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the series "Philology and the Arts" The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series "Philology and the Arts"
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#2 / 2021


  • Akhmetova D.A., Tsey B.A.
    Features and problems of drama translation (from the tragic farce material by Muliat Emizh "Hiem igolyp" ("The Place of the Dog")

    One of the problems of artistic translation is the translation of the dramatic text. The relevance of the address to this topic is due to the lack of fundamental theoretical works de-voted to the translation of drama in the Adygean philology. Different approaches to the study of dramatic text in translation are analyzed. An example for detailed analysis, identification and resolution of the most significant translational problems was chosen by the work of the Adygean writer Muliat Emizh "Hiem Igolyp". The choice is due to the presence of difficult situations in terms of translation, the principle of plot construction, as well as the lack of translation of this play into Russian. The most problematic places of the play are considered, the translation is offered, translational solutions, for example, transformations, which had to be used in the process, are explained. The translation of dramatic texts is at the intersection of literature and theatre, and the most successful translation strategy in addressing drama is a combination of interpretation, transformation and adaptation.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-17-23

    pdf 17-23.pdf  (111 Kb)

  • Bedanokova S.K.
    Circumstantial determinants in the structure of a complex sentence in modern French

    Some peculiarities of functioning of a circumstantial determinant in the structure of a complex sentence are considered. The theoretical significance is determined in the field of constructive syntax and the identification of the most stable and frequency signs of the func-tioning of various structural components of the sentence. The component analysis made it possible to outline the main parameters of the systematization of the features of the function-ing of the determinant components in the structure of the complex sentence, which form the practical significance of the study when working with texts. The study was based on analysis of structural indices of polypredicative constructions related to the nature of inclusion of de-terminants in the sentence structure. As a result, the specifics of the semantic-syntactic inter-action of the determinant with the structural components of the complex sentence were revealed, the conditions that can affect typological properties in the formation of special com-plex structures have been identified.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-24-29

    pdf 24-29.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • Bogdanova E.A.
    Occasional vocabulary and word play of the coronavirus period as a way to reflect new elements of the picture of the world (using the example of French)

    The article identifies and analyzes French occasionalisms on the topic of the Corona-virus pandemic. Data from French-speaking sources make it possible to analyze the current state of the picture of the world of French linguistic culture and determine the influence of extralinguistic factors on the formation of the occasional vocabulary. The material was the author's words formations of open Internet sources of the French publishing house Le Robert and the French periodical Le Monde. The study methodology is based on a semantic analysis of the new French lexical units on the topic of the pandemic in order to describe the elements of a new picture of the world. The study of ways to verbalize the worldview of representatives of a particular linguistic culture is one of the modern trends in linguistics. Such a study allows us not only to describe the worldview of the ethnic group at a certain stage of sociocultural development, but also to reveal the dynamics and regularity of changes in social orientations and their reflection in the language. The results of the research can be used in comparative study of ways to verbalize elements of different linguistic cultures.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-30-35

    pdf 30-35.pdf  (171 Kb)

  • Evsyukova T.V., Karnas A.A.
    The framework of Tourism Industry subject area terminology (based on Russian and English)

    The goal is to construct and describe the framework-slot structure of the terminology of the Tourism Industry subject area. The object is the terminology of the tourism industry in Russian and English, the subject is the frame model of the terminology in question. The ap-plication of contextual and definitional analysis techniques, as well as frame modeling tech-niques, has allowed us to present the terminology of this area as a multilevel hierarchical structure of slots and subslots that form subframes based on a thematic principle. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the framework-slot representation of the ter-minology of the tourism industry allowed us to systematically describe the logical structure and conceptual organization of terms in the subject area in question, taking into account lin-guistic and extralinguistic aspects. The theoretical importance is in the further development of cognitive and frame analysis of industry terminology, which is a contribution to the further development of cognitive terminology. The novelty of the study lies in the structuring and systematization of the terminology of this subject area on the material of Russian and English, which was not previously the subject of linguistic research.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-36-42

    pdf 36-42.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • Kryukova I.V.
    Connotative proper names of the Post-Soviet period: methodology of communicative description

