The unconditional relevance of the study, its theoretical and practical significance, and representativity of empirical material are confirmed. The main provisions submitted for defending, representing the author's concept of work, are supported. The reviewer's views are provided on the positions set out in the dissertation regarding: the legal concept of “extremist activity (extremism)”; a number of proposals by the author of the dissertation in the order de lege ferenda; a refined system of criteria for the “publicity” attribute, as well as the basic doctrinal categories used in the dissertation study. Certain provisions of the dissertation study are critically evaluated, and some provisions are identified that require additional scientific study or argumentation.

    pdf 118-126.pdf  (192 Kb)

  • Akaev V.Kh.
    Review of the monograph “Islam in the AdygheaRepublic at the beginning of the 21st century: an empirical study”. ATLAS (2nd ed.,supplemented). [Z.A. Zhade, N.A. Ilyinova, E.S. Kukva, S.A. Lyausheva, V.N. Nekhay]; Ed. Prof. S.A. Lyausheva. –Maykop: AGU Pub

    The review is devoted to the theoretical and methodological analysis of socio-cultural transformations of the spiritual space of Islam in a multi-confessional region. The work shows that the increase in destructive rhetoric in modern media is a factor in the destabilization of interfaith relations in public life. The study conducted by the author's team of Adyghe State University made it possible to theoretically justify and empirically confirm the value of the moral principles of Islam in strengthening civil society in Russia. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the ritual practice of the Muslim Ummah, the prospects for their reproduction in a post-secular society, as well as transformational processes in the socioaxiological space that affected the way of life of believers. Thestudyalso considers the peculiarities of mutual determinatenessof religious and ethnocultural values, acting as basic identification guidelines of the Muslim community of Adyghea. Based on the analysis of the results of the sociological research carried out, the most stable ethno-confessional stereotypes in the Muslim environment, preserving the consolidation potential in the context of globalization, are highlighted. It is concluded that the research model proposed by the author's team is effective in studying the socio-integrative resource of Islam in the Russian multicultural region.

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  • Anchek S. Kh.
    Features of the bilingual language personality and the bilingual language environment (based on the texts of I.A. Krylov’s fables translated by K.H. Zhane)

    The article explores the bilingual language environment and the bilingual language personality. I.A. Krylov’s fables translated by the Adyghe writer K.H. Zhane served as the material for the analysis. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the comparison of the structures of the Russian and Adyghe languages. It is determined that Krylov, creating fables, and Zhane, translating them, worked at all levels of the language: from phonetic to syntactic. Each of them skillfully used the opportunities of their native language, presenting a bright, multi-faceted personality of their character with the help of his speech portrait. Hypocrisy as a moral quality characterizes many of the main characters of the fables. To achieve the goal, comparative and continuous sampling methods are used. It should be noted that the units of speech in the original texts of Krylov's fables, which have a certain meter, size and are associated with the subsequent text by rhyme, meaning, intonation and syntax, completely coincide with the "Zhane’s" units. Krylov's fables contain many simple sentences, where the verb occupies the last place in the construction, and this coincides with the main principle of sentence construction in the Adyghe language. The practical significance of the studied material lies in the possibility of its inclusion in university lecture courses on linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and linguoculturology.

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  • Bagirokov Kh. Z., Bagirokova I.G.
    Adygisms in the cognitive "field" of national foreign-language discourse

    Discursive practices in the sociocultural conditions of Adyghe-foreign language artistic bilingualism characterize and identify the ethnic linguistic consciousness of the author, verbalize the code system of discourse, represent the exophony of the authors of the Adyghe language space, i.e., the multi-linguistic personality in the sociocultural conditions of linguistic contacts. The scientific and theoretical significance of the work lies in the identification of the volume and status of the cognitive potential of adygisms functioning in the national-foreign "field" of discourse, which perform an intercommunicative function. Descriptive, identification methods and semantic analysis are used to solve the tasks. The relevance of the article is due to the importance of studying the activity of the author's consciousness of the linguistic personality in intensive conditions of language contacts. The conclusions show that the cognitive potential of adygisms contributes to the formation of a multi-linguistic picture of the world in the Adyghe language space, aimed at the formation of intercultural communication, exophony of discursive practices - dialogue of cultures. The practical value of the work lies in representation of the semiotic foundations of the cognitive potential of Adyghe culture, realized in the triad: globalization - intertext - dialogue of cultures.

