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#3 / 2022
Arkhipova I.V.
Intercategorial interactions in taxis semantic complexes
The issue of intercategorial interactions in taxis semantic complexes is of research interest. The taxis category forms syncretic segments of integrative interaction with the interconnected functional-semantic categories of temporality, aspectuality and quantitivity. These categories constitute a single temporal-aspectual-taxis semantic macrocomplex, within which various taxis semantic complexes and subcomplexes of simultaneity and non-simultaneity are distinguished. Actualization of taxis categorial situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity “occurs” in taxis semantic complexes and subcomplexes, acting as a result of intercategorial interactions and inter-sections.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-15-20
Gebekova Z.G.
Verb phrases in the Avar and English languages
In order to identify similarities and differences between verb phrases of the Avar and English languages, a comparative analysis of these phrases in both languages was carried out.
Various models of verb phrases are considered. Transitive and intransitive verbs can be combined with dependent nouns, adverbs, pronouns, verbs, numerals, and even substantivized adjec-tives.The types of subordinate relation are analyzed: if in English it is government and adjunction, then in Avar, along with government and adjunction, government is carried out with agreement or adjunction with agreement. The types of semantic-syntactical relations realized in the indicated units (object, adverbial, attributive – adverbial) are investigated. Most productive and least frequent types of verb phrases in the compared languages are revealed. If verb-nominal, verb-verbal, verb-adverbial phrases are quite common in both languages, then the least productive models were found, for example, verb + numeral.It is emphasized that in the Avar language the dependent component comes before the principal one, while in English, on the contrary, the dependent word follows the core component.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-21-30
Grushevskaya T.M., Vedernikova D.R.
The image of the French city in the works of E. Zola and G. de Maupassant
The paper discusses the peculiarities of the image of the French city in the works of French writers, representatives of different literary movements, E. Zola and G. de Maupassant. The authors note that the urban image of France occupies a special place in the fiction of the late 19th century, being a real source of information about the life of the country. The publication analyzes the artistic features of the image of the city, as well as their preservation when translated into Russian. The authors pay special attention to the stylistic coloring of the descriptions of the city, and provide examples of metaphors, comparisons and epithets characterizing the French city.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-31-25
Nechay Yu.P., Linke N.O.
The image and linguistic personality of a Lawyer in T. Dreiser's Fiction
The paper reveals the mechanisms of formation and description of images and linguistic personality of lawyers, judges, jurors in T. Dreiser's fiction. Special emphasis is placed on their appearance, demeanor, clothing and the impression they make on others. To change the psycho-logical state of a person, his thinking, opinion or decision, the servants of Themis use many meth-ods of influence in novels, including intimidation, lies, harsh speech behavior and others. The au-thors conclude that when describing the appearance and linguistic personality of representatives of the law, the author uses a wide variety of lexical and stylistic means of expression.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-36-43
Osipov G.A., Mugu M.R.
Actualization of the concept of lawyer in works by John Grisham: basic conceptual features
An analysis is made of the scientific and theoretical literature on conceptology, which al-lows us to formulate the main characteristics of the concept as a complex cognitive structure. We investigate the linguocultural concept of lawyer, actualized in the works of D. Grisham. This con-cept is a complex mental formation consisting of several layers and including numerous factual, figurative and evaluative features. The basic conceptual characteristics of this concept are identified and their field description is carried out. A detailed statistical and contextual analysis of means of actualizing the lawyer concept in the works of D. Grisham is carried out. Lexical units that update the concept and its features are distributed into the nuclear and peripheral zones.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-44-52
Pareshneva V.O.
Metaphors through the prism of translation
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of the translation of metaphorical con-structions and is based on the analysis of metaphors in the novels of the famous writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald. It is noted that metaphors often carry a rather deep meaning, which can be diffi-cult for representatives of another culture, different from the culture of the language in which the work itself is written. The work presents six of the most common ways to translate metaphors. Each of the methods is justified by an example from a particular work of Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The publication pays attention to important aspects in the translation of metaphors, which are: preservation of the meaning of the metaphor, preservation of its stylistic coloring and preservation of the emotional effect that it produces on the reader.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-53-58
Sapieva S.K.