    The article is devoted to the connotative proper names (connotonyms), which changed or acquired emotional and evaluative meanings in the post-Soviet period (from the early 1990s to the present day). The author's complex methodology of communicative description of these names, which includes consistent application of several methods, is characterized. These methods are: 1) contextual analysis – to determine single connotative meanings in individual contexts and subsequent generalization of several similar meanings recorded in many contexts with the same linguistic environment; 2) component analysis – to identify for each name a set of semantic features characteristic of its functioning in the last thirty years; 3) stylistic analysis – to characterize the functional marking of connotative names and the possibilities of their use as a figurative means; 4) linguistic comparison – to establish the semantic dynamics of connotative names at different stages of their existence within the period under consideration. Based on the results of communicative description we can conclude that the proper names, acquiring the properties of connotative, pass through certain stages of semantic development – from the designation of a single object to a full-fledged concept.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-43-53

    pdf 43-53.pdf  (175 Kb)

  • Kubashicheva S.K.
    Problems of definitions and translation of English complex subject adjectives into Russian

    The paper deals with structural and semantic groups of multicomponent subject adjectives, presented in classical English art prose as the most striking stylistic techniques of word-making and authors’ neologisms. Through comparative and lexical-semantic methods, we study linguistic material based on the famous works of English-language writers, as well as lexicographic sources of bilingual dictionaries. The method of component analysis of the group of authors’ adjective neologisms allows us to conclude that the formation of complex subject adjectives is highly productive. An analytical review revealed structural-semantic characteristics of the adjective class that are directly related to their semantics. Thus, it has been found that studying and comparison of dictionary definitions helps translate complex color definitions in different cultures.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-54-58

    pdf 54-58.pdf  (87 Kb)

  • Kubashicheva S.K., Khatkhe A.A.
    Productivity of word-forming models as a phenomenon of mobility of English language space

    This work explores current structural models of word formation and extralinguistic factors of the development of the Lexical System of the English language. The use of structural and semantic analysis makes it possible to identify a group of new economic and financial terms; through linguistic analysis, neologisms formed by productive ways of making words are defined. Word-forming analysis demonstrates the pragmatic aspect of neologisms that contain additional stylistic connotations. The findings contribute to a higher level of men-tal adequacy of translation of special texts and update further development of translation con-cepts. The theoretical significance and practical value of the work lies in the comprehension of general theoretical ideas and definitions, the systematic knowledge of the structural and semantic features of the new terminological vocabulary, as well as the ability to use the results of the study of English word-forming potential in courses in lexicology, theory and practice of translation.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-59-63

    pdf 59-63.pdf  (101 Kb)

  • Jing Li, Burukina T.N.
    Peculiarities of translation of words play from Russian into Chinese (on the example of V. Pelevin's novel “Generation “P”)

    The article dwells upon the features of the translation of the language game from Rus-sian into Chinese. The purpose of this work is to identify the main approaches to the translation of wordplay in the “classic” postmodern novel by V. Pelevin “Generation “P” into Chi-nese. Examples from the novel and its translation, determined by the poetics of various names, were used as the analyzed material; sounding slogans; referring to the texts of iconic songs; playing with English graphics, English expressions in the Russian cultural context; “appeal” to the classics, its catchphrases. Based on the analysis, it was found that the peculiarities of the transfer of wordplay when translating a literary text from Russian into Chinese are due to a number of translation techniques and methods (including replacements, additions, etc.) that allow us to present “playful” postmodern aesthetics which are built on the principles of intertext. Research materials can serve as a basis for the development of translation equivalents in the Russian-Chinese language pair.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-64-71

    pdf 64-71.pdf  (239 Kb)

  • Sekulich D.T.
    Ethnolinguistic and rhetorical research program into folklore discourse practices of Russian, Serbian and English ethnic groups