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  • Burkova O.I.
    Understanding in cross-cultural communication

    The article deals with the problems of achieving understanding in cross-cultural interaction. Within the framework of the presented scientific research, based on the study of domestic and foreign sources, the factors that determine the levels of understanding in intercultural communication are identified. Cultural and linguistic factors that are leading in establishing contact, understanding, and mutual understanding, reflecting the success of intercultural communication, are argued. The aspects of intercultural communication are defined: communicative, perceptual and interactive, which characterize the features and levels of understanding in situations of intercultural interaction. The content of the research is focused on the systematization of cross-cultural approaches to the study of the category of understanding in situations of interaction of cultures, perception and comprehension of a person in cross-cultural communication. The results of the research can be successfully applied as a theoretical basis for training specialists in the field of intercultural communication, as well as in the practice of organizing cross-cultural interaction.

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  • Golyev A.A.
    Naming convention in the Republic of Estonia: historical and linguocultural aspect

    The relevance of the work is that some Estonian anthroponyms are analyzed in terms of how the traditions of naming have changed over a long time (from the pre-pagan period to modern legislative regulation). Of the more than 8,000 Estonian personal names, the most characteristic ones were selected to show grammatical, historical, cultural and other features. The goal is to collect and summarize the main stages of forming the preferences of Estonians on what name to give the child at birth. Using linguoculturological analysis, the relationship between the name and status-role identification of a person in society is argued. Brief conclusions are given about what affects the name in the Republic of Estonia today: this is a historical continuity, a cultural relationship, and the desire of parents to give a Western European name so that the child can live comfortably in the European Union in the future. A generalized historical and linguistic-cultural analysis of the name fund of the Estonian language is carried out for the first time. The theoretical significance of the work is to understand the variability of preferences when choosing a child's name in Estonian society, depending on the religious, economic or political situation. The practical value of the above material lies in the possibility of its application in university lecture courses in linguoculturology.

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  • Kisel I.F.
    Linguistic and cultural specifics of media text headline in the aspect of intertextuality

    The article is devoted to identifying and describing the linguistic and cultural specifics of the implementation of the category of intertextuality in the title of the media text. The object of the study is the title as the most important component of media text, the subject are methods of linguistic representation of the intertextuality category in the title of media text. To achieve the tasks, methods of contextual and linguoculturological analysis, and linguistic description were used. The material was the newspaper and magazine texts of Russian Internet publications. The theoretical significance of the study is determined by the contribution to the study of the linguistic and cultural specifics of the formation of the media picture of the world in the aspect of intertextuality. The practical value of the results obtained lies in the possibility of their use in teaching university courses. It has been established that intertextual inclusions in the title of modern media text are a way to form a linguistic picture of the world and represent a linguistic cultural code.

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  • Kopot L.V.
    Modification of gender-marked precedent phenomena in media discourse

    The article explores precedent phenomena in the press focused on male and female values, taking into account social factors, as well as modifications of gender-marked precedent phenomena. Reconstructed stereotypes are revealed, reflecting the ethno-gender picture of the world of the domestic ethnos. Conclusions are drawn about the active role of transformed precedent phenomena that attract readers' attention to gender problems in the Russian environment and represent the ethnocultural views of subjects refracted through the prism of a particular community, and socio-cultural values reflecting gender differentiation. The relevance is that dynamic changes in life contribute to the search by journalists for new forms that can draw the reader's attention to social problems, and the development of society at the beginning of the 21st century contributes to the evolution of individual gender stereotypes. They are some sociocultural components stored in the memory of men and women and fixing reality. The study of media discourse predetermined the use of continuous sampling, context analysis, analytical and descriptive methods. Research materials can be applied in reading special courses in sociolinguistics and medialinguistics.