Mentality as a basic component of language consciousness
The work explores the concept of "mentality" as a fundamental component of linguistic consciousness. The analysis is made of the definitions of mentality / mental structure, language mentality / speech mentality, the common properties of which are the mental organization of objects, phenomena, images, all human experience into concepts and their interpretation by means of language signs. This linguistic knowledge, formed by a person in the process of perceiving objects of the real world in the form of primary and secondary images, organize linguistic consciousness. The concept of "mental representation" is also analyzed, the main means of expression of which are concepts, stereotypes, nationally labeled lexemes, precedent phenomena, etc.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-59-66
Sitimova S.S.
On phonetic features of the Adyghe Nart epic
The article discusses the features of the phonetic processes of the Adyghe languages in the Nart epic. The originality of the phonetics of the Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian languages is substantiated. The specificity of the aspirated consonants of the Western dialects of the Adyghe language in the works of the Nart epic is reflected. The phonetic features of the texts of the Ady-ghe Nart epos are analyzed in order to clarify the relationship between the Adyghe languages and dialects of the Adyghe language. The work uses various research methods: descriptive, comparative, comparative analysis in order to determine the place and role of phonetic features in the Adyghe Nart epic. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used in classes on the Adyghe languages and literatures in educational institutions. The research materials can also be used in lectures and practical classes in linguistics.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-67-73
Khlopova A.I.
The basic value content of the concept of Heimat / Homeland in German Linguoculture
The article examines the actual content of the basic value Heimat / homeland in German Linguoculture. The work is interdisciplinary in nature, written at the intersection of linguistics and psychology, therefore, free associative experiment is used as the main research method. It has been established that the content of the concept of Heimat / homeland, given in the explanatory dictionaries of the German language, partially coincides with the data obtained on the basis of lexical compatibility and with the results of a free associative experiment. Such results may point to the stability of the core value of the same name Heimat / Homeland.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-74-81
Chitao L.R.
Use of English-language borrowings in the Adyghe modern language
The article discusses the interaction of the Adyghe, Russian and English languages. The idea is substantiated that one of the main results of any contact is the impact of one language on another, resulting in lexical units borrowing. Characteristic features of the development of English-speaking borrowings in the Adyghe modern language are distinguished and described. Based on the analysis of newspaper-journalistic vocabulary, it is established that borrowing is the most productive source of replenishment of the vocabulary of the Adyghe language, and the press in modern conditions is the main source of fixation of new words and meanings.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-82-87
Shkhumishkhova A.R., Khabekirova Z.S.
Linguoculturological analysis of traditions of national nutrition
The article examines the role of food traditions in national culture. Linguoculturological comparative analysis of national traditions of nutrition is carried out, and examples are given. The object of the study is a representative source for obtaining historical and cultural information, as well as for understanding national community over a long period of time. Elements are analyzed that form a harmonious whole, which determines true wealth and diversity.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-88-92
Literary Criticism
Apanasenko O.P.
Conceptuality of approaches to creating personality types in the novel by A. Evtykh "A Street in Its Entire Length"
The work actualizes the issue of the concept of personality, which is largely determinative in the process of identifying the features of the creative method of the writer and which is the semantic and conceptual center of the realistic text. The main types of personalities, methods of their creation were identified and described, on the basis of which the author's position and the evolution of his creative method were determined, which, in our opinion, lies in deepening psychologism and moving away from stereotypization and ideologization in creating artistic images of heroes. The author shows that the creative method of A. Evtykh is developing in line with the trends of the general literary process of the second half of the 20th century and is innovative in nature.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-93-99
Beshukova F.B., Pshizova A.K.
Structural and semantic features of philological prose
The paper considers new species and genre nominations of the epic form - prose non-fiction and a philological novel. A review of literary and critical recipes is being carried out, bas-ing on which conclusions are made on the issue of the artistic and species specifics of philological prose. Signs of philological prose in Russian literature appeared already in the 1920s and were reflected in the authors' desire to transfer the techniques of a scientific and literary critical article to the fiction text. Also, the share of the presence of the author and real persons in the text significantly increased, with the author becoming a full-fledged character in the work. The research shows that the main signs of philological prose are the inclusion in the fiction text of a significant layer of literary-critical and scientific discourse, the dominance of real rather than fictional characters.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-100-106
Zelenskaya K.A.