    The purpose of this paper is to characterize the idea and research program of the linguistic and rhetorical (L&R) study of Russian, Serbian and English folklore discourse prac-tices based on the example of the genres of fairy tales and riddles addressed to the younger generations of representatives of collective linguistic personalities (LP) of these ethnic groups. This type of discursive processes in the sphere of literary and artistic communication has a communicative super-task: the realization of the basic need of the people for survival, devel-opment and prosperity. It is necessary to reproduce permanently the generations of LP of this ethnic group, who have absorbed its culture, religion, traditions, moral and ethical norms and institutions. The system of research actions within the framework of two main search directions is given in detail: (1) Development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the LR study of the ethnocultural specifics of folklore discourse. (2) Ethnolinguistic and rhetorical modeling of genre discourse practices of fairy tales and riddles in Russian, Serbian and English folklore discourses. The scientific significance of the research is determined by its comparative nature; the body of the analyzed empirical material of folk Russian-, Serbian- and English-language fairy tales and riddles introduced into scientific circulation; and the pos-tulation of ethnolinguistic and rhetorical study as a special scientific direction. In the educa-tional and applied aspect, the study is important for the university training of a philologist as a professional LP.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-72-77

    pdf 72-77.pdf  (84 Kb)

  • Sokurova S.N.
    The pragmatic potential of interjections in speech

    This work discusses the issues reflecting the mechanisms for implementing the illocutionary function of interjections related to the communicative impact on the recipient of speech. The aim is to determine the communicative status of interjections in French and to identify their functioning in speech. The material was the French emotional interjections in the artistic works of French authors. The actual material presented correlates with the theoretical aspects of the study and serves as a basis for substantiating the conclusions: the same pronoun can express a variety of shades of the emotional and mental states of the speaker, depending on the context and its sound design. The research methodology is based on contextual analysis and the method of visualization of prosodical means. The results of the study have a theoretical significance, which is to identify the pragmatic potential of interjections in the speech of the characters of French fiction. The findings can be used in the process of teaching French in courses for interpreting literary text and grammar.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-78-83

    pdf 78-83.pdf  (163 Kb)

  • Sokurova S.N., Kerasheva M.A.
    Dialogue functions in the literary text (based on French fictional prose)

    The article deals with issues related to the main functions of dialogue as a component of a fiction text. Attempts are made to describe the pragmatic properties of the dialogical ut-terances of the characters of French fiction. Dialogical fragments from the works of contem-porary French authors Henri Troyat and Guillaume Musso are served as the material for the study. The methods of contextual and pragmalinguistic analysis of utterances are used in the work, which allow us, in particular, to interpret the possibilities of the structural units of the language for expressing the intentions of the addressee. It is noted that the functional-communicative approach in the analysis of artistic dialogue opens up new opportunities for the study of the character’s speech behavior. The sequence of presentation of dialogic components in a fiction text carries a significant semantic load, reflecting the regularities of the de-velopment of the original value conflicts. Scientific novelty and theoretical significance lie in identifying the pragmatic functions of dialogical statements in a work of art. The research results can be applied in a practical course of text interpretation in the process of teaching French.

    doi: doi:10/53598/2410-3489-2021-2-277-84-90

    pdf 84-90.pdf  (157 Kb)

  • Temzokova M.M.
    Microlexics of the concept of "bzylfyg" (woman): word-forming aspect

    This work deals with the microlexics of the concept of "bzylfyg" (woman), reflecting the ethnocultural meanings of the Adygean language. The study was based on data from a continuous sample of different types of Adygean dictionaries and field entries. Basic lexemes that objectify the concept are determined, the composition of the microlexics of the core and one of the basic lexemes - pshashe (girl) - is characterized. Lexical units (LU) are grouped according to seven characteristics: age, class, functional status of a woman/girl; blood and non-blood affinity; the nominees of the marriage status of a woman and the female pantheon of gods represented in Adygean mythology are identified in a separate group. Methods of formation of words and phrases that form the basis of microlexics of basic woman/girl lex-emes are analyzed. The study used a scientific observation method with discursive analysis. The practical significance of the results of the study is determined by the fact that they can be useful in further considering the cognitive and linguistic cultural aspects, both of the concept of "woman" itself and other groups of concepts that make up the conceptual atmosphere of the Adygean language.