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  • Korovina S.G., Han Xiaoxing
    Occasional phraseological units of the Chinese language: semantic and pragmatic aspects

    This article deals with study of the word-formation abilities of the most unchanging, stable layer of the vocabulary of the modern Chinese language – idioms. Occasional chengyu is the object of our scientific interest. The source of the research is the modified idioms operating in the Chinese Internet and published on the Internet platforms of modern media. The paper shows the specifics of the modification of idiomatic expressions in terms of semantics and structure. The research dwells upon the cultural and pragmatic aspects in the formation of occasional chengyu. It is concluded that homonymy is the most productive basis for wordplay in the Chinese language. Culturological and semantic substitutions-puns using consonances are a necessary element of a language game and serve as a kind of pragmatic tool for deepening cultural content, creating a philosophical subtext, forming a stylistic effect and enhancing the emotional impact of occasional phraseological formations. The results of the research can be used in the courses in linguistics, lexicology, stylistics, phraseology and linguoculture of the modern Chinese language.

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  • Kotik O.V., Tolstikova L.V.
    The concept of expressiveness in scientific discourse (based on English-language scientific articles)

    Recently, there has been a tendency towards greater expressiveness of the scientific text. The novelty and relevance of this study is the analysis of an English scientific text from the point of view of expressing the shades of meaning that make it more interesting and convincing for the reader. This makes it possible to highlight a new type of the text - informative-motivating text and determine its characteristics. The study was carried out by comparative typological method, the method of using communication strategies and content analysis. The research results allow distinguishing the concepts of “scientific text” and “scientific discourse”. The analysis of the English sources shows that the transfer of important scientific information is carried out through a certain linguistic formulation based on the subjective perception of the authors of the scientific text and their assessment and professional attitudes. The aspects of the evaluative sphere of thinking related to intellectual expressiveness and cognitive assessment are considered. Because of the fact that the use of emotional-evaluative techniques is not included in the main characteristics of scientific discourse and its varieties, the article proposes a classification of syntactic stylistic devices used to solve such a communicative task of scientific texts as attracting the addressee’s attention and stimulating their interest in the statement. It is noted that the following syntactic stylistic devices occupy the largest number of the means of speech expressiveness identified in the course of the study: repetitions, rhetorical questions, cleft sentences, emphatic constructions of the “not only but” type, sentences with double negation, inversion. The research data could be applied to the description of the pragmatic features of scientific discourse.

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  • Ladosha O.M., Khlopova A.I.
    “Wahrheit” basic concept model in German linguoculture

    The article discusses semantic markers of the basic concept WAHRHEIT revealed as a result of linguistic analysis. The aim is a comprehensive multilateral study of the concept in German culture from the standpoint of the cognitive-semantic approach for constructing its core model. The analysis procedure involves the data analysis of a free associative experiment conducted among representatives of German culture, as well as the interpretation of the text corpus of the social network Twitter. The combination of different methods enables building of a reliable model of the concept. The core characteristic of the concept is its embeddedness in the system of moral and ethical standards. Numerous antonymic units with the marker ‘denial of truth’ and ‘distortion of truth’ were identified. The invariant semantic markers ‘objective reality’ and ‘truthful statement’ codified in the dictionaries are operating mainly in text corpus. Among the identified additional markers, recurrent are ‘discomfort’, ‘risks to the truth’ and ‘degree of completeness’. The concept Wahrheit is the basic concept of the German culture; its importance is evidenced by the predominance of subjective-emotional markers.

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  • Nechay Yu.P., Linke N.O.
    Figurative understanding of the word as a means of forming irony in E.M. Remarque’s prose and its translations into Russian

    The object of the article is to consider the problem of asymmetry between form and content, which entails incomplete coverage of the content plan by the expression plan, on the basis of the language of the works of the German writer E. M. Remarque and their Russian translations. The authors' goal is to reveal the mechanisms of creating irony and analyze the linguistic means of its expression in the texts under study. In this case, a comprehensive methodology is used, which provides for component, contextual and comparative types of analysis. With the help of irony as a meaningful category of a literary text, the writer manages to convey an emotional and evaluative attitude to the depicted reality. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that both the phenomenon of irony itself and its study on the basis of the language of E. M. Remarque's fiction remain poorly studied. The authors arrive at a conclusion that the writer in his novels assigns the main role in creating implicit meanings to lexical and semantic means, the possibilities of which are very diverse.