Artistic features of T. Kerashev’s political writings of the 1920s and 1930s
The paper examines the origin and features of the formation of Adyghe written literatures of new time. The main factors that determine their emergence and development are noted: the cultural and historical reality of the period of the historical turning point, the aesthetics of folk-lore, the influence of educational and Russian literature. The typological features of the initial stage of the literary process, manifested in the work of T. Kerashev, are analyzed: the image of an active person included in the movement of history, a sequence of events and descriptiveness, a tendency to journalistic reliability and aesthetics of extreme contrasts. General ideological and aesthetic searches of writers of the new age are identified. The publication shows that the period of the 1920s and 1930s was the time of the origin of the essay genre in new written literatures.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-107-112
Panesh U.M., Ashinova Yu.A.
Ideological and aesthetic searches and the development of the artistic concept of personality in the work of Asker Evtykh
The paper discusses the issues related to the peculiarities of the problem-thematic content of prose and the evolution of the artistic concept of personality in the work of A. Evtykh in the context of the development of domestic literature of the twentieth century. The works of the writer of the era of the historical turning point, the novel "My Big Brother" and the novels "A Street in Its Entire Length", "Doors are Open Wide", referring to the "modern" stage of domestic literature, are analyzed. The concept of personality is clarified and prose features, testifying to the typological features of the writer's work are established. It is concluded that the evolution of A. Evtykh's prose is determined by the development of the cultural and historical situation in the country, as well as the philosophical thought and aesthetic directions of the twentieth century, which is manifested in the nature of reflecting national reality.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-113-120
Panesh U.M., Husnu Gerelegiz
The influence of folklore poetics on the development of genre forms of historical prose of the 1960-1980s (based on the work of T. Kerashev)
The paper examines the problems associated with the nature of the influence of folklore poetics on the work of the writer. The authors consider such features of the new, modern stage in the works of T. Kerashev of the 1960-1980s, as strengthening the problematic nature, deepening of the concept of personality, activating artistic means, which are determined, among other things, by changing the forms of connections with oral poetic creativity. The features of the new stage of the writer's work related to the evolution of folklore influence are indicated – i.e. strengthening of the intellectual principle, deepening of psychological analysis, movement to-wards a variety of poetic forms.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-121-127
Pshizova A.K., Achokh B.D.
Features of philosophical lyrics by I. Bunin
The paper analyzes the problem-thematic complex, leading motives and individual artistic features of the philosophical lyrics by I. Bunin at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Bunin's philosophical lyrics are in close contact with the landscape, which is due to the worldview of the writer who found the highest harmony and beauty in nature. The publication reveals the typological convergence with the work of F. Tyutchev in terms of reflecting leading philosophical motifs through subtext, symbols and nature images. It is inferred that the philosophical lyrics of I. Bunin develop the traditions of Russian classical literature and are of great importance for Russian culture and philosophical thought.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-128-133
Shishkhova N.M.
Metaphorical component elements of the concept "home" (Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century and Gaston Bachelard)
The article represents an attempt to analyze metaphors and at the same time to justify theoretically the concept of "home", sufficiently developed in Russian literature of the 19th century and in literary criticism. It is this implicitly suggests the thematization and problematization of the "center of the concept," which has undergone deep transformations. In particular, we can even talk about its autonomous existence, about the development of works of art within it according to its own laws. From the point of view of genesis, the image of the Home can be classified, and its discourses can be ordered according to individual authors, a separate work or a number of works of one writer. The above was fully reflected in the content of the article, covering a large range of texts of Russian literature. In addition, the context of the analysis was complemented by the study of the French philosopher and aesthetics Gaston Bachelard "The Poetics of Space", which has been actively functioning in literary criticism in recent decades.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-134-140
Study of Arts
Guo Wei
Development and distribution of Chinese opera in an intercultural space
This paper deals with the issue of development and distribution of Chinese opera in an intercultural space. China's modern national opera is the product of a combination of Chinese and Western traditions. In the course of more than half a century of development, it has historically formed its own unique artistic charm and features. The publication emphasizes that the national opera of China in the current conditions, faces problems and contradictions, and if they are not timely cleared up, this will inevitably affect the creative transformation and innovative develop-ment, as well as the promotion of Chinese opera on the world stage.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-141-147
Evtykh S.Sh., Morozkina E.A.