    doi: doi:10.53598/2410-3489-2021-2-277-91-96

    pdf 91-96.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • Adzinova F.S., Khabekirova Z.S.
    Intentional and stylistic features of the political media texts

    We consider the methods of implementing the intent of persuasion, which acts as one of the most important communicative factors of modern media discourse in order to study the language and the style of political media texts. The effectiveness of the intentional method is due to the fact that it allows us to describe not only the linguistic-stylistic, but also the linguistic-pragmatic features of the media discourse products that arise as a result of the interaction of the mass media with the political sphere of society. As a result of the study, it was found that the political texts of the mass media are characterized by increased metaphoricity and in-creased emotionality, due to the pragmatic orientation to the suggestive effect largely dictated by the communicative intentions of the authors.

    doi: doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-2-277-97-101

    pdf 97-101.pdf  (100 Kb)

  • Khabekirova Z.S., Khachetsukova Z.K.
    A parcelled construction in relation to a simple sentence

    The relevance of the work is due to the variety of structural variants of parcelled sentences and opens up wide opportunities for the study of parcelling as a specific structural-semantic and emotional-expressive unit of speech that actualizes the prognostic intentions of a specific language personality. As a result of the study, it was found that the parcelled con-struction and the corresponding simple non-parcelled sentence meet the leading criteria for synonymy of syntactic constructions and are therefore syntactic synonyms.

    doi: doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-2-277-102-106

    pdf 102-106.pdf  (108 Kb)

  • Khlopova A.I., Kurilov S.N.
    Psychologically relevant content of the basic value ñâîáîäà (“Freedom”) in the ordinary consciousness of Russians

    The subject of the research is the features of the basic value ñâîáîäà ”freedom” in the Russian linguoculture which are revealed in the course of linguistic analysis, as well as the content dynamics of the basic value. The purpose of the study is to establish the psychologically relevant content of the basic value”freedom”. The main research method is a free associative experiment conducted among representatives of the Russian linguoculture in 2019. The scientific significance of the work lies in the experimental proof of the change in the rate of the basic values’ dynamics. The results have shown that the reactions reflecting the significance of the traditional components of the concept ñâîáîäà ”freedom” coincide in the lexicographic sources and according to the data of a free associative experiment. This fact justifies the stability of the basic value with all possible changes in its peripheral components. How-ever, it is necessary to note the beginning of the structurally substantial restructuring, which is expressed in a growing number of negative connotations. Despite the fact that the conceptual core of the value ñâîáîäà ”freedom” remains practically unchanged, emotionally evaluative associates show a serious change in the connotations of the word. Thus, the attitude of representatives of the Russian linguoculture to freedom as a basic value has changed. The practical value of the study lies in the following: it is possible to apply the developed methodology in translation studies, intercultural communication, cultural linguistics and other linguistic disciplines taught at the universities.

    doi: doi:10.53598/2410-3489-2021-2-277-107-116

    pdf 107-116.pdf  (176 Kb)

    Literary Criticism

  • Bakov K.I.
    Poetry of Alim Khanfenov in the flow of time

    This work explores the evolution of lyrics in the multifaceted work of Alim Mazanovich Khanfenov (1922-2014), and the facts of the poet's biography, which formed his creative personality. The analysis of the poet's lyrics confirms the idea that thanks to the creative individuality and talent of Alim Khanfenov, the lyrics in Circassian poetry have acquired a new artistic level. It is in the lyrics that the subjective principle, the creative "I" of the poet, and his intellect are of great importance. A. Khanfenov possessed these qualities, developed by life experience and education (participant in the war, graduated from the A.M.Gorky Literary Institute), which influenced his work. Particular attention is paid to the issues of the poet's mastery, the analysis of new pictorial and expressive means used by A.Khanfenov in his lyrics. The author underlines the richness of the motives of A.Khanfenov's poetry, the clarity of the rhythm, and the good sound organization of the verse, which allowed composers to create songs based on the poet's verses, that have become popular. Some children's poems, humorous stories are included in the school curriculum, but the lyrics are also in demand both at school and in universities where Adyg literature is studied. A.Khanfenov's work is considered in the context of Circassian literature.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-117-121

    pdf 117-121.pdf  (85 Kb)