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  • Nechay Yu.P., Nechay A.V.
    Verbalization of the concept of "City" in the individual author's picture of the world by Orhan Pamuk (based on the book “Istanbul. City of Memories”)

    The object of study of the article is the mechanisms of formation and description of the concept "city" in the book of the Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk "Istanbul. The City of Memories". The purpose of the article is to describe the linguistic means by which the discriptive analysis of this concept is carried out. When considering texts, a complex methodology is used, including component, contextual and comparative types of analysis. It turns out that the concept of "city" is realized in the texts of the writer through certain meanings, images, patterns and assessments inherent in the national mentality and worldview, as well as Turkish cultural traditions and customs. The scientific and practical significance of the work is lies in the fact that the concept of "city" remains still poorly understood. The paper concludes that the expressive means in the language are represented through units of different levels. The basis of the system of expressiveness is the lexical means that most fully express this category, while syntactic means are considered as peripheral.

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  • Popova V.B.
    Analysis of the dichotomy ‘variative / typical’ of the core of the lexical meaning of the word classified as the functional potential of the definite article

    The paper deals with specific characteristics of the definite article. The functional potential of the definite article is seen as connected with dichotomy ‘general / specific’ of the core of the lexical meaning of the word. The definite article marks the individual features of the referent, on the one hand, as non-variable, and on the other hand, as specific, in the lexical meaning of the noun considered as typical in a line of co-hyponyms. The research shows that the function of the definite article is to indicate that a specific referent is single-variant. The definite article marks lexical-semantic fields from the point of view of compatible-incompatible paradigmatic relations: co-hyponyms, antonyms, synonyms, as well as attributed to certain thematic blocks of the thesaurus.

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  • Rashidova A.G., Bizhitueva M.P.
    English prepositions of “inside” localization - from, out (of), through, throughout

    Many scientists who study the meanings of prepositions based on various phrases obtain data on the meanings of prepositions as part of these combinations, while losing the meaning of the preposition itself. This article discusses only a few of the prepositions of “being inside”, their meanings in English and the way they are conveyed in Russian. In modern English, unlike Russian, the case system is not represented (with the exception of the possessive) and the meanings of case relations between words are conveyed only by prepositions (about 27 prepositions of spatial semantics). In Russian, the meanings of English prepositions are conveyed using prepositions + case. The results of the study make it possible to use the obtained results as an auxiliary methodological material for teachers, students studying English, and can also serve as the basis for a comparative-typological study of the morphology of English and some other foreign languages that are studied in secondary schools and universities.

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  • Rustamova S.Kh.
    Hydrographic terms in modern Azerbaijani

    This article explores the hydrographic terms of the modern Azerbaijani language. The fact that this sphere of the terminology of the Azerbaijani language is not sufficiently covered in the scientific literature determines the relevance of this study. In the course of the research within the framework of this article, descriptive and comparative methods of linguistics were used. The scientific novelty of the article is that the etymological and structural analysis of hydro-terms of the Azerbaijani language is carried out here for the first time. It is argued that the study of the linguistic composition and etymology of these names can clarify a number of socio-political and historical events. The article also classifies the geographical terms-hydronyms of the Azerbaijani language in several groups according to the presence of different lexical units in their composition. Summing up, in the Azerbaijani language 99% of hydronyms are formed from words of Turkic origin. The author notes that the terms-hydronyms in the Azerbaijani language can be grouped as one-part, two-part, three-part and four-part lexical units. It is interesting that in the Azerbaijani language there are no specific suffixes for the formation of hydronomic terms. To create this lexical layer, the Azerbaijani language uses words such as çay — "river", göl — "lake", dəniz — "sea", etc.