Digital technologies in the exhibition activity of the artist
The paper discusses the variety of ways to organize the exposition and exhibition space in digital format. Of interest to art historians are variations in the involvement of artists and viewers in the Internet platform. The types of digital technologies and the experience of using these technologies in the exhibition activities of Krasnodar artists are disclosed.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-148-154
Khurum R.Yu., Ptushchenko E.B.
Promising digital technologies as a tool for digitalization in fine arts
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the use of modern information technologies in the field of fine arts. The purpose of the article is to conduct an analytical review of the use of information technologies in the visual arts, showing the features of copying original works in digital format. The article analyzes the expansion of opportunities for artists with the spread of digital technologies, considers such forms of art as traditional, digital and traditional digital. The article discusses the current use of virtual and augmented reality technologies, which revive the fantasies of artists and are able to move them into digital art. Digital artists imitate the traditional tools of masters: canvas and strokes of paint, surface texture, play of light, and digital technology facilitates this process, makes it possible to eliminate errors, change the composition and proportions of the image. The significance of the analytical review of the article lies in the fact that the considered digital technologies and Internet resources can be used to study digital works of art, visit virtual museums and galleries. The article summarizes the material that digital technologies and author's concepts are becoming a step for the formation of a new perception of art - virtual.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-155-163
Tsaregorodtseva R.Yu.
The image of the world in the patterns of Mari traditional embroidery
The article presents the experience of artistic interpretation and integrative description of the ornamental patterns of the Mari embroidery, as one of the most important parts of the material culture of the Mari people. The motifs, iconic plots and compositions of traditional embroidery involved in creating “the image (picture) of the world" are considered and semantically comprehended. It is shown that embroidery, which ornamentally adorns the national costume, having a complex symbolic content, is closely interconnected with the spiritual culture of the people under study - worldview, mythology, religious beliefs, its customs and rituals. A stable representation of the traditional basis of the ornament and its direct relation to objects and phenomena of Nature, animated, especially revered by the Mari, are revealed. It is determined that the ornament is an expression of religious perception of the world. These ideas about the surrounding world, so figuratively conveying the vision of the picture of the world, are vividly reflected in the patterns of traditional Mari embroidery - the keeper of ancient knowledge about the gods and the universe, cosmic order, space and time.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-164-171
Zhihan Zhuang, Balashov Ì.Å.
The stylistic evolution of Chinese industrial graphics in the development of modern artistic logo design in the Republican period (1912-1949)
The article analyzes the design styles of logos of the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949). Five common logo styles of that time are highlighted, and the representative ones are select-ed for familiarization. The article summarizes, how logo styles were shaped by a combination of political, economic and aesthetic factors at the time. The Republican period was an important peri-od in China's economic development. Western companies entered the Chinese market, bringing with them new business models, and national enterprises faced new challenges to enter into a new period of development. During this period, brand and advertising design also took shape due to the commercial boom. Works of this period include advertisements and posters on monthly boards with the characteristic features of the time as well as trademarks, advertising and packaging design with a combination of Western and traditional Chinese styles. The changes in style reflect the evolution of contemporary Chinese graphic design concepts.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-172-179
Zheng Jingyuan
The performance features of Ying Chengzong by the example of the interpretation of the First Piano Concerto in E Minor by F. Chopin
The paper examines the issue of the performing style of the outstanding Chinese pianist and composer Ying Chengzong. In the work, through the analysis of the interpretation of music by F. Chopin, the author reveals the characteristic features of the performing style of the famous musician. The choice of this composer for analysis is related to the wide world fame of his piano opuses and the distinctive performing features of Yin Chengzong's playing style. The author makes comparisons between Yin Chengzong and other outstanding pianists from the position of the performing manner of playing, the peculiarities of voice, phrasing, masterly qualities, etc. In addition, appropriate conclusions are drawn that relate to the Chinese pianist's performing style and its significance in the worldwide piano performing art of modernity.
doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-3-302-180-189
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