  • Dzhambekova T.B., Tovsultanova D.S.
    Compositional and structural features of the narration in the prose of M. Mamakaev (based on the novels "Murid of the Revolution" and "Zelimkhan")

    The work of an outstanding Chechen writer, master of lyrical and persuasive speech, Magomed Mamakaev (1910-1973), nowadays again attracts public attention and acquires the sta-tus of an object not only for the response of critics, but also for scientific research in connection with the actualization of the many-year problem of social political conflicts covering the whole world, as well as in connection with a new wave of reassessment of historical events in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, in particular, a reassessment of the role of the October Revolution of 1917, including its role in the history of mountain peoples. The aim of the study is to characterize the life and aesthetic events of the novels "Murid of the Revolution" and "Zelimkhan" by M. Mamakaev. The research objectives include: an analysis of the plot and style of the novels; characterization of the images of the main characters; determination of the features of the writer's artistic skill. The results obtained confirm the idea of the unity of opposites in the structure of the narrative, of the dialectical balance of the parts of the whole in the work, of the dominant tone of the author, which surrounds the artistic structure with the “spirit of the whole”, giving all elements the signs of fractality.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-122-129

    pdf 122-129.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • Inarkaeva S.I., Dzhambekova T.B.
    Moral and philosophical discourse of Musa Akhmadov's story "Wooden Dolls"

    The paper explores the role of the modern Chechen writer Musa Akhmadov in the formation of Chechen literature in the latest period of its development, the formation of a unique genre system in his work, which includes all types of genre forms. The most frequently used genre in the writer's work is a philosophical story, in which the author manages to express his innermost thoughts regarding the spiritual formation of modern Chechen society, about the role of a creative person in shaping the culture of the people, their future. In terms of its inner content, Musa Akhmadov's prose can be divided into two major cycles: social-psychological and moral-philosophical. The writer can be safely called an author who multiplied the possibilities of the story, expanded its tradition in modern Chechen literature.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-130-134

    pdf 130-134.pdf  (82 Kb)

  • Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P.
    Postmodern features of short prose by T.N. Tolstaya

    The small prose of T.N. Tolstaya is explored in order to identify in it both general postmodern and individual characteristics. The analysis of the works of T.N. Tolstaya was carried out with the use of the hermeneutic, comparative-contrastive and intertextual methods, which make it possible to consider not only her work, but also all Russian literature of the last decades of the twentieth century as a unique phenomenon. The authors reveal similarities and differences with the works of domestic and foreign writers, which can be traced when considering identical topics. It has been established that the small prose of T.N. Tolstaya is characterized by such common postmodern features as "rejection of foundations or roots", rejection of realism, intertextuality, quotation, irony, which are presented together with individual characteristics - mythology and fabulousness, acting as a manifestation of intertextuality. The results of the study contribute to a more complete understanding of the short prose of T.N. Tolstaya, as well as to the clarification of the postmodern aspect of her work.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-135-141

    pdf 135-141.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Ashinova Yu.A.
    On the formation of the story and novel genres on a contemporary theme in the “historical breakthrough prose” in the first half of the 1930s (from the material of the Adyg literatures)

    The paper explores the genre and structural-style features of the “historical break-through prose” on a contemporary theme (stories by S. Kozhaev “Nov”, I. Amirokov “Young Foreman”, S. Temirov “Joyous Life”, T. Kerashev’s novel “The Way to Happiness"). The au-thors of this study note the commonality of the named works in terms of problems, conflict, artistic features and their typological connections with Russian literature. The deepening of the concept of personality and the intensification of conflict in creative phenomena lead writ-ers to turn to more voluminous genre forms - the story and the novel. The comparative typo-logical method used in the work makes it possible to conclude that the movement towards various forms of great prose enriches significantly newly written literatures in their accelerated movement to a new stage.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-142-147

    pdf 142-147.pdf  (89 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Shazzo Sh.E.
    On the poetry features at the turn of the century (from the creative work of Muliat Emizh)