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  • Savchuk I.P., Karabulatova I.S.
    Mytholinguistic interpretation of sacred geopolitonym Siberia as the “Overton window” in the military cinematographic discourse

    The authors consider the "Overton window" in the aspect of the formation of a positive myth about Siberia and Siberians in the cinematic discourse about the Second World War. The article analyzes the main mythologemes “the man of the North and Siberia”, implemented in the cinematic military discourse. According to the authors, these images not only give an idea of the participation of various northern peoples in World War II, but also form a positive attitude towards a person from the Siberian North. The article traces the main trends in the design of the image, the level of relevance of the topic of the participation of northern peoples in the events of the Second World War. It also examines the psychological characteristics and distinctive features of the northern peoples in a military retrospective. The key point in the study is the representation of the mythologeme “a man of the North” in the military cinematic discourse through visual content, which clearly defines the strategy for automating the development of public reactions to a particular cinematic polycode work, including the verbal-paraverbal complex of the Siberia mythologeme. The relevance of the article is due to the important geopolitical and strategic importance in world civilization and attempts to construct myths about Siberia and Siberians in various types of discourse.

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  • Tolstikova L.V.
    The use of stylistic devices and means of evaluative semantics in the English newspaper discourse

    Modern newspaper discourse actively participates in the formation of public opinion, and performs an important public function, quickly reacting to events taking place in the world. The development of PR technologies and technologies for controlling the reader's perception causes the appearance in modern newspapers of a wide variety of emotionally colored linguistic means. The article provides a classification of the most common expressive means characteristic of modern English newspaper discourse. Particular attention is paid to ways of achieving informative, manipulative and ideological functions of newspaper discourse. The materials of the research were the texts of modern English newspapers. The study was carried out by using the methods of communication strategies, comparative typological, content analysis and psychological methods. The paper highlights the mechanisms of using the “friend-or-foe” opposition in politically oriented texts of newspaper discourse. It is noted that the creation of stereotypes and images of a politician and political power is based on syntactic, lexical and phonetic stylistic devices such as lexical repetition, metaphor, allusion, hyperbole or understatement, graphic stylistic means. An important role in the transmission and perception of meaning in the English newspaper discourse is assigned to the language game. The article considers the use of means of evaluative semantics in creating a negative image of a politician, a representative of an opposing political party. The data obtained in the framework of the presented scientific study show that manipulation of the reader’s mind leads to the formation of a stereotype of a weak politician and a general apathetic attitude towards the further prospects of the country’s development, as well as towards the British democratic institutions themselves.

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    Literary Criticism

  • Bakov Kh.I.
    The problem of innovation in the work of the Circassian poet and writer Murat Bratov

    This study for the first time analyzes the works of the talented contemporary bilingual poet and writer Murat Bratov. Although from his pen came a collection of poems, short stories, two novels (co-authored), which clearly contain elements of innovation both in content and in form, his art has not been the subject of attention of the Adyghe literary studies and criticism. In this work, the author discusses his findings in this direction and confirms them by specific literary texts. It is noted that in the stories of M. Bratov, the real and the rational are intertwined, the role of subtexts is great, significant place in them is given to allegories, grotesques, and mysticism. Many of the poet's poems are experimental in nature. The author is distinguished by paradoxical and philosophical thinking. A significant place in the article is given to the issues of the poet's skill, his unexpected comparisons, epithets, metaphors, and author's word formation. As for his novels "In the Name of the Revolution, or To Plodding for Edification" and "After that..." (They were written in collaboration with Evgeny Tashu), their genre was defined by the authors as "new demotivator novels". In the article, an attempt is made to determine the place of an unusual author in the modern literary process.