    The authors set objectives to identify the typological features of national literature in the work of Muliat Emizh of the late 20 - early 21 centuries, which determine the study of the problem-thematic content, the evolution of the conflict and genre forms of artistic phenomena. The authors establish the strengthening of the problematic nature and attempts to deepen the concept of personality in the collections "Returned Songs", "The Mysterious Sign", "Mountain Lake", etc. The movement towards artistic volume and concentration of poetic means is noted. The influence of folklore and literary traditions on the formation of genre forms of poetry is determined. The reliance on historical-literary and comparative-typological methods makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the reflection in the work of M. Emizh of such features of contemporary literature as liberation from declarativity, journalistic pleonasm and solemnity. This work may be in demand in the study of theoretical problems of the formation of Russian literature of the twentieth century.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-148-152

    pdf 148-152.pdf  (82 Kb)

  • Shishkhova N.M., Ankudinov K.N.
    A. Blok and poetic strategies of postmodernism

    An analysis is made of the poetry of A. Blok, its relationship with the realistic, semantic and performance aspects of the work of Russian postmodernists. Texts are explored as a way to motivate poetic signs in the postmodern tradition. They make it possible to contextual-ize models of expressiveness in avant-garde poetry and highlight the main paradigms in its interpretation, adapt artistic techniques and searches for a new language. An attention is paid to the peculiarities of the poetic expression and its interaction with the space of the verse. The interest is focused on the dialectic of destructive and creative forces in the deconstruction of the legacy of Vs. Nekrasov, D. Prigov, T. Kibirov, etc. The paper discusses the actual problem for the theory of modern poetry: what has become with the postmodern as the language of describing the era in the 21st century. Particular attention is paid to the continuity of new con-cepts with the previous cultural tradition in negative and positive versions. The theme is especially actualized due to the expressed desire to present the texts of A. Blok and postmodern poetry as a cultural expression of modern times.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-153-160

    pdf 153-160.pdf  (111 Kb)


  • Unarokova R.B., Nagarokov K.R.
    Informant-collector phenomenon in Adyghe folklore field space

    The specifics of the relationship and interdependence of the informant and collector in the folklore field are considered. The image of the bearer of folklore and the methods of objectification of his activities are analyzed. The peculiarities of the organization of a single and ensemble performance of a folk song are studied. The method of participatory observation is used to reveal the nature of the storyteller’s behavior during the recording. In conclusion, attention is focused on the fact that the results of the interaction between the two characters of the field space - the informant and the collector - depend on how they are included in the tradition.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-161-166

    pdf 161-166.pdf  (96 Kb)

  • Nagarokov K.R.
    Muslim spiritual poetry of the Adygs in the modern folklore field: fixation specifics

    Problems of fixing zachirs and prayer verses from Muslim spiritual poetry, considered as a genre field of Adyg folklore, are studied. The empirical basis was the recordings of several sessions made at the Khakurinokhable Aul Mosque. The performing traditions of Adyg folk songs and zachirs are compared. The method of participatory observation is used to reveal the characteristic features of female chanting. It is concluded that a female form of the performance of Muslim spiritual poetry is quite active in modern folklore. At the level of poetics, both religious and traditional folklore elements are intertwined in it.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-167-170

    pdf 167-170.pdf  (80 Kb)


  • Molchanova M.M., Lekova P.A.
    The crisis of content verbality in Internet discourse

    The paper examines the crisis of content verbality in the Internet discourse, its active visualization associated with new discoveries in the field of computer technology. The aim of the work is to give a multi-aspect characterization of this phenomenon and outline the prospects of its influence on the speech-thinking activity of the younger generation, which makes up the majority of users of social networks. The relevance of this issue is due to the concern of the philological community that the world is becoming less and less linguistic. The novelty lies in the fact that for the first time Internet discourse is considered in the context of the crisis of content verbality. At such a rate of visualization of media texts, it is likely that the crisis of verbality will aggravate, the consequences of which can negatively affect the thinking activity of the younger generation, which is possible only with high linguistic competence.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-224-228

    pdf 224-228.pdf  (86 Kb)

    Study of Arts

  • Bakhtina Z.V.
    Adyghe (Circassian) theme in the work of Western European composers of the 19th century

    The goal is to consider, in the context of the romanticism aesthetics, the type of reflection of the images of the Caucasus by composers of the 19th century in Western Europe with-out an appeal to the "alien word" and the use of ethnic language elements. Two piano pieces "Circassian March" by the Austrian composer Johann Strauss (son), "Circassian Song" by the German composer Jean Vogt and the play by Alfred Lebeau for harmonium (organ) "Circassian March" are introduced into scientific use. The use of a context approach and musicological tools of analysis allows us to identify significant features of musical poetics of compositions. The author concludes that Western European composers convey foreign imagery through a conditional generalized poetic embodiment of the Caucasus theme. Theoretical sig-nificance lies in the study of the work of European composers, including the "second row", but very significant in identifying the attitude to the Adyghe (Circassian) topic in the culture of Europe of the 19th century and understanding the specifics of reflecting this topic in the work of composers of other musical cultures. Practical significance - in the possibility of sup-plementing the content of disciplines of the national-regional component of educational pro-grams of universities of culture and art.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-171-181

    pdf 171-181.pdf  (707 Kb)

  • Begicheva O.V., Solyankin A.V.
    Suite by A. Beloshitsky “From the Depths of Centuries” in dialogue with the genre tradition of national-historical ballads

    This work examines the evolution of romantic ballad in accordion art. For the first time, three stages of its genre evolution are identified. A suite for the converter accordion by A.Beloshitsky “From the Depths of Centuries” was chosen as the analysis material. The pur-pose of the article is to attribute genre-ballad elements in the named work. Methods of theo-retical poetics, holistic and genre musicological analysis were used. The tasks of the work in-clude establishing relationships between the ballad invariant model and its implementation in the named opus, for which the criteria for genre identification of a national-historical ballad are given. These include the genre code – «Man and the historical tragedy of the people», the general intonation of the genre – Nordic sublime, ballad characters – bard, warrior and be-loved and canonical motive thesaurus, which underlies its composition and drama model. It is concluded that the movement from ballad to balladness in suite corresponds to the third stage of genre evolution associated with the destruction of the “true genre form” and its reactualization in the twentieth century is able to act as an instrument for the mythologization of the past.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-182-188

    pdf 182-188.pdf  (102 Kb)

  • Shaoying Guo
    Violin sonata fis-moll by Paul Natorp in the context of genre development

    This work is dedicated to the work of the composer-philosopher Paul Natorp, whose figure is in practice not represented in Russian-language musicology. Realizing that P. Natorp's work can arouse interest from a variety of points of view, we focus our scientific in-terest on the fis-moll Sonata for violin and piano, created during the active formation of new artistic trends in music at the beginning of the twentieth century. Using the works of the so-called “second row” as an example, the fis-moll Sonata can serve as a vivid example of the processes of updating the musical language, including on the basis of rethinking the classical heritage. The musicological analysis of the fis-moll Sonata for violin and piano is based on the historical-stylistic method and intertextuality. It is proved that, being created in line with the traditions of Beethoven, Schumann and Brahms, the fis-moll Sonata for violin and piano by P. Natorp is noted for its musical identity and originality. The theoretical significance of the work lies in filling a gap in the history of the formation of the violin sonata genre in the German school of composition. Practical significance is associated with the opportunity to enrich the violin repertoire through acquaintance with the chamber genre presented in the works of the German musician-philosopher.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-189-194

    pdf 189-194.pdf  (109 Kb)

  • Lyakhova O.O., Kubanova A.A.
    Features of the drama and the concept of the Four Seas Interludes from the opera "Peter Grimes" by B. Britten