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  • Grimova O.A.
    The crisis of personal identity in classical and non-classical prose

    The article examines the peculiarities of textual representation of ego identity in works belonging to modern and classical literature. The purpose of the work is to explore self-determination crisis experienced by the heroes. The scientific significance of such a study lies in deepening the understanding of the poetics of modern prose, in particular about the ways of presenting a person in it. The main methods of this work are narratological, which made it possible to identify the ways of implementing the crisis of ego identity, and the comparative method, which permitted us to correlate samples of classical and non-classical prose. During the study, text markers are revealed, signaling that the problem of destroying self-identity is significant for the heroes of E. Vodolazkin, Z. Prilepin, K. Buksha, D. Dragunsky etñ. Those are a motive of forgetting the name, illusory mirror reflection, a plot about the impossibility to portray oneself, etc. Relating the novel by M. Shishkin "Everyone Expects One Night. Notes by Larionov" with the autobiographical trilogy of L. Tolstoy and other classic self-narratives, the author concludes that the teleologically oriented construction of the story of personality formation in a modern novel is impossible. Changes are also taking place in the nature of the reconstructed self - it loses the identity, ceases to represent itself as a constant value, turns out to be indeterminable through historization or mythologization, the carrier of such self is acutely experiencing inconsistency of essence and role. The practical significance of this research lies in using its results in the development of university and school courses devoted to the poetics of contemporary literature.

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  • Zhachemuk Z.R.
    Features of humor and satire in the works of Khazret Ashinov (Ñýìýðêúýóìðý ëàêúûðäûìðý Iýøúûíý Õüàçðýò èïðîèçâåäåíèåõýì çýðàùûãúýôåäàãúýð)

    The humorous and satirical works of Kh. Ashinov are considered in order to study the thematic features, genre forms and structural-style features of the writer's stories. Such prose features as the evolution of genre forms of humorous and satirical storytelling, features of author's psychology and lyrical understanding of reality are revealed. Genre-stylistic and comparative-typological methods used in the work help analyze the writer's work in the context of artistic and aesthetic searches of Adyghean literature and draw conclusions about the role and significance of humor and satire in the development of national prose. The study makes it possible to include material in university lecture courses in Adyghean literature.

    pdf 146-150.pdf  (98 Kb)

  • Kirimov T.N.
    The concept of Motherland in the works of Mehmet Niyazi: genesis and poetics

    The article examines the life path, literary and journalistic heritage of the prominent Crimean Tatar writer, educator in exile Mehmet Niyazi (1878–1931). The author of this study makes historiographical analysis of scientific works, biographical essays, memoirs of contemporaries and present-day researchers of the works of the master of the pen. Some insufficiently studied archival materials from the collections of V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine are introduced into scientific circulation. For example, these are rare issues of the Crimean Tatar newspaper in Arabic script "Haq ses" ("Voice of Truth"), published in 1918 in the Crimea with the participation of M. Niyazi. The relevance and scientific novelty of the work is due to the lack of knowledge of the designated topic. In order to highlight the literary personality and life values of the author, we analyzed genre, linguistic, philosophical and ethical features of his poetic works. Their close connection with folklore and mythological traditions and historical events of sacred significance for the Crimean Tatars is established. The concept of "Motherland" in the poet's artistic interpretation is revealed. The author of this study arrives at a conclusion that M. Niyazi associates himself with the image of the defender and guardian of the nation. In the dialogue with the reader, he pays great attention to the lack of education, disunity of the Crimean Tatar youth, and the indifferent attitude of the people to the fate of the ancestral homeland. Crimea, in the poet's understanding, is a green Edenic island, where any orphaned and strip-mined finds a new hope for a happy life, comprehends the deep meaning of love for the Motherland. The iconic image of orphanhood in the work of the lyricist takes on an expanded meaning: the tragedy of the deprivation of the Motherland, the spiritual and patriotic crisis of the ethnic society. By calling for unity and work to overcome the spiritual crisis, the poet seeks to free the people from the complex of orphanhood and hopelessness. But, due to personal idealistic views, the lyricist is subject to melancholy, disappointment. Thus, despondency, anxiety, death, orphanhood, heavy thoughts are the main motives of Niyazi's poetic cycle. After all, the happiness of living in the homeland for him turns into a tragedy of loneliness among his compatriots.