    This work examines the orchestral interludes from the opera "Peter Grimes" by B. Britten. The purpose of this article is to identify the compositional and dramatic principles of the cycle based on the analysis of interludes. The methodology of the work is determined by the traditions of musicology in the field of research, the main of which is the method of musical analysis. As a result, it is concluded that the Four Seas Interludes can be considered as a single cycle, similar in form to the program symphony, reflecting the internal psychological conflict of the main character of the opera. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of using the results of the research in the courses of academic disciplines: foreign history of music, drama of a musical composition, analysis of musical forms.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-195-201

    pdf 195-201.pdf  (100 Kb)

  • Maltseva O.I.
    The history of the creation of the Lipetsk lacquer miniature (the problems of the school and production crisis)

    This work analyzes a previously unexplored part of the history of Russian lacquer miniature painting, which began more than two hundred years ago, but not all of its pages have been studied and elucidated. Few people know that from the seventies of the twentieth century until 2000 there was an artistic craft of the Lipetsk miniature lacquer painting, the founders of which were the miniaturists of Kholui. The paper reveals the unique experience and the school and production crisis. The data obtained in the framework of the presented scientific research were based on the study of the history of the emergence and development of the production of artistic handicrafts, analysis of the crisis and the reasons for the decline of school in their stereotypical and individual associative connections, fixed by specific con-clusions about the unique experience of creating artistic handicrafts in isolation from the places of existence and the reasons of its loss. The obtained data make it possible to understand how to avoid many problematic moments within the system of artistic crafts and the tendencies of their modern development. The research nature of the work is expressed in the pro-posed views and conclusions that draw upon the archival base. In general, the conclusions of this scientific study contribute to the systematization of the analysis of historical experience, the results of which may be of interest in the space of Russian national culture and be used both in educational courses in the field of decorative and applied arts and in artistic and pro-duction activities.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-202-208

    pdf 202-208.pdf  (100 Kb)

  • Liyang Wu
    Comparative analysis of the opera “Turandot” by G. Puccini and the Beijing Opera “Princess Turandot”

    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the operas “Turandot” and “Princess Turandot”, which is built on the basis of the West-East opposition. In one case, we are talking about the creation of G. Puccini, in the other - about the Peking opera. The aim of the research is to study the specific features of the Peking opera, carried out in reliance on the historical, stylistic and culturological approaches. The study proves that the fundamental discrepancy between the Western classical model and the Peking version of the story about the Chinese princess is determined by the difference in cultural traditions, on the basis of which the men-tality of the creative elite of the West and the East is formed. The theoretical novelty of the study is due to the identification of cultural differences found in such a synthetic genre of musical art as Western opera and Peking opera. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility to use the obtained data in the process of interpretation and reinterpretation of C. Gozzi's fairy tale not in the context of operatic creativity, but also within the framework of the world artistic heritage, of which the play “Princess Turandot” is a part. Staged in 1922 by E. Vakhtangov, it remains in the theater's repertoire today, delighting the audience.

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-209-214

    pdf 209-214.pdf  (89 Kb)

  • Shapovalova S.N.
    Symbolism of decorative design of ancient Chinese bronzes

    The paper is a continuation of the semiotic analysis of ornamental elements decorating ancient Chinese art objects. The mask of Tao-tie (饕餮), including the figures of the dragon Kui making it up, still has no scientific definition, since there is no mention of the depicted, iconostylistic character in any written source. The study is based on the analysis of pictographic images (hieroglyphic inscriptions) on bronze vessels of the Shang Era, revealing the semantics of some specially emphasized details of the pattern. As a result of the study, the significance of the depicted elements is explained: the hui symbol (return) and the "ear" sign (er), confirming the belonging of the image of Tao-tie to the description of the divine primacy and contributing to the understanding of the religious worldview of the dynasties of Xia (2017 -1765 BC), Shang-Yin (1554 - 1046 BC) and Western Zhou (1045 - 770 BC).

    doi: doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3489-2021-2-277-215-223

    pdf 215-223.pdf  (480 Kb)

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