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  • Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
    On the study of domestic literature of the 1920 - 1980s as an artistic and aesthetic unity

    The task of considering topical issues of the study of Russian literature of the 1920 - 1980s as an artistic and aesthetic community of a new type, comes down to determine the role and significance of the comparative typological method in the study of the creative process. In this regard, the main criteria for the analysis of aesthetic phenomena are revealed. Variants of the structural and typological classification of the general artistic and aesthetic picture and various modifications of the genre of the novel are considered. The forms of unity of Russian multinational literature are specified. The historical, literary and comparative-typological methods used by the author make it possible to conclude that it is necessary to form, basing on various theoretical studies, a scientifically based typology of Russian prose, poetry and dramatic genres.

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  • Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A., Simbuletova R.K.
    Time pattern and artistic thanatology as elements of the existential chronotope in the lyrics of S.Ya. Marshak

    The purpose of the study is to identify the features of late philosophical lyrics by S.Ya. Marshak using an example of poems reflecting existential motifs. Based on the traditional cultural and historical method, the leading features of the lyrical chronotope of poetry by S.Ya. Marshak of the late period are determined, in particular, the constants and parameters of the category of artistic time as one of the components of the author's ontological concept through the implementation of his dialectical concept of peace and man. The main characteristics of psychologism and the complex semantic and stylistic organization of his lyrical discourse are revealed. The functions of two independent, but also interconnected components of the chronotope are considered - the first, connected with chronological rhythms and processes of the natural world, and the second, determined by the dynamics of human existence, his personality in the context of the natural chronotope. The authors determined the role and place of artistic thanatology of S.Ya. Marshak in the general ontological paradigm of his lyrics, analyzed the features of the aphoristic genre nature, poetics and styles of his lyrics in revealing the basic societal problems of life and death. Conclusions are drawn about the features of the creative method of S. Marshak and the modern sound of his lyrics. Those are that the thanatological paradigm and the corresponding discourse, although they do not occupy a dominant position in the lyrics of S.Ya. Marshak, are deeply "inscribed" in the context of his philosophical lyrics which is deeply realistic and unobtrusively supplemented with specific details, episodes of personal biography and fate.

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  • Chotchaeva M.Yu.
    The problem of individual freedom and its humanistic solution in the works of I. Mashbash

    The article discusses the ways and methods of artistic embodiment of the problem of individual freedom in the works of the classic of the Adyghe literature I.Sh. Mashbash. The author explores the key problem for Russian philosophy and literature of the 19th century, the freedom and non-freedom of the human person, which turned out to be relevant for national North Caucasus literature for social reasons in the 20th century. A special position of North Caucasus literature, interpreting freedom, primarily, as the problem of the foundation of human existence, a necessary condition for the development of the individual, is highlighted. Historical novels by I. Mashbash are taken as an example to analyze the problems of the influence of freedom and non-freedom on a person's moral choice, his responsibility to other people, gaining new spiritual guidelines in the space of non-freedom (physical, moral). The analysis made suggests that freedom is not only a condition of the natural existence of man, but also his qualitative essence, meaning and ideal. The work contributes to solving issues related to the landmark phenomenon in the development of North Caucasus literature - the artistic and ontological mastery of the most complex and deepest genetically related historical problems: Mahajirism, the Caucasus War, the political regime, which are considered in line with philosophical, ontological and moral-psychological issues.

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    Study of Arts

  • Van Tanle, Khvatova S.I.
    Features of the musical poetics of popular music in China

    This work studies the process of forming the style of Chinese pop music in the last half century. The purpose of the article is to identify features of interaction between eastern and western musical cultures. Special attention is paid to the cultural context of updating the poetics of song creativity, and a complex of means of musical expressiveness. The scientific significance of the study is associated with the analysis of Chinese pop song from the point of view of the accumulation of composer technologies new to China, and the specific manifestation of style features of the expansion of European language means into Chinese musical culture. The work studies the process of interaction between the principles of traditional and modern musical performance, and states the presence of melodic, tonality-harmonic, timbre elements of ethnic music in the works of pop genres. Figurative, thematic and lexical cliches characteristic of Chinese traditional musical art are found. The authors conclude that the synthesis of European and Oriental trends is decisive for the formation of the Chinese direction of musical art.

    pdf 184-187.pdf  (94 Kb)

  • Kaunenko N.V.
    Drawing and printing techniques

    The article dwells on the course of the development and the main trends of the historical evolution of drawing and its influence on the creative process of printmaking, from the very basics of the graphic image to the printed form. Printed graphics is presented as a special way of manifesting the creative potential of a professional artist, new approaches to work and the use of modern materials are suggested. The aim of the work is to establish the connection between the drawing which is the pictorial graphic basis in the creative work with the technique of printed easel graphic works. The relevance of the research is to determine the regularity of the historical development of the drawing, its influence on new approaches to working with the print and the use of modern materials that contribute to the expansion of the artist's creative range. The cognition methods of new printing graphic technologies, combined with the deep knowledge of drawing coinage reflect not only new types of thinking, but also new ways of the relationship between the artist and the viewer.

    pdf 188-193.pdf  (110 Kb)

  • Karamanova M.L., Mikhailova O.S.
    Functions of Kalmyk national folklore in ballet by V. Chernyavsky "The Legend of the Blue Mountains"

    The previously unexplored ballet by V. Chernyavsky "The Legend of the Blue Mountains" is analyzed in order to identify the functions of various elements of folklore in the ballet that arose on the basis of the Kalmyk ancient folk legend. The article explores the intonation-thematic features of key ballet scenes, the symbolic meaning of some traditional musical instruments and pays special attention to the characteristics of the actors. The study of the reflection of subjects, images and elements of folklore in composer's work belongs to the most topical areas of modern musicology. The methodology of the work is determined by the traditions of domestic and foreign musicology in the field of research, the main of which is the method of musical analysis. As a result, it is concluded that various methods of implementing folklore sources are used in the ballet, the authors outlined the role of these sources in the genre definition of the work. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of using the results of the research in the course of academic disciplines related to the study of modern musical culture.

    pdf 194-199.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • Shapovalova S.N.
    Special features in the image of Taotie, ancient China

    The article is the first to undertake a semiotic analysis of the ornamental elements included in the image of the popular pattern of ancient Chinese art Taotie (饕餮). A comparison is made with the features described in later literary sources belonging to the divine, legendary first ancestors of ancient China. Despite such a popular depiction of a mythological creature, the character does not have a scientific definition, thus preserving its unsolved nature. The study covers an overview of the legendary features of the first ancestors that demonstrate an obvious relationship with the image and reveal the semantics of some details of the pattern. The method and the findings emphasize the novelty of the study. The depicted elements include dragon meta, solar horn, synthesized body, all signs indicate that the image of Taotie belongs to the description of the divine first ancestor. The results of the study reveal the semantics of the depicted ornament and help in understanding the religious worldview of the Xia, Shang and Zhou states.

    pdf 200-208.pdf  (717 Kb)

  • Meng Yaoyu
    Mei Lanfang and the Peking Opera reform

    The article studies the creative activity of Mei Lanfang, the leading soloist, reformer of Peking Opera, who changed the modern understanding of opera in China in the twentieth century. The goal is to study the specifics of the Peking Opera and the leading principles of its reform, developed by Mei Lanfang. For this, historical-style and cultural approaches, methods of hermeneutics, comparativistics, holistic musicological analysis are used. The study proves that by integrating the components of many regional varieties of folk dramas, the Peking Opera formed a block of traditions that Mei Lanfang finely modernized. He expanded the established roles of characters and consolidated the types of vocal self-expression in each of them; changed the costume and hairstyles, work with light. The theoretical novelty of the research is due to the synthesis of observations by Chinese and foreign scientists about the specifics of the development of Peking opera from the 18th to the 21st centuries. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using this information in theoretical training courses for vocalists in colleges and universities in China. The author of this publication shows how Mei Lanfang formed theoretical principles that determined the development of Peking opera not only in the twentieth, but also in the 21st century.

    pdf 209-214.pdf  (170 Kb)


  • Chekalov P.K., Cherkashina S.P.
    Iskhak Mashbash's creativity in scientific coverage: the experience of monographic research

    pdf 215-219.pdf  (101 Kb)